Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 5559) Fax: 905-337-5567 email: W l ;i ) N l u S I ) . \ Y . N ( > V 1 iM I M - H 12. 2 (X X i · I HI .ARTSCENE Photos by Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver Magical performance T h e sold-out au d ien ce at th e O ak v ille C e n tre fo r th e P e rfo rm in g A rts w ere tre a te d to th e m u sic o f M o z art a n d the dazzling c h o re o g ra p h y o f M a rk G o o d en in th e Royal W innipeg B allet's (RW B ) p ro d u ctio n o f T h e M agic F lu te on F rid a y n ig h t. C o m b in in g d a n c e a n d o p e ra . T h e M agic F lu te b len d ed com edy, ro m an ce a n d fantasy into a vlsually -sp ec ta cu la r tale o f a jo u r n e y fro m d a r k n e s s in to light. Milan Design specializes in fine decorative painting and customized faux finishes for the high-end residential and commercial market. .li.a r ^ i i. r ~ ir .y r ^ ir r s Today marks the Grand Opening of the new Studio and Art Gallery located in Oakville at 481 North Service Road, Unit A30. 905-845-7007 An open house is being held between 4 & 8 pm today and the public is invited to drop by to Let u« §heJ some light on ik e la le il J e iig n concept* (o r yo u r liom e o r office. meet the owners and see samples of customized faux finishes, murals, trompe I'oeil, painted furniture, mouldings and fine art work. The craftsmanship and design are exquisite. Owners Ellen Dean and W esLoak e l e c t r i c l t d 416.720.3511 w e sto a ke le ctric@ sym p Milan's creative team consists of local talent plus his sister Zdenka Kovakikova. well-known m Slovakia far h a original watercolours and operating an art gallery, and her husband Stano Kovalcik Milan Yantowch. Ellen manages the business and marketing while Milan manages the a rte l* side. When Milan develops a design concept, he takes into account the functionality of the spacei the permanent elements and the dients personal preferences to create a harmonious flow · RESIDENTIAL · COMMERCIAL · INDUSTRIAL · STRUCTURED CABLING · BUCKET TRUCK · 24 HOUR SERVICE · LIGHTING DESIGN well known for his oil paintings and a former teacher of art and wood carving.