Oakville Beaver, 30 Dec 2003, B05

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com n i :s i >.w I ) i :( i ;.\il '.i :i i : ;< > . x> .i · i \ ^ · i Please forward announce ments o f non-profit and free events fo r Community Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; Fax 905-337-5567; e-mail blokhuis@haltonsearch.com or call 905-845-3824 Ext. 250; BEFORE NOON MONDAY to be included. Notices listed free. CNIB - Canadian National Institute fo r the Blind is recruiting for its Focus on Crocus campaign. Feb 1 - 8. Volunteers needed to make flower deliveries and sell flow ers at various locations in the community. Great opportunity for families and friends to vol unteer together. Students can get a jum p on their 40 hours o f community service. Call or email Carolann Ritcey. Co-ordinator o f Volunteers. 905-2755332 ext 24 or e-m ail carolann.ritcey@cnib.ca children or $12 vehicle maxi mum. Skates can be rented at the n'nk at $4 per hour. For information call 905-827-6911. Memorial United Church, 2489 Lakeshore West in Bronte. Info: 905-827-3399. 5324 Bromley Rd., Burlington, at 7:30 p.m. Call 905-632-8080 for further information. COMMUNITY UPDATE Women's Caring and Sharing Circle with Patricia Hurst. Spend an hour in the warm, accepting atmosphere among other women. Share challenges, life experience and wisdom. Thursdays, 1 - 2 p.m. No cost. Call W omen's Centre. 905-847-5520. WEDNESDAY JA NUARY 7 Separation and Divorce 1 with Barbara Anderson at W omen's C entre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 210. Are you going through the painful experience o f separation or divorce? You are not alone. Support group will provide a safe environment where you can shore your con cerns and receive support. Starting Jan. 7 from 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. for 8 weeks. No cost. Call 905-847-5520. THURSDAY JANUARY 8 Combined Probus Club o f North Oakville welcomes guest speaker David Phillips, Senior C lim atologist, Environm ent C anada. Confessions o f a Weather Weenie. 10 a.m.. River Oaks Community Centre, 2400 Sixth Line. For more informa tion. call Rod Shepherd, 905847-7670. South Peel Naturalists Club winter birding. N iagara Peninsula. Last y ea r's trip counted 60 plus species includ ing Snowy Owl, Wild Turkey, numerous species o f gulls and waterfowl, and other winter res ident birds. Trip will be mostly driving with frequent stops and short walks. Dress very warm ly, bring lunch and money for parking at the Falls. Beginning birders welcome. Meet at 8 a.m. in the parking lot on the south east com er of Bronte Road and the QEW. For further inform ation call 905-820-2571. 9{ew years " Eve Qata ^ p t x & u j S yva . S E L E C T* H O T E L . `.V S U I T E S ` Enjoy a fa b u lo u s 'Evening o f 'Dinner and `Dance A rrival w ith (Passed ` D elude Mors 'D 'oeuvres a n d '.Punch at 7:00pm ` .Dinner to commence at 8:00pm `Dinner urid include 'European 'JtpC C s and ` S u tter Individual L eister 'Bisque Soup urith Scallops - ' Individual ` Hfldicchio and ` B aby Spinach Salad w ith Chirtois ` D ucki Mandarin Oranges and Cjintjer 'Dressing Individual Slow 'X vasted " P rime'Xib au Jus 1J . * * Served Tintft 'Duchesse 'Potato and Asparagus and %&d 'Pepper Vegetable 'Bundles french Service o f " P orf^Loin %(>ast uritfi " B randy ` Jiflisin Sauce . · Caramel (Pecan Tart urith Chocolate 'DippedStrawberry ^ « f Schizophrenia Society Oakville Chapter Family Support Meeting, O akville Town Hall. 1225 Trafalgar Rd. 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Meetings help ful and educational for family members coping with disease. Call 905-842-1161. y j)` Family Campers and RVers: The M eandering Mohawks, Burlington chapter, holds its monthly meeting at St. E lizabeth's A nglican Church MONDAY JANUARY 5 Weekly Walks by the Water along Waterfront Trail with the Bronte Bunch. G roup w alks every Monday year round for fun, fitness and friendship. Meet at back door o f Coach and Four, Lakeshore and Bronte. Walk begins 7:15 p.m. Aprfcs walk refreshments. Beginners welcom e. Bring flashlights. A pproxim ately 7K walk, 1.5 hours. Call Sylvia, 905-6162330. E R IN M IL L S T O W N C E N T R E Y O U R E N V IR O N M E N TA LLY FRIENDLY S O L U T IO N TO REDUCE P R IN T IN G COSTS W E REFILL ALL IN K JET CARTRIDGES USUALLY W IT H IN O N E HALF H O U R WE SUPPLY HIGH QUALITY REMANUFACTURED LASER TONER CARTRIDGES AT COMPETITIVE PRICES p. %i n) WEDNESDAY DEC. 31 Skating, hot chocolate, coy ote howl, bonfire and a kids countdown. Enjoy alcohol-free fam ily fun at Bronte Creek Provincial Park in day-use area on Burloak north of QEW. Park and skating rink open extended hours, to 1 a.m. to welcome 2004 Join a Park Naturalist at 6 p.m. for a Coyote Howl hike where you will learn about this m ysterious night animal and most likely hear them howling in the distance. After the hike everyone is welcome to gather around the bonfire to warm up while enjoying a free cup o f hot chocolate. At 8 p.rti. ring in the New Year with a Countdown for Kids. Visitors can continue the celebration into the night, skating to music under a starry sky and warming up by the bon fire. V H fd and " White W ine to be served during " Dinner 2 'DrinkJTickfts w ill 6e included Champagne Toast at M idnight Late 9{ight " Buffet: Assorted 'European 'Pastries Italian (Pizza and fresh fr u it, Coffee and Tea Party fa vo u rs Cash " Bar w ill be open from 7:00pm until 1:00am $95.00 per person all-inclusive r . -j %· « TOPS (Take O ff Pounds Sensibly) w eekly M onday meetings, 7 p.m., at St. A idan's C hurch, Queen Mary and Stew art. Call M aureen, 905827-4893 or Kim. 905-3389059. SL 2525 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville (Q.E.W. & BRONTE RD.) For Reservations Call: 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -1 0 0 0 t Fax N u m be r: 9 0 5 .8 4 7 .0 0 3 2 w w w .o a k v ille h o te l.c o m (905) 607-0354 erinmills@islandinkjet.com Call or email for a quote REFILL O R LANDFILL - TUESDAY JA NUARY. 6 Developmental Early Identification Prevention Program (DEIPP) Clinic: Parents, do you have concerns regarding your child's hearing, speech, behaviour or develop ment? Is your child under the age o f five years? Free Developm ental Early Identification Prevention Program (DEIPP) consultation clinic at Oakville Parent-Child Centre, 337 Kerr. 9- 11 a.m. Consultations are provided on a first com e first serve basis, arrive early to register. Call 905-849-6366. Y O U R CHOICE INCREDIBLE (SPACE AGE SHELVING) ln-Hom e C onsultations Bronte Legion New Year' s Eve Dance, 79 Jones. 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Dance with Jamie. Light buffet and party favours. Tickets $20 each available at the bar. Call 905-827-4722 for info - no telephone ticket reser vations. Parents Without Partners New Year' s Eve Dance Party, Clarkson Community Centre. 2175 Truscott, M ississauga. Tickets cost $35 in advance only and include hot roast beef buffet served at 9 p.m., desserts, snacks, party favours, prizes and much more. Call 905-2789561 or 905-238-5789. Oakville Seniors Camera Club meeting 7:30 p.m., at Oakville Seniors Centre, 263 Kerr St. Are you interested in photography, im proving your photo skills? New m em bers welcome. Cost: $3 per person. Enquiries: Mary Bastead at 905-827-0836. Halton Civitan Club meets first and third Tuesday o f every month Sept.-June at Oaklands Regional Centre, 53 Bond St., Third Floor Boardroom, 7:30 9 p.m. The purpose o f Civitan is to serve the Halton community. For information contact Kim at 905-844-7864. SAUE WWW. THURSDAY JANUARY 1 19th annual World Vision Polar Bear Dip Swim, elfa .com Coronation Park. Registration 1:15 - 1:45 p.m. Wear swimsuit and bring extra shoes, warm clothing and towels or blankets. Dip 2 p.m. Proceeds to provid ing clean well w ater in Halton VON Foot Care Nicaragua. H onduras and Clinic, Sir John C olborne Tanzania. Goal is $20,000. Centre for Seniors, Tuesdays 1 Minimum $25 donations. Prizes for zaniest individual and crazi 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appoint ment only. Call 905-815-5960. est couple. Call Anna at 905W omen' s Employment 607-4950 ext 24 or 1-800Network with Tina Tuner. COURAGE (268-7243) ext 24. Unemployed, laid off or return o r visit www.polarbeardip.ca. ing to the wprkforce? You are More than 300 'polar bears' not alone, come meet with other expected and 4,000 spectators. women and hear about employ SUNDAYJANUARY 4 ment related topics - true col Family Skate-with-Jake ors, resume and cover letter, job Day at Bronte Creek search strategies, dress for suc Provincial Park, 1 - 3 p.m. at cess, make-up, hair, dress and Bronte Creek Provincial