Oakville Beaver, 1 Dec 2004, D05

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 1, 2004 - D5 r n i l l cart for sale 1995 Ford W m dstar LX. Amazing condition, red w/ Black & G rey in te rio r. 168.000km Pwr group Runs perfect Mississauga $4995. Pis call Steve O 416-737-6942 2001 Jetta. TDI. 77.000km. original owner, silver/ black, le ath er, loaded, 5-speed, extended warranty. $22,900. 905-331-6219 2003 Honda C ivic DXG. automatic. 4 cylinder, beige, A/C. AM/FWCD. P/L. keyless remote. 28.000km. immacu late $15.995 905-339-3352 2000 Acura 1 6 EL 4-door, all power options. 40.000 mi.. S i4.000. Immaculate. 905332-3365. 1989 Mustang LX 4-cyl. auto, p/w.. p /l.. A/C, cruise, only 94K.. c e rtifie d , e-tested. $1400 obo. Must sell, owner leaving country. 905-8761580; 905-299-0111. 1993 Ford Taurus. V6. loaded. 199K. excellen t shape, undercoated yearly, new tires, brakes. $2600 C e rtified , e-te sted. 905639-3524 1991 ROYALE Brougham 88 m any new parts, wellm aintained. excellen t condition. Must sell. As is $3000 905-634-3072. 1991 Honda A ccord EXR standard, excellent condition, new tires, all service records. Will certify. 905-332-7634. 2001 BUICK Regal LS fully loaded, leather, nice shape. 120K . certified. $13,000. Call Roger. 905-319-1455 1995 Chrysler Cirrus LX. 4door. 190.000km, one non sm oking fem ale ow ner; automatic. 6cyl. black/ grey intenor, fog. power seats, a/c. anVfm/cd. p/w. p/l. cruse, tw. W ell maintained by trusted mechanic. Safety, e-tested Priced to sell $3500. firm. 905-633-7802 1999 Toyota Tercel hunter green, m anual. 4-door, bucket seats, a/c, air bags, im m aculate, $7,200. 905829-9668 15 0 0 ^ 2 3 1 5 0 0 E c ity o f KTil help wanted t y i j l office-clerical H Est l l . 1932 · Accounting HALTON · Office Admin. BUSINESS · Medical/Legal Assist INSTITUTE · Dental Reception ·POUCE 460 Brant St. FOUNDATIONS Burlington B u rlin g to n www. burim gto n . ca Become a school crossing guard... . f o r lo ts o f " l i t t l e " BILINGUAL French/ English custom er service rep req u ire d for grow ing consulting company. Entry le v e l p o s itio n . Insurance com pany background an asset. Fax resum e w ith salary expectation to 905847-8283 or em ail dianePRACentre ca OFFICE Help, part-tim e. 2 positions. Sat 9-5. Sun. 11-5 (alternate weekends). Small office, general office duties, must be com puter literate. Fluent In English' Must have own transportation, no bus route. Fax 905-842-8670 B U R LIN G TO N . F ull-tim e duties include A/P data entry. A/R invoicing and customer service price maintenance W ord and excel a m ust. Accpac for wmdows exp an asset. Fax resume to 905335-5645 RECEPTIONIST- Bodycote Property Holdings Wo are recruiting for a Receptionist to greet vis ito rs , answ ers telephone calls and perform gen era l c le ric a l duties. Forw ard resum es to: HR, BMTC. 2395 Speakman Dr. Mississauga. ON, L5K1B3 Fax 905 -82 3-14 46 om ail careers© bodycote.ca LA-Z-BOY Outlet Store - Stoney Creek Sales Professionals Wanted Our new Outlet Store in stoney Creek is soon to open and we are looking tor som e highperformance, high energy Sales Professionals to join our team. We need people with backgrounds in Home Furnishings Retailing or other High Ticket Retailing who would do well in a store that is designed to move furniture - with lots of available stock, a high quality Product, a respected Brand Name, a generous Commission Program and local Advertising Support. If you have been looking for an opportunity to work and prosper with a dynamic, growing Company this may be it! Do not w orry about sending in a resume or portfolio. To apply just call Charlie at 905-3317600- Ext. 150 - 24 hours a day. hospital, medical, dental hospital, medical, dental DELI Manager Fine Food Store: mature, responsible, experienced merchandising and purchasing, developed com m unication skills, appreciation for fine food, business acumen, com pe titive wage Ask for Ken at 905-842-0378. e-mail jubilee abeiioet.ca E J W S p e a c h in g opportunities re a s o n s ! 