Oakville Beaver, 12 Mar 2004, p. 46

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46 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 12, 2004 B ill cars for sale 1977 M ercedes B enz- Sole o w n e r, 1 2 4 ,0 0 0 m ile s , c o n v e rtib le w ith h a rd a nd s o ft-to p . G oo d c o n d itio n . Never been driven in snow. $10.OOO.obo 905-333-1136 1994 H onda A ccord LX, 4d o o r, 5 -s p e e d , m a n u a l, white, am/fm cassette stereo, 2 0 4 ,0 0 0 k m , $ 4 5 0 0 O .B .O . 905-567-3258 ___ 1 9 9 5 H O N D A C iv ic LS 4 door, standard 5-speed, blue, 120,000 kms., air, certified, e -te s te d , $ 67 00 . 9 05 2 5 7 2 4 6 4 . ________________ 1 9 8 9 P o n tia c F ir e b ird - 6 c ylin d er, auto, fu lly loaded, good run nin g c o n d itio n , no d e n ts, so m e rust. D riven daily. E-tested. $2500. 905681-0929 ______ ______ 199 4 B u ic k C e n tu ry , a llo y w h e e ls , p s /p b , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n , 1 7 1 K, e -te s te d , c e r tifie d . $4300. 9053 3 7 -2 7 0 8 ; b b e n n e tt 1 0 3 ® cogeco.ca ______ _____ 1991 H o nd a A cco rd - EXFt, 238km, Recently certified/ Etested. Sunroof. Air. $3,200. 905-689-1834_______ 1 9 9 2 P o n tia c B o n n e v ille , w h ite , g re y in te r io r , S S E , 1 9 5 K , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n $ 4 2 0 0 . C a ll a fte r 5 pm o r le a v e m e s s a g e 9 0 5 -6 8 9 _________________ 5613 W± ( l i r l cars wanted PRE -O W N E D , unw anted or s c ra p v e h ic le s w a n te d . Reasonable prices paid! 9055 4 7 -7 5 3 7 ; P ag e r 9 0 5 -7 7 7 5637 ______________ S C R A P C a rs & T ru c k s w a n te d . F re e P ic k -u p we cover environmental disposal costs. Auto parts also sold! Highest cash prices paid, fast p ic k -u p . L ic e n s e d A u to W re c k e r. 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -8 0 1 5 Oakville___________________ f i f l l l trucks for sale 1989 Chev 1/2 ton p/u,w/cap, 305, runs good, 195k. Some rust, $2500. 905-529-8484 JO B SEARCH W ITH RESULTS! EXPERIENCED WORKERS EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Discover How To: Y A young man (28) with autism and his family (Burlington) are looking for 2 energetic, enthusiastic and sociable individuals to act as: W A N T E D : Flat bed work for Southern Ontario and Michigan. Experience preferred. Hom e weekends. Benefits. P e r s o n a l A s s is ta n ts ( P a r t T im e ) $20/hour +travel expenses; 10-20 hours per week A Z D R IV E R S S · · · · H a ir t y lis ts Build a Career · id e n tify y o u r k e y s tr e n g th s a n d s k ills ·W rite e ffe c tiv e re s u m e s a n d le tte rs ·U se th e In te r n e t a n d p o s t y o u r re s y m e -P ro m o te y o u rs e lf in a n in t e r v ie w You Must Be: ·45 y e a rs o f a g e o r o ld e r ·U n e m p lo y e d a n d s e e k in g w o r k Located a t 460 Brant St, U n it 12 in B urlin gto n 905 -681-3356 ext 21 www.experlencedworkers.ca Cfindcid Aesthetics Cosmetology Aromatherapy S w w w .Lubam era.com TRAIN FOR A NEW CAREER FREE INFO PACKAGE ARE YOU· A gentle, compassionate, flexible & creative thinker who values honesty & integrity · Passionate about building relationships, networking and creating community involvement opportunities? · Sensitive to issues of inclusion/ exclusion? · W illing to take direction from and collaborate with family members and friends? · Available to work every other Saturday (6 hrs) + one evening (3 hrs) per week? · Able to commit for a minimum of one year? D0Y0U· Enjoy providing respectful personal care & assistance with daily living activities? · Have related post secondary education (university degree preferred) · Maintain active lifestyle to keep pace with a highly fit young man? · Have a reliable vehicle and a responsible driving record? · Look forward to joining a team of talented individuals who are eager to enhance the I of this young man? IF THE ANSWER IS YES· Please e-mail your resume and cover letter detailing your related interests, experience and skills by March 26,2004 to: fjm cn a ir@ h o tm a il.co m P R E M IU MPA Y STARTSAT$9.25/H