r The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 12, 2004 - 29 -a j . j i i vcS) you could WIN All-inclusive Trips weekdays at 7:45 am* 12:45 pm, 3:45 pm, and 5:45 pm! ---------------- listen to WINfro m ---------------Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver COFFEE HOUSE FUNDRAISER: Jordan Duarte of The Redemptions per formed at a recent St Mildred's Lightbourn School coffee house concert in the school gymnasium organized by students to raise money for the Children's Wish Foundation. OAKVILLE CORPORATE CENTRE - 690, 7 0 0 & 7 1 0 DORVAL DRIVE The Oakville Corporate Centre, prom inently located on Dorval Drive, im m ediately south of the Q.E.W., is an exceptional three building complex. Located w ithin minutes from downtown Oakville, a host of restaurants and other amenities, the Oakville Corporate Centre provides a range of quality office suites at com petitive occupancy rates. With close proxim ity to Hwys. 403 and 407, the Oakville Corporate Centre provides businesses w ith a stable address and the opportunity to com pete while attracting and retaining quality staff. It's O a k v ille 's C e n tre fo r B u sine ss! Please v is it: www.morguard-occ.com INVESTMENTS Morguand Investments Limited mtzm (905) 281-3800 For Leasing Enquiries, call: Greg Mounsey* Manager, Office Leasing Direct Line: (905) 615-1407 ` Salesperson