Oakville Beaver, 6 Aug 2003, A5

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y A u g u s t 6, 2003 - A 5 Beaver cartoon will help raise funds for scientific research By Craig MacBride SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER The Internet has changed the way most people get their infor mation. and for som e, it has proven to be a way to get inspi ration. A dam C yw inski. a York U niversity econom ics student and bartender, cam e across Oakville R eaver cartoonist and art director Ste%e N ease's take on the W est N ile/m ad cow /SA RS problem s in an email. From that. Cyw inski started up the Ark Foundation, a non profit organization that is raising aw areness and m oney for scien tific research in C anada. His first attempt at this will consist o f Cyw inski. his girlfriend Julie Viola, and friend Phil Rey, sell ing T-shirts with N ease's cartoon on the front and the A rk Foundation Internet address on the back. They have tw o types o f shirts to exchange for m inim um dona tions o f $ 1 0 o rS 1 5 . A fter getting through the first 500, m ost of which are currently sitting in C yw inski's basem ent, they will have raised S2.0(K) for the barcoding life project at the University o f G uelph. The project will help identify species by giving them barcodes in their genes. With m osquitoes, for exam ple, the barcoding will help them determ in e w hich species carry the W est N ile virus. With that know ledge, the fight against the virus can be more specific and effective. Though $2,000 w on't buy a lot for a research lab. it is a start, and for the time being. Cywinski is more interested in raisingawareness through his Web site o f the poor funding for prelimi- Trustee supports development growth (Continued from page A1) in the north of the town. Currah says he doesn't oppose development "If you don't grow, in the long run it's going to hurt you," says the 41 -year-old president of a Toronto-based investment company. Currah, who is married with two children, also says he opposes the Town's smoking by-law. which restricts smoking in restaurants and other public places. "I don't think it's a good law, and I think it's too much government in our faces." he said. Currah said he expects to develop more ideas as he learns more about the Tow n and Regional operations, but adds that he is concerned with rising taxes and costs. If elected. Currah said he would donate back the first three months of his salaries from both the Town and the Region. "I'm going to forego three months of my pay to show I really want to keep costs dow n for Oakville tax payers." he said. Colin Davey is also currently registered as a candi date for the seat, but has indicated he intends to with draw. Ward I. which is located south of the QEW and west of Third Line, will also elect a local councillor, who will attend Town Council meetings, but not Regional Council meetings. Incumbent councillor Ralph Robinson, who has rep resented the ward for seven straight terms, has regis tered to run for the local seat as has newcomer Les Moskal. Chantal Ayotte · Special to the O akville B eaver A d am C yw inski o f th e A rk F o u n d atio n , p resen ts O akville B eaver c a rto o n ist Steve N ease w ith a T -sh irt w hich will be used to raise fu n d s fo r scientific research . nary research in Canada. Cywinski got involved in this cause and has started up the Ark Foundation, because he knows what it's like for a researcher in C anada. His m other is a researcher and she had to go to the United States to work for a year because there was so little support in Canada. "I'v e seen her struggle for 15 years, wondering where the con tract extension will come from." said Cywinski. The three friends, who all happen to be bartenders by night, haven't attempted anything like this before and are still working out their plan.. "We might approach a retailer and see if they'd want to carry the shirts," Cywinski said. "There's only so many I can sell out the back o f my car." So far. he's sold about 50, which is a good number consid ering how recently they started selling the T-shirts. They sell them to their friends, their coworkers. and even people who showed interest at a Tim Hortons. "W e've had nothing but posi tive response." Cywinski said. "We were at a friend's birthday wearing the shirts, and the pizza [delivery] guy was interested." The cartoon o f a mad cow wearing a SARS mask and being bitten by a mosquito infected with the West Nile virus appeared in the Oakxille Beaver on May 23. Cywinski saw the cartoon shortly after that, when a friend emailed it to him. and quickly real ized it was the perfect image with w hich to start up the Ark Foundation. Unfortunately. Cywinski. who lives in Mississauga, had no idea where the cartoon originated. "I didn't know where it came from, and just by fluke it was in the neighbourhood." he said. "Steve's been great, and gave us written permission to use it." To find out more about the Ark Foundation, visit www.arkfoundation.ca. R u s s e ll F R E E 1:O O K IE S i 1 7 1 Ifialid until Aug. 31/03 ^ VSUB Oakville we love you! Limit of 2 with any purchase. j i , ` Must bring in coupon to redeem otter Thanks fo r nom inating us! % o> selected production L A W O F F IC E RU SSELL M . ALLEG RA B a r r is te r s & S o lic ito r Here's our 2003/2004 Subscription Season russell@ allegralatv. com S u b s c rib e N o w fo r 5 plays & 5 fabulous buffets! 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E n te r to W in i P R IZ E For more details, please visit o u r w e b s i t e o r a s k a t t h e b o x o f f ic e A IR C A N A D A ^ ASTar alliance member £> S U B S C R IB E R B E N E F I T S · up to 50°o discount on regular single ticket prices on select purchases · discounts on hotel suites · guaranteed sam e seating for all 5 plays · ticket exchange & discounts on extra tickets M A IL I F A X / C A L L IN your order. A boxotfice representative will book your seats! YES! I W O U L D N am e LIKE T O SUBSCRIBE. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 481 N orth Service Road West, #A-10, Oakville ON L6M 2V6 905-847-2300 · Facsimile: 905-827-6111 cathyallegra@allegralaw.com A d d re s s _______________________________________________________ City/Prov Phone Postal Code (eve) Id jv l ition. Dinner taxes included. Beverages k gratuities extra. Play, pnees ft dates subject to change without 'ASK FOR DETAILS on our five play notice, some restrictions apply. Plays subject to obtaining rights. Not valid with othe'r promotions/discounts Subject to availability, & processed in order ol receipt. Subscription Sale/2 for I seating is restricted. Savings are up to 38% oft regular single ticket price on select purchases. Discount off regular individual prices. _________________ * ______________ ^400 Uixtc Ku.tJ. Mtssivsjug.> 9 0 5 -2 3 8 -0 0 4 2 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 3 -0 6 8 * T I f liF T ^ k r im " Box Office Fax: 9 0 5 -2 3 8 -2 7 0 8 _ _________________________

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