R. + Commission & Bonus Unbeatable benefits Equipment provided Advanced updating Apprentices welcome Call Sam antha Call: B e s t T r a n s fe r 5 1 9 - 8 5 3 - 5 7 7 3 - E x t. 6 or 1 -8 0 0 -8 6 2 -1 4 7 0 - E x t. 6 SCALE ATTENDANT M/F A Local Scrap Metal Recycling Facility is currently looking for a motivated person to fill this position. The succesful candidate must have the ability to handle a fast pace environment and possess good clerical skills. We offer a starting salary of $14.50 per hour with an attractive benefit package and long term employment. Apply in person ONLY a t: 905-3 08-6 118 www.firstchoice.com Dominion Nickel Alloys 834 Appleby Line, Burlington *no phone calls please* B U S Y In su ra n ce o ffice re quires experienced customer s e rv ic e p ro fe s s io n a l. M ust h a ve a th o ro u g h u n d e r stan d ing of com puters, fast le a rn e r, w o rk w e ll u n d e r pressure and have advanced pro ble m s o lvin g skills. Fax resume to: 905-639-3272 J O B F a ir! G re e n T h um b L a n d s c a p in g , M a rc h /1 6 th 8 a m -4 p m . L a n d s c a p e rs , la w n a nd g ard e n m a in te n a n c e , tu r f m a n a g e m e n t. Bring resume and samples of w ork. S tudents with related experience welcome. Prefer e n c e g iv e n to a p p lic a n ts s e e k in g f u ll- tim e c a re e r. C ontact: info@ greenthum b. on.ca for more information W E E D M A N re q u ire s Lawn C a re T e c h n ic ia n s . Fu ll T ra in in g provided. Driver's abstract required. Full-tim e w inter work available. Apply in person : 729 W e lle r Crt, b e tw e e n 4 th lin e /D o rv a l, O akville; call 905-827-1441; Fax: 905-827-1499.________ LIVE-IN housekeeper/ Super relief, full-time for residential h ig h ris e in B u rlin g to n . 2bedroom apartm ent +salary and b enefits. Mature adults o n ly. Fax re su m e to: 9 05 6 3 7 -4 0 3 2 or e m a il sregular@ minto.com 905 6 81-7882 1-888-809-5559 515 JOHN ST. BURLINGTON SCHOOL OF AESTHETICS & COSMETOLOGY L u b a M e ra es BURLINGTON FOUNDATION A young man (28) with autism and his family (Burlington) are looking for an enthusiastic and sociable individual- JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. $11-$12/hr. All shifts available. Fax resume to: M A G IC U T S - n e w s a lo n o pening B urlington mall. All positions available including: S a lo n M a n a g e r, A s s t. M a n a g e r ( lic e n c e s ty lis ts needed fo r the se p ositions) and Hairstylists. We offer an excellent salary/com m ission, bonuses, b e n e fits , equipment, fun contests, on g o in g te c h n ic a l tra in in g . A n d re a 1 -8 8 8 -8 8 8 -7 7 7 8 extl 546 _____ R E C E P T IO N IS T / M a ke -u p A rtis t w a n te d P a rt-tim e fo r O a k v ille S a lo n . R e ta il experience an asset. Drop off re s u m e a t " W o m a n " 128 R e y n o ld s S tr e e t o r F ax resume to: 905-337-0740 Running Coach/ Personal Assistant · Passionate about running, hiking, biking and swimming · Long distance running experience essential (Boston preferred) · Implement training program including reqular races, weekly group run (evening) and early morning long group run on Saturday or Sunday · Must be sensitive to issues of inclusion/ exclusion · Must enjoy providing respectful personal care and assistance · `Related post-secondary education required (university preferred) · Need reliable vehicle and responsible driving record · One-year commitment essential $20 -$25/hour (depending on qualifications) +travel expenses; 7-10 hours/ week E-mail your resume and cover letter detailing your related interests, experience and skills, ' (including current times for 5K, 10K, half and full marathon) by March 26,2004 to fjm cn a ir@ h o tm a il.co m . HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 W E L D E R / F itte r n e e d e d im m e d ia te ly fo r both sh op / m o b ile . M u s t be C W B c e r tifie d . W e e k e n d w o rk required. Fax resum e 905335-6881 A R B O R IS T , e x p e rie n c e d , re q u ir e d by e x p a n d in g O a kville co m p a n y. Fa m iliar w /b u c k e t tru c k o p e ra tio