A 4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday August 7, 2002 please mum* Oakville residents cycling for kids By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF jo in o u r V IP c lu b save 35% OFF everything regular price Oakville Place Mall tel: 8 4 5 -9 2 9 2 N o tic e o f L iq u o r L ic e n c e A p p lic a tio n Ontario The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for Additional Facilities Montfort 376 Iroquois Shore Road Oakville (outdoor area) Any resident of the municipality may make a written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than September 7, 2002. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant details of any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W., 7th Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2N6 Fax: 416-326-5555 E-mail: licensing@agco.on.ca Cycling from Vancouver to Montreal to raise money for sick children has been a family affair this summer for O akville's Conway family. Leading the way was Deer Run Avenue resident Michael Conway who has been cycling along with his son, Patrick, a 12-year-old E. J. James Public School student. Conway's better half, Sylvie Conway, has been riding and driv ing a support vehicle. Even their daughter, Cynthia, 18, a recent Oakville-Trafalgar High School graduate, drove support from Vancouver to Calgary before she had to fly home to put in some hours on her summer job. The cycling trek, dubbed Canada Cycles for Kids, involves eight riders who left Vancouver on July 12 and will wrap up in Montreal by Aug. 8 -- approxi mately 5,200 kilometres later. Pedaling right alongside the Conways has been Oakville resi dent Gord Statham, Conw ay's buddy and a local hockey and soc cer coach. The group of eight cyclists is not just out to challenge them selves, but to raise funds for the Children's Wish Foundation. "There are kids who are sick and it's not fair because kids are supposed to live carefree, happy little lives. If we're able to make a couple of kids smile and forget that they're sick for a little while then I think it's a great cause," said group spokesperson Kailyn Alysah, of Montreal. It was Alysah's dad, Marc Balevi, and his friend Robert Fetherstonhaugh, both of Montreal, who first dreamed up the cycling adventure. Conway knows Fetherstonhaugh from studying for their chartered accounting exams together in Montreal -- and doing a lot of cycling there, too. "My dad and Robert had been planning it for a couple of years and others joined in so that they wouldn't back out. Initially it was just to cycle across Canada because that was cool, but then they decided to do it for a cause," explained Alysah. Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver Sylvie Conway, son Patrick. Michael Conway and Gord Statham were part of the crew cycling across Canada. The rest of the group joined in Calgary to Toronto, the group split of riders ran short of water on a as word-of-mouth about the excur into three, each travelling its own deserted stretch of Ontario road sion spread. route along the TransCanada between Kenora and Fort Frances Alysah said that the group has Highway. in blistering heat, they stopped at a so far raised about $ 150,000. "We They met again at the Speyside farmhouse in hopes of hospitality. had raised $120,000 before we General Store on Thursday before The family they found was dumb even left," she said. heading to the