Oakville Beaver, 12 Nov 2003, "Classifieds", C6

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 12, 2003 ^ m K viLLti m m THE uA OAKVILLE BEAVER BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905-6324165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm - C lassified houses for sale apartments & flats lor rent oakvillebeaver.com Circulation: 905-845-9742 The site your community clicks on! E-mail: classified@ haltonsearch.com Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% ·Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299·Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 4 0 0 4 7 0 ·Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 Acl s u b m is s io n b y m a il o r in p c r v m : O a k v ille B r a v c i. M'»7 S w m R d ., O a k v ille , O N L 6 K 2S*I. D e a d lin e s *: M o n . . !» p .m .. f o r W e d . p u b lic a t io n . W e d .. 5 p .m .. lo r F r i. p u b lic a t io n . 1 h u r v , "» p .m .. t« »t S u n . p u b lic a t io n . S p e c ia l F e a tu r e d e a d lin e s m ax va i \ sh li, qu ue, I in \ is isa . Ma s tte rC a rrd c a n E x p re s s . B u s in e s s a c c o u n ts c a n tx* -m -< ape P a y m e n t: W e a c c e p t c as , c h eq n tc r a c . V a, ;« cK la n. Am en r ic l>e o |x pe ne dl w ith a n a p p r o v e d c r e d it a p p lic a t io n a v a ila b le f r o m v o u r S ales C o n s u lta n t. ( U K K V O L R A D T H E F I R S T D A Y I T R U N S t o e n s u re t h e »nf<> r m a tio n is c o r r e c t. C o n ta c t y o u r S a les C o n s u lt a n t w i t h i n 24-1 l o u r s i f a n e r r o r a p p e a rs . A n e r r o r in a l-'ri. p u b lic a t io n m u s t b e r e p o r te d n o la t e r t h a n M o n . , 3 :3 0 p .m . houses for sale BU R LIN G TO N : 3-bedroom split, garage, fam ily room. Fireplace. 1 5 baths. C/A. $1375/mo .·-- ··· Brant Hospital. 1.5 storey. 3-bed rooms. recroom. fireplace. $ 1 130/m oContra!. 2 storey semi. 1.5 bath, rec room . fenced. $1075/m o Albert McDonagh Ltd Real tor 905-632-5690 LO VELY 3-bedroom bun galow . Florence Drive. O akville, near la ke /sh o p ping. quiet street, yard, ga rage. ensuite laundry, sunroom, in clu d in g u tilitie s $1195 m ain flo o r only (basem ent separate) n o sm okers/pe ts A va ila ble December, flexible move in date 905-825-3568 WATERDOWN. 1-bedroom w ith garage, fenced yard, frid g e stove. $775 plus utilities 905-333-5506 Ext 52 1-AC RE coun try hom e in O akville . 4-bedroom . 2baths, double oversized ga rage. $ 1650/mo 905-2571669 DOW NTOW N O a k v ille beautiful new Church Street 3-bedrooms Professionally decorated, fully furnished, turnkey Walk to shops/ res taurants. long/ short-term . $3400/mo Dec 1 905-8426968 OWN your own home! Rent to own. 100% F inancing No Money down. S elf-em p loyed Have good/ bad credit. Choose your p ro gram. C all N apoleon to plan your homo ownership strategy. Napoleon W ilson S ales Rep Sutton G roup Innovative Reality Inc 905575-7070 ANTIQUE walnut dresser, highboy headboard 4 foot board $500; m aple couch 4 2 matching chairs · slats w ith cushions S I 50. 905659-3821 B ED. Am azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillowtop set. new in plastic, warran ty $150 905-567-4042 BEDROOM set queen size solid wood 8pcs, coffee ta bles. mlsc household items 905-847-0371 BEDROOM set 8-pce. cherryw ood. Bed. chest, dresser, mirror, night stands Dovetail construction Never opened. Cost S8.000. S acrifice $2400 905-5674042 BEDS. New Double. $220. Queen. $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons. Free Del/very. R efurbished VCRs. TVs. record players, portable CD players 905-681-9496 B U N K -B E D S - (2) pme. brand new $450. 1-adjust able bed $700. Tony Little G azelle E xe rciser $130. K enm ore sew ing m achine w.case $200 905-332-8242 B U N K B E D . so lid wood, brand new. honey, detach able Never used, s till in box. cost $850. sell $390 905-971-3315 C AN AD A F O O O S . C A S hopO h om e superm arket toll free 866-635-6767 ask about free case of italpasta. C a m p b e ll's soup. Honey Nut Cheerios. Kraft Dinner. F ie sta TT. Roadhouse Burgers. S ch n e id e rs Red Hots. McCains Pizzas, fro zen fnes. chicken fingers CA R P ET. I have several 1.000 yards of now Stainmaster 4 100% nylon car pet W ill do Itvm groom 4 hall tor $389 includes car pet. pad 4 in stallatio n (30 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 CHERRY harvest table, 6 chairs, new $2700. asking $700; brown leather couch $400; corner com puter desk $40 905-338-7483 CO M PUTER desk oak desk, wood stereo cabinet, walnut glass cabinet 4 buf fet (Hanover Cabinet Com pany, Pennsylvania 1929). 905-827-8018 DINING room set 8-chairs sophisticated retro marble, w rought Iron appraised $2500 Asking $1800 4-antique Q uebec pressbacks $ l2S ea 905-637-2713 DINING RO O M . 13-pce. cherry. 