Oakville Beaver, 12 Nov 2003, A1

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RW Bs Magic Flute spectacular A r tsc e n e NORTH THE OAKVILLE A M E R I C A 'S MOST AWARDED C "USING COMMUNICATION TO BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIES A Metroland Publication Vol. 40 No. 135 It's unofficial: Mulvale wins a squeaker J u s t 1 2 v o te s s e p a ra te h a r d - fo u g h t c a m p a ig n s By Angela Blackburn O A K V ILLE BEAVER STAFF In a nailbiter o f an election. M ayor Ann M ulvale squeaked to a still unofficial victory with less than a bilker's dozen o f votes Monday. M ulvale retained her seat as mayor with a mere 12 votes on the 25th anniversary' o f her fir'^ v e r election. ' u n o ffic ia l Results An elate d A n n M ulvale (above) sp e ak s to h e r s u p p o rte rs a t L e Dome B anquet H all an d is c a u tiously o p tim istic w ith a 12-vote lead. S c ru tin e e r R achelle H o rto n (rig h t! goes o v e r n u m b e rs from polling statio n s 305 an d 309 w ith m a y o ra l c a n d id a te R ob B u rto n . R eg io n al C h a ir Jo y c e S avoline (below ) gets a victory h ug from P a tr ic ia B lac k sto ck . F o r th e R egional C h a ir results see page A4. Photos by Peter C. McCusker · O a k v ille H eaver The mayor trailed political new com er Rob Burton most M u lv a le 1 5 ,7 2 8 o f M onday night, and had to R o b B u r to n 1 5 ,7 1 6 face the serious possibility o f R ich a r d S e r r a 573 becoming a private citizen -- though she w asn't prepared to concede on such a close vote -- after 15 years as Oakville's mayor. "The Town Web site has the Mulvale team winning by 12 votes, however, let me say it again, if it's obviously going to be that close, there's going to be some son o f a recount." Mulvale told her supporters at 9:40 p.m. Ten minutes later word came to her election party at Le Dome that the Tow n Clerk and a Toronto television station had declared her the winner - by 12 "I always learn my votes. lessons well and I went What had been a sombre out today and got every mood with many M ulvale sup porters obviously registering single vote." shock and disbelief, turned into · M a yo r Arm M ulvale applause and cheers. However, disbelief still lin gered in the air and on people's faces as it registered the unofficial victory was by only 12 votes. M ulvale w ho rem ained positive and hopeful, though ready to accept O akville's vole graciously, climbcd onto the podium to declare the new s and share a hug with her son. Robert, before heading to Town Hall. "T hank-you," M ulvale told her supporters, adding, "I alw ays learn my lessons well and I went out today and got every single vote." The mayor, clad in her traditional campaign colours of blue and yellow, recalled she had lost her first municipal elec tion 25 years ago by a m ere 30 votes and has since believed strongly in getting voters out to the polls. (See O fficial' page A8) Burton consults lawyers after unofficial loss By Howard Mozel O AKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Editorials.................. A6 Artscene.................... B1 Focus........................Cl Update.......................C5 Sports.......................D1 Classifieds..................C6 hiilMiHfV./.Miiu P artial IM hm: M Jama, I m r a n i Interim. Sakxdin Army. Media lius. Mato Ifutto. little Caesars. Husmcss Depot, iM a c s . Sleep Factory. QMS, The Hay. Hindi 's . Spurt Qtek. Spurt Mart. iMrtuno' s. httuschirv. Home Depot. Sears. /torfy Packagers (Support Your Local Carrier! CaruKHar SV LC D E LIV E R Y P u W c a to n #Mali P ro O u dA ^ w w il M36 .Xl' For home drUsery A i w Mmer arm or call 1 90SI 845-9742 V/,«i. Tutk. A Thun ·ia.m. · 6pjn.. Wed « S Fri. 9 tint 8 pjn. itr SntunLt\ 10 a m -4 p.m. For n o t \ubscriptkm, call 1905) 845-9742 or xubu nhe inline ¥ M m odkriBittm r t v m Rob Burton is seeking legal advice after the unoffi cial ballot count show ed him losing by 12 votes to incum bent M ayor Ann Mulvale. W hen reached Tuesday, Burton said he has "author ized our legal advisors to pur sue every opportunity to be certain o f the results so that w hoever wins their victory is not clouded by lingering questions." Burton also congratulated Mulvale on her "apparent vic tory and strong cam paign." A first-time mayoral can didate, Burton led for most of the night only to have the numbers fade out in the final stretch. Gracious in defeat, but vowing to run again in three years. Burton said the close race and his narrow defeat sends a "really strong message." "We all want the town to grow without losing its soul." said Burton, w'ho plans to work "every day" until the next election to honour the high level o f faith voters placed in him. "1 treasure In addressing the Kamada THANKS DAD: A tte n d in g y e s te rd a y 's O ak v ille L egion R e m e m b ra n ce Day cerem o n ies a t Inn crowd. Burton said he G e o rg e 's S q u a re w as C h e ste r H elgason. T h e S econd W o rld W a r v e te ra n sp en t tw o y ea rs in had "zero" name-recognition S u n n y b ro o k H ospital a fte r being in ju re d serv in g w ith th e P rin cess P a tric ia L ig h t In fa n try in at the start o f the campaign, a E n g lan d an d Italy. F lan k in g him a re his d a u g h te rs A rlen e C u rtis an d M u riel B a rrie . F o r p ic tu res fact which made M onday's from S u n d a y 's R e m e m b ra n c e D ay C erem o n y by th e B ro n te L egion, see p ag e C l . squeaker o f a loss that much NO CHARGE DVD Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver you.r lr u .s` in m e " . _ FLYER DELIVERY Quantities as low as 1000 C&905-845-3824 sweeter. "From where we started that's an incredible increase." he said. "Next time we'll do better. I promise you." Burton, who said during the race that his campaign was a referendum on grow th, told his assembled supporters that having two ``distinct points o f view" in the cam paign - his and Mulvale's was vital. "This election campaign was a healthy one for O akville." said Burton, w in acknowledged the solid h a d ing o f his family, especially wife. Wendy, when thankini his team. " I am so grateful fo your support. Support likt yours is how to change things." The evening started off on a positive note when the first scrutineer to phone Burton announced that he had won Poll 105 at Walton M emorial C hurch. T hat was clearly taken as a good omen by the few supporters in attendance and by Burton himself. "W ow!" he said, plainly delighted and w ringing his hands w ith ex citem ent as more results and team m em bers first trickled, then flood ed. in. "I'm very proud o f what w e'v e achieved." said Burton, midway through the evening. "This is going to be close." D O N ' T M IS S IT . PURCHASE FINANCING f o r u p t o 60 m o n th s Dodge o n m o s t D o d g e . Jeep & C h ry s le r v e h id e s O NLY A FE F IV E S TA R L O C K W O O D S s M f '0aMle R (b e tw e e n K err & D o rva l) © ©a ©© Oakville's 2000 2003 five Star Certified Deaierchi 1Large selection of frames 1Doctor's appointment arranged 1We accept all vision care programs 5 0 b on Top Brand Names - All Frames Storewide with purchase of your Rx lenses Space Optical invites you to come in and see all the new latest styles in eyewear. Visit us for personal and prompt service. 2 PJ1E 2 B P J IG S L Trafalgar Village 125 Cross Ave. Mon 9 · 6 · Tu«s Wed. Thurs & Frl 9 · 8 pm ·Sat 9 30 - 5 pm 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -2 8 2 1

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