Oakville Beaver, 6 Aug 2003, A1

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Bower Power S ports Miss Teen Oakville gets an edge on the competition S to ry page i S /~ Z T ao A N O R T H A Metroland Publication A M E R I C A 'S M O S T A W A R D E D C O M MU WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2003 PA P E R 4 8 Pages S1.00 (plus GST) Vol. 40 No. 93 `U S I N G C O M M U N I C A T I O N TO BUILD B E T T E R C O M M U N I T I E S ' OPA 198 deal struck By Kim A m ott S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R We have a deal. Environmentalists, developers and the Town have struck a compromise on the plan for the development o f north Oakville. The deal, approved by Town Council at a special closed door meeting Tuesday night, will eliminate the need for a lengthy and expensive Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing scheduled to begin this morning. More than a dozen organizations and corporations had filed objections to the Town's Official Plan Amendment 198 (OPA 198) which outlined its intentions for future growth north of Dundas Street. Under the deal agreed to by all the par ties. OPA 198 will be approved w ith some clarification to language, the appeals will be dropped and the Town will undertake a variety of environmental initiatives. By Sept. 2004. the Town will put S150.(XX) into establishing (he Oakville Foundation for Environmental Initiatives. The foundation will raise money to fund the acquisition for environmentally sensi tive lands and support environmental ini tiatives. The Town will also develop a Healthy Greenspace Strategy for Public Lands, to promote. m;iintain and enhance the long term ecological health o f the Town's parks and open spaces. Beginning next January, the Town will establish a task foree to focus on urban redevelopment, intensification and revital ization in lands south of Dundas Street. As well, it will develop an urban forestry plan focusing on the lands south of Dundas Street and participate in the "Cities o f Climate Change" campaign. "All Oakville citizens share a concern for. and commitment to the environment," aid mayor Ann Mulvale. "These new ini tiatives will further preserve aftd protect our environment, building upon previous decisions while strengthening our goal o f a healthier community for all." While developers have agreed to the deal. Mulvale made it clear that the settle ment had primarily been worked out with Clear the Air Coalition. Oakvillegreen Conservation Association, and Residents Association North of Dundas. Those groups represent a number of local citizens concerned with the plans for northern development. The deal still needs to be approved by the OMB. Oakvillegreen , director and school trustee want to replace Flynn on Town Council By Kim Amott S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R Harrison Smith · Special to the O akville B eaver T H R O U G H T H E LO O K IN G G LA SS: T h e O ak v ille A rt Society held its 3 8th a n n u a l A rt in th e P a rk M onday a t th e W a te rfro n t H erita g e P a rk in B ro n te. T h e re w ere m any fo rm s o f a r t rep rese n ted in clu d in g glass like Kelly H o o p e r's u n iq u e sta in e d glass, above. F o r m o re ph o to s see page C6. Tired o f giving advice on the side lines. M ike Lansdow n wants a seat at the Town Council table. A w ell-know n local environm entalist and one o f the driving forces behind Oakvillegreen, Lansdow n has registered to run for the Local and Regional Council seat in Ward 1. "I decided it was time I put my m oney where my mouth is." Lansdown said jokingly last Wednesday night, a few hours after registering. A long w ith L ansdow n, Halton D istrict School Board trustee Drew Currah has also registered to run for the Ward 1 seat. A Bronte resident. Lansdown is a director o f Oakvillegreen and has been intensely involved in the public consul tation and appeal process surrounding the Tow n's planned growth north of D undas Street. Lansdown says he has learned a trem endous am ount about town and regional business over the last few years and is prepared to bring that knowledge to the decision-making table. "Frankly, as a result o f being so involved w ith w h at's going on in O akville over (he last three, four, five years. I think I'm in the position o f hav ing an awful lot o f background I've already developed." said Lansdown. Along with environm ental issues. Lansdown said he is also concerned about the cost o f growth, and Town maintenance o f its assets. Married, with two grown children. Lansdown currently serves as chair of Friends o f Bronte C reek Provincial Park. He is retired from a career as a chem ist and m ark eter w ith D upont Canada, which took him across Canada, the United States and Australia. The Ward 1 regional and local coun cil seat is currently held by veteran councillor Kevin Flvnn. w ho has not registered to run municipally. Flynn has been no m in ated as O akville's Liberal candidate in the next provincial election, which is expected to be called this fall. W hile Lansdow n has battled growth (See 'Trustee' page A5) Stolen scooter grounds senior Editorials...................A6 Best Wheels................B1 Focus........................ Cl Classifieds..................B3 ArtScene.................... £6 Sports........................ D1 Business D4 By Paula Henriques 0 .\K V IL L H B E A V E R S T A F F (S u p p o r t Y o u r L o c a l C a r r ie r ) SV LC PuiuilM *trs DELIVERY Ciimr hmt UitrV4 th w m rI W iii.ik m m f t m iu r cS p w rC J t f c f c *i«« Gufeun, Vurv T»|«iv /V Iklx C e n e d e nP u O k e e o M iU e lP re d u tiA g n w ^ e w Forht*rJeli\rnAaeumtrimw ca ll iV Q 5 > W 5 -9 7 # 2M en. Tutu AT h u n .V am . A pm . W nl it Fn V oja Spm .erSam iday1 0 a .m . ·4pm F o rn e» xubxrynkw .< a U < V Q 5 )M 5 -9742or iuhsrnhrunlint w tn cad k v tflrfM n v x n M i Irene Bogue and her son Terry had a big day ahead o f them Sunday. Terry was going to take his 80-vearold m other shopping, one o f her favourite pastimes. On Sunday m orning, after Terry drove to his m other's O akville apart ment to pick her up, they discovered som eone had stolen her electric pow ered three-w heeled scooter from the underground garage. Irene had the scooter less than six weeks. Terry said the Legend Three-W heel Scooter probably w asn't stolen by any o f the building's residents because the garage door was pried open and the video surveillance cam era wires were cut. Ironically, Terry estim ated the cul(See Senior's' page A3) Peter McCusker · Oak\'ille B eaver ON W ATER, ON LA N D : T h e O ak v ille P o w er Boat C lu b ce le b ra ted its 5 0th a n n iv e rsa ry th is w eekend w ith fo u r days of activities, food an d e n te rta in m e n t. Neil a n d M a u re e n M cA llister, A nn E ic h en la u b a n d B a rry R a n d all ta k e p a rt in th e dinghy p o k e r ru n . F o r m o re p h o to s a n d in fo rm atio n see page A2. B u y a m e d iu m 3 T O P P I N G P I Z Z A ! at re g u la r price ($13.66) & add 10 C h ic k e n W in g s for only H H O ·< C m ll. n it S a u c e ! / 5 0 o ff · Large selection of frames · Doctor's appointment arranged ·W e accept all vision care programs Top B ra n d N a m e s - All F ra m e s S t o re w id e with purchase of your Rx lenses Space Optical invites you to come in and see all the new latest styles in eyewear. Visit us for personal and prompt service. 6 n tc r fo r y o u r c h a n c e I W I N a g e ta w a y fo r fo u r to N e w Y o rk to te e a W W E E v e n t L iv e & m e e t a W W t S u p e r s t a r ! 1 T ra f a lg a r Village 1 2 5 C r o s s Ave. Mon 9 - 6 · Tues Thun & Fn. 9 - 8 pm · Sat 9 30 - 5 pm 905-842-2821

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