n s , c lim b in g , ro p in g , rig g in g , fe rtiliz in g . V a lid DZ d rive r's licence. Please send resume w / d r iv e r 's a b s tra c t in confidence to: 5691 Roseville C o u rt, B u rlin g to n , O n ta rio L7L 6V3 SAW-WHET GOLF CLUB requires F/T & P/T · Pro Shop · Kitchen help ·M aintenance help The Burlington Community Foundation actively serves the people of B u rlin g to n by a ttra c tin g perm anent charitable capital and providing grants, leadership and services that enhance the health and vitality of our community. The Community Foundation is seeking a dynamic EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR to help lead the organization successfully into the future. The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors and supports a core of volunteers in areas of fund developm ent, grant m aking, com m unications, finance, investment and community leadership. The successful candidate must demonstrate: Eflil general help wanted RBI general help wanted general help wanted 1999-1/2 Nissan P ath find e r 4 x 4 - a u to , lo a d e d , p .s ., p o w e r s u n ro o f, c lim a te control, leather, etc. 8700km. $17,500.obo. 905-332-9763 School Bus Drivers "After I retired, I found the days were pretty long and dull - then I saw an ad for parttime School Bus Driver that perked my interest. I cant say enough how it's changed m y life! Every day, I'm greeted with dozens o f wonderful smiles and the feeling that these children depend on me. It' s wonderfully fulfilling, each day is a treat!" Apply in person on IM arch 13,10-2pm or IMarch20,10-2pm or mail resume: 1401 Bronte Rd., Oakville ON L6M 4G3 No phone calls please! A u to m o tiv e Painter Full-Time exp'd painter BC/CC knowledge & 5years minimum exp. mandatory. Great wages & full benefits. Fully equipt busy collision centre. "Excellent Working Conditions" Call 905-689-9812 or after 7 p.m. call 905-577-3177 LO TP E R S O N required M ANAGER, B u rlin g to n based non-profit organization is lo o k in g fo r a m a tu re community minded individual w ith e x c e lle n t v e rb a l a nd w r itte n c o m m u n ic a tio n , o rg a n iz a tio n a l. & co m p u te r skills. "Team player", able to a tte nd even in g m e e tin g s & pro vide own tra n sp o rtatio n, e-m ail resum e to: youth fe st burlington @ bell net.ca · Exceptional organizational, interpersonal and communication skills · Experience in asset development & fundraising · Knowledge of the Burlington community The successful candidate w ill be an outgoing and highly motivated person who w ill provide leadership and vision to meet the challenges ahead as the foundation moves into a period of growth and expansion. Salary is n e go tiab le -com m e nsurate w ith q u a lific a tio n s and experience. Please submit resumes by April 1,2004 to: The Burlington Community Foundation 1349 Plains Rd. E. Burlington, ON L7R 3P7 Fax 905-639-2716 Email Christine.kempe@sympatico.ca We thank all applicants for their interest but only those selected for an interview will be contacted Bill, retiree, bus driver - 5 years running... LA ·free training · regular part-time hours · competitive wages · your preschool children may ride with you! If you have a few hours a day to spare and enjoy the company of children - then please contact us to see how this can be a rewarding opportunity for you! 1-877-914-kids (5437), Laidlaw Education Services Opportunities currently available throughout Oakville, Burlington & Flamborough. e-mail: comeaboard@lpsg.com Person must be dependable, organized and have valid drivers licence. Please contact: Michael Heesen or Paul Trimble at TOWNE CHEV OLDS 905-844-2320 Fax: 905-844-1497 townechev.com CO O K , part-tim e , including w e e k e n d s , V illa g e M a n o r R e tire m e n t hom e in Waterdown, is looking for an experienced cook. If you are a te a m p la y e r a nd h ave a genuine iove for seniors, Fax resume 905-689-8210. S H O P P E R S D ru g M a rt is now a ccep ting a pp lica tio ns fo r o u r n ew lo c a tio n . T h e fo llo w in g p o s itio n s a re a v a ila b le : f u ll- tim e