Oakville Beaver, 1 Oct 2003, B3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 1, 2003 - B3 Please forw ard announcem ents fo r Update to Wilma BlokhuLs, Oakville Heaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville. Ont. !/>K 3S4; email blokhuis(sy lialtonsearcli.com, fa x 9t)5337-5567, or call 905-S45-3824 [jet. 250. BEFORE N O O N Monday to he included. Notices listed free. W EDNESDAY O CTO BER 1 Canadian R ed Cross offers first aid training in Oakville. Call 905-845-5241 to register for course on Oct. 18/19; Nov. 819: Nov. 22/23; and Dec. 13/14. Oakville M useum at Erchless Estate is showcasing board member Ann Bobyks' Amber Glass Collection. Regular admission is S3.25 & includes refreshments. Oakville Museum is located at 8 Navy St. Hours are Tuesdav to Sunday from 1-4:30 p.m. Call 905-338-4400. H alton A n d P eel P ro fe ssio n a l E xecutive N etw ork (H .A .P.P .E .N .), a net working support group for unemployed business professionals, meets at 8 a.m. in Burlington. Speaker Jim Jordan on The Secret to Success. C ost is $5 for m em bers; S I0 for non-m em bers. Call 905339-0268 or w w w .happen.ca http://w w w .happen.ca/ THURSDAY O C T O B E R 2 H alton VO N Foot Care Clinic. Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St.. 1 4 p.m. Cost: S20. By appointment only, call 905-815-5966. F RIDAY O C T O B E R 3 Register for the "Oakville Idol " singing competition by email oakvilleidol@hotinail.com or in person at The Bourbon Street Cellar. 136 Church Street. Oakville each Friday until Oct. 17 between 8-10 p.m. $5.00 entry fee -- open to 19 years and older. Cash Prizes to be won -- door prizes -- entertainment. Net proceeds to the Oakville Unit o f the Canadian Cancer Society in sup port o f w om en's cancer research. A Christian Healing Mission will be held Oct. 3 and 4 at St. Sim on's Anglican Church in Oakville. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Barbara Pursey. The theme o f the Mission is Growing in the Ministry of Healing. Call Jim Parker at 905-845-4840 or fax 905-845-9103. Rebecca. Good used clothing, household items, books, etc. A rt on the B luffs at Sovereign House. 7 West River St.. presents Oakville Hooking Craft Guild to Oct. 8. Exhibition sponsored by Bronte Historical Society. "M aking C onnections...M ore Than J u st K idneys" 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Quality Hotel, organized by The Kidney Foundation o f Canada and Halton Healthcare Services. For more information or to register, contact The Kidney Foundation o f Canada at 416445-0373 ext. 233 or mthompsontn kidney cob.on.ca or www.kidneycob.on.ca. Mississauga Parents o f Multiple Births Fall Clothing Sale, gently used children's clothing, mothers' needs, toys and baby equipment, 9:30 a.m. - noon, St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School attached to Erin Meadows Community Centre behind Erin Mills Town Centre. SUNDAY OCTOBER 5 Guitarist Warren Nicholson will give a pre-service recital at Maple Grove United Church on Sunday. Oct. 5 at 10 a.m. The program includes " La Catedral "by BarriosJ.S.Bach's Sonata in G minor and the music o f Albeniz. Free admission. The first a n n u a l Move-a-tlion fo r the Environm ent is taking place on Sunday. Oct. 5. Participants can walk, jog, bicycle, in-line skate, run. wheelchair or skateboard 10 km through downtown Oakville. Registration is from noon-2 p.m. at Georges Square. A social will be held at the finishing point at Coronation Park between 2-5 p.m. Call the Oakville Community Centre For Peace. Ecology A nd Human Rights at 905849-550!; e-mail \ plunk-cr^ o;ikvillepeacccenire.org or visit www.oakvillepeaeecentre.org Dogguides Canada hosts a Walk for Dog Guides siarting at the Lions Foundation o f Canada Dog Guides building at 152 Wilson St. at 9 a.m. Call Gord Wallen at I -800-7683030. Grace Lutheran Church, at Spruce and Reynolds Sts., celebrates its 50th Anniversary celebrations with a Homecoming Reunion Service this Sunday. Sunday. Oct. 5 with The Reverend Roy G os/ (who was at the church from 1954-66). Visitors welcome. Refreshments after the service. Sunday School and nursery offered during worship. Blessing o f Pets at Walton M emorial United Church, 2 p.m., in Bronte Hall. Lakeshore and Bronte Roads. Casual dress. Brinjfpets cats, dogs, birds, fish, hamsters etc. Pets must be on leashes, in boxes or cages. Call 905-827-1643 or visit ww u.wal- Harrison Smith · Special to the O akville B eaver S T R IP P IN G D O W N T O T H E FA C T S F O R B R E A S T C A N C E R R E S E A R C H : F ro m left F ra n c is T h o m a s, B rian S a n n a c h a n n , H ay Icy M ag ee, T re v o r G re e r a n d P at D aniels o f F in n e g a n 's W ak e p u b p resen ts a ch eq u e fo r $3,660 to the B reast C a n c e r Society o f C a n a d a , l'he m oney w as raised th ro u g h a s trip show stag ed by th e m en. Tots and Us, program for caregivers o f preschoolers, playtime, music, stories and snack, St. Paul's United Church. 454 Rebecca, 10 a.m. Free. Call 905-845-3427. TUESDAY O C T O B E R 7 Oakville Seniors' Camera Club will meet Tuesday. O ct. 7 at a special time, 6:45 p.m.. as Mayor Ann Mulvale opens the meeting at the Kerr Street Seniors' Centre. New members w elcome S3 per person. Call Bastead at 905-827-0836. H ea r G ord S in g e r at 6:3 0 p.m. at the L io n 's C lub A uditorium , 471 Pearl St.. Burlington -- a Peer Support S p ecialist for C O N T A C T M ental H ealth O utreach at St. M ichael's Hospital. He received the "C ourage to Com e Back Award" from the Centre for A ddiction and Mental Health in 1999 and w as nom inated for the G overnor G eneral's aw ard for M eritorious Service in 2000. Call Canadian M ental Health A ssociation. Halton at 905-693-4270. C N IB Halton/Peel holds an Oakville Service Day from 11 a.ni.3 p.m. at the Seniors' Centre at 263 Kerr St. to provide serv ices and information including talking book machine exchanges and techni cal aid purchases. Call 905-275-5332 or TTY 905-275-4409. Peel/Halton Vaginal Birth A fter Cesarean-Cesarean Awareness Group (VBAC -C A) provides information and support and meets the first Tuesday o f the month at 7:30 p.m. Hear a nurse talk about healthy pregnancy through nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. Call Chervi at 905-459-9804 or Adrienne at 905-846-6453. N otice o f L iq u or L icen ce A p p lication Ontario The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the L iquor Licence Act: Application fur Additional Facilities A rnold's Funland F.ntertainm ent 485 Morden Road Oakville (indoor & outdoor area) Any resident o f the municipality may make a written submission as to whether the issuance o f the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than O ctober 26, 2(M)3. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies of any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration D epartm ent Alcohol and (Naming Comm ission of O ntario 20 D undas St. W,, 7'h Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2N6 SATURDAY OCTOBER 4 A t Walton M em orial C hurch from 9:3011:30 a.m. human relations consultant and speaker Dick O 'B rien will encourage chil dren to respond to life by choice rather than react to life by chance . Coffee and muffins at 9 am ., baby-sitting available. Torchm ent Q uartet, superb Grammy winning gospel quartet hosted by Central Baptist Church. 