637* 3415 January Classes J Do you share our concern for the safety of our young, school-age children? Turn that concern into com m itm ent by w orking as a school crossing guard. We currently have positions available in Aldershot. EDUCATIONAL Daycare in Oakville is currently seeking ECE's (SI 1.-S13.) and ECA's (S8.-S11.) who are energetic, enthusiastic and ready to join a great teamt Toddler and Pre School experience preferred. Please fax to Laura at 905-338-2123 or emali: lauraOcogeco.net PATHW AYS is accepting resum es for FT /PT and supply positions. Qualified app lica n ts should have a stron g curriculum back ground in either Montesson or E.C.E. Resumes can be fax to: 905-304-5711 or emailed to: infoOpathways child ca LITTLE F o lk s C hildren Centro. Burlington requires P/T-F/T ECE ce rtifie d teacher. Call 905-336-6187. or em ail little folksC sympatco.ca BRANT Children's Centre requires fu ll-tim e ECE Teacher. C all 9 0 5 -6 3 4 5518. or fax 905-634-5510 Ontario Eatty Years 535 535 ra CHILDCARE STAFF The O akville P arent-C hild C entre has an excellent op po rtun ity fo r exp.'d PT C hildcare A ssista nts an d E arly C hildh ood E ducators w orking w ith infants, to ddlers and pre scho ole rs in ou r Earty Y ears and nursery school program s. Qualifications: ECE Diploma or related exp.. Please forward your resume by Fri. Dec. 8 to: 337 Kerr Street, Oakville, ON, L6K 3B7 Fax: 905-825-2611, opcc@cogeco.net Attn: Executive Director-Wo phone calls please If y o u 're in te re ste d in jo in in g o u r te a m , w e in vite y o u to a p p ly by D e c e m b e r 13th, 20 0 4 , q u o tin g J o b #TT-10 7 -0 4 , to: H R D e p a rtm e n t, 4 2 6 B r a n t S tre e t, P.O. B o x 5 0 1 3 , B u r lin g to n , O n ta r io L 7 R 3 Z 6 e -m a il: h r @ b u r lin g to n .c a We thank all applicants and advise that onty those to be interviewed w * be contacted. it# * nas- CourtManor An Equal Opportunity Employer HOLLOW METAL/ STEEL SHOP in O a kville has 2 op e n in g s lo r 514 salon & spa help 514 salon & spa help SALES PERSON w a te r/fa ll / & RECEPTIONIST A p p ly via la x 90 5-3 37-2 19 9 {]/ solon and spa DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE'S NEWEST PREMIUM SALON AND SPA Jr. Dispatch/ Administration Oakville based transport company seeks Jr. Dispatcher to also assist with daily administration. Salary to commensurate with experience. Fax 905-465-1559 Email: waddell® waddelltransport.ca Long Term Care Facility (Burlington, Ontario) IS S E A R C H IN G FO R E xceptional P eople w ho have a Passion for w orking w ith the Elderly and approach their Vocation w ith C reativity D edication and S pirit lracy@jerdan.com W e lc o m e s ta le n te d p ro fe s s io n a ls t o jo in o u r te a m e ffe c tiv e J a n u a ry 2 0 0 5 . Registered Nurses Registered Practical Nurses Weekend Receptionist HCA's/PSW's "E xp erie nce Long-Term C are w ith a d iffe re n c e .' Inquiries: Call 905-333-4006 or Fax: 905-333-4416 careers@conmedhealth.com www.conmedhealth.com FAN TA STIC cleaning service. Clean homes and o ffice. G ood prices and excellent references. Call 905-567-0014 905-823-8141 HONEST and reliable person is availab le for com plete house cle anin g. Approx. $50/house. 905-318-8289 leave mossage. BUZZ Bee M aids w ill put your mmd at rest Call 905336-5655 or please visit. www.buz2beem4ids.com EUROPEAN P rofessional cleaning lady available MonFri. New good vacuum / supplies. Reasonable price. S a tisfaction guaranteed 905-601-5656 HONEST, frie n d ly and reliable cle anin g lady availavlo No job too big or too sm all. C all 905335-1395. for free estimate. S u n r is e . s e n io r Liv in g Sunrise o f O akville & B urlington CO U R IE R w ith van (F/T) required for local route and same day/ rush to GTA. Mini van. Experience preferred, but w ill tra in . Please call Mark 905-336-0443 SUPERINTENDENT Couple for O akville Highrise, F u ll time. live-in. Contact Lena V a ldes. PO Box 1120. 