Oakville Beaver, 29 Sep 2004, C06

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday Septem ber 29, 2004 iiilfiiiil O M C B U ILD IN G LEGENDS Oakville's awardwinning newspaper is the best tool to get your message across |ii!|S ||ifi E V E R Y T H I N G IS PRICED TO GO INCLUDING GAS. O GASOLINE mmm !s !*i la M i !] !ji;(] iiliiif li l : l ' ]- i if! 1; M ill* ! * 1 iiU M ii!!; 20* OFF PER LITRE ON ?S00 LITRES im iiH ) EXCLUSIVELY FROM GM. i r h r * ill! ® * s i flh H iU *f?ii 2 0 0 4 + BONUS G M C S I E R R A E X T E N D E D C A B A n "E d it o r s ' M o s t W a n te d V e h ic le " for 2 0 0 3 STARTING FROM *1 0 0 0 o m i N YOU BOY, flN A H C f Oft 1 1 * 5 1 OFFERS APPLY TO VIRTUALLY ALL 2004 MOOELS. - E d m u n d s.c o m '2 9 , 620 * INClUrn^ ' '1 0 0 0 BONUS · · · · · · 4 -S p e e d A u t o m a t ic T r a n s m is s io n w it h O v e r d riv e 4 -W h e e l D is c B r a k e s w it h A B S D u a l Z o n e A ir C o n d itio n in g 4 0 / 2 0 / 4 0 S p ilt F ro n t S e a t T il t S t e e r in g · O r iv e r In f o r m a t io n C e n tr e P a s s io c k 11'" S e c u r ity S y s te m O FINANCING ipmiwb S j iU h m . I1**---- illiijif il lljiHlIlH S~SS2 |ii| f ill! I fiapptf 5 0 th Anniversary Harold < j<Elizabeth Quinn Sept. 25, 1954-Sept. 2 5 , 2 0 0 4 With love from your children and grandcMdrea Mike, Deny«e and Matt; Steve and Quby: Karen, Do/. Jamie, Scotl and Katie; Lorraine. Jim. Taralyn and Qyinn; Catherine. Joe. Daniel and Cyan: David, tleather. Taylor and Carter; Bcbert, Kellie-Anne. Carson and Landon; Jennifer. Joe. Nicholas and Jordan. OUNN, D o u g la s Brock- O n S a tu rd a y , S eptem ber 25, 2004 at the St. C atharines G e n e ra l H o s p ita l a t 82 y e a rs o f a g e . Beloved spouse of Ann M cKeown. Loving fa th e r o f C a th y (A rn ) and D oug (M a ry). C h e rish e d g ra n d fa th e r o f W e sle y, D avid, Natalie. Stephanie and Emma. Doug was a life m e m b e r of the P ort D a lh o u sie Y ach t Club and a mem ber of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #350. Crem ation has taken p la ce . A m e m o ria l s e rv ic e to c e le b ra te D o u g 's life w ill be h e ld in th e G E O R G E D AR TE FU N E R A L C H A P E L, 585 C arlton S t., S t. C a th a rin e s on W e d n e s d a y September 29th at 10:30am. On-Line Guest Book- www.dartefuneralhome.com KENNEY, Ann B.L.- P a s s e d aw ay peacefully at OTMH on September 20, 2004, after a lengthy fight with heart disease. Ann, in her 74th year is survived by brother Leslie Tocher of Oakville and sister V i Tocher of A b erd een ,S co tlan d . Memorial service to be conducted at a later date. LETT, Christopher Andrew "Drew" (19762004)- S u d d e n ly a t th e a g e o f 27 in V an co u ve r, B.C . D rew leave s beh in d his father Terry Lett and his siblings Kelli, Sean and B ekki. P re d e c e a se d by h is m o th e r J o a n n e . He w ill be s a d ly m issed by his grandparents, m any uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and friends. He will be remembered for his sense of humour, his intelligence and his dedication to science at the University of W aterloo, UBC and Simon Fraser University. F a m ily w ill re ce ive frie n d s to share th e ir mem ories of Drew at the Oakview Funeral Hom e 56 Lakeshore Rd. W. O akville (one b lo ck e a s t o f K e rr S t.) 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 on Sunday, October 3, 2004 from 2-3 p.m. A Memorial Sen/ice will follow at 3 p.m. in the chapel. Donations to the Canadian Mental Health Association would be appreciated by the family. M cVIC AR, Shirley tona (b. July 25th, 1926)- On S e p te m b e r 2 1st, 2004 'A n n ie ' passed away in Burlington of natural causes, she was 78 years young. She will be deeply m issed. She w as lo ving w ife to W illia m ; Loving m other to W endy (C huck), Susan, and Cameron (^.an); Loving grandm other to Todd, Ashleigh, Dalaney, Cody, Sydnie, and K atie Seidm an; and loving friend to Jack. Annie lived and enjoyed life to its fullest and to th a t w e can a ll ra ise a g la ss and say thank you. "She w ishes that everyone will have as great a life as she had-xox." We love you always. Cheers. Mrs. McVicar is re stin g a t th e fu n e ra l hom e of S kin n e r & M iddlebrook Ltd., 128 Lakeshore Rd. E. (1 b lo c k W e s t o f H u ro n ta rio ) M is s is s a u g a ( P a rk in g o ff A n n S t.) on W e d n e s d a y , S ep te m b e r 29th from 7-9 p.m . In lieu of flo w e rs , a d o n a tio n can be m ade to th e Leukemia Research Fund of