Oakville Beaver, 1 Oct 2003, B4

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B4 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O ctober 1, 2003 Nothing spoiled the fun this time around Youths confess their Dreamlift day at Disney in Florida was something they'll remember forever (Continued from page B1) Lightvear's Space Ranger Spin. The Haunted M ansion, the A stro O rbiter and Splash Mountain am ong the attractions he had visited. "I am going to rem em ber this day for the rest o f my life. You can quote me on that." "It was good," said M ilton's Jessica Lyons o f the afternoon spent in the M agic Kingdom. The 15-year-old said the rides were definitely the best part of the trip and listed Peter Pan's Flight as the most memorable o f the day. A ccording to C orinne M arshall, national com m unications m anager for Sunshine D ream s for Kids, volunteers play a vital role in making Dream lifts successful. "W hat w e are about is giving the kids the ex perien ce, o f course, but it's also about the volunteers g etting to see firsthand the rew ard o f the sm iles on the c h ild re n 's faces," M arshall said. T h u rs d a y 's D re am lift co st ab o u t $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 and re q u ire d the assista n c e o f a p p r o x im a te ly 45 v o lu n te e rs from C a n a d a and an o th e r 45 from th e U .S. It was made possible in large part to the fundraising efforts o f veteran National Hockey League referee Don van M assenhoven. O a k v ille 's K aren C h ristie w as am ong the d ozens o f m edical v o lu n teers from the region w ho ac co m p a nied the D re a m lift c h ild re n to Florida. A ssig n e d as th e D re a m lift " b u d d y " for an 18-year-old G uelph resid e n t w ith m u sc u la r d y stro p h y , the 2 6 -y ear-o ld acu te care p ed iatric p h y s io th e ra p is t at C hedoke- M c M a ste r H o s p ita ls " It was such a good fo u n d th e opportunity for chil d ay u p lif t dren who otherwise ing. "I would wouldn't get a love to go chance to do this." again. I'd · Karen Christie sign up today for whenever they are going again." con fessed Christie. S eeing children she had previously enco u n tered w hen their health w asn 't g o o d b u zzin g aro u n d D isney w ith sm iles on th e ir faces w as all the rew ard she needed for her volunteer effort. "It w as su c h a g o o d o p p o rtu n ity fo r c h ild re n w h o o th e rw ise w o u ld n 't g et a c h a n c e to d o th is ," sh e sa id . The trip was the 41st such journey organized by S unshine D ream s for Kids. For m ore inform ation ab o u t the non-profit Sunshine D ream s for Kids organization, phone, toll-free. 1-800461-7935 or visit the W eb site at w w w .sunshine.ca. OAKVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SMALL BUSINESS WEEK · you ' re the p o w er ilet !s:share:the :energy · OAKVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SMALL BUSINESS WEEK OAKVILLE CHAMBER o f COMMERCE Small Business Week Thank you to the fo llo w in g for th e ir valuable s u p p o rt and co n trib u tio n s: OAKVILLE CHAMBER o f COMMERCE T h e B u s in e s s A d v is o r y Providing Solutions to Business Problems And Ideas For Sales Growth to Small And Home Based Business Since 1983 T h e T a x A d v is o r y Providing Income rax Planning ,\ix l Corporate And Personal Income Tax preiviration Services To Companies And Individuals Since iflfS E. L FOSTER. President T E L -9 (> 3 -4 6 9 -8 7 7 7 · F a X -9 0 5 -4 6 9 -1 7 0 2 E. L FOSTER, President 1 E L - 9 0 5 -4 6 9 -8 7 7 7 · F a \-9 0 5 ~ 4 6 9 ~ I7 0 2 OA K V I LLE E C O N O M IC D EVELO PM ENT * BDC Birtintu D*v«lopm«flt Bark of Canada Banqu* d* d*v*lopp«mfm du Canada G> OAKVILLE The B usiness A d v is o ry /T h e Tax A d v is o ry 2.120 ( »l HJ )STt >NK <V tS L ENT. M ysys L im ite d W X tiS . IIU tM d l r» M lif OAKVILLE. < KVLNKK »lix M ;IY 8 2320 U IDSPOiSE CRESCEST. ( XVKVUH. ( IN LARK >U5M 3YR W W Wt' .-U.M I* S^H M SO O<-1· KIS i .f\ I.1 CO M M ITTED T O MAKING Y O l R R l SLNESS A S I ( C E S S ^ W E L C O M E t o t h e [& H H 3 __________ After you hear what Oakville is doing to help small business, what can you do to share the energy and build your business? Read on! There is a world ol information out there, and information is power. But how can you find what you need? Quicker and easier? 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