340 R ebecca Street, Oakville at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $15. Call Church Office at 905-845-2942 or Wayne or Betty at 905-827-0139 to order tickets." Churchill Place Retirement Residences showcases renowned Canadian artist and Group o f Seven member A.J. Casson from 25 p.m. at Churchill Place. 345 Church St. RSVP at 905-338-3311. B ill and Lorraine M ueller host a show and sale for oil painter Johane Landry o f Quebec's Gasp<5 Peninsula from 11 a.m .-4 p.m. at25 Belvedere Dr. Call 905-8271715. Elea M arket and R um m age Sale. 9 a.m. -- noon, St. Paul's United Church. 454 W EDNESDAY OCTOBER 8 A ttend the fr e e sem inar J u st a Phase? Recognizing and Managing M ental Illness in Children and Teens at 7 p.m. at the Galaxy Hall in Oakville. Featuring speaker Dr. Antonio Pignatiello. M.D.. Psychiatrist. Director - Child and Adolescent Out-Patient Program. Halton Healthcare Service. To reserve a seat call 905-3384379 or cliltlc@haltonhcalthcare.on.ca. Bereavement Support Group fo r Widows. Oct. 8 - Nov. 26. I 3 p.m.. VON Halton. To register, call 905-827-8800 ext. 2310. lonnrcnwrial.wm. The Great Shave O ff at The Fire Hall. Lakeshore and Bronte. Car wash. 10 a.m.. firefighters demonstration. 11 a.m.. free hot dogs. noon. Oakville Firefighters shave heads at 1 p.m. All proceeds to pediatric can cer research. Call 905-827-4445 or visit www.thefirehall.ca. Walking tour. The Main Street o f Old Oakville. 2 p.m. at Oakville Historical Society office and archives. 110 King. Cost: $10 includes tour booklet and refreshments. Call 905-844-2695 or visit www.oakvillehistory.org. MONDAY O C T O B ER (» Fax: 416-326-5555 F-m ail: licensing@agco.on.ca presents The 3rd Annual Saturday October 25,2003 at Harbour Banquet and Cohference Centre 2340 Ontario Street, Oakville +8? Tickets: $200 per person .4 charitable tax receipt will be issued For ticket inform ation call: 905-825-2245 or check our website: w w w .b u tte r fly s .c a YVe invite you to join us for an elegant evening by the lake at the new H arbour Banquet & Conference Centre. Black Tie Optional. The Monarch Ball is a gala fundraiser for the Bronte Butterfly Foundation. Butterfly Park and Winter Skateuuy *Discount a p p lic a b le on regular priced in-stock merchandise only. Excludes alt patterns, custom o'ders. discontinued items (yellow ticket items), value bln promotional Itc*m3 and $t Items. Bronte Butterfly Foundation The evening's entertainm ent will b e provided by La u ra H utto n a n d Th e J u m p Street B a n d 2368 Lakeshore Road West Oakville, Ontario L 6 L 1H5 ^ 1 ^ 0 5 -8 2 5 -2 2 4 5 Fax: 905-825-8622 jP lp m a il: brontebutterfly@butterflys.ca Sale ends Oct. T012003 OAKVILLE · 2501 Hampshire Gate Rd. (905) 829-1004 Event Sponsors Include: I f , M N I) ; NEWLY OPENED IN BURLINGTON · 3230 Fairview F M cCutcheon s fo to H arbour Banquet and C o n fm o c r C e n trr A lig h th o use R e su u ra m S t (905) 681-7698 so u rc e * SIII11111 1f -- . - ^ F lp fn ic F je t r u s I Sponsorship opportunities are still available ! BouCiair Create a beautiful life w w w .bouclair.com JO IN BOB DEARBORN A L O N G W ITH EVA D # BOB D U R AN T A N D SPECIAL GUESTS * BEATLES * F R A N K SIN ATRA NAT K I N G COLE 7* T O N Y BENNETT * D IO N N E W A R W IC K * TOM J O N E S WEEKDAY M ORNINGS 5 :3 0 - 9 :0 0

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