1 Hamilton St. S.. Waterdown. LOR 2 HO AUTO O etailer & G eneral C lean-up person for busy B u rlin g to n c o llis io n shop. Valid, clean drivers license req u ire d 905 -63 4-23 20 after 3pm. CASHIER Fine Food Store m ature, e x c e lle n t in te r personal skills, ability to multi task, efficient and organized, e x pe rience an asset, competitive wage ask for Ken at 905-842-0378 or e-mail jubilee Obelloetca WANTED immediately. Dog lovers only. Part-time sales reps to demo new dog food $12-$15/hr incentive. 8-12 hrs/w k. b ra d d O p ro fe s s o r connor com 416-932-3194 PET Hotel in Burlington and A n c a s te r hirin g PT w e ekdays/ w e ekends and holidays, also need weekend.' holiday students. Anim al care experience an asset. M ust be ` e n e rg e tic and dedicated* start at 7am.. and need own transportation. Fax resume to: 905-336-3687 B U R LIN G TO N : Com puter e x pe rience & p ho to shop required . R eliable. 2 0 * hrs/w k. Fax resum e: 905SI 9-4282; e-mail rogerstarr Ocogeco.net RETIRED? Part-Time/ FullTim e S ales & S ervice P o s itio n w ith grow ing Oakville equipment company. Fax resum e/ em ploym ent history 905-338-0738 ADULTS wanted to delivor newspapers 3 times a week, door-to-door in North Burling ton area. Please co n ta ct Ryan at 905-632 0588 CARRIERS need to deliver a p re s tig io u s new spaper in Oakville. Delivery days are W ednesday. Friday and Saturday. If interested please can Luis at 905-599-1954 S E A M S TR E S S / T a ilo r. fuHtime Experience required. M ust be sin c e re and jnt wages committed. Excellent wi Call 905-469-1832 (Oakville) PROPERTY SuperintendentR e ta il plaza dow ntow n O a k v ille . R esponsible for day-to-day cleaning, m ain taining and troubleshooting. Must be self starter and ablo to work alone. Retired person p re fe rre d . M ust be a handyman. Fax resume to: 905-844-4274 PERSONAL Support Workers required, w w w .polytronics cana da.co m /psw . em ail, psw @ polytronicscanada .com F/T Q u a lity Inspector required for automotive parts company in the halton region. M ust have know led ge of Q ua lity C o n tro l, good in sp e c tio n and problem solving skills. Please email your resum e to jo b s s © canada.com_______________ 2000 Nissan Pathfinder SE silver on gray, fully loaded, low kms., well-m aintained, $19,500 obo. 905-825-9986 1995 GMC Safari luxury van. 8-passenger, auto. air. tilt, c ruise. P/W . P/L. low m ileage, good cond ition. Certified. E-tested. $3,900 obo Owner leaving country, must sell. 905-299-0111; 905-876-1580 CHEVROLET Astro vans · 3. 1995 ($3,500), 1996 ($6,000), 1998 ($7,500). All certified and emission tested C lean cars w ith $1,000 averago spent on each. Must be seen. C all for details, taxes extra. Special interest cars. 451 Woody Road. 905844-8063. W e arc c u rre n tly h irin g fo r the fo llo w in g po sitio ns: C a re M a n a g e rs , H o u s e k e e p in g , D in in g & U tilitie s . For consideration please subm it your resume via fax to O akville at: 9 0 5-3 37-1 14 6 or to Burlington at: 905-3 33-3 19 9 N ew A p p lic a n ts o n ly need apply. {'j/iu/ Opportunity Employer. Hair Stylists, Colour Technicians, Aestheticians, Registered and Massage Therapists, Client Service Co-ordinators. For a rewarding, fun and client-focused environment, please submit your resume in confidence via email to waterfallspa@cogeco.ca o r mail to Box # 2025 and 5040 Mainway. Unit #1. Burlington. ON L7L 7G5. APARTMENT Rental Agent Im m ediate positio n for e n e rg e tic peo p le in GTA. E xce lle n t phone, people skills. Must have own-car. & d riv e rs license. Salary bonuses. Paid training O Burl, office. Call: 905-3192524 ext. 10 AC CO UN TS M anagerE sta b lish e d C ar R ental Company. Oakville, seeking o n o rg o tic. salos o rien tod individual. Able to target, a cqu ire new b