s to c k m e rc h a n d is e rs , A s s is ta n t fro n t s to re m a n a g e r. A p p lic a tio n s s h o u ld be dropped off at 240 Leighland Ave. Oakville Place Mall. salon & spa help BU R LIN G TO N Retail store requires a janitor for full-tim e e m p lo y m e n t. C a n d id a te s m u st h ave a v a lid d riv e rs lic e n c e , re la te d w o rk e x p e rie n ce and be a b le to p ro v id e re fe re n c e s . C o m p e titiv e s a la ry , fu ll benefits and day time hours. Contact the store manager at 319-3330__________________ summer employment EH ^ g en eral help wanted W E a re lo o k in g fo r ke y p e o p le to e x p a n d o u r financial services business in th is a re a . E x p e rie n c e n o t necessary. We will train. For an interview call Nancy Gray at 9 05 -6 81 -5 5 15 x27____ W EEKLY P aycheques. C om pany needs help fillin g out sim ple w orksheets. Call 1 -8 0 0 -2 7 9 -0 0 1 9 e xtC P 7 o r www.opportunity-depot. com D.J.'s required, entertaining personality, training pervided, m o b ile fu n c tio n s , v e h ic le re q u ire . F ax re s u m e 9 0 5 842-3127 _____________ C A N A D IA N T ire D undas is looking for an experience full tim e a u to m o tiv e p a rts c o u n te r p e rs o n . M u s t be available nights /w eekends. F ax re s u m e to : 9 0 5 -6 2 8 6222 Attention Tim HELP W anted- Seasonal full tim e fa rm w o rk , J u ly .1 .Nov.1. Manual field labour. Min. W age. Own tra n sp o r ta tio n m a n d a to ry . Fa x resume to 905-659-3286 K N O W L E D G E A B L E P /T C o s m e tic S a le s S ta ff re q u ire d fo r e v e n in g s and weekends. Apply toShoppers Drug M art 520 K err S treet, O a k v ille O n ta rio o r fa x resume to 905-845-3407 U P S C A LE , n ew re tire m e n t fa c ility in O akville (opening A pril 2004) seeks P art-tim e Recreation Staff. Competitive sa lary E xperience required. Fax resume with cover letter. 1-905-883-3814; Call Staci 1905-883-3662 TEACH English! Tesol, Tesl, courses Starting soon. Job g u a ra n te e ! C a n a d ia n C ollege of Teachers. G reat c a re e r o p p o rtu n itie s . Fo r in fo rm a tio n c a ll: 9 0 5 -8 9 6 0000. O r check our website. w w w .B E a T E A C H E R .c a S p e c ia l o ffe r 2 fo r 1. certification $595. OAKVILLE summer position available for full/part tim e to be trained as therapist for a n ine y e a r old a u tis tic boy. Must be a college/university stu d e n t, own v e h ic le is an asset. Fax resum e to 9 056 3 7 -3 9 9 5 o r ca ll 9 0 5 -6 3 7 1883. _________________ E l * Wi I salon & spa help C A S A B LA N C A S alon a nd Spa looking fo r enthusiastic team professionals. Positions available:Associate Assistant stylist 1 -yr m inim um e xpe r ience. Esthetician minim um 2 y r e x p e rie n c e , re s u m e required. 905-637-9191 HAIRSTYLIST w a nte d- Full tim e , fo r fa s h io n fo rw a rd salon in Burlington. Clientele preferred. Please call Koupi Studio 905-637-7800 I office-clerical S E N IO R C itiz e n re q u ire s services of Oakville person to tra n s c r ib e v e rb a l d ia ry . D ic ta tio n over s e v e ra l s ittin g s , a t c o n v e n ie n c e of t r a n s c r ib e r . P a y m e n t by m u tu a l a g r e e m e n t. A p p ly w /q u a lific a tio n s to: O a kville B e a v e r, 4 6 7 S p e e rs Rd. Oakville L 6 K 3S4, Box#6435 CLERK/ R e c e p tio n is t: re q u ir e d f o r b u s y h e a lth service office, Bronte area. T h u rs d a y s & F rid a y s & 2 w eeks in sum m er. Mature & e xpe rie n ced ca nd id ate s fax resume to 905-827-1538. B O O K K E E P E R re q u ire d part-time for small Burlington R e al E s ta te o ffic e . P le ase call Diana, 905-631-9200. FU LL-TIM E O ffice A ssistant re q u ir e d im m e d ia te ly by sm all M ississau g a softw are firm . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s to in clu d e re c e p tio n is t d utie s, a ssisting A ccount M anagers & g e n e ra l o ffic e fu n c tio n s . Please apply by sending your resume to: jobs@ datex.ca P A R T -T IM E p o s itio n F le xib le h o u rs som e w e e k ends required. Strong com p u te r k n o w le d g e e sse n tia l. E m ail re su m e to burlington ©.ca RECEPTIO NIST required for busy collision centre in west M is s is s a u g a . F a x re s u m e 905-828-5687______________ B IL IN G U A L A d m in is tra tiv e A s s is ta n t re q u ire d im m e d ia te ly fo r B u rlin g to n office, to answer phones and g e n e ra l o ffic e d u tie s . M ust have pleasant phone manner a n d p r o fic ie n t c o m p u te r skills. $10-$12 / per hour Fax resume to Tara at 905-6378589 by April/1 st E T T il general help wanted Efli] general help wanted S a f e .S ec u r e .O n - t im e BURLINGTON POST WAREHOUSE Day & evening shifts available. Must have safety shoes. Please see Rob at 4057 Fairview St. East door of Clegg Glass Building ww w.Laidlawschoolbus.com IM P O S T OAKVILLE BEAVER CIRCULATION DEPTARTMENT Is currently looking for a Contract Driver to deliver bundles to our carriers. Must be reliable with own van and valid drivers license. To submit your bid please contact: Alex Calhoun at One of Oakville's Premier Salons requires the following personnel: Production Supervisor Required for Steady Afternoons Responsible for maintaining quality of product, planning of manpower requirements, supervision of hourly employees, achievement of production objectives, compliance with health and safety regulations. Minimum 3 years supervisory experience in a high volume or assembly operation. Exceptional communication, organizational and problem-solving skills required. Submit a detailed resume to: Salon Manager* F/T Lie. Stylist with not less than 5 years exp. E xp. Hairstylists Full or part-time with not less than 3 years exp. Please call Kym @ 905-849-8808 Ext221 or send resume to: kymm@bellnet.ca skilled & technical hellp Dana Corporation Long Manufacturing Human Resources Department 1400 Advance Rd, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 6L6 Fax: 905-825-8425 No phone calls please. Only those selected for an interview w ill be contacted. C L E A N E R S n e e d e d fo r O a k v ille s h o p p in g c e n tre . V a rio u s p o s itio n s & sh ifts . M u s t be a b le to s ta r t im m e d ia te ly . V e h ic le an asse t. P le a se fa x to Jo hn , ____ 905-848-9806. R O O F E R S & L a b o u re rs n e e d e d . M u s t h a v e ow n tra n s p o rta tio n . D ave 9 05 3 3 6 -6 6 7 9 O a k v ille ·/ Burlington/ M ississauga area. O A K V ILLE F u rn iture S tore hiring sales, warehouse staff & tru ck driver. C all M arion 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -3 6 5 3 o r 9 0 5 -8 0 2 2871______________________ C L E A N E R S re q u ire d fo r O akville grocery store. Must be able to start im mediately. E x p e rie n c e d p re fe rre d . . C o n tr a c t or e m p lo y e e p o s itio n s a v a ila b le . F ax Scott: 519-754-1124. 515 skilled & technical hellp acalhoun@oakvillebeaver.com or fax 905-337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE E N G IN E E R O akville based aerospace manufacturer requires an electrical/hydraulic interconnection engineer. You w ill work independently and liaise with our customers to develop, design, document and qualify interconnection systems for use in harsh environments. The successful candidate w ill be multi-disciplinary, have several years of design experience using CAD software (prefer Catia), sound knowledge of mechanical and material disciplines with good interpersonal skills and attention to detail. Please forward your resume to PO Box 6436 c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Road., Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 B U R L IN G T O N based la n d s c a p in g c o m p a n y is h irin g fo r th e fo llo w in g p o s itio n s : G ro u n d s m a in te n a n c e c re w le a d e r ($ 1 3 /h r.), G ro u n d s m a in te n a n c e la b o u re r, g e n e ra l la b o u re r. A ll positions start April 1st. Fax re su m e & p ositio n you are applying for to: 905-331-7115 ^ sales help & agents W ANTED te le m a rk e te r . Finacial services experience. C om petitive rates. Call 905849-8666 ext. 25

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