C4 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday N o vem b er 12, 2003 EARLY BIRD N O V E M B E R 7th - 16th ALTRUISTS BURSARIES: Gillian C arter, a g rad u ate from Q ueen E lizabeth P ark School, accepts a $500 b u r sary from Lee Steels of the A ltruists of O akville. The club presented 14 bursaries totaling $7,000 to double cohort g raduates from seven local high schools. T he oth er w inner at Q E P is L a u ra Yager. W inners from o th e r schools are: Iroquois Ridge, M ichelle C a n d e rla ria and H arm ony C ohen; O akville-T rafalgar, C andice Boyd and M egann Y andervliet; St. Ignatius of Loyola, Milissa M cW illiam and Tanya R um ble; St. T hom as A quinas, Jam es Gillies and C ath erin e R oberts; T. A. Blakelock. C hristine Bandy and Stacy Lee Kong; and W hite O aks, T ara M artin and M onique R alhan. s t o r e w id e * Co u p o n s f t t u . iu o c d v c c ia l s 155 !* y * 8 ·v w » > > VV H k u k We lo o k f o r w a r d to m a k in g y o u r v is it w ith us a tr u ly m e m o ra b le ex p erien ce Enjoy Our Special Serenity W inter Package Offer /IV -> -** . "V -^ 1 · M ini Facial · Manicure · Whirlpool Pedicure ^ (Approx. 2 M 2 hrs.) Offer expires Dec. 31/03 KidCheck ID clinic at Royal Bank C hild F ind O ntario is partnering up w ith RBC Royal Bank in holding a KidCheck ID session open to all parents and guardians and their children in the O akville area on Thursday. This event will be at the RBC Royal Bank. Lakeshore and Trafalgar Branch at 279 Lakeshore Rd E. T he p resentation will include a free fingerprinting session for children and an K idC heck ID d ocum ent guide with the ch ild 's infor mation that can be filled out by parents to aid them and the police should their child be reported missing. This event will also cele brate the $5,000 grant RBC has donated to the organiza tion to help fund this and many other Child Find O ntario pro grams. RBC Royal Bank and C hild Find Ontario rep resen tativ es will present the K idCheck ID ses sion from 2 - 3 p.m. T his presen tation will be open to the public. Leo the Lion. R B C 's m ascot, will be giving free gifts to each child w ho attends the session. if v a r ie t y o f p r o d u c t s f o r a l l o f D is c o v e r a w i d e · Body Treatments · Serenity Facials · Pedicures & Manicures · H air Removal · Various Spa packages YOUR H O L I D A Y G I F T 8c E N T E R T A I N I N G NEEDS' Gift Certificates are also available \1()K K IS ( ).\1 iO U S E I 2 8 3 L a k e O a k v i l l s h o r e e ( 905 ) (ju«t 827-5032 w a t o f 3 rd lin e ) . O N R d . E D o w n t o w ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 - 1 8 2 2 n 2690 WestOak Trails Blvd. w w w .sp a s e r e n i ty .c o m GET MORE. CHEVROLET VENTURE PONTIAC M O NTAN A Canada Stress urns mi SAFETY7 lecture tonight Dr. D avid P osen. local author, will speak on Stress M astery: Success Strategies to H andle Procr astination, A nger and D ifficu lt People tonight as part o f H alton H ealthcare S er vices' free Living H ea lth y lecture series. A family physi cian specializing in stress m anage ment and lifestyle counselling and a best-selling author. Dr. Posen will be presenting this entertaining and inform ative sem inar on m as tering stress. He has devoted much o f his pro fessional life to h elping people reduce stress, bal ance th eir lives and m anage change. Dr. Posen recently launched his third book The L ittle B ook o f Stress Relief. Copies will be available for sale and signing. T he lecture will be held at the 707 G alaxy B anquet H all at 475 North Service Rd. E,, east o f T rafalgar before Eighth Line. D isplays and refreshm ents will be available start ing at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Posen speaks at 7 p.m. To reserve a seat, call 905-33843 7 9 or e-m ail e little @ h a lto n healthcare.on.ca. For details on Dr. Posen, visit w w w .davidposen. com. Your Ontario Chevrolet and Pontiac Dealers could send you on a Magical Gatherings vacation for eight. Because when family and friends gather together something magical happens. Especially if it's at the W a lt Disney W orld Resort in Florida. 