Canada. OLD. Cora Viola (nee Nelson)- Suddenly after a short illness on Sunday, September 26,2004 at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital surrounded by tier family. Beloved wife ot the late James William (Bill). Dear mother ol Stephen and his wife Mary, Scott and his wife Geraldine, Craig. Kevin and his wife Karen and 10 grandchildren. Survived by her sisters Elvira Isard, Florence Finkle and Cerla Edwards and brother Gerald (Jake). Predeceased by her brother Ralph. Fondly remembered by all her nieces and nephews. Visitation will be held at Ihe Oakview Funeral Home 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr) Oakville on Wednesday from 7-9 pm and Thursday from 2-4 and 79pm. i A funeral service will be held at St. Paul's United Church 454 Rebecca Street, Oakville on Friday. October 1 at 11 am In lieu ol flowers donations to St. Paul's United Church or the Canadian Arthritis Society would be appreciated by the family, Family Services A lc o h o lic s A n o n y m o u s If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Deaths DIFILIPPO, Giovanna- Peacefully, on September 26, 2004. at home with her family by her side at the age of 84 Beloved wife of the late Oomenic. Loving mother of Ornella Goldwater (Lawrie) and Vittoria Saraceni (Carlo). Proud grandmother of Joe Paonessa. Matthew Paonessa (Maryanne) and Joanna Paonessa, and step grandmother to C liff Goldwater and Sherri Goldwater. Great grandmother of Maxam and other grandchildren and great grandchildren in Italy. Dear sister of Anna Pennetta of Oakville and Maria DiRisio of Argentina. A special thank you to Dr Mary Manno and her staff for their special kindness and care to Mom, as well as the Oakville Trafalgar Hospital, the Palliative Care staff and the C.C.A.C., Halton. Thanks to all of our family and friends tor their continued love and support. We are eternally grateful. Giovanna is at the Morse & Son Chapel of the Morgan Funeral Homes. 5917 Main Street where her lamily will receive friends on Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-5 p.m. A Vigil will be held at the funeral home at 3 o'clock. Funeral Mass will be celebrated in our Lady ol the Scapular Church on Thursday morning at 11 o;clock. Rite of entombment w ill follow at Fairview Mausoleum. For those who wish, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Online guest register at www.morganfuneral.com Warehouse Sale BELVEDERE INTERNATIONAL PROUDLY PRESENTS.... OUR FALL COSMETIC & TOILETRIES WAREHOUSE SALE Here it is the Sale you have been wailing for. the Belvedere International Fall Cosmetic and Toiletry Warehouse Sale. As you may already know, we have a terrific selection of gifts, gifts sets and genuine designer fragrances. Our selection ol toys lor all ages is amazing. All ol your need's will be met at this Sale- come and check out our wide range ol cleaning supplies and household items lor every room in the house. Our brand name haircare products and other toiletries may be the main reason you would come to our sale, but come and see our unbelievable assortment of leather purses, back packs and wallets. If you are an early Christmas shopper you don't want to miss this sale, or the savings. JENSEN, Willy - Passed away peacefully on Saturday. September 25, 2004. in Oakville, surrounded by his family. Willy, owner and operator of Jensen Tire in Oakville and in his 71st year, loving husband of 48 years of Inger. Beloved father of Billy and his wife Sylvia, Boy, Johnny and his wife Ronda, Marinus and his wife Kerri and Connie and her husband Shawn McCulloch. Predeceased by his daughter Dorte. Cherished grandfather of 15 and great-grandfather ol 9. He will be fondly remembered by his extended family both in Canada and Denmark. Family and friends w ill be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, (905-844-3221) from 6 - 9 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday Service in the Chapel Thursday. September 30. at 11 a.m., with interment in Oakville. 10 Days ONLY-Friday, September 24th to Sunday, October 3rd, 2004. Weekdays: 11:00am to 8:00pm, Saturday 10:00am to 6:00pm and Sunday 11:00am to 5:00pm. Location: 5640 Kennedy Rd . Mississauga. Take QEW E. to Hwy #403. Take 403 to Hwy #10/Hurontario St. North (turn left). Go North on Hwy #10 to Matheson Blvd. East. Right onto Malheson Blvd. to Kennedy Road, head North (left). We are on the left side. For more information, please call 905-568-4556.

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