Got Psoriasis? II Local kayaker 7 on world podium S ports Fall into this year's ^ hottest styles S e c t io n c M A Metroland Publication Vol. 40 No. I l l O S T A W A R D E D C O M M U WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 2003 5 6 Pages S l.00 (plus CSX) U SIN G C O M M U N I C A T IO N TO BUILD B E T T E R C O M M U N I T I E S " Liberals and Tories send in big guns to win support Thank you E m e r g e n c y tr ib u te w o r k e r s in c lu d e s te a r fu l th a n k y o u fr o m r e s c u e d w o m a n Franklin promises to fight gridlock By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAR-' W ith O ntario T rans portation M inister Frank Klees at his side. O akville Progressive C onservative candidate K urt Franklin promised to fight gridlock for his constituents. S peaking to about 50 sup porters at a fundraising l u n c h e o n M o n d a y . F ranklin com m itted h im self to championing local transporta tion concerns at Q ueen's Park. Franklin, a Ward 6 local and regional councillor, said he has knocked on 5.00(1 doors and has found a major concern o f Oakville residents is the tim e they spend behind the w heel of their car or on the GO station platform. "These are issues we need to keep bringing up with the prbvincial governm ent." said Franklin. Topping Franklin's list of possible solutions w as the w idening o f the Q EW "as it was planned 20 years ago." he said. Franklin listed as other ways o f easing local grid lock: G O expulsion, a transit plan along Hwy. 407 and a right-of-w ay north of Toronto., Klees fell in with his fel low Tory candidate by pro m oting gridlock relief via additional GO tracks. (S e e T ra n s p o rta tio n ' p a g e A 2) F ly n n s a y s v o te rs w a n t to c le a n h o u s e By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF It's a myth that Oakville is dyed so Tory blue, says Greg Sorbara, that the colour schem e ca n 't be changed in the Oct. 2 election. Sorbara. President o f the O ntario Liberal Party^and Chair of the Provincial L i b e r a l E l e c t i o n C o m m i 11 e e . said M onday d uring a pro m otional stop for O akville Liberal co n ten d er K evin Flynn that voters are less interested in partisanship than they are in giHxl gov ernment. For that reason, he said. O ntarians are in the mood for real change. "It's as strong as I'v e seen it in 10 years." he said. Flynn explained that dur ing his door-knocking, peo ple are interested in various issues from healthcare to education but that "th eir eyes light up" when cleaning house at Q u ee n 's Park com es up in conversation. "It's not necessarily as blue as you think." he said. Clearly bolstered by this possible sea-change. Flynn explained that the cam paign is at a critical juncture where his team has to pull out all the stops. "W e're at the point we can push it over th t top." he (S e e L ib e ra ls ' p a g e A 2 ) By Craig MacBride SPECIAL TO THE REAVER An outpouring o f appreciation accompanied the usual Sunday morning service at St. John's United Church this week. With workers representing the fire and police departments and emergency medical services (EM S). the church paid tribute to their dedication to their danger ous line o f work. The most touching moment was an intense speech given by Karan Hobley. a survivor of a horrific accident on the QEW on Aug. 1. Hit from behind by a truck, her car was lodged beneath a cube van while it burned. O akville Fire D epartm ent Deputy C hief John de Hooge arrived on the scene with other members o f the fire department to find extensive tire damage to all three vehicles. They also found that Hobley was still trapped in her car. "With apparent disregard for their own lives," said Hobley. "they saved mine." Hobley. still recovering in a wheel chair. cried while she remembered the accident and the bravery of those who got her out of the crumpled car. where she expected, at the time, to die. "A lifetime o f thank yous doesn't seem to be enough." she said, "but because of you I have a lifetime to try." M ayor Ann M ulvale and Halton Regional Councillor Fred Oliver urged everyone not to take emergency workers for granted. Recalling the recent blackout that saw many officers directing traffic, and gen erally helping out. O liver said, "they were among the heroes who guided us through darkness." Mulvale reminded the full church that "we are truly blessed to live in Halton and Oakville." yet there are still 30.800 emergency calls in Halton per year, and 84 per day in Oakville alone. Without the paramedics and the fire and police departments "to protect and provide help for people they have never met before and likely will never see again," those calls for help would go unanswered. O n ta r io V o te s Jill Kitchener · Special to the O akville Beaver It w as a p o ig n a n t m o m en t at St. J o h n 's U nited C h u rc h S u n d ay w hen a tearfu l K a ra n H oblev took th e p o d iu m to publicly th a n k th e fire fig h ters w ho ig nored th e ir ow n safety to free h e r from a b u r n ing c a r on th e Q E W la st m o n th . All-candidates meeting Friday An all-candidates meeting for the three provincial election candidates in the O akville riding is being held on Friday night at F algarw ood Public School. The m eeting is from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Falgarw ood Public School. 1385 G ainsborough Dr. The m eeting will deal with four top ics o f discussion, education, environ ment. health care and housing. To date this is the only public all candidates meeting scheduled for the Oakville riding and N orm a Jean Calder. chair o f the Com m ittee for an Informed Electorate, organizer o f the event, urges resident to attend. "It is supposed to be an educational evening." said Calder. " O ur m andate is for it to be educational. It's sort o f a Civics 101. It's a chance for voters to becom e inform ed." C alder said all three candidates -- K urt F ranklin, o f the P rogressive C onservatives. K evin Flynn, o f the (S e e M e e tin g ' p a g e A 2 ) INSIDE Editorials........ ........A6 Update............. .......D5 Focus ............. ........B1 Fashion............ ....... Cl Sports............. .........D1 Classifieds....... .........D2 l-M IM llW ivm : Staples Husiness, Stoney O ttk Fumlurv, Salwtian Army. The llaoster, TheH tni. Ifame Daput. Knift. Hurt Frmkiin. Haim, hmachnv. .Suta Chrfet. fhdtun Busnvss Tones (Support Your Local C arrier) CanaOan Puoncatona Mai Product *435 -JO l S V L C DELIVERY For hrm e defarry A iiuum rr ie n v e nail (905) 945-Q742 A/m. lues.. & Thun. v am. -6 p.m. UiiZ tSc Fri 9 a m S pm . or Satuniiv 10 ant 4 p m. For fk'x lubiinpaimx call IVOS) 845-9742 or itsbicribe online @ » vh: « lUrbeiitrrcvm Jill Kitchener- S pecial to the O akville B eaver TA STE O F A U TU M N : Seven-year-old Bry an B eard sin k s his teeth into a co b o f c o rn at D ow ntow n O akv ille's a n n u a l A u tu m n F estival on S atu rd ay . Besides th e co rn ro ast, th e event in clu d ed a p a n c a k e b re a k fa st, sid ew alk sale, free hay rid es, a ja z z b a n d , a r tis a n s ' d isp lay s a n d a b e a r an d w ine ta stin g pavilion. FLYER DELIVERY Quantities as low as 1000 0*905-845-3824 Dodge G ra n d C a ra v a n D ON 'T MISS IT. PURCHASE F IN A N C IN G Fmths. on most Dodge, Jeep & Chrysler vehicles fo r up to 60 LOCKWi H R 175 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville F,VE STAR 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .6 6 5 3 c e r t if i e d (between Kerr & Dorval) Fw0sw'ct>nif^D^mhip