The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 22, 2003 - B3 St. Dominic's CWL encourages Keeping Christ in Christmas A1 C aruso, a nativity scene artist from Hamilton, will be at St. D om inic's Church this w eekend as an invited guest o f its Catholic W om en's League to prom ote its p roject. Keeping Christ in Christinas. The St. D om inic's C W L aim s to have nativity scenes displayed in churches, schools, businesses and hom es this Christm as. Caruso, w ho has been crafting w ood nativity scenes since his retirem ent 10 years ago, will be at the St. D om inic's Parish Centre on Rebecca Street at Jones Street on Saturday from 6 - 7 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. - noon. At the sam e tim e, the C W L will be hosting a Christian bazaar sell ing handcrafted nativity scenes, Advent w reaths. Christian greet ing cards and Christian book store items. Initial response to the project has been favourable, w ith positive resp o n ses received from local C hristian clergy. M ayor Ann M ulvale and churches agreeing to prom ote Keeping Christ in Christmas through their bulletins and outreach programs. R esidents are also being encouraged to create their own nativity scenes. The project w as inspired by Bronte's Christm as street lighting featuring a star and its rays. "I suggested the idea," said Helen Wolfe, a long-tim e CW L member. "N ext thing I knew, they liked it and put me in charge o f this new project." F or m ore inform ation, call G eorgina Bourke, 905-827-3856 o r Helen Wolfe. 905-827-8706. A1 Caruso can be reached at 905-5731275. Help us to prevent blindness in the developing world OPERATION EYESIGHT UNIVERSAL 1-800-585-8265 Charitable Registration * 11906 8955 RR000I Epilepsy Ontario launches new local chapter at medical forum Did you know there are twice as many people living with epilepsy than there are with m ultiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis and m uscular dystrophy com bined? Epilepsy O ntario reports that each year more than 10,000 people in O ntario are diagnosed with epilepsy. For this reason. Epilepsy O ntario w ants to form a new chapter for the O akville, Milton and Halton Hills areas. Its first function will be a free m ed ical forum at the O akville C entral Library. 120 Navy St., on Thursday, Oct. 30 from 7 - 1 0 p.m. There will be two speakers at the forum , nurse practi tioner Irene Elliott from the Hospital for Sick C h ildren, and Dr. M cIntyre Burnham o f the U niversity o f T oronto's D epartm ent o f Pharmacology. They will be thoroughly discussing new treat ments and m edications for people living with epilepsy. Follow ing the speakers there will be a question and answ er period. Epilepsy is a disorder o f the nervous system, characterized by seizures. A seizure is triggered by a sudden, brief change in the brain's electrical circuitry. There are about 40 types o f seizures, the m ost com m on types being: G rand Mai o r Tonic Clonic, w hich cause the whole body to go into convulsions, and A bsence, where the person is in a unre sponsive day-dream like state and has little o r no m em ory o f occurrence. In 70 per cent o f cases, there is no known cause for the disorder. No cure for epilepsy exists yet, but there are several treatm ents, specifically targeting each form o f m anifestation. M any people w ho have epilepsy are reluctant to com ? out and talk about their disorder, mostly because o f the lack o f aw areness in the com munity. M isconceptions m ake it difficult for people living with epilepsy to gain good em ploym ent. "W ith the new chapter o f Epilepsy Oakville, we are working to dispel these m isconceptions and provide the help and support for those w ho have been living with epilepsy their entire lives or recently diagnosed w ith the disorder," said D ianna Findlay, Executive D irector o f Epilepsy Ontario. For m ore inform ation, visit or call 905764-5099. mom o ffiG 2 0 0 3 Microsoft Professor Teaches Office 2003 (522224) and McAfee Virus 8.0 (520462) In-store October 21st! with the purchase of Office 2003 Standard, Small Business or Professional Versions in Full or Upgrade, cc 66086/66088 Retail Value 83.70 FREE Indudes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and i Outlook with Business Contact Manager 9 ** Office 2003 Small Business Upgrade 518243 73 Full Version 518242 629.88 Office 2003 Professional Upgrade 518236 FrontPage 2003 Full Version 51*235 729.92 518238 Popw r Kodak W ffllM l In kjft P»Per ` "\L f 1 Poor Boys Lunch fundraiser for Ian Anderson House F ather M ark C urtis, C a n ad a 's Singing Priest, will speak at the Poor Boys Lunch in support o f Ian A nderson House on Friday. The lunch will be held at the Le D om e B anquet H all, 1173 N orth Service Rd. E., starting at 11:30 a.m. There will also be a silent auction. Ian A nderson House is O ntario's first in-residence cancer hospice providing en d -o f-life p alliative care, w ithout charge, for those who, for w hatever rea son, cannot be given the necessary ro u n d -th e-clock care in th e ir ow n homes. F unding fo r the creation o f Ian A nderson House was provided by the A nderson fam ily through the Ian A nderson Foundation. The hospice does not receive any governm ent funding, hence com m unity fundraising is an ongoing challenge. Tickets for the Poor Boys Lunch cost $25. Tax receipts for $20 will be issued. For tickets, call A dvocis at 905-3379876, event sponsor. 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