8 chairs Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail con s tru ctio n S till in boxes Cost $11,000 Sacrifice $3,000 905-567-9459 ELEGANT designer doches, women s size 10-12. men's suits sizes 41 4 42. evening dresses, etc 905-849-6770 EXECUTIVE mahogany coloured office furniture UGroup 72* desk, credenza. hutch, keyboard drawer, lateral file cabinet (2-draw er) 4 high-back chair. Paid $2800 at Staples Asking $1000 905-690-3559 FALL Savings. Custom up holste ring. up to 50% off decorator fabric. Sofas w/ fabric from $788. chairs w/ fa b ric from $249 Fields Furniture 4 Fabric 9-9 daily FIREPLACE insert- wood, built in fan. $375 Call 905333-5478 FREE Estimates Got wob bly chairs, tired looking wood finishes? Fields Custom Wood Refimshing and Furni ture Repairs. 9-9. 905-6329090 FUTON bunk-bed. black metal frame, double/single beds $250 905-633-9062 FUTON, blue $75. Childs car seat. Cosco $40; Glass coffee table and end table set $175.Call Sabrina 905331-0871 HOT Tub Spa All selfcontained. all options, w/ cover, 2003 model, new. still in wrapper, cost $8900, sacrifice $4 100 905-3047775. LEATH ER sofa 4 chair (burgundy), microwave. 25* T V.. 4 other items. 905335-8217 LIVING RO OM suite (sofabed. lo veseat and arm chair) $700, diningroom glass table. 48* round w/wrought iron stand. 6 cain chairs, $700; queen mattress, box spring $100; queen brass headboard $150. All items excellen t c o n d itio n 905825-2556 LOVE seat, coffee table, end table, good condition Needs cleaning S300 Call 905-315-7916 M ATTR ES SES . brand new in pla stic. A ll sizes ava ila b le Q ueen pillow> top. $275. Can dellverl 905-330-4153 M ED IC A L Carol bed. e le c tric head/ leg tilt set tings Barely used. Excel lent con d itio n , S2000. Michelle. 905-466-7987 MOVING m ust sell all contents of apartment, i.e. Bedroom suiet queen size; 6-cushion sectional; mens wardrobe, and much more. $2000 for everything 905632-9444 MOVING: oak desk, hidea-bed. child bedroom sets; w all u n it: kitchen table: LCD proiector; bookcases. 905-338-3811 MUST s e ll- frid g e and stove, alm ond colour, ex cellent condition $300 Call 647-227-1973 NEED a com puter? Don't have cash? The original IBM Pentium 4 PC for $1 a day! Don't pay til 2004 Fast delivery! Free digital cam era! Call Now' 1-800-6568369 www brandsnow.com PARTIAL Estate Sale: MeClary 6-burner. 2-oven por celain stove (c 1940), Ya m aha 2 level organ with percussion (c 1970). desVs. life ratt. 5 ft. freez ers. glass and crystal mi crowave. Betamax recorders. 78's. 33 s. desk. 7Tt sailfish. weightlifting set. kids bikes. 905-257-2661 http://home cogeco ca/-d'mch PIAN O, uprig h t, studio size, m ahogany, fu lly re stored and refurbished. 1990 Heintzman by Sher lock M anning 1940 s $3450 905-842-2526 BU RLING TO N · Prim e South East, great 3-bodroom, sp lit level, in kid frie n d ly neigboroughood. near 3 schools. 5-parks Walk to Lake Largo pnvato yards, sunny kitchen. P ri vate Sale $249,900 90S634-2086 M ILTON - Freehold Tow n homes New 3-bedroom. 2.5baths. $214,999 Fin rec room. 3-appliances Spring/ summer closings Only a few remain Call Loo at Falcon* crest Homes 905-878-1561 WATERDOWN 3 bedroom bungalow. 3 appliances, air cleaner. C/V. single garage, double driveway Nice lot. asking $229,500. Call 905331-6354 FREE downpayment to buy your home now! O.A.C. call Jay Nelligan assoc broker 905-639-7676 Re/Max Es carpment Realty Inc.. Rltr or e-mail jaynelliganOremaxescarpment.com WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area ^ h e r involved with printing and publish ing or dependant upon promotion and publicity or delivery to homes in area. Interested in business clearing more than $200,000 in annual profit. All inquiries treated in confidence. Please forward information to: L O C A T IO N IL o c a tio n ! L o cation! M a p le v ie w -M a llHalf a house, 2-bedrooms, 6-applian ces. 2-level, clean, brig h t, hardw ood, deck N o -sm oking/pets. $1150/mo 905-632-4369 Swim Year Round! B u r lin g to n T owers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms Individually controlled heat! 80 Speers Rd 1 4 2 bed room s A v a ila ble im m e d ia te ly Please ca ll 905339-0668 BURLINGTON oft Brant- 2bedrooms. Near amentltes. schools Free parkmg Dec 1MONTHFR££RENT For occupancy by Dec. 1/200.3 CUM BERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and the Burlington Mall Shelter Ctvuulitin Properties U mited SURREY LANE APARTMENTS 695 Surrey Ln,, Burl NEW MANAGEMENT NEW APPROACH 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 www.ontim.oom FULLY RENOVATED Major Upgrades 1,243 bdrm. avail. BRANO new 1-bedroom basem ent apt laundry, parking. 15 min from GO and Lakeshore No pets $850/m o in c lu s iv e Im m ediate 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -1 2 0 5 after 6pm BRAND new ground level apartm ent, priv a te en trance. 