12 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 6, 2003 PETER C. M cCU SK ER O a k v ille Beaver P a r a d e F lo a t W in n e r s Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale presented a S500 cheque to the 19th Oakville Scout Troop for having the best float in the Oakville Santa Claus Parade. Parade Com m ittee chair Susan Coyne jo in e d the mayor in presenting the cheque to Beaver leader Joel Smith and troop members Nathan Smith, Daniel Perry and Christian Smith. The Future HAS ARRIVED. AUDI C E N TR E OAKVILLE has moved and welcomes you to visit their NEW facility on the NORTH SERVICE RD., W EST (Between 4th Line & 3rd Line) north Mfvtal road Audi Centre Oakville 13 4 5 N o r t h S e r v i c e Ro a d We s t · 9 0 5 . 8 4 4 . AUDI