2 5 T R I P S FOR 8 TO BE W O N . ' W I T H T H E P U R C H A S E OR L E A S E OF A C H E V R O L E T V E N T U R E OR P O N T I A C MONTANA. 16500 O N 2003s 5 Y E A R 11 0 0 , 0 0 0 K M viWiisbu UPUUI SUBBIBSE % Q MONTHS; PLUS FINANCE CREDIT ON ALL 200 3a 32000 0"* PURCHASE FINANCING UP TO 36 MONTHS ON 2004s PLUS I'.'HI.'U.lH.iittlH | M WW I M W WfoaWAWTV FIVE STAR SAFETY RATING. On vehicles equipped with optional side air bags Chevrolet Venture and Pontiac Montana hold a 5-Star front seat rating in side impact test.A Get a Disney Gift Package worth over $ 2 0 0 including Disney merchandise, travel bag and more' 9* ri ih afy Iraa CM . Cat a tfci t t a h for i * to · full day. M*t if niarft M > y C* t M m enerQ u id e to to 2* la * t a i n * r i p it . tw Itt on o n ti t» rv ij hi n tm wtt rour m ir class tm ytan In a rww. l mh- to (far CM tafcr hr P O N T IA C For the latest Information visit us at gmcanada.com, drop by your local Chevrolet · Oldsmobile or Pontiac · Buick · GMC Dealer or call us at 1-800-GM-DRIVE. As to Disney artwork/properties ©Olsney. VNo purchase necessary Contest open to residents of Ontario and Quebec 18 and older at the time of entry. Contest closes November 29. 2003. For lull contest rules, visit www.tamilyvancontest.gmcanada.com. or visit a participating dealer For list ol participating dealers call 1-800-GM-DRIVE. tW hile supplies last. At participating dealers only. ^Financing on approved GMAC credit only. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost o( borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade Example: $10,000 at 0% APR. the monthly payment is $166.67/5277.78 lor 60/36 months Discounts or other incentives may be available where consumers opt tor a cash purchase price otter By selecting the purchase finance otter, consumers may be foregoing such discounts and incentives which may result in a higher effective interest rate up to 13%. $2,000 rinance credit inclusive of applicable taxes and will be applied against relevant purchase price at dealership Otter applies only to 2003 Venture. Montana and Silhouette. Otter applies only to vehicles delivered on or before December 2. 2003. TRetail delivery credits ($6,500 tor 2003 Venture/Montana and $7,000 tor 2003 Silhouette) are inclusive ot applicable taxes and available on cash purchase only and will be included In relevant cash purchase price at dealership. ' Not all vehicles are eligible Vehicle availability varies by dealership. Umited time otter Must be at least 21 years o( age. have a valid Canadian driver's licence and be a qualified buyer. Vehicle Insurance and usage restrictions apply. See www.gmcanada.com or your dealer tor complete terms and conditions V t$ *T 'O tte rs apply as Indicated to new or demonstrator 2003/2004 Venture. Silhouette and Montana Otters apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Chevrolet · Oldsmobile and Pontiac · Buick · GMC Dealer Marketing Association areas only (including Outaouais and excluding Northwestern Ontario) Dealers are free to set individual pnces. Umited quantities of 2003 models available Dealer order (2004 vehicles only) or trade may be required Umited time otter that may not be combined with other offers and is subject to change without notice. See your Dealer for conditions and details ^Testing conducted by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). 0 Best In class based on Natural Resources Canada 2003, 2002, 2001. 2000 Fuel Consumption Guide ratings. CHEVROLET Oldsmobile B L I I C K G M C