1-bedroom, kitch en. bath, laundry, parking, la rge patio. G lena shton / T rafalga r W alk to sh o p ping centro. Sheridan Col lege $ 55 0./m o. Dec 1 Call Giulio 905-257-5103 M W w M furnished rentals S E LF-C O N TA IN ED ba se ment apartment, employed m ale/fem ale, non-sm oker/ pets. F urnished $550 all inclusive First/last. Security deposit References 905315-7338 PREMIERE E xecutive Suites. Short/ long term fur nished 1-3 bedrooms con dom inium s and townhouses throughout Mississauga. O ak v illo and B u rlington G roat da ily w o okly and m onthly rates availab le 905-469-3330 www.premieresuites.com T R A V E L S U IT E S .N E T ... 'N e w * C o rporate Luxury Accommodations. 1-4 bed rooms/ baths All amemtios. 5 0 ** lo c a tio n s D a ily, W eekly. M onthly From $49 95*/mght ` Guaranteed lowest rent!* All major credit cards excepted Pager. 905-681-7355 Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver. 467 Speers Rd. Oakville. ON L6K 3S4 apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats lor rent from $745/mo utilities included. $250 move in b o m on select units _J£L_ SP AC IO US 1 243 Bed room s F reshly painted, brigh t C o m pe titive ront Burlington high-rise Wellmaintained. Convemont lo cation 905 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 . Noon-8pm W A LK to GO! 5-plex. Brant/ Fairview Clean, a t tra c tiv e bach elor, from $620/mo.+ hydro Dec. 1st. Non-smoker, no pets Park ing 905-528-7520 A V A ILA B LE im m ediately, 2 storey. 4-bdrm. mam floor den. 3000sqft.. Third Line area. $2500/mo utilities. C ontact Veronica Grabell. Sales Representative Royal LePage Burloak Real E s tate Services 905-335-3042 G UELPH Line/ W ood ward. 142 bedroom apart m ents a v ailab le Im m e diately Dec/Jan from $745/ mo Clean, quiet building 905-632-4265 LAKESHORE Maple Dec 2-bedroom from $95CVmo; 3bedroom, im m ediate, from $ 1 050/m o p arkin g extra. Heat, hydro included Lakefront v»ew Indoor pool Bus stops at door Near Maploview Hospital Great high way access 905-632-5258 BASEM EN T apartm ent, furnished, laundry, utilities, c a b le * Included Extra la rge luxury bathroom Backyard, bbq, separate entrance, parkin g Very clean like new! No pets/ smoking 1-person. $700/ mo/ 2-$800/m o. QEW / Brant area 905-319-2284 Don Quixote Co-operative Maple Crossing Blvd. Burlington · 905-632-1428 2-Bedrooms. $1091/mo. + u tilities. Fridge, stove, laundry hook-up. garage, lenced yard. Playground & laundry facilities. Near shop ping. schools & transit. Easy QEW access! No subsidy available. Great Family Living! O A K V ILL E : tow nhouse T hird L ine/U pper M iddle Rd 3-bedroom, 2.5 bath room s. 4 a pp lia nces, ga rage. a/c 905-827-9584 170 170 Call our On-site office 905-639-0456 *w* homestead on ca FRESHLY painted, h a rd wood flo o rs ' 2-Bedroom a v ailab le Dec /Jan. from $949/m o.^ parking. Clean, quiet Brant' Prospect. Near GO & Malls 905-639-7805 TYANDAGA Terrace. Bur lington Situated on pnvate. park-like grounds Freshly painted w ith private w a lk outs to cedar hedged paBedroom . Dec . at 1440 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive 905-336-0015. 905-336-0016 ___________ O N -TH E -LA K E Bronte S pectacu lar 1-bedroom , laundry facilities, parking. 4 appliances. Single nonsmoker $ 1250/mo 905-8272266 after 6pm BR IG HT spacious 2bdrm suite from 730/mo. hydro to qualified tenant, parking included, no dogs. Burling ton 905-631-6778 OAKVILLE QEW Dorval 1bedroom large basem ent' apartm ent Separate en trance. Laundry, parking, all utilties included $800/mo female preferred. 905-8447925 O A K V ILL E Newly reno vated 1& 2 bedroom, close to all amenities. From $850/ m o.* hydro. 262 Reynolds Street 905-338-8876 O A K V ILL E 2-bedroom apartment, clean. C/A. ap pliances. parking, close to all amenities. Dec 1 $900+ u tilitie s 905-842-5812 905-827-0197 OAKVILLE East 2-bedroom luxurious walk-out basement apartment w/2 washrooms. 2 car parking, laundry, c/air No pets/ sm oking. S l250/m o in c lu s iv e A va ila ble immediately. 905-829-5775. O A K V ILL E Downtown Renovated 1&2 bedrooms, quiet adult building. Large bright units. $725 1 $80Q/mo (parking included) Dec/Jan 905-849-9178 O AKV ILLE Place area 6plex on North Service Rd 2-bedroom , im m ediate, $800/m o.+ u tilitie s . C all Sal. 416-990-6100 O A K V ILL E spacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available Minutes from QEW , GO Station, shopping, dining. U tilitie s included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited tim e rental In centive. O A K V ILL E . QEW / D orval 2-bedroom basem ent apartm ent, separate en trance. la undry fa c ilitie s . $899/mo. ^utilities Imm e diate. Non-smokers. 905339-0051._______________ O A K V ILL E . 199 Queen M ary, near all am enities. Bachelor availab le im m e diately. $780/mo hydro. 2bedroom. immediately/ Dec 1 $ 1080/mo and; 3-bedroom, Im m ediately /. $1295. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 M ove In By D ecem ber 1st and get $500 o ff Y our 1st M onths Rent Live In D ow ntow n B urlington Stunning Views. Walking Distance to Lake. Parks & Shops, Outdoor pool, walking trails, renovated. spacious.1,2, & 3 Bedroom Suites PENTHOUSE: Glen Abbey. 2-bedroom. 2 bathrooms. 2 parking, fireplace, balcony. 