Conway residence struck upon learning of their ride The riders made their way to and then on to Toronto and -- since their son had been diag British Columbia and are respon Montreal, again riding as a single nosed with leukemia and had just sible for paying for their own food group. learned the Children's Wish and lodging. "We've had gorgeous, gor Foundation would grant his wish That said, many hotels have geous weather. It's been really hot, to go to Disney World. provided rooms for the group free- but absolutely beautiful. We had The Children's Wish of-charge. "That's made it so one day of rain and that day it just Foundation has also hosted the much easier," said Alysah. poured," said Alysah. cyclists for dinner at various loca Covering approximately 150"It's not nearly as much fun tions along their ride -- dinners 400 km daily, the group of chil cycling in the rain. We got around attended by some of the founda dren and adults, generally rides the heat by starting really early in the tion's benefiting families. between 6 a.m. and 3 p.m. before morning, at 6 a.m.," said Conway. Conway said one boy out west calling it a day. "We've learned a lot about our was able to attend an annual mon Patrick is the youngest member country. It's a lot longer than peo ster truck gathering in Las Vegas of the group while the oldest is ple think. There are a lot more hills where he not only saw the monster fiftiesh Sandy Campbell, of and Saskatchewan is not nearly as trucks, but sat in them, too. Winnipeg. flat as people think," said Conway. Another child was able to visit Conway said his son rides Though he's been cycling since his grandparents in China. when it's safe and has clocked he was a teen, this has been his It's still possible to donate to more than 65 km on his best day. longest trip yet. "I loved it. It's Canada Cycles for Kids or check The group rode together really quite an experience and it's out the group's adventure to date through the Canadian Rockies all for a good cause." by visiting www.canadacyclesfrom Vancouver to Calgary. From In fact, one day when a couple forkids.com ominees ate... R eaders' Selection Choose y o u r fa v o u rite s and send in o r d ro p o ff th e b a llo t to W in $500 in G ift C ertificates to O a k v ille B e a v e r 4 6 7 S p e e rs Rd, O a k v ille , O n L6K 3S4 f a x 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -5 5 6 8 N am e: A d d re s s : Phone: - Ballots must be received by Aug. 16 to be included In the random draw. - Readers' (Selection AWARDS PEOPLE R a d io LJ 1. Q 2. Q 3. P e r s o n a li t y Marilyn Dennis Erin Davies Carla Collins AWARD6 W o m e n 's C lo th in g S to r e 1. ToccaFinita 2. Elfie's Q 3. Barbette C h ild r e n 's C lo th in g S to r e L l 1. Watch us Grow L l 2. Sears 3. Harrisons L l 4. Little Treasures J e w e lle ry L l 1. London Gold L l 2. Srigleys -- 1 3. Manning Jewellers B e d d i n g & L in en 1. The Bay 2. Halton Linen Q 3. Feathers L l 2. National Sports L l 3. Oakville Cycle & Sport G o lf S h o p 1. Pro Golf 2. Golf town CJ 3. Oakville Golf H om e C e n tr e L l 1. Q 2. 