C6 Be.iver, Wednesday September 17, 2003 TA B m C LA N D C A iA U 't i i i f i R T V # c ic iiin a EARBir n itT iiftiiT n o DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? You have great clothes but need help mixing and matching? Does your wardrobe need a quality upgrade? Custom bridal design at A Glimpse of Radiance Brides that are looking for the perfect dress that reflects their own individual style and personality will find it at A G lim pse ot Radiance. O w ner Rebecca, w ho has had more than 20 years in the costum e co n struction industry and has w orked for W arner Brothers and sewn ^ * outfits lor a slew o f actors, will | the dress ot with HOME DECOR J 1 .' * - M i i SON SA LE! EV ER Y TH IN G *1 You need help shopping for the style and colours that will suit your image? You need an outfit for that "Special Event" coming up? You don't like to shop or find it overwhelming? You know you need pieces to complete your wardrobe and you're not sure what you need? i to m cr's vision, she can create any style to fit the entire bridal If you have answered yes to l or more of these questions, you need a Personal Shopper & Fashion Consultant... Deva can help! Deva shops for you and you don't have to go anywhere. We to come to you! Call Deva today for your free first consultation! W r B f (. -j. `f /y t T he 1.2(H) square foot studio located on Lakeshore Road houses not only custom wedding and bridal party gowns, but also racks o f designer g ow ns from C alifornia. which are very reasonably priced. fro m lingerie to horse blankets. Rebecca can do it all A G lim pse o f Radiance is located at L akeshore Rd. E.. l)i)5-S42-2(H)2. Deva P e rs o n a l S h o p p e rs & F a sh io n C o n s u lta n ts W W 1 905- 617-3226 ~ in fo @ d e v a sh o p p e rs.c o m Y vw vv.devashoppers.com .V a lt S a v i n g s INGEBORG SHOES L a rg e st S e le c tio n of . . MEMBERSHIP PAYS! 4 ||0 / SEWING CLUB MEMBERS SAVE V V /O ON ANY ITEM NOT ALREADY ON SALE! H O M E ACCESSORIES Membership Pays! Irrh'ing \o w at I'abricland! Not a Member? Become a Member today1 The current membership year began September 1st, and there are plenty of opportunities to SAVE Ask for a brochure today' Jo«n now and save through August 31,2004 NEV.' MEMBERS - $15 00 GST included RENEWALS, SENIORS & STUDENTS -S12.50 GST included Details in-store Famous European Brand Names All B irk e n s to c k & M e p h is to on S a le now ! h . jM MEPHISTO M JL Check out our selection o f vases, baskets planters to com plete your decor statement. Individually priced. In trod uctory Offer! M e m b e rs S a v e O ff Our Reg Price Non-Mem bers Save 20% Off Our Reg Price Choose trom Special Selections Irauang HAMLET TRIMMINGS Cords lasses ! abaci 3 'in g ts Indnduai'y pnced New 60% Off Our Reg ^ c e L' SC [ P A · ·· · . , , pr .. 3 selection vanes per stae Now 60% Oft Out Reg Price DISCONT V (ED DRAPER - HARDWARE Selection vanes per s!cre N o* 66% Off Oa Reg Pnce FASHION WOOL S WOOL BLEND COLLECTION 150cm wde incudes assorted flannels, gatorines S cnedis Our Reg 24 S8 m N ow ' 2 45 m 50% neker 1 W EEK O N L Y - S E P T E M B E R 15-21 ENTIRE IN-STORE STOCK! McCALL'S PATTERNS ONLY 2,49 EACH ^ D0RND0RF n d S P tJ F o fo re v e r youngnew s .com \i h nx ; BIRKENSTOCK " Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9 to 5 Sun. 11 Ip 4 ` Excluding promotional goods & ends. In stock only. Offer valid September 15-28,2003. Am azing collection o f shoes ...s p e c ia liz in g in w ide w idths for fashion and com torl OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 R e b e c c a St. O A K V IL L E 844-7728 INGEBORG'S WAREHOUSE 1681 RNFAR COURT, WSSISSAUGA Infoiine: 1-88 8-78 0 -0 3 3 3 W ebsite: w w w .fabricland.ca (905) 823-7415 ,y . w v w u r c r v PERSONAl FITNESS & SPORTS THERAPY STUDIO W `ATTIVO p e r s o n a l Fi t ness Sports T h e rap y ·* B a l a n c e · High DELACOR STUDIO H i W k *4 k * t r f i b t t w . .. U V X '/tX Dress ( A um U e l//> Performance T ra inin g Room la d ie s w e a r furnishings h o m e a c c e s s o ry d e c o ra tiv e glass r/'on iTJw rF u lf e ATTIVO 2 4 1 6 M arine Dr. Bronte harbouiv.Oakville', v, f (905) 827-0010 vvww.»uns<f ococlodifp9.com __________ ARRIVALS Rejuvenate aging o r su n -dam aged skin w ith Drop by and enter our draw to win $250 worth of Get yo u r h a ir s ty le d & coloured, have a pedicure & m anicure & enjoy the b e n e fits o f a reflexology tre a tm e n t. MEDICAL MICRODERMABRASION · LINDA LUNDSTROM fashions. No purchase necessary. Draw date Sept. 21/03 Safe · R elaxing · N o n -S u rg ic a l · Im m e d ia te R esults Fine Lines & wnnkles Age spots / superficial pigmentation Uneven or granular skin General exfoliation 'eiuvenation Enlarged or oily pores B lackheads / Whiteheads Uneven Skin tone Post-traumatic pigmentation Conditions Treated Successfully Include · · · · · · · · · Acne Scars 25% Off P arisian P66l M edical M icroderm abrasion Coiffure Prestige 67 Bronte Rd.. #6. Oakville ( 905 ) 827-6566 with the ad 67 Bronte.Road, Oakville 905.469.4278 - www.victorianspa.com 2442 lakeshore Rd. W. at Bronte Rd O akville 905 465-0068 -