7 windows facing south and west 1449 sq. ft $348,000 Private 905-825-5364 I housing wanted lo buy From $899 call 905-637-6701 A Minto Managed Community WE buy real estate, any price, any area, no com mission or fees Call us be fore you call an agent, 905333-8283 WHITE OAKS BLVD. 3-bedroom townhouse. Private drive and ga rage 4 appliances. Available December/ January Near Oakville Place and GO. From $1250 TAKE A GOOD LO O K AT A G R E A T L A K E ! 8R0NTE. ON THE LAKE. Spacious 1-B edroom s u ite s w ith lake v ie w s and u p g ra de s. .. h a rd w o o d. ce ra m ics, w in d o w co v e rin g s. D ec./Jan. Underground parking, pool & tennis included ATTR A C TIV E m ale p ro fe ssio n a l. sin gle. 40's, seeks rugged, assertive older m ale. 50-75. for fun and friendship V aried In terests Your status less im portant than your discipline and fo rce fu l character. Reply Box 1980. c/o The Post. 5040 Mainway. Bur lington. L7L 7G5 O AKV ILLE office for lease. Wilson 4 Lakeshore area 1000 4 2000 sq.ft Parking. Reasonable. 905844-4161 O AKV ILLE , dow ntown Space for rent in beautiful century house. H ealth p ractitione rs or others Parking a vailab le 905338-1986 O A K V ILL E ; Prim e office space for lease QEW e x posure 2100sq.tt . ground floor, parking 9 0 5 -8 4 5 7711 P R O FESS IO NA L O lflces a vailab le at M arler Kyle van der Steen LLP. 84/86 Chisholm Street. Oakville, for lawyers, accountants or other pro fe ssio n a ls, s u it able for 1 to 4 persons. 905338-2300 (tel).905-3382-301 (fax); jmarier©marter.ca 905-842-0254 3-BEOR OO M . Fam ily com plex Parking. $1035 / m o> hydro/ heat, available Dec/ 1st 3000- 3014 C en tennial D rive. B u rlington. 905-319-1869 FA M ILY S etting Upper Middle 4 Brant. Burlington. 3-bedroom . $950/mo plus utilities. 1 parking included. For appointm ent call 905* 331-6721. M anaged by Jordan 4 Williamson BU R LIN G TO N . 3-bed room tow nhouse. 15 baths. 4 appliances, C/A $ 1 100/Mo A va ila ble im mediately 905-815-3312 B U RLING TO N North, off Guelph Line Lovely 3-bed room townhouse. $950/mo u tilitie s M id-January First/ last. Non-smokers 1905-898-7915. BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom maisonette 1140 Tavistock Dr Dec 1st or 15th. Small complex Near Home Depot/ QEW. No pels 1-car parking. 905-335-0636 FAMILY townhouses. 344 bedroom s, unfin ish e d basem ent. 1 ca r garage fridge and stove Basic cabto in clude d Ront from $10 50-$1177/m o North Oakville 905-842-6353 G UELPH Line/ Upper Middlo 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove. $850/m o utilities, first/ last Dec1 1st No pets 905 -33 0-30 32 1299 N o t tingham Burlington LU XURY 3/4 bedroom tow nhouses. fam ilyroom . basement, backyard. From S1099/m o parking 4 hy dro 905 -63 9-09 50 www linwood com LARG E 3-bedroom . 5 a p pliances. garage Dec. 1st. From $1219/m o.+ utilities. Longmoor Dr . Burlington 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -0 0 7 0 www.pm online com NEW LY Renovated 3bedroom townhouse maison ettes starting at $975/mo. utilities Available Dec 15 parking included. North Burlington 905-319-9104 9 0 ^ 9 www.ontlm.com ` CARING 4 energetic liveout Nanny required to care for our 5 year old daughter (SK) and 1 year old son in our N.E O a kville hom e Driver required Please call Uz 416-869-5623 LIVE-IN caregiver -1 year Contract. Must have formal education in Child Develop m ent/ Infant e xpe rience 905-627-9005 LIV E -IN Nanny, 1 child, legal, references. English a must A S A.P. O akville. Call 416-573-9649 LIV E -IN Nanny, 3 c h ild ren. legal, references. Eng lish a must. A S A P Oak ville 416-573-9649 LIV E -IN N a n n y- 16-mos tw ins 4 3.5yr old Light housekeeping/ cooking Some evenings/ weekends. Bronte 905-827-6630 NANNY housekeeper need ed to help busy mom 40hr. wk. hourly wage. 3-kids, call Arlene 905-319-1211 LIVE-IN caregiver required Oakville area Young fami ly. 2 children 7 4 4. cell# 416-629-2579 LIVE-IN Nanny wanted for 3 children. O akville Must like cooking and cleaning 905-844-4211 Quality Living in Oakville A flordably priced 1 & 2 Bedrooms WE OFFER.... Clean, well-maintained, secure home for you; Urge suites with Dalcories, Laundry & parking Easy access to QEW,GO, shopping & schools: On-site mgrs Call today - No appt necessary 1297 s. /M arlborough Crt\ ( 1360 ) \WWU^0aks Bl^ / Luxury Living. Extremely large suites www renters news ca/go/ 1297marlboroughcourt 297 FULLY furnished. 2265sqft execu tive tow hom e near G len Abbey G olf C ourse, available Nov 19 for short term rental Call Anne Duff Broker. Pride R e alty Ltd. 905-332-9705 REDUCED Dec.-M ar (fle x ib le ) old O a k v ille 5bedroom C e ntu ry homo, near GO 3-floors, 2-kitch ens. 50% furn ished Si 695/m o utilitie s . 