Oakville Beaver, 1 Oct 2003, B2

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B2 · The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 1, 2003 Friends and family running to beat breast cancer "W hen it happens to som eone you know it drives hom e the need for a cure. C hances are everyone knows som eone Exercise has little to do w ith the rea affected by breast can cer." said Corrigan. son Lesley Taylor, Ann Corrigan and The tw osom e initially told close more than 55 o f their friends and family family and friends about Team BBC in are participating in the CIBC Run for August. the Cure this Sunday. Soon enough word spread and the It has every thing to do with a friend ball kept rolling. M embers on the team named Carol and her recent discovery hail from B urlington. O akville. that she has breast cancer. C onnecticut, W aterloo. G uelph. Inform ally they call them selves Thom bury. Brantford and Toronto, and Team BBC. The acronym s are a dated range in age from 10 to 78. joke relating to an investm ent club "The response was overw helm ing to where Taylor. Corrigan and Carol first us and truly am azing. We d id n 't have to met more than five years ago. (It stands convince any one that this for B eu lah's B ow ling w as a w orthy venture, " When it happens to C lub; a bank m anager they ju st knew it was," lightheartedly suggested someone you know it said Taylor. the name when the invest drives home the need So far they've raised in ment club had to com e up with an official title in a for a cure. Chances are excess o f S 2.I00 through hurry to register an everyone knows some pledges T aylor gleaned from cow orkers at Shell account.) one affected by breast C anada and also from Now, in honour o f cancer." friends and family. Carol, the acronym has Corrigan is taking the new m eaning. BBC · Ann Corrigan other route. She's simply stands for Beating Breast paying the $30 registration fee. Cancer. This is not a one-tim e event for Team And when the starting pistol at BBC. Burlington's Central Park fires at 10 Taylor and Corrigan have visions o f a.m. Oct. 5, each step taken by the more adding more m em bers to the team and than 55 runners and walkers on Team money into breast cancer research in the BBC brings them closer to helping years to come. Carol and thousands others eradicate Since they recruited so many sup the disease. porters in such a short tim e span this One in nine Canadian w om en will year, they expect to have a far bigger develop breast cancer at some point in their lives and one in 27 will die from it team put together next year. In the m eantim e their friend Carol is -- the second highest cancer death rate undergoing experim ental treatments to next to lung cancer. It is discovered 78 help bolster researchers' efforts in find per cent o f the time in women over age ing a cure. S he's determ ined to do her 50. part. This is the first time Team BBC has And that is all the inspiration her participated in the annual event, which friends and fam ily need to get their bod raises cash to support breast cancer ies across the finish line this Sunday. research. Central Park in Burlington is located Very few members o f the team are behind Central Arena, at 519 Drury serious runners or long distance walkers. Lane, north o f N ew Street. " Under norm al circum stances we For more inform ation about the run. w ouldn't have given a second thought o r to m ake a donation, log on to to doing an event like this," said Taylor. When C arol's diagnosis w as con w w w .cbcf.org/cibcrunforthecure. To firmed in June, her O akville friends join te im BBC. call Taylor at 416-2277146. gained a whole new perspective on life. S P E C IA L '!'() T H E BEAVER By Melanie Cummings Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver G et Y our P in k O n a n d jo in in C IB C R un F o r T h e C u re th is w eek en d . H ere, A nn a n d A insley C o rrig a n , N ata lie W atso n a n d Lesley T ay lo r get re a d y to raise som e fu n d s w ith fam ily a n d frie n d s. Ovarian cancer survivor believes wellness can make a difference By Melanie Cummings SPECIAL T O TH E BLAVKK O varian can cer turned C atherine Bobesich's life upside down and inside out. W here the im age consultant spent 20 years focusing on external transform a tions. she now hones in on keeping hers and others' m inds and bodies in good health. "W hen y o u 're ill, you have to have your mind and body w orking together to get well." Clean living and the absence o f any cancer in her family history put her chances in the 'rem o te' category -- so doctors told her. W hen the w orst w as confirm ed. Bobesich em barked on a thorough search for remedies. Eight years ago she created W ellness by Design in response. With no Internet to turn to at the tim e. Bobesich buried her head in books, 400 o f them, and made a full tim e jo b o f attending sem inars and retreats. Eventually others sought her out for inform ation and advice. She's grateful she was able to devote the time to her new found passion. Since her diagnosis she's lost three friends to ovarian cancer. Bobesich has had two run-ins with the disease. By the time 1997 rolled in, the tum our had grown back at the worst time possible. She was already three m onths pregnant with her second child