u siness/ customers, maintain relation s h ip s / e xistin g accou nts. Base salary, com pany vehicle, compensation plan. Car Rental Sales expenence an asset. Fax 905-337-9807. email fdennoOcogeco.ca SALES person needed for busy new hardwood flooring store. Must have knowledge and e xpe rience in sales. S a lary and C om m ission, em ail resum e fra n k tth a rd woodfloonng com tflCONMED MBj '1 *1l` ' I ......................... D ental Receptionist/Assistant Required in Milton [or < 1 maternity leave, slatting |anuaiy -?fd. loo? Dental office experience ncccs WATER damaged ceilings, w a lls repaired like new Service/ pnoes to meet your needs/ budget. 20-yrs experience. Kaz. 905-630twet (1938) REQUEST PERSONNEL SERVICES INC. WWW.REQUESTPERSONNEL.COM LaserNetworks CARTRIDGE TECHNICIAN(S) lasernetworks Inc. has a history of steady growth and profitability. We are one of the largest retail toner cartridge remanufactures in Canada The ideal candidates w ill have two years ol lemanufacturing experience, preferably with Kaizen exposure and be highly energetic to work with the fast pace team. We otter competitive pay levels & a full benefits plan. Please submit your resume in confidence to: Tracy Haire a' thaire@lasernetworks.com www.lasemetworks.com 'Oakville Manutaclurer 01 The Year'Award2002 ARTECH has developed state-of-the-art shredding systems lo r clients around the world. From our m anufacturing fa cility . ARTECH produces the most durable technologically advanced and costelfective systems available on the market today. A R T E C H is lo o k in g fo r: sary, Alx-I computet an asset P lease c a ll Jackie M o n d a y to T h u rs d a y 6 f O 9 0 f - 8 7 8 - i8 - J 7 DENTAL Assistant 2-3 days/ week, HARP Cert. Friendly office Call 905-849-8449 MEDICAL Specialists' office. Expenence required Please fax resume to: 905-844-4906 COOK/ Assistant Manager. Develop management skills with possible advancement. Cooking expenence. ordering knowledge, inventories, cost control. Computer expenonce an asset. O akville / Mississauga border. Mon Fri. days. Em ail resum e: lewisfoods © lewisfoods.ca COP Shop. O akville is looking for FT/PT sorvors. A pply in person at 2544 Speers Rd f:o o $45/HR. 2 movers truck. 24' trucks a vailab le, ww w.tri umphmoving.com 416-8029849; 905-883-4406 MAXX Movers. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/hour 416823-9705 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY! Our client in Oakville area has an immediate need lor. PACKAGERS ALUMINUM Racing Wing · fits m ost m odels. All hardware. Ready to paint. $120 obo. Factory set of 1994 Eagle Talon tail lights $150, obo 905-336-7051 · Day SlO/hr. Afternoon shifts $l0.50/hr 420-A Britannia Road East Suite 201 Mississauga, Ontario (S.W. Comer-Britannia Rd. E. & Kennedy) RE TA IL S ales A sso ciatePerm . F ull-T im e or PartTime. no expenence necess ary. E xce lle nt ben e fits. Please reply in confidence to hrOivision.ca or by fax 519471-6661 Phone: 1-877-755-0395/ 905-755-0395 resumes@requestpersonnel .com Accepting Applications 9-2pm Mon-Fri A well established and grow ing T ier II Autom otive Stam ping O peration, loeated in Burlington has openings for the follow ing positions: M ANAGEM ENT trainees required for a cutting-edge nutrition & fitness center for women opening in the New Year Background in fitness or nutrition an asset. This position is sales onented and requires a confident / growth oriented individual Forward resumes:mphiUipsO truestarh ealth.com_________________ l i t 1 1 * 1 drivers DENTAL Hygienist required for Oakville practice. 3 days' woek (includes 2 evenings). No Saturdays Fax resume: 905-827-0309 J A K E 'S G rill & O yster H ouse- Join Tho C rew 'Immediato openings for PT Dishwashors. Good wages, flexible schedules & great atmosphere. 