905337-0455 Spacious and Freshly Painted 1-Bedroom Apis. From $800. lor Dec. Lovely Townhomes 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr. Burlington Park-like setting near golt course & QEW 2&3 BR ,lm m ed/Dec From $1050/m o. Call today to view: ONLY indoor play centre in B u rlington Excellent business for moms, equip ment only $12,000 905333-3341 M ARKET your Business Opportunity with Metroland C om m unity Newspapers Distribution of over 4 m il lion! Call today for Informa tion on weekly word ad rates 416-493-1300. ext 276 (^S te w a rt S tre e t"^ V 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -4 2 9 4 y ( Queens Avenu? ) Sparkling hardwood floors. Easy QEW access, walk to schools & shopping 4067 Longmoor Dr Burlington 905-639-1346 V g 0 ^ -8 4 2 -8 3 3 8 y ! Great Value! Great Location! www rentetsnews.ca'go/ 75stewartst 2-BEDRO O M condoLampman Ave 795 sq.ft. 5 appliances, parking S i000 mo utilities Available Dec 905-575-1582 BURLINGTON. Lakeshore Maple Spacious bright 2* bdrm. 2 baths, dining room/ home office. 5 appliances, locker, parking. $ 1400/mo Call 905-335-9490 M ILLC R O FT area- B u r lington! Open concept. 1large bedroom +den (bdrm). 5 appliances. C/A. private balcony, parking. $1050/m o. utilities N o vember 905-331-2226 BU R LIN G TO N - Near M a pleview Mall 4 Lake, comer unit with 2-bdrm . 2 baths, sunroom. 5 appliances, c/a. 24 hr security with rec facil ities. under ground parking S1200/mo 905-631-9463 I condominiums for rent New basketball/tennis court & pool! www.rentersnews.ca/go/ 297queensave 905-335-3001 E-mail lycourt® cogeco.ca lor Info. W E LL-A P P O IN TE D , 3bedroom . 3.5 bath end unit. Abbeywood Enclave. Oakville. 5 appliances, gas fire p la ce , garage, ba se ment. w/out deck to fenced backyard Available Dec. 1st. $1750/mo 905-333-0002 IMMACULATE Oakville Ex ecutive Townhouse 1500sqft. 3-bedroom. 2.5-baths, roman step up tub. gas f/p. hard wood/ ceramics, stunning ro man column kitchen, a/c. 5app lia nces. garage, prvt/ fenced yard. 1 -year lease Dec 1 $1790+ W est Oak Trail/3rdUne 905-465-1481 3-BEDRO O M , executive townhome. 3-baths, garage W alkers Line/ Dundas Available Nov.21 $1295/mo ·futilities Call Marcello 1877-455-3344 ext 619 3-BEDRO O M tow nhouse 1.5 baths, garage, parking, frid g e 4 stove, availab le Immediately $1297/mo No dep osite required 1150 Gable Dr.. Oakville. To view call Mon or Wed 905-8295294 | NQURE ABOUT OUR MOVE4N ALLOWANCE G ro u n d F lo o r A c ro s s fro m L a k e & P ark Fabulous 1-Bdrm, w/ renovated kits. & baths. O/D pool parquet floors from $949 C A L L SC FS - 9 05 -84 4 1245 1-yr 3.55. 5-yr 5 10. ARM 3.75. A lso e q u ity m o rtg a g e p ro g ra m s , re gardless of income or credit. 0ECUNED, self employed or looking for best rates? First, second, refinance We can help Quick approval oac. R/E Active Mortgages. 905842-0824 BUSINESS Finance Specialist. Business loans for all purposes. From Pnme * 1 % 905-690-9875 SSMONE Y$S 100% 1st. 2nd and 3rd M ortgages Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799 Trendy Burlington Neighbourhood 505 Locust St. (Brant & O ntario) Walk to the lake & Spencer Smith Park Attached to Indoor mall · Central Air LARGE 1,28.3 BEDROOM SUITES From S850./mo · Avail. Immed./Dec. Call Lucille 905-637-8431 B U R LO A K Lakeshore Quiet building. 2-bedrooms, 1400sq ft., firs t floor, out door heated pool, und er ground parking w/security. fridge, stove, dishwasher, air conditioner, near Plaza, S i 150/mo. in clude s u tili ties. Immediate 905 -63 17068 (9am-9pm). O LD O a kville boutique apartm ents. Lakeshore Newly renovated 142 bed room s av a ila b le im m e dia te ly 416-270-0687, 905-842-9275___________ OLD O a k v ille - P ark like setting, very w ell m ain tained building. 1 block to fine dining and shopping. Bachelor $775/mo. 1 bed room $995/mo 2 bedrooms $ 1 100/mo Call 905-8455787 or 905-330-2770 ALDER SH O T (W est B u r lin g to n ) new ly renovated bachelor apt with full kitch en, availab le im m ediately S625 »hydro 905-633-8547 LU XURY 2-bedroom apartment, m alnfloor. fire place. 2-car parking, large yard. $1300/m o fu tilitie s Hopedale M all area Nonsmokers 905-815-0911 NEW spacious 1-bedroom 4otfice, walk out basement apartment (above ground) in O ak v ille C eram ic tile, sepa rate entrance, bay window, appliances, park ing. hydro 4gas included S uit profe s s io n a l, nonsmoker. No pets Available im m edia tely S875/mo. 905-257-6375 HEART of Bronte 50 East S t.. clo se to la k e / Bronte Harbour 1-bedroom, imme diately $925/mo (<-parking) 2-bedroom available Imme diately $1095/mo +parking 905-825-0816 ___________ BRONTE on the lake! B reathtaking views Spaoious i-b e d room s a v a il able Dec./Jan Newly reno vated. hardwood, ceramics, window coverings. From $952/mo. parking Included 905-827-9169 or visit www ontim.com DOW NTOW N B u rlington Large 2 bedroom , private e ntrance, balcony, d is h washer. a/c. Call 905-8429275 C H ILD C A R E required 3 3 h rs./ week w ith light housekeeping dufies. Care for 5 4 6 year old before/ a fte r school. Dundas 4 Neyagawa. Car an asset 905-257-8108 T e l: 905-333-9008 Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting UPGRADED SUITES Downtown Burlington ·1-Bdrm, Immed. All The Advantages of Condo Living 2-Bedroom Available Now! Rec. facilities, 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! EXPERIENCED. loving childcare Hot meals, snacks, inside/ outdoor fun. large fenced yard. CPR/ First Aid. References. Re ceipts Burloak.