3. Im p ro v e m e n t Lansing Hom e Depot Cashway j 2. HMV 3. The Beat Goes On Ll -J 2. Monastery Bakery 3. Glen Abbey Italian Ll Q 2. Lorraine's Pantry 3. Otellos In su ra n c e A g e n t 1. Kelly Cullin 2. Wayne McGill Ll 3. Andrew Heideman F in a n c ia l P l a n n e r Q 1. Peter Watson Q 2. Ray Jackson 3. Paul Foley A c c o u n ta n t Q 1. Bill Hutchings Q 2. Charles Havill J 3. AlanOgilvie C lo w n Q 1. Jimbo Q 2. Patches 3. Squeaky C h ir o p r a c to r Q 1. Dr. Brett Moore 2. Dr. Simpson Ll 3. Dr. Roper O p to m e tris t 1. Dr. Karen Sm ith 2. Dr. Patricia Wheeler l ] 3. Dr. Courchesne D e n tis t Q 1. Dr. Q 2. Dr. Ll 3. Dr. Ll 4. Dr. Phelan Sim on Pong Kazdan Bis J P ic tu re F r a m i n g Q 1. Surroundings Q 2. Greenings L l 3. Concept Galleries L l 4. The Fram ing Den B icycle S to r e 1. Cycle Path L l 2. Oakville Cycle & Sport Q 3. Canadian Tire C o m p u te r S to r e / S e r v i c e L l 1. Canadian Computer L l 2. @ com puters Q 3. Compucentre L ig h tin g C e n tr e L l 1. Gerrie Electric CJ 2. Lando Lighting L l 3. Raymar Lighting Toy Q S to r e 1. Pick of the Crop 2. Toys R Us 3. Wal-Mart F u r n itu r e L l 1. Sears Furniture & Appliance 2. Joshua Creek j 3. Swiss Interiors 3. Richway F urniture A u to P a rts Ll 1. Canadian Tire 2. Halton Auto Electric L l 3. Mantis Racing F re s h F ru its & V e g e ta b le s 1. Longo's L l 2. Franks Food Basics Q 3. The Bam A rt S chool Ll 1. Studio Pavas U l 2. H anna Art Ll 3. Fundamentals Creative Art Studio M u s ic a l I n s t r u m e n t s / In s tru c tio n 1. Hi Note Ll 2. Lakeshore Music J 3. Merriam Music B u tc h e r 1. Dietrich's 2. Bruno's 3. Olde Fashioned Butcher Shop 4. Florence Meat 5. David's T ra v e l A g e n c y 1. Carlson Wagonlit/ McTavish TVavel LJ 2. Oakville Travel Ll 3. Travel Choice R e tire m e n t H o m e 1. Kensington 2. Queen's Avenue 3. Sunrise Retirement 4. Hearthstone B u ild e r National Homes Mattamy Homes Valery Homes ash High Class Sunoco Softcloth Esso C om pany Crystal Springs Flamboro Springs Culligan L a n d s c a p e /L a w n S e rv ic e 1. Weedman 2. McCartny Landscape 3. Nutri-Lawn 4. Bulow Ll Ll 2. Ideal Graphics 3. Pocketpress 4. Print 3 Ll 3. Pioneer Pools 3. DBI-Design Build Industries Ll Q 2. European Time 3. Manning Jewellers M u ff le r S h o p 1. Meineke Muffler G 2. Midas Muffler Ll 3. Speedy Muffler D r iv in g In s tr u c tio n 1. Young Drivers of Canada Q 2. Sears B re w Y our O w n W in e /B e e r Q 1. Einstein Brew House 2. Corks Q 3. Wine Kitz S h o e R e p a ir Ll 1. Moneysworth & Best Q 2. Hopedale Shoe Repair Q 3. Head over Heels B a n q u e t F acility Ll 1. LeD om e 2. Glen Abbey Golf Club Q 3. Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre C o u r ie r Ll 1. Purolator Ll 2. Mailboxes etc. 3. PakMail I n t e r i o r D e s ig n e r Q 1. Sylvia Camilleri 2. P eartreesof Oakville 3. Decorating Den O p tic a l S to r e Q 1. Space Optical Q 2. Next Optical Q 3. Hakim Optical D a y C a re /N u rs e ry -I 1. Oakville Parent Child Centre 2. Wee Watch Ll 3. Thistleoaks A r t G a ll e r y Q 1. Native Art Q 2. Abbozzo Ll 3. Greenings E m p lo y m e n t A g e n c y 1. Adecco CJ 2. Kelly Services Ll 3. Drake G y m n a s tic s Ll 1. Oakville Gymnastics Club 2. Schlegels Gymnastics Centre 3. YMCA S h u tt e r s / B l i n d s Ll 1. Windows by Bruce Ll 2. Shutters Etc. 3. Supershades Q 4. Shutters Unlimited U p h o ls te ry / R e sto ra tio n Q 1. Baiers Ll 2. Howards Second Generation 3. Master Furniture E s th e tic s /A e s th e tic s 1. Rosewater Spa 2. Meline's Aesthetics & Electrolysis Clinic Ll 3. Sanctuary Ll 4. Images International LJ 5. Face, Body, and Soul Ll B illia rd H a ll 1. Avalon Billiard's Club Q 2. Arnold's E ntertainm ent L ocal