Oakville Beaver, 12 Nov 2003, B4

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B4 - The O akville Beaver, W ednesday N o vem b er 12, 2003 BERTIN STABLES 3 indoor riding arenas. Classes available for children, teenagers and adults all year round. · Weekday Lessons 4/S 107 or 535/Lesson · Friday Hoof-Pick Club 6pm-8:30pm · Saturday at Farm I0am-3pm $40 (Children 5-12 yrs.) Canada's Largest English Riding School Sheridan Interior Design students present Saturation S a tu r a tio n a new exhibition by the Interior D esign stu d en ts at the S h erid an In stitu te o f T ech n o lo g y and A dvanced L earning is on display until Nov. 21. T he show, w hich focuses on the dynam ics o f co lo u r in interior spaces, is in T he G allery at S h erid an 's T rafalgar Road cam p u s in O akville. Interior D esign at S heridan is a three-year, p o st-seco n d ary d iplom a program that prepares students for p ro fessio n al careers as interior designers. T he program is distin g u ish ed by its practical, hands-on approach that includes educational field trips and w ork p lacem en ts to bu ild a stro n g p o rtfo lio o f in d iv id u al designs. For the past three years, the p ro g ram 's students have been am ong the w inners in the A ssociation o f R egistered Interior D esigners o f O ntario (A R ID O ) S tudent Aw ards Program . 3445 D um ta W(H w y *5). O okvJIe (M/2 M ilesW es) of H w y #25] (905) 827*4678 website www .bertinstobles.com e-mail: bertin,a`w ebtv.nel Ihere'sso much m o reto LaZBo}'! trom s 999"' Royal School Of Ontario An Accredited Co-educational Private School from Grade 5-12 Peter C. McCusker* Oakville Beaver L A -Z -D O Y FURNITURE® GALLERIES BURUNGTON POWER CENTRE QlWiSSJUdSIHFT* (905)3317600 Mai-fri 9om-9 p m , S o l 9arn-4 p m .S o n .1 0on-S p m T heatre S heridan's production of M an o f Im M ancha features Tom Delbello as Don Q uixote, and M att Boden as Sancho Panza. T he aw ard-w inning musical based on Miguel de C ervante's original 1615 novel Don Quixote debuts tonight at T heatre Sheridan. Open House every Saturday and Sunday 10am to 3pm · Well-structured and continuously modified programs to cater to the needs of the everchanging technological world · Our programs are designed to prepare students who want to pursue an academic/professional career such as Medicine, Engineering in one stream and Accounting. Law in the other stream · Maximum of 10 students per class Man of La Mancha launches Theatre Sheridan's Mainstage season o f La T he aw ard -w in n in g m usical M a n M a n c h a w ill launch T heatre S h erid an 's M ainstage S eason starting CORRECTION NOTICE We apologize lor any inconvenience caused by an error in our llyer dated October 31st. The Toshiba P20-GPV Laptop(sku# 10035440). This item is incorrectly listed as containing a DVD+-RW Drive. The actual configuration is a DVD-RW drive. tonight and running through Nov. 29. P erform ances take place in T heatre S h erid an at 8 p .m ., W ednesday through Saturday. M a n o f L a M a n c h a . w ritten by Dale W asserm an w ith lyrics by Joe D arion and m usic by M itch Leigh, is b ased on e p iso d e s in M ig u el de C e rv a n te 's o rig in al 1615 novel D o n Q u ix o te . Come to Our Grand Opening This Saturday November 15,h Square One Shopping Centre at Hwys. 4 0 3 & 10, Mississauga · No need for private tutors, your child's needs will be abundantly met ENTER OUR DRAW TO WIN! Royal Ihulton W ATERFORD "Moonlight Serenade" mw $ 625 value Champagne Flutes (n-mi exclusivef $225 SWAROVSKI Antonio Paper Weights B ring in (his ad and receive a FREE G ift Speak to R epresentatives from: DEPARTMENT S fH itsID * rjn .E v e ryD * y . Also, we provide: · Weekend credit courses in most subjects during each semester · Summer Credit courses - tw o sessions, tw o new credits · University preparatory programs including Calculus, Chemistry, Physics and Economics · Private tuition in most subjects-High School and University Y ou don'l havetobea M illionaire... Toshoplikeone! We sel beautiful upscale new & used furnishings on consignment at a fractal of regular prices Feafi/ng a Sne selection of Bedroom Sutes. Dnng Room, Chandebers, Tables, Accessories. Wall Units & Armoees, Sofas. Fine M Children's Furniture. Lamps, Area Carpets, Custom S Estate Jeweiery. Garden & Outdoor. Uies indude DeBoers. G toard Thomasvte Efian Alen. Art Shoppe among others. SWAROVSKI WATERFORD 1CRYSTAL - i 2902 South Sheridan Way. Oakville, ON Tel: 905 829 2212 Email: royalschoolofontario@ bellnet.ca trading network allows us to sel your furniture quiddy at a tar price without ihe rconvenienoe. e n & i r a m It is a pow erful b lend o f tragedy, ro m an c e, co m ed y , an d adventure w hich m oves its au d ien ce through the e n tire sp e ctru m of em otion. W a sse rm a n 's D on Q u ix o te de La M ancha personifies ro m antic idealism in its purest form. T he original p ro duction prem iered off-B roadw ay in N ew York City on Nov. 22, 1965, to m ixed critical reac tion. N evertheless, the show found an audience through w ord-of-m outh, and w ent on to w in five Tony Awards, including Best M usical and Score. T ickets for M a n o f L a M a n c h a are available from the T heatre Sheridan box office. Call 905-815-4049 for more infor m ation. / OaKvllle's Best Kept Secret Culinary . Arts School CV ot Ontario CGrossw ind S & C olf counirt lub 6621 Guelph Line (1 km South of Dcrrv Rd.) 905-319-5991 present Enjoy our Traditional Roast Beef D inner Special ALL DAY SUNDAY Join us for NFL and LEAF GAMES ON OUR BIG S C R E E N 3 5 < W in g s d u rin g th e g a m e s! Christmas Parly space still a\ailable! To view o u r b a n q u e t h all, visit o u r w eb site for c o lo u r p h o to g ra p h s The Culinary Arts Supper Club FALL & W IN TER 2003 SESSION C : W e i n* f j ) i n n e / * `fv i e $ fjJ m iw Join us In supporting the Growth & Development of Aspiring Chets. Held Tuesdays at the Twisted Fork Restaurant, o u Advanced CuJnary Students win showcase their culnary creations. S tarting at 7:00 pm November 11, 18, & 25 December 2 , 9 , 16 C o st $ 3 9 .0 0 p e r p e rso n . R e se rv a tio n s re q u ire d . TWISTED FORK 67 Bronte R oad. O a k v ille The Culinary Arts School of Ontario 905.273.5588 w w w .c h e f3 c h 0 0 l.ca or w w w fwistedfork.c a ENTER TO WIN TICKETS TO TORONTO - DETROIT Det. 6th game. Ask how to win a 32" TV Daily Lunch/Dinner Specials BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY EARLY * C tn k tttil H our fr o m 7:00 -- 8:0 0 pm H ot &· C o ld B ujfet * D.J. a m i B ar se rvice u n til 2 :0 0 am * M id night B uffet serv ed w ith C h a m p a g n e * Large E legant B a n q u e t H all w ith D a n ce Floor O n ly $ 7 5 . 0 0 p e r p e r s o n F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n (9 0 5 ) .3 1 9 -5 9 9 1 www.crosswindsgolf.com 0 CRABBY JOE S ° H O T © 4U GOOD F000,0000 FUN. BAD TEMPER 1 /2 P R IC E A P P E T IZ E R S A F T E R 9 P .M .! 10 OZ. New York Centre Cut EVER Y S te a k for $ 9 .9 9 ! DAY Monday'* We're Gordon Biersch and your table Is ready. | · N ow in your neighbourh ood, a new le vel of d in in g sophistication. | · G ood tim es & great food are flowing In this m odern-day brewery restaurant where we craft our own w orid-daaa authentic lagers. | · A ppetizer and entree delights, influenced by w orld cuisines and designed to com plem ent our signature beer. NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTIES. o ' 0- ' * " H u g f" Rack of Ribs Every Thursday GUI C etlHuaUi Avaifahle EXPRESS from $4.99 IW 29c Wings | LUNCH ; | ` All day long! Tuesdays 1 1/2 Price Chicken | Fajita*! MEXICAN DEAL! Your C h r iftlin u i l 'n r t \ Vow? 2345 Trafalgar Rd. - (905) 257-9888 CRABBY XH with the purchase of an entree of equal or greater value iH E E ENTREE! i 2065 Winston P a r k D riv e (905) 829-2226 (Steps from the front doors of the AMC Theater HOT©- ·One coupon per table One coupon per person Not valid m conjunction wttn any promotion or special No cash value. Wne-ln only Please present ttw coupon upon ordering Valid a! Ihe Oakville location only. Expiry Dec 14.2003. at the comer of Winston Churchill Blvd. and the QEW) tor reservations call 9 0 5 - 8 * 4 5 - 7 7 3 1 I S 1 L ak esh o re R oad East IN DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE - FOR OVER 20 YEARS to p m OYSTER BAR & GRILLE MHK cJoseph's V X / MedHefranea Th a n k You Oakville A G A B I * ' MEDITERRANEAN RESTAURANT C U IS IN E for Voting us #1 Again ---------------------- 3K -------------------i !i J W ' f * "T/toOnly Serious Sbnfood P/aco in Town. 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