^ New area. 31-0404 QUALITY daycare, Guelph Line/ Hwy 5 Lots of fun/ toys N u tritio u s meals, snacks. CPR. receipts. 905332-8510 G LEN Abbey G randm a and Mom team Indoor-out door play, nutritious meals and snacks, lo ts of TLC! 905-825-1811 ^ business services personals CALL NOW 905 FREELANCE Bookkeeper/ office m anager 20yrs ex perience. impeccable refer ences, has opening for new dient 905-637-7030 · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens 6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 Double Air $ ! * Miles DORVAL/ Rebecca- 1-bed room apartment $720/mo. hydro. Available Dec.1 Call 416-499-2580. 142 Bedroom apartm ents av a ila b le now. Speers/ Kerr 905-339-0668 PR INCESS & Regency Apartments. Lovely & spa cious 142 bedrooms Steps to Burlington Mall. Refined tenants M arble Lobby. Parking & Hydro Included. 905-639-8009 905-681-8115 SP AC IO US 1-bedroom apartm ent above store on Kerr St Parking a v a il able. Jan/ Dec/1 st. Kathy (905)337-7448 M U 9T see to ap p re c ia te ' 3055 G lencrest Rd.. Bur* lington C e ntrally located, well- maintained, spacious! 1 -bedroom . Im m ediate. 2 Bedroom . Dec 905-8373921 BURLING TO N 1-bedroom b a s e m e n tseparate entrance, parking, laundry, gas FP. C/A. Sat. TV No pets, no smokers, suits sin gle person $800/m o.. all in c lu s iv e Dec/1 st 905466-1135 2-BE DRO O M . Sm all building downtown Burling ton. Parking included A v a ila ble D e c .1st $785/ mo.-f hydro. 905-634-9198 3-BEDRO O M basem ent apa rtm e nt a vailab le Dec. 1st. Inclusive $950. no smoking/ pets 905-849-1946 TRENDY 2-bedroom . Lakeshore Rd. (Burlington), immaculate, quiet building, downtown, hardwood, laun dry Parking. Im m ediate $895/mo.; also. 3-bedroom townhouse, north Brant St. January 1st. $895/mo. 905* 336-7207 M A P LE / L a k e s h o re m onster t-b d rm , 2 bath, private home, utilities, air, laundry. BBQ. parking in cluded. Dec. 1st $830/mo. 905-634-1354 DOW NTOW N B u rlington. 1275 E lgin Street 1 ·bed room, J a n ; 243 Bedrooms. Immed /Oec Freshly paint ed. (some with new kitchen c abinetry), spacious, w ell m aintained, quiet w ith up graded fire alarm system tor safe hig h ris e liv in g . 905637-0321_____________ 2-BEDRO O M S: From $800./mo. (U tilities includ ed) 2386 New S treet at Guelph Line Rental Office Open 11am-7pm. Mon-Sat. 905-639-5761 *905-315-8993® LU XUR IO US 2-bedroom condo on the lake only S 1350/mo. Features 6-appliances. ceramics, in-house laundry, and much more! No sm okers, m ature persons preferred. Immediate pos session Call Don and Cathy Naumowich Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp. 905-3389000 NEAR QEW 4 Guelph Lmefurnlshed room, share bath, kitchen 4 laundry Separate entrance, cable and phone, parking No sm oking, no pets. SiOO/week. 905331-2465 FURNISHED room w /prlvate bath, kitchenette and rec-room Laundry fa c ili ties No parking. Close to Sheridan C o lle ge and O akville Place 905 -33 86922 evenings A beautiful furnished roomkitchen facilities, laundry, non-smoking Mature person Burlington- W alker's Line/ Fairview St Call 905-3333540 O A K V IL L E - w alking d is tance from Sheridan. $400/ mo. Available Immediately Call 905-510-7222 FURNISHEDroom for rent East Burtington Share kitch en. laundry, parking, cable. Available immediately Nonsmoker Call 905-333-6726 ROUNDTREE ( apartments & flats for rent · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 2 BEDROOMS Avail. Dec. & Jan. Oakville 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Wall Carpet Vertical Blinds Balconies or Patios 5 Appliances MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON1 Amelin Properly Mgmt LA R G E, new ly renovated 243-be droo m firepla ce (3bdrm ), 4 appliances, hardw ood floors parking included Available im me diately/ Dec 1/Jan. 1 Close to all am enities, park-like settin g . A rlington Blvd , Burlington 905-681-0070, www pmonline.com W ALK ER S Line/U pper M iddle New two bedroom townhome available im me diately. from $1350. + utili ties 905-828-6767. 416821-1741 Lake Plus Park! Spencer Smith Park Spacious, bright suites from $980/mo. AFTER school care required for 2-boys. 9. and 7 Start ing January. 3:15- 6:15pm References required. 905331-0550 C H ILD C A R E p rovid er re quire d part-tim e 3 days/ week for our 3 children m our Burlington home Prev ious experience 4 re fe r ences required 905-315-0044 W AN TED : Live-In ca re giver for 4 children. 11. 9. 5 years, and 5 m onths; re quired to do light house work. Interested applicants contact: 905 -8 2 5 -0 1 2 9 , 905-334-0466 905-681-7126 BU R LIN G TO N . 