950 Walkers Lino (boside QEW Travelodge) Call 905-639-4064 L.A . F looring. Hardwood in s ta llla tio n . sanding, rofmishing. staining, repairs Great rates Please call 905824-2551 www.lafloor.com Community Notices "CLEAROUT PRICES" Buena Vista Imports 451 W yecroft Rd. (between 4th/Dorval) Great Selection ol Furnishing and accessories from our Consignment Gallery. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Weekly 9am-4pm Inquiries: 905-337-7453 Antiques - Furnishings - Accessories. DRIVERS New Truck Delivery We deliver new trucks from factory to dealerships throughout the U.S. and return w/new trucks tram U.S. plants P ress O p e ra to rs S p o tw e ld e rs G e n e ra l L a b o u re rs F o rk lift O p e ra to rs T ool M ak ers S h ip p e rs We offer com petitive wages with benefits. A Z DRIVER The position is responsible for shuttling shredding trucks to branches across Canada and the United S tates, in c lu d in g q u a lity checks o l u n its at customer sites. Other duties include tow truck operations and occasional trailer runs and local pick ups. Deaths VAN BEEK, George (Founder ol Van Beek's Garden Centre)- At Joseph Brant Hospital. Burlington, on November 28. 2004 in his 75th year. Loving husband ol the late Theresa Beloved father of William. Grace and her husband Todd Harwood. Henry and his wife Helene, Geraldine and her husband Mike Werner. Loving grandfather of Joel. Amanda. Deanna, Melissa. Luke. Jake. Rebecca and Micah Dearly missed by his cherished Inend Anne Van Setten Fondly remembered by his many family and friends. Friends will be received at the NEWEDUK FUNERAL HOME 'MISSISSAUGA CHAPEL' 1981 Dundas St. W., (1 block east ol Erin Mills Pkwy) Irom 7-9p.m. Tuesday and 2-4 and 7-9p.m. Wednesday. A Celebration of George's life will be held at Trinity Baptist Church, 4372 Appleby Line (5km north ol Hwy 5) on Thursday. December 2,2004 at 11a.m. Interment Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens. Oakville. In lieu ol flowers at George's request, donations may be made to the Hospital lor Sick Children or the Carlo Fidani Cancel Research Centre ol Credit Valley Hospital. · Neweduk Funeral Home 905-828-8000 DZ DRIVER The position is responsible for shuttling shredding trucks to local suppliers and to local branches lo c a lly , in c lu d in g q u a lity checks of u n its at customer sites. During low delivery periods, the position involves some in-house assembly work. M etriC an S tam ping Co. Inc. Fax or em ail our resume to the attention o f Hum an Resources Deaths BARKER, James Edward (T ed )- Suddenly on Saturday. November 27, 2004 at the Si Mary's General Hospital. Kitchener. Ted Barker ol Plattsville and formerly of Moncton N.B in his 66th year Ted was born and raised in Oakville a son of Anne Barker of Hamilton and the late Howard Barker Beloved of Peggy Lerette ol Plattsville. Dear father ol Coline & Rob Tnnetti. of Dover Center. James Barker ol Ottawa. Charline Barker & Dave Pickett of Hamilton, Heather Bovard & Mark Ellsworth of Innisfil. Sherry & James Wagner ol Plattsville. Brian Lerette ol Edmonton, and Rhonda Gould & Steve Van Dyke of Guelph. Loved and sadly missed by his 9 grandchildren Predeceased by his brother Gordon Barker & sister Sandra Carr. Ted Worked lor the City of Moncton for 27 years, was involved with minor baseball and was very active in fundraising for the Dave Wood Memorial Fund. Relatives & Friends may call at the Glendinnmg Funeral Home, 40 William St.. Plattsville on Wednesday. December 1,2004 from 12noon until the lime of the Service at 3:00pm Interment later in Oakville Cemetery. Donations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or the Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto would be appreciated by the family. BIRD, Kathryn- Peacefully at Joseph Brant M em orial H ospital on Friday, N ovem ber 26, 2 0 0 4 in h e r 5 1 s t y e a r. B e lo v e d w ife of W a y n e . L o v in g m o th e r o f K e rr i (J a y ), G re g o ry an d R yan. V isita tio n w as held at G len O aks M em orial C ha pel and R eception C e n tre , 