Oakville Beaver, 6 Aug 2003, A3

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The Oakville Beaver. W e d n e sd a y A u g u s t 6, 2003 - A 3 Senior's scooter stolen · (Continued from A1) prits stole the scooters just a few hours before he went by to pick up his mother. "This has ju st crushed m um ." said Terry . Irene's husband passed aw ay tw o m onths ago after sharing 60 years o f m arriage. She also suffered a stroke sev en months ago and currently has hip and respiratory problems. "She d id n 't need this, too," said Terry. "R ob me. I can fight back. But d o n 't take from an 80-year-old w om an." By stealing her scooter, the thieves robbed his mother of her independence, said Terry. `T h e only way she got around was w ith the scooter," he said. The Bogues have filed a police report and have had to claim the loss through insurance as a result. Though his moth er should have a new scooter within a few weeks. Terry explained that's not the point. "T hese thefts shouldn't be happening." he said. He is offering a $500 rew ard for inform ation leading to the arrests o f the individual(s) responsible for the theft or for the return o f the m otorized scooter. Call Terry' at 905-467-9342 with any information. The anonym ity o f the callers will be protected. Harrison Smith · O akville B eaver V ictoria (L ad y M a cB ra n ch y ) M a y stru k a n d D avid (F lying S q u irrel) C o h en d ro p p e d in a t DufTerin C o n s tru c tio n 's D o rv al D rive h e a d q u a rte rs last T h u rsd a y to p ro test th e c o m p a n y 's involvem ent w ith the Red Hill E x p ressw ay in H am ilto n . SKI AND SNOWBOARD SHOP Famous Annual Hamilton Red Hill Expressway opponents deliver protest letter to Dufferin Construction Shi & Snowboard By Melanie Cummings S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R A flying squirrel descended upon Dufferin Construction head quarters last Thursday and along side it a tree walked right in to the Dorval Drive building. The flying squirrel (D avid Cohen) and the tree. Lady MacBranchy (Victoria Maystruk). were among eight citizens who showed up at the O akville-based company with a letter staling their opposition to its part in the con struction o f a $220 million express way being built in Hamilton. The group chose to dress up for the presentation to draw attention to the threat a four-lane expressway will have on the squirrel species and on the estimated 41,000 trees expected to be levelled in the process. Dufferin C onstruction was aw arded a S3.4 million contract to build a ramp and was expected to begin its work this week. Efforts to present their fourpage letter to general manager Lloyd Ferguson, however, proved fruitless. According to the recep tionist who accepted the letter on his behalf. Ferguson is away until next Tuesday. "We would have liked to have met Mr. Ferguson or someone else in a position o f authority," said Cohen. 1 The group faxed the same letter days earlier and forewarned the company at the same time about their imminent arrival. The letter also forewarned the company that protesters "will be non-violently opposing the road construction (Dufferin Construc tion has) been contracted to under take in H am ilton's Red Hill Valley." W hen D ufferin w ork crew s begin at the site, they will be met with resistance from potentially hundreds o f people also opposed to the expressway. Randy Kay will be among them. "W e'll be encouraging workers at the site not to build if their con science tells them they shouldn't." H eather W ilson w as also am ong the group o f eight who show ed up at the Dufferin offices. She pointed to a retrospective com pany poster pasted to a secured doorw ay entitled `Cem enting our M emories.' "T hat's exactly what this com pany and any others involved will be doing to this urban forest," she said. As well as the letter, the group also handed a tree seedling in the hope that D ufferin's general m an ager will help plant, not pave, along the Red Hill Valley. Dufferin C onstruction's parent com pany is St. Lawrence Cement, w hich as part o f its leadership mandate states it is "com m itted to sustainable developm ent, responsi ble stew ardship o f the natural envi ronm ent and the protection o f human health." According to these protestors. Dufferin should withdraw from the project in order to abide by its own corporate com mitm ents. T he Red Hill Creek Expressway has been a long-stand ing controversial project in Hamilton for alm ost 25 years. The proposal calls for a nine-kilometre north south running four-lane road. The majority o f it is designed to cross through valued natural and residential lands. SALE! Starts Sal. Aug. QtU lO am FREE Sunglasses for 1 st 5 0in · · · · Doorcrashers, superspecials Save up to 80% Sale continues throughout August Best buys on ski & snowboard merchandise 1 2 0 S P E E R S RD, O A K V IL L E 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .1 5 6 1 dowqjtewn oakville jazz festival Y o u P a rk . W e P ay. Downtown Oakville parking tokens for 1 HOUR OF FREE PARKING wear o a k v ille ja z z fe s tiv a l are now available at participating businesses. S m a ll T o w n C h a r m ... B ig T im e Ja z z ! C R AW F O R D 174 L A K E S H O R E R O A D E A S T L 6 J1 H 5 AUGUST 7,8 & 9,2003 (905) 8 4 5 -3 6 2 1 DRUMS ^ ^ OPTICIANS re v o Iu t i o m u s i c L a k e O n ta rio FOUR FLOORS of FURNITURE · G ib b a r d · B runetti · C a n a d e l · S kla r P e pp ie r · Leda · La-Z-B oy · Leather C ra ft · V illa g e o is · H entschel · m uch m ore ! Watch for businesses displaying the "A sk us a b o u t o u r P a rk in g Token P ro g ra m " decal! DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA wwwoakvilledowntown.com 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -4 5 2 0 TOWN OF OAKVILLE PARKING OPERATIONS Swibi 9*de!uQte 217 Lakeshore Rd. E. (905) 844-3530 D O W N TO W N OAKVILLE SIN CE 1953 w w w .s w is s in te r io r s .c o m w w w .o a k v ille ja z z .c o m 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -4 3 94 There's a space for you! There are more than 2,800 parking spots in Downtown Oakville! w w w .o a K v iiie ja z z .c o m

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