Park. interview ing. O ngoing every Ring in the new yeStr with an Tuesday, at 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. To afternoon of skating, a com pli register or for more informa mentary slice o f cake, and a tion, call The W omen's Centre, warm open fire beside the rink. 905-847-5520. Bronte Creek Provincial Park on Burloak north of the QEW. Skating and cake free with park admission: $4 for adults, $2 for Burlington ................... (905)333-1322 Take advantage of huge end of the year savings on Grand pianos, Upright and Digital pianos, guitars, band instruments, books, accessories and more! Mississauga............. (905)542-0353 OY S T E R BAR & GRI LLE f!SH MHES NEW BUSINESS HOURS LU N C H : Tues.-Fri. 12:0 0 -2 :30 D IN N ER : Tues.-Sat. 4 :30 -1 0 :0 0 Now thru Jan. 3rd! It's music to your ears - For less- All this week! M . E R R I A M . "The O n /y S e rio u s S e afo o d Place in To w n ." School of Music Winston Churchill Blvd., 1 block South of Dundas, Oakville 905_829"2020 CLOSED January 1st - January 8th V o te d B est S e a fo o d R e sta u ra n t 3 ye a rs in a ro w . Help Protect yourself & your loved ones fro m O n e s m a ll p o r t a b l e u n it TOPS (Take O ff Pounds Sensibly) weekly Tuesday 3 3 5 K e r r S t ., O a k v i l l e FOR RESERVATIONS 905-849-9898 m eetings, 7 p.m.. at Walton GfRftAS £ VtROSfS th a t Can m a k e yOU P A C IF IC ^ CARPfMlOONNG V A T E V E R Y S T E P F »E D C A R P E T S E R V IC E effectively removes 9 9 .9 9 % of bacteria & fungi including SARS related viruses from any size home or business. Recom m ended by the U.S. Centre fo r Disease C ontrol because CPA registered germ icides th a t provides lo w o r in term ed ia te level disinfection are kn o w n to k ill viruses sim ilar to those suspected o f being be h in d SARS! O u r A ir P urifica tio n Un its d u p lica te N a tu re 's o w n a ir p u rific a tio n process to re m o v e m ites, chem icals, m o u ld s, b a cteria a n d viru se s fro m y o u r h o m e BOXING WEEK SALE DO NOT PAY GST/PST* OR BUY NOW PAY IN 3 YEARS! HARDWOOD only . sqft. 3 1/4" x 3/4" Oak Chestnut #1 Common, 20 year warranty CARPETS SHW V". Installed uitlrpad. in <i/ l u x u r i o u s l e v l u r e d . S a lm o n e lla S ta ph E -C o li C a n d id a testing conducted by a not-for-profit testing organization that per forms contract research for business, industry & the governm ent includ ing the U.S. Department of Energy. Effects o f o u r m id s iz e un it in a 120 sq. ft room w ith an 8 ft. ceiling 3 .99 .29 9 9 .9 9 % reduction of all viable organisms in just 2 hours! 1 * 99 | prices 0 1 TU P fci V C A D I U n il E V G r y t llillC J Here's how our Air Purification Units can help you reduce the risk of SARS · controlled, low-level ozone generation (3 6 0 m g . p e r h r). O z o n e h a s q u ic k ly b e c o m e th e p urifie r of c h o ic e b e c a u s e it p ie rc e s the cell w all of b a c te ria a n d v iru s e s o n c o n ta c t, d e s tro y in g th e m 3 .0 0 0 tim es faster than c h lo rin e . If a v iru s is p re s e n t in y o u r h o m e (i.e. th ro u g h s o m e o n e c o u g h in g ) the o z o n e will c o m b in e w ith the d ro p le t, c o n v e rtin g it to H y d ro g e n P e ro xid e . LAMINATES AREA RUGS Choose from our huge selection of beautifully crafted rugs. 1 \V SQ.IT. Must Go! Limited Quantities Only! 1-882-6788 KITCHENER 4391 K in g Street East · ion-generation technology: if the v iru s is a irb o rn e , it w o u ld b e a tta c h e d to a p a rtic le a n d o u r ra d io w a v e ion iza tio n w o u ld take it o u t of the b re a th in g z o n e "m m Cl H r u ro p c iin m a d e "Ask for a Deal" BRAMPTON 13 Fisherman Drive, Untt #8 (Mwy 10, Norths F ree SHOP at HOME S er vi c e MISSISSAUGA EAST 734 Dundas Street East lE K K C M n l OAKVILLE VACUUM LTD 27 Years In Oakville! We repair all makes o f Vacuum Cleaners & Sewing Machines MISSISSAUGA WEST 3105 Dundas Street West (WraanOM*fl&Oa*il BURLINGTON 1250 Brant Street. Unit *106 E E J TrST (905) 569-3288 (905)281-8552 (905)495-8828 (905)332-8388 (519)650-8180 ·Prior oroere exempt Apples to m-s*x* carpets, laminates and area rugs only. Slock will vary by store 36 monthly installments only. Finance charges apply 19 8 Speers R d.,O akville S Just west of Kerr St 01 844-4736

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