3 1 6 4 N in th L in e (a t D u n d a s ) in O a k v ille 9 0 5 - 2 5 7 - 8 8 2 2 o n S u n d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 8 , 2 0 0 4 a t 1pm fo llo w e d by F uneral S en/ice at 4pm . C rem ation. DUNNE, Helen May - The lamily of Helen Dunne are saddened to announce her passing on November 25th, 2004 at the Burloak Long Term Centre in Burlington alter a long period of confinement. Predeceased by her husband Bob and brothers Allen and B ill. She is survived by son Bob and his wile Doreen (Tiny), grandchildren Steven and his wife Michelle, Deborah and her husband Brian, and Andrea and her husband Stephan. 6 very special great grandchildren, Meagan. Braeden, Ryan, Taryn, Abby and Colin. The lamily extends a special thanks to the staff ol the Burloak Long Term Care Centre for Iheir absolutely wonderful care, compassion and patience. The family would like to receive family and Iriends at the Ward Funeral Home 109 Reynolds Street. Oakville. ON (905-8443221) Tuesday November 30th. 2004 at 10:00am followed by a service at 11 o'clock in the Ward Chapel. Internment will be at St. John's Norway Cemetery. Kingston Rd., Toronto. In lieu ol flowers, contributions to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 327 Reynolds Street, Oakville, ON L6J 3L7 where mom worked as a volunteer for some 20 years, would be appreciated by the family. LUBBERS, Gerrit- Passed away peacefully at the Oakville-Tralalgar Memorial Hospital on Sunday November 28.2004 with his lamily by his side. He was 93. Survived by Alice his loving wile of 67 years Three loving daughters Ennie & Lloyd Hurst, Rika & Kurt Reichstein, Xruusie & Dick Flikkema. Predeceased by randson David. Eight remaining loved grandchildren ebbie, Ken' Kathy, Dan, Denise. Harry, Brian and Richard and seven loved great-grandchildren Sarah, Tiffany, Kylie. Jennifer. Adam, Ryan and Dawson. Also survived by his sister Alice Roossien. Predeceased by three sisters and one brother. The Lubbers Family moved lo Oakville in 1951 from Holland. G erril was a stonemason. Visitation will be held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville (905-844-2600) on Wednesday December 1, 2004 from 2 lo 4 and 7 to 9 pm. Funeral Service on Thursday December 2, 2004 at 11 a.m. at St. John's United Church, Randall & Dunn Streets, Oakville. Interment at St. Jude's Cemetery. In lieu ol flowers donations to the Halton Lung Association. 2200 Speers Road. Oakville L6L 2X8 or St. John's United Church 262 Randall SI. Oakville L6J 1P9 would be appreciated. Email condolences maybe sent to kopriva@eol.ca; place LUBBERS on the subject line. .41 -.42 cpm to start Plus undecking pay. Must have AZ license & 1yr T/T OTR Exp ACS Canada 877-893-2066 Fax: (905) 332-0496 "W e th a n k a ll candidate, however, only tltose selected f o r an in terview w ill b e contacted. N o p h o n e calls please. ASSEM BLY TECH The p o s itio n is re sp o n sib le fo r assem bly o l sh re d d in g tru c k s fo r p ro d u c tio n . R equires mechanical knowledge and willingness to learn. Please respond with salary expectation to: e-mail: hr@artechredudion.com We are an equal opportunity employer. CLEAN ER S needed for B u rlington/ O akville area. Various p o sitio n s/ shifts. Start immediately. Vehicle an asset. Fax resume 905-8489806 DRIVER/ Courier required to help package & deliver timese n sitive pharm aceutical products in company vans. Must be able to adjust to rotating sh ifts, sta rt at 3:00am. Full-tim e position includes benifits. Fax resume w/copy of driving abstract to: B.Guy Amersham Health. 