Private Label Fall Cloth Coat Event Friday, September 19 - 9 am - 6 pm Saturday, September 20 - 9anv 5 pm Create the coat of your dreams! m ^ Barrington's Is o n c e again having their .. Fall C loth C o a t Event this w eekena. This - Friday a n d Saturday guests are invited f to a tte n d their exciting autum n collectio n :b f Private Label coats w hich have b e e n specifically designed to m eet the ^ F ie e d s o f their discerning customers. The latest styles a n d colours will be on display as well as e x tra ^ le c tio n s espe cially b ro u g h t in fo r thisw iw vt. Customers also h a ve m e feption of, co m b in in g any style, fa b ric a n d colour to suit their individuality a t no extra cost. C oats will also b e custom-sized for th a t p e rfe c t fit. C a n a d ia n -m a d e , Barrington's Private Label coats are c ra fte d to m e e t their rigorous high standards a n d all coats feature w inter-w eight linings a n d h alf cham ois inserts. W onderfully w arm a n d luxurious fabrics such as w ool, a n gora, c a s d m e te . a lp a c a , b o u cle a n d b a b y « llama are a m o n g the season's most v e l^ f lp g choices. 8rpwn is the new black this season a n d it {^show cased throughout Barringtbn's ^ ^ i n every im aginable shade from espres- ' "fejO?0 c o c o a to vicuna. In a d dition, ^M b d itio n a l b la ck, a lo n g w ith p ea rl, J t x h a m b r a y , bone and laden green offer light-hearted sophistication. ^ C ontinued on p a g e C3 · Stunning Beginnings Bridal Planner See page C2 · Downtown fashion See page C 15 · Looking Good, Feeling Great See page ( 7 · Bronte Style Set' pjige C6 209 Lakeshore Rbad East 906-845-20! Monday-Friday 9:00-6:00 · Saturday 9:30 - 5: Barrington's Private Label W ool/cashmere 3/4 c o a t with window pa n e detail Dominic Bellissimo Toscano lam b cro p p ed shearljro jacket S2,295.00 tm Ramsport of France Down-filled c o a t with lei S765 Barrington's Red glow sable m osaic bolero jacket $5,300 Quadriga of Spain Zebra print, raw e d g e spanish lam b shearling S3.795 Barrington's Private Label Baby lam a 7/8's w rap coat. $840