383 St Paul S treet: 3-bedroom , from $959/m o. Includes heat, hydro, parking. For a pp oinlm e nt. 905-634* 6903 Well- m aintained by Jordan & Williamson Renovated Kitchen & baths Hardwood floors Quiet building 1 ,2 & 3 Brs From S 949 steps to hospital & Hwys. Call Lucille I houses lor rent R ent to own options. Or tree dow npaym ent to buy your home now! O.A.C call Jay Nelligan assoc broker 905-639-7676 Re/Max Es carpment Realty Inc.. Rltr or e-mail jaynelllgan® remaxescarpment com DOW NTOW N B u rlington. O pen House Sunday 24pm 2-bedroom Victorian C e ntu ry hom e, steps to Spencer Sm ith Park! C o untry charm w/ h a rd wood flo o rs sun porch, fenced yard w ith cedar deck Lake view Rare op portunity $1245/mo u tili ties 451 Nelson Ave 905973-1379 SIXTH Line, delightful cot tage on 1/2 acre, recent upgrades. 3-bedroom, part fin is h e d basem ent, ap pliance s. dog ok. $1375/ mo.+ Dec 15. C all Mrs Rayner 905-845-9350 O A K V ILL E Glen Abbey area. Beautiful 3-bedroom, detached, upgraded, never occupied Close to all amen ities Available immediately, for short- long lease $1650/ mo ^-utilities Call Khuram. 905-465-1010 O A K V ILLE Southw est 3bedroom 2-bath bungalow, garage New paint/ carpet Near shopping' GO $1300J mo -fu tilitie s 9 0 5 -8 2 7 8652 O A K V ILL E Dowtown 3bedroom bungalow , fin ished basem ent, fresh ly painted, hardwood, private backyard. $1300/mo -futili ties Also, charm ing 1 5 storey. $1150/mo. futilities. Both are walking distance to Lakeshore/ Harbour/ all am enities. D ec.1st. Credit check/ references required G raco Ceresa. Re/M ax A boutow ne R ealty Corp 905-338-9000 O A K V ILL E : Fourth Line south of QEW. 3-bedroom bungalow with appliances S t 150/mo plus u tilitie s Jan.1/04 905-842-9334 B U RLING TO N North and North East O a k v ille Executive 2-storey homes. 4-bedrooms. 3-bathrooms, m ainflo or fa m ily , den/ laundry, finished basement, double garage, immediate 905-333-3544 Pilgrims Way 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 0 4 3 Beautiful Lakefront 5346 Lakeshore Burlington 1-Bedrooms From $880. mo. Glen Abbey 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -3 3 2 7 O A K V ILL E . Kerr Street 142 bedrooms. Immediate Nov/ Dec $825/mo -$935/ mo.. Includes parking. Call 9am-6pm, 905-339-2437 BU RLING TO N. 2 -b e d room apartment, $725/mo utilities included Available Im m ediate ly/ Feb. Q uiet bu ild in g , near lake. C all 905-634-8089 (3pm-6pm) BU R LIN G TO N 1-bed room apartment $750./mo inclusive. Near Hwy/ GO/ Mall M ature profession al preferred Available imme diately 905-681-2789 BU RLIN G TO N Downtown 1-bedroom main floor, sep arate entrance, parking. Quiet residential area. Re sponsible non-sm oker Dec is t 905-634-6613 OLDE O a k v ille - B outique hom e- Low er 3 bedroom , in terlock w alkw ay/ private patio , sepa rate entrance. $950 /m on th.; U pper 2 bedroom, wood burning FIP, deck off huge m aster bedroom, ceram ic floors, bay window. $1100imon 4 car parking. Both with ensuite laundry 905-601-2100 BU RLIN G TO N Self contained 1 bedroom apartm ent In private non sm oking home Gas F/P. la undry. im m aculate A va ila ble D e c .15. S695./ month 905-634-5555 BU R LIN G TO N - Large. 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean q uiet building near dow n town P arking. $750/m o Call Annie. 905-634-5885 BU RLING TO N 3020 G lencrest Rd 1 4 2 bed room available December/ January from $845./month Upscale quiet b uilding close to m ajor shopping 905-632-0129 ENJOY living dow ntown O akville in this 2-bedroom rem odeled suite Q uiet building, m ostly seniors $ 1250/mo Available Dec 15 905-842-5815 905-637-8431 1363 Lakeshore Road QEW. Trafalgar S p ectac ular vieWs Large, bnght 1.2 43 bedrooms From $850/ mo. sp a rkin g O n-site management Indoor pool, saunas, ravine se ttin g s 905-844-1106 LA KE View & Park View! Old Oakville, close to lake. Shopping just outside front door< 1-bedroom from $985.. 2-bedroom from $1200 /mo in clusive. No dep osit, no lease 905-844-6952 I shared accommodation AN G E L H om ecare can p rovid e assistan ce to someone you love such as grocery shopping, bed making, laundry, escorting to doctor appts. meal pre paration. light housekeep ing. getting up and ready for the day Perhaps shop ping for Holiday gifts? Call Kim (PSW) 905-847-2763 Available Dec/Jan. Quiet building. New appliances Laundry on each floor. Parking. SH ARE b e a u tifu l 5 -b e d room Southeast Burlington home Single/ professional ow ned, sin gle preferred A va ila ble Dec. 1st 905617-0274 A P P LE B Y / New St . B u r lington. Quiet, easy going, non-smoking male house, no parking. $450/mo inclu sive. 905-637-7345 BURLINGTON. Headon For est. Mature, non-smoking pro fe ssio n a l to share executive home. $550/mo. Inclusive. First/ last 905335-1648 DOW NTOW N B u rlington New luxury furnished town house. Male/ female Park ing. Laundry. Many extras. D e c .1st. $600/m o in c lu sive 289-259-1720. T R A F A LG A R / QEW share w ith non-sm oker Master bedroom. January 1st S630/m o. in clusive 905-338-3666 Call 9am-5pm: GLENWOOD 905-639-3301 KERR Lakeshore: Ground flo o r. 2-bedroom , abase ment $850/mo**»**» Second floor. 