905-333-5923 APARTMENT building admin istrator plus Superintendent and/ or couples required for O akville area. Please fax resume to 905-681-2347 HELPER w anted for convenience store full-time or par-time call 416-402-5017 or email resume cskim cs® hotmail.com R E SID E N TIAL C leaners re q u ire d - 1 P/T, 1 F/T. B u rlington/ O akville. Paid weekly, flexible hours/ days. Car needed. Will train. Call 905-632-6927 SPOTLESS Dry C le a n e rshiring Full-time shirt pressers. assem bler/ bagger and deliv e ry drive rs for our Burlington processing plant. Drop of resum e or fill out application at 495 Walkers Line. Fax refeume: 905-3336374 or email employment® spotlessdrycleaners.com I general help wanted Oakville Beaver Circulation Departm ent _ Requires Students P art-tim e Applicants must: EB3 ooff ice-clerical E33 ooffice-clertcal InMemoriam * * Isabelle MacKay * v Novemvber 30.2002 Mother & Grandmother extraordinaire. Sadly, two years ago. we lost a very special lady. We miss you Mom. Love always, Sue, Jane, Laurie & families. · Have a professional phone manner; · Work well with minimal supervision: · Be comfortable with computers & office equipment · Be comfortable working closely with our youth carrier force · Be able to work evenings and Saturdays Please send your resume and availability schedule to: Scott Cottrell E-mail: scottrell@oakvillebaver.coni Fax: 905-337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ALDERSHOT GREENHOUSES is looking lor a Taylor Moving & Storage Ltd. (Est. 1959) currently has a full time entry level position open at our Burlington office for a Adm inistrative Assistant to work w ith A ccounts Receivable & administration staff in everyday office tasks & process. Some computer & bookkeeping skill would be an asset but is not required; we will train. Rate o f pay is $11 to $12 p e r hour depending on skills & experience. Participation in our benefit program is available. Please fax your resume to: 905-632-5083 No phone calls please. ADVENTUROUS Careers Teaching English begin with prolessional training A 5 day course will be offered at Sheridan College. Trafalgar Campus DEC.15-19,2004 evenings/weekends. ' To Register for an Open House on Dec. 1st, call or for more info Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, Tha t's Ours! Shipping Supervisor lor our Waterdown location. The successful candidate, working in close cooperation with our shipping manager and crew leaders, w ill become responsible lor the daily shipments of product trom this facility. This is a challenging position that requires excellent organizational and communication skills and the ability to think on the go. If you fit this description and are eager to work send your resume to: 1135 Gallagher Rd., Burlington ON L7T 2M7 or Fax to: 905-632-4022 888-246-6512 INTlcollegeoilinouisiicscom CAR Rental Jockey (Wash, vacuum , d riv e ) F ulltim e. Clean driving record, honest, punctual. Oakville. Call 905337-9373. EXPERIENCED Snowplow Drivers needed lor Burlington area only. Call 905-689-2999 H SALES M L S E R (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 A SSOCIA TE IIau scr C om pany Stores an innovative m anufacturer unit retailer o t h o m e furnishings in n ow recruiting at iheir N atuzzi G allery o f Fine leather furniture in Burlington. The ideal candidate vs ill he 3 highly m otivated sales professional c o m p eten t in the creatio n o f tasteful hom e decor. Hi.* iv w o n i./»>/» c w u lc o n im itin e iii w ith *i e o m p e tiv e u tlu n a n d c o h im /M io it h k 'c n tiv c Legal Notices Notice to Creditors and Others In the estate ol Mary Stewart Buchanan, late of 219 Arichat Rd. in the town of Oakville, in the Province of Ontario ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Mary Stewart Buchanan, late ol 219 Arichat Road in the town of Oakville who died on the 19th day ol May, 2004, are hereby required to send full payment ol such claims to the undersigned executor before the 26th day ol January, 2005. after which date the estate's assets w ill be distributed having regard only to legitimate claims that have been recieved, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person ol whose claim he shall then have notice. Dated at Oakville this 1st day ol December, 2004 John Buchanan 219 Arichