The Oakville Beaver, Tuesday D e c e m b e r 30, 2003 - B7 ijxing Week Sale! '» * \A- h- v. Continues until January 3rd BOXING WEEK like never before! fabulous shoes... more than fabulous prices! starting at $99." B m t :: c F7n-:tt S a te E v e r? Save up to 90% on Karaoke Discs. Save 20%on all Mies & Accessories FREE Dual cordless Mies ($199" value) with Bluelaser 555 Karaoke, Movie, DVD & CD+G Player. ' MEPHISTO H h l u i n l - D O N A lD \ puNE* ' T a r y n R o s e C o l e H a a n CCCO Hom e Theatre E Stereo, T V and Karaoke Equipm ent I 59 TheFootShoppe C J t y l e Cj T p w n f& r l MEPHISTO' H ^ T h e F o o tS h o p p e H o m e Theatre · D V D · Karoke 440 Inglehart St. N. Oakville m i^ m i m r * Wednesday Dec 3111KX) - 5.00 · Friday 10:30 - 8:30 · Sat 1000-600 Monday & Tuesday 11am - 7:30pm · Closed New Years Day & Sundays Downtown Oakville 905 844.3668 Yonge&Eglinton 416481.4111 55 Bloor St. Manulife Centre 416 964.6400 55 Bloor Street West M anulife Centre M ain Floor 416 963.3668 w w w .fo o tsh o p p e .c o m me Jvieet ,% m e HANDYMAN/RENOVATIONS HOME DECOR HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT w n w . h o r ma s G RA N D HAVEN ·Specializing in home renovations & repairs · Laminate I | · Flooring FREE ESTIMATES Call K en CONSTRUCTION INC. At Fetdos Designs by You, we speaahe m ·GIFT BASKETS ·INTCKIOR DECORATING · DESIGNER FURNITURE ON CONSIGNMENT ·COLOUR COORDINATING · SMALLER SPACESPEOALJST · KIDS CORNER DESIGNER KIDS FURNITUREAND DECORATING C LASSES General Contractor Lie Commercial & ReswteiUaJ Designs ·Plans ·Permit & Build Custom Hom e ·Additions & Renovations a C ln tfk in ji D tt& ciiiciii nreywig · Additions and Renovations · Complete Design Build O a k v ille Otiality W ortmanstop Guaranteed SINCE 1979 OCfu* · St or* A i e e t H 't e t Free Pickup of Furniture for December! N O G ST N O 451 Wyecroft Road, Oakville PST (Cell) 416-996-1370 w w w CONTRACTING & DESIGN foundation * CallKietf ShMte · Sttua W ert 905-815-8714 or 905-333-9372 1-860-334-3155 Cdk 647-294-2065 OPEN 7 D AY S A W EEK felevtdck 5ran# · C in n it Titei Ha. dwoo# Fleet a* 4 tnert (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -2 4 8 6 G p, ft Tel: (905) 301-4529 Fax: (905) 565-7393 CO UNTERTO PS WE ARE AN AUTHORIZED DEALER OF BELANGER LAMINATES INC. t-------- HOME IMPROVEMENT \mmimw+U aCountertop SELUNSTALL-DELIVERY Why Wait .... to renovate D e sign Build Industries Ltd. All in Stock $ | f \ 5 0 Countertops Something new from Just A Countertop, we can remodel your kitchen cabinets or reface them. We have many door styles and colours available. m m Complete Construction Services · Kitchens · Basem ents · R enovations · B athroom s · Additions · Basements · Bathrooms · Electrical Drywall Plumbing Painting Oakville: 906- 815-0639 Dan or John - (cell) 289-259-7900 RENOVATIONS PAVING CLASSIC WATERPROOFING * STO P LEAKS GUARAN TEED J jJ Renovations by Bill Van flameveld Specializing ia * Exterior excavation * Cracks injections repairs * Epoxy injection * Concrete repairs * Garage & basements floors * S n o w Plowing je a s o n s YOUR AD COULD BE HERE TOO! and · Bathrooms · Kitchens · Basements A H WORK GUARANTEED To advertise in this section Call Kay @ G re e tin g s F o r FREE e s tim a te s call Jo e P roud u-rvtng Oakville A rea for m o re th an 10 y e a n 905-845-3824 ext 461 9 0 5 -4 6 9 -1 9 4 3 (cell) 416- 824-4046 (days) 905- 849-4417 (evenings) email: reggit<©