Gregory. Two years later a third surgery was required to correct com plica tions from the other two. "It took a year to feel nor mal and w ell ag ain ." said Bobesich. C reating a balance w ith medical and natural remedies. Bobesich has regained her verve. Today sh e's an entrepre neur. m other o f two boys aged six and 17, married and a tire less com m unity volunteer. In her search for wellness sh e's d iscovered appalling ironies, such as the mascara she used contained form alde hyde. W hat was intended to m ake her look good over the long term could be a detrim ent to her overall health. Similarly, products used to kill germ s in our homes may be equally harm ful to our health because o f ingre dients like phosphate, am m onia, chlo rine and lye. "I'm not one to live in a bubble. I understand the need to have a clean house and w ear m akeup, but we d o n 't want to kill ourselves in the process," said Bobesich. Brock University Bachelor of Education in Adult Education Degree and Certificate Program s INFORMATION SESSIONS 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday, October 4 Room G201, Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning 1430 Trafalgar Road, Oakville Brock University offers BEd in Adult Education Degree and Certificate programs of study designed for those working or aspiring to work in adult learning environments including health care, human resources, social services, business, industry or formal academic settings. Courses are offered on Saturdays at Sheridan College, and designed to be completed on a part-time basis. Applications are now being accepted for the W inter 2004 term. Enhance your understanding of adult education principles and practices Become a more effective facilitator Increase your skills and confidence in working with adults in teaching/ learning settings For application information for the BEd in Adult Education, visit our Web site at http://adult.ed.brocku.ca or call Sandra at 905-688-5550, ext. 4308 or sandra@ed.brocku.ca Catherine Bobesich Open House OCTOBER 4 & 5, 2 0 0 3 Saturday & Sunday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. A fre e , e e lf-g u id e d to u r o f A r tie a n e ' S tu d io e 2 8 Locations * 3 8 A rtis te Tour brochures are available at... All Halton and Mississauga Libraries All Halton Information Centres In Milton a t Town Hall, 5eniors Centre, and Leisure Centre. www.fasm.ca For information, call 905-876-2837 F IN E ARTS SO CIETY of M ll.TO N Sforaonx* O u r N ursing Hom e Offers... · large p riva te & couple rooms w ith ensuite · fu ll a ctiv ity program s · all the com forts o f home · resident-centred care and peace o f m ind · com panionship o f pets · on-site licensed YMCA o f O akville children's daycare You c a n / e a r n m ore a b o u t us b y a tte n d in g o u r Inform ation Session Saturday, October 4th 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. 2140 Baronwood Drive, Oakville (off Bronte Road - between Upper Middle Road and Hwy. #5) Escarpment Ifcfc^CountrvTM For more information, please contact Don Paradine at (905) 822-6610 e x t 159 w w w .regencycare.ca Initially she found help at a local w ellness centre where yoga, m acrobiot ic cooking, and a library set her on a path to feeling em powered and able to fight the cancer that sapped her energy and her spirit. But the centre folded. E ager to fill the void for all those w ho found solace in such alternative ap p ro ach es, Bobesich created a n ew sletter and imm ediately had 2.000 people on the mailing list. She delved beyond know ing w hat to eat, to figuring out Which pots to use for cooking, and how to clean them without the risk o f ingesting toxins. "W om en w ho stay at hom e have a 56 per cent higher risk o f contracting cancer because o f poor indoor air qual ity. according to can cer statistics," she said. To dem onstrate the im pact, imagine throw ing a polystyrene cup into your yard every time a load o f laundry was done with a conventional product. " How long w ould som eone keep w ashing their clothes with that deter gent?" she wonders. Bobesich is a proponent o f changing lifestyle in as many w ays as people are com fortable doing so. "I want aw are ness. not paranoia." M ost o f all, I w ant others to know it's never too late to m ake lifestyle changes, said Bobesich. "The body can regenerate itself into w ell-being." As far as her own health goes, she hasn 't got the all clear yet -- her cancer could reoccur. "I d o n 't dw ell on it. Right now all I can do is focus on living well." For inform ation, contact her at 905849-1741 or visit w w w.wellnessbydesign.ca. Public l ibrary M onth 2003 is sponsored by: New Must-Reads for Kids O u r f a v o u r ite re p re s e n ta tiv e s f r o m c h ild re n 's b o o k p u b l i s h e r s S c h o la s t ic C a n a d a , H .B . F e n n , R a n d o m H o u s e a n d S im o n & S c h u s te r w ill s h o w c a s e u p c o m in g title s t h a t a re 4 o F lH § T C a n a d ia n .T it l e TO lllM llil BM IHt E3 C an ad a T ru st sure to b e c o m e y o u r children's favourites! oakvii 11 ^ ^ .y h u r\t Fhotogrtohy Tuesday, October 7th, 2 - 4 p.m Central Library Auditorium, 2nd floor 120 Navy Street Free - Call 905-815-2045 to register.

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