G o lf C o u r s e Ll 1. Glen Abbey Golf Club 2. Deerfield 3. White Oaks L ocal S p o r ts O rg a n iz a tio n 1. Oakville Soccer Club Q 2. Oakville Little League Q 3. Minor Oaks Hockey Association L ocal E v e n t 1. Waterfront Festival Q 2. Midnight Madness Ll 3. Jazz Festival O r th o d o n t i s t s Ll 1. Dr. Tovilo Q 2. Dr. Gwartz U l 3. Dr. Fasken RMT- R e g i s t e r e d M a s s a g e T h e r a p is t l.Gwen WilliamsonM enuha Ll 2. Bonnie BaileyActive Touch Ll 3. Janet SimpsonFerrone Fitness Q 4. Oakville Shiatsu C lo s e t O r g a n i z o r s 1. Space Age Shelving/Innovative Storage Q 2. California Closets Ll 3. JJ M irror and Closets B a n k /T ru s t C o m p a n y 1. CIBC Q 2. TD/Canada TVust 3. Royal Bank C a rp e t/U p h o ls te r y C le a n e r G) 1. On The Spot L l 2. Action Chem Dry Q 3. Absolute Chem Dry Q 4. Sears F itn e s s C lu b Q 1. The Gym 2. Good Life L l 3. Body Shaping H a ir S a lo n L l 1. Salon Venere 2. Civello L l 3. Atelier L l 4. Bob R Shop R a d i o S ta tio n 1. CHUM FM 2. K-Lite FM 3. 99.9 Hits In su ran ce C o m p an y L l 1. Vince, Tomensen L l 2. Halton Caird G J 3. Affiliated Insurance 4. The Co-operators L a w y e r 's O ffic e 1. O'Connor Macleod 2. Marler Kyle Andrew L l 3. MacDonald Swan A ir C o n d itio n in g Q 1. Air Calm L l 2. A-l Heating & Air Conditioning L l 3. Branair L a w n C a re E q u ip m e n t L l 1. C urrent Power l) 2. Cliffs Lawn 3. Halton Grounds Care Equipm ent P a i n t S to r e Q 1. Speers Rd. Paint & Flooring Q 2. Painters Place GJ 3. Color Your World Ll Ll B rid a l S to r e Q 1. Dormel -J 2. Frank And Zora --I 3. A Glimpse of Radiance C h o c o la te s L) 1. Walker's Chocolates Ll 2. Simply Chocolate Q 3. Bernard Callebaut E le c tro n ic s Q 1. Future Shop Q 2. Flippance & Carr Q 3. Radio Shack M a ttre ss Ll 1. Sleep Factory Ll 2. Royal Mattress Q 3. Mattress Liquidators W in d o w s Ll 1. Travelling Windows GJ 2. Ridley Windows & Doors 3. Suprem e Windows 4. Rollex H om e L l 1. G J 2. -- I 3. C ar G J W 1. 2. 3. D r u g S to r e Q 1. Oakville Rexall Drug Store 2. Shoppers Drug Mart L l 3. CIMS Guardian A n t i q u e S to r e 1. Olde Oakville Antiques Q 2. Oakville Antique Mall 3. Oakville Used F urniture and Antiques S h o e S to r e 1. Charles Austin L l 2. Cheslers L l 3. The Foot Shoppe L l 4. Kiddie Kobbler C h in a / G i f t S to r e L l 1. Mary's Keepsakes Q 2. Rob McIntosh Crystal Q 3. Rawa's D is c o u n t S to r e Q 1. Liquidation World Q 2. Growl'n Gator V a c u u m S to r e 1. Halton Vacuum 2. Oakville Vacuum L l 3. Advantage Vacuum A p p lia n c e S h o p L i 1. Domaine L I 2. Sears 3. Oakville Appliance L in g e rie S to r e Q 1. Inside Story L l 2. Gwendolyn Shop Q 3. GoodNight GoodMoming C o n v e n i e n c e / C ig a r S to r e L l 1. Hennesey's 2. Havana L l 3. Celebrity House of Cigars G a r d e n i n g C e n tre L l 1. Terra Nurseries Q 2. Jade Gardens 3. Agram L l 4. Original Garden Centre H a r d w a r e S to r e 1. Canadian Tire 2. Home Hardware Q 3. Home Depot J Ll Ll Ll Ll E le c tric a l C o n tr a c to r 1. North S tar Electric 2. Bucci Electric 3. Carbone Electric Q C o n s ig n m e n t S e c o n d H a n d - A d u lt 1. Phase 2 2. By Consignment C o n s ig n m e n t- S e c o n d H a n d - C h ild r e n G 1. Chic Repeats Ll 2. Little Treasures Ll 3. Once upon A Child W a te r L l 1. L l 2. - J 3. E le c tro ly sis 1. Bare Nature 2. Liliannes 3. Abbeywood Spa