1-bedroom , newly broadloom $695/m o A l bert McDonagh Ltd Realtor 905-632-5690 PROSPECT Park- adult living, PH. 2bdrm includes u tilitie s , parking, view $875/mo. Burlington. 905631-9748 1,2.3-bedroom 4 P e nt house apa rtm e nts Pool, w eight room , saunas. 24 hour v id eo s urveillan ce. Oakville 905-815-8965 NORTHSHORE Towers. 142 bedrooms, Nov / Dec./ Jan. (+$33 parking) Utili tie s in clude d No Pets Quiet Building. Diane. 9am7pm 905-681 -1 3 0 7 * B ur lington EXTRA large 2 bedroom suites available In beautiful O akville b u ild in g Large balconies. Close to schools & p ro fe s s io n a l services Easy access to QEW & 403. Very reasonable 905-8442646 STEPS from dow ntown O akville. "D e vonshire A p a rtm e n ts ' av a ila b le Jan 1st 1&2 bedroom s. S900- $1250/m o. U tilities/ parkin g in clude d Q uiet building, wheelchair acces sible 905-844-1934 BETTER than average 1bdrm! All appliances & a/c. only quiet applicants, nonsm okers/ pets, private en trance. utilities incl. $1300/ mo 905-878-9861 PARK TOWNHOUSES 3-BEDROOMS With lull basement, all units refurbished 1-1/2 baths. $999/mo. futilities ASK ABOUT MANAGER SPECIAL Walk to GO 2067 Prospect at Brant St. SOFA 3 -seater 4 chair, beige, cle an, suita b le for basement $99 905-339-1226 STAR C hoice s a te llite dish. $20. Must be re moved Call 905-631-9309 WASHER. S100 Excellent condition 905-335-2059 1&2 Bedrooms immediate/Dec. From $865* 1 parking * Comer Suites Avail. » Gleaming parquet flooring * Over-size balconies » Undergound parking and outside parking » On-site customer service.... 905-631-0033 1-BEDRO O M , spacious basement apartm ent Dec 1st. Parking, laundry, utili ties, cable, a/c. $795/m o Non-smoker, no pets Sin gle or couple. Upper M id d le/ Sixth Line. 9 0 5 -8 4 5 1313 ____________ 2-BEDRO O M apartm ent, Oct. 15. Harbourview Plaza, c orner of Lakeshore & Bronte Rd . O akville Call 905 -82 5-12 61 Betw een 9am-4pm CAN A O IAN A Q uiet, w ellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1. 2 & 3 bedrooms available im m e d ia te ly / D ec./ Jan 5220 Lakeshore. B u rlington. 905-632-5486 (no dogs) 905-639-9212 GEORGIAN Court Estates. King/ Plains Rd.. Burlington Large 243 bedroom tow n houses. full basem ents. Utilities included. Call 905632-8547 www realstar.ca OFF Guelph Line- 3-bedroom, 2 storey condo. 1.5 bath. G arage $ l0 4 0 /m o Albert McDonagh Ltd 905632-5690 O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom tow nhouses availab le Im m ediately through Decem ber 4 appliances. Hoped ale M all area Lakeshore Management. 905-876-3336 BU RLING TO N Shared furnished, townhouse. very cle an w ith fitn e ss centre, la undry in clude d. $550/ mo 905-637-6216 BU RLIN G TO N N o rth - 3bedroom townhome in well m aintained com plex with pool W alking distan ce to schoo ls and shopping. S l2 5 0 /m o u tilitie s . Avail Dec 1st/03 905-510-7036 B U R LO A K : 3-bedroom townhouse, garage. $1250/ mo 4 brand new appliances. Immediate 905-825-3429 Bronte/Lakeshore & Kerr/Speers ·la rg e , newly reno vated designer suites ·new appliances, utilities inc. ·b ig balconies with lakeview ·walk to shops, public transp. 1&2 bedrooms Ask lor move in incentives!! Call 905-827-6783 www.betterrant.com ONE bedroom basem ent apartment Oakville Brand new k itchen / w ashroom . Available Dec Non-smoker, no pets. 905-469-7427 2-BEDRO O M condo apt. $ 1 195/mo. A v a ila ble now or TBA 6 appliances (fur niture op tio n a l) F/P, b a l cony. parking underground or above, excellent condi tion. 1st 4 last R e fer ences. 905-827-9796 16" Toyota Supra Turbo Rims with 205/55/16 Good year RSA tires. Fit Camary. M axim a, etc. $400 obo. 905-681-9542 52- RCA TV with 6-speak er JBL surround and Sony D olby receiver, e n te rta in m ent unit. All 1-yr old. $3,000/firm 289-242-2822 6 drawer dresser (medium) with m irror. S85. Wooden spindle head 4 foot board with double mattress 4 box spring. $280. Double metal bed frame $35. 905*3388892 after 6pm 7PC quality bedroom suite in deep pecanwood Queen headboard 4 fram e, two bedside table s, la dies 7drawer dresser w/sweater storage, two matching m ir rors. m en's 6 drawer tall d resser, clean elegant design, perfect condition $1900 firm 905-844-0974 A king pillow -top m attress set New in pla stic. Cost S1600. S a crifice $450 905-567-9459 Can deliver I lost & found FO U N D - D om estic short haired senior brown Tabby Neutered Male. On Novem ber 5th. in the Bond and W ilson St area, O akville. 905-845-1551 FOUNDLadies bike. Sheraton Rd Burlington, call to identify 905-681-1847 FOUND: white with brown tabby cat found Spruce bet ween Appleby 4 W alkers We call ` Bruce* call 905-6377325 FOUNDLarge older black 4 Tan dog. QEW and Guelph Line We call ` Walk er* call 905-637-7325 L O S T - black le ath er bag w /2-pairs of tap shoes In the area of Burlington Sen iors Centre. New St/ Drury 905-637-6578

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