Ll 4. Meline's Aesthetics & Electrolysis Clinic Ll M a i d S e rv ic e Q 1. Merry Maid Ll 2. Molly Maid 3. Kathy's Cleaning G if t w a r e s / E c d e c t i c Ll 1. Murrons Cabinetree 2. Roasting Apples 3. My Imagination Gallery C o s m e tic S u r g e r y 1. Dr. Weiglan 2. Dr. Weinberg Q 3. Dr. Steven Brown H o c k e y /S k iin g /S n o w b o a r d in g E q u ip m e n t 1. Corbetts 2. Canadian Tire 3. Hustler H a ts a n d A c c e s s o r ie s 1. Chelsea's 2. Accessory Place Ll O il/L u b e C h a n g e Q 1. Canadian Tire Q 2. East Side L l 3. F ourth Line Auto C a r p e t in g L l 1. Speers Rd. Broadloom Ul 2. Albert's Carpet One 3. www.flooringca.com 4. Giant Carpet C e ra m ic s Ll 1. Concept Flooring Ll 2. Speers Rd. Paint & Flooring Ll 3. Giant Carpet H a rd w o o d & L a m in a te s G J 1. Antique Hardwood Flooring Ll 2. Azores Flooring Q 3. Speers Rd. Paint & Flooring GJ 4. Speers Rd. Broadloom I n v e s tm e n t C o m p a n y 1. CIBC WoodGundy L l 2. Edward Jones GJ 3. Fiscal Agents L um ber Q 1. Cashway Building Supplies L l 2. Lansing Buildall L l 3. Main Lumber C ru is e L l 1. Bob's Cruises 2. cruise ship centers G J 3. Cruise Holidays M a s s a g e / A l t e r n a t iv e T h erap y C o m p a n y Ul 1. Active Touch G 2. Thum bs Up Shiatsu Q 3. Oakville Shiatsu D r y C le a n e r 1. W right's Cleaners G J 2. Spotless 3. Oakville Dry Cleaners L ive E n t e r ta i n m e n t 1. Oakville Centre 2. Theatre Sheridan Ll 3. Stage West B o w lin g 1. Hopedale Bowl 2. Classic Bowl T axi C o m p a n y Q 1. Oakville United Taxi Ll 2. Halton Taxi L im o u s in e S e rv ic e 1. Gem Limousine 2. Exotic Limo 3. White Shadow Limo Ll Q Q Ll Ll B e s t D e c k D e s ig n 1. Just Decks Ll 2. Select Deck and Fence Ll 3. Hickory Dickory Decks L aw yer Q 1. Kathryn Naumetz Q 2. Kevin Haxell 3. Jarvis Sheridan Q 4. Leslie Sm ith Em Q Q J p lo y e r/M a n a g e r 1. Petro Canada 2. Sheridan College 3. Zenon 4. Town of Oakville C am era Shop 1. McCutcheon's 2. Blacks L l 3. M otoFoto\ P et Q Q Ll F ire Ll _J Shop 1. Rens 2. Super Pet 3. Pets & More P la c e C e n t r e 1. H earth Manor 2. BBQ Gas Grill 3. Napoleons BEST BUSINESS SERVICES W e i g h t L oss C linic 1. Argus Medical Diet Centre 2. Weight Watchers Ll 3. Lifestyle Metabolism A u to G la ss Q I. Apple Auto Glass U 2. Dependable Auto Glass L o n g D is ta n c e 1. Bell 2. London T o u ris t A ttr a c tio n Q 1. Bronte Ll 2. Downtown Oakville 3. Gairloch Gardens M a r ti a l A r ts F ac ility Ll 1. Ontario Centre for Martial Arts Q 2. Morning Star TkeKwon Do Ll 3. Kick Jitsu 4. Horizon "foe Kwon Do Ll 5. United Family Martial Arts M in i P u tt 1. Family Golf Q 2. Putting Edge Ll B a th & K itc h e n L l 1. Canac 2. Oakville Kitchen Centre 3. Arborlea C h ild r e n 's F u rn itu r e Q 1. A Room Of My Own G J 2. Sears L l 3. Cribs `n ' More A u t o m o t iv e C o llisio n & R e p a ir L l 1. Action Collision L l 2. Oaktown Collision 3. Carstar L l 4. Budds Collision Fur Q 1. B arrington's 2. Nadelfurs H e a l t h F o o d /S u p p l i e s L l l.Herbal Magic L l 2. Abbey Health Foods Q 3. Body of Health G 4. Natures Source F ro z e n F o o d 1. M&M Meats L l 2. Dietrich's F a b ric G 1. L l 2. Q 3. Shop Fabricland Fairhom e Fabrics Bouclair B e s t S e rv ic e B y A N e w B u s in e s s 1. Mayka Cuddly 2. Home Depot (Cross Ave.) Ll 3. Extreme Pita (Cross Ave.) Q 4. Loomis and Tole Q 5. Avenue One Ll 6. Moule en Rouge B e s t R e ta il/S e r v ic e S a le s p e r s o n 1. Greg McKinnon at R unning Co. Ll 2. Eric at Roasting Apples Q 3. Jill at Barbette A c c o u n tin g F irm CJ 1. Glenn Graydon W right 2. Henderson Partners Q 3. BDO Dunwoody R u n n in g S to r e 1. Running Company 2. Running Room 3. National Sports I n t e r n e t S e rv ic e P ro v id e r 1. Cogeco Ll 2. Bell Sympatico -1 3. A0L Canada W ig s /H a ir R e p la c e m e n t Q 1. TVuly You 2. MediSpa Q Ll V e te r i n a r y C linics 1. Speers Rd. Animal Hospital 2. Bronte Rd. Animal Hospital 3. Trafalgar Animal Hospital B o o k s to r e L l 1. Chapters Q 2. Bookers 3. Coles T ire Q Ll Shop 1. Jensen Tire 2. Canadian Tire 3. Goodyear Ll Ll Ll BEST SHOPPING S h o p p in g A r e a Q 1. Bronte Ll 2. Downtown Oakville 3. Kerr S t S h o p p in g P la z a Q 1. TVafalgar Ridge LJ 2. Upper Oakville L) 3. Maplegrove S h o p p in g M all Q 1. Oakville Place Ll 2. Hopedale Mall Ll 3. Square One D e p a r t m e n t S to r e Q 1. The Bay 2. Wal-Mart ^ 3. Sears M e n 's C lo th in g S to r e 1. Garvey's Q 2. Burrows 3. Art Lee C a m p in g E q u ip m e n t L l 1. Hiker' s Haven Q 2. Canadian Tire Q 3. Oakville Surplus Exchange F lo ris t L l 1. Heidi's L l 2. Oakville Florist 3. Forget Me Not Flowers O ffic e S u p p lie s 1. Business Depot/Staples 2. Frid and Russell Q 3. Basics C e llu la r P h o n e S h o p 1. Bell World 2. Primeline Connections 3. Wireless Wizards 4. Complete Comm unications Telecom/Primus - J 3. Sprint H o te l/M o te l 1. Country Inn L l 2. Holiday Inn Express L l 3. R am adalnn S e c u r ity S e rv ic e /L o c k s 1. Harp 2. ADT j 3. Active Lock & Safe S e w i n g S u p p lie s Q 1. Oakville Sewing L l 2. Sewing Machine Store 3. Haberdashers Pool C om pany L l 1. Pools for Homes GJ 2. Pioneer Pools G J 3. International Pool & Spa C a t e r in g C o m p a n y Q 1. Mari's Deli H o m e H e a lth C a re Ll 1. National Elder Ll 2. Beta Health Care 3. VON (Victorian Order of Nurses) Ll Ll 1. Oakville Movers 2. Atlas Scannell Moving 3. Bronte Movers BEST ENTERTAINMENT/ SPORTS M o v ie T h e a t r e Q 1. Famous Players L l 2. Cineplex 3. AMC M o v ie Ll 1. L l 2. 3. M o v ie L l 1. L l 2. J 3. R e n ta l Blockbuster Video Maplegrove Video Rogers Video S a le s Laser land Cinema 1 Blockbuster C h ild r e n 's P la y g r o u n d / A m usem ent Ll 1. Monkey's Jungle Ll 2. Ducky's Play Centre Ll 3. Scooters D a n c e (C h ild re n ) I n s tr u c tio n a l Ll 1. Oakville School of Dance Ll 2. Studio Pavas Ll 3. Prem ier Dance Ll 4. The Dance Exchange Ll 5. Fleming School of Dance D a n c e (A d u lt) I n s tr u c tio n a l Q 1. A rthur Murray Q 2. Fred Astaire Ll Ll Ll T r a n s m is s io n S h o p 1. Halton Transmission 2. Aamco 3. Mister Transmission P h o t o g r a p h y S tu d io 1. Aura Photographies Ll 2. Portraits By Mina LJ 3. Brenda Seymour Q 4. As It Happens P r in t S h o p Q 1. Somerville Graphics LJ C raft S h o p L l 1. Michael's Q 2. Harbour Craft Q 3. Loomis and Toles S p o r t in g G o o d s J 1. Corbetts Ll C D /R e c o rd S to r e 1. Future Shop B ak ery L l 1. Caldense Bakery S p a /H o t Tubs 1. Cartier Pools/Beachcomber Ll 2. International Pool & Spa H o m e R e n o v a tio n s 1. Vellas Ll 2. VanderNoort NEW CATEGORIES FOR 2002 W a tc h R e p a ir Q 1. Times Square The official Readers' Selection Awards winners will be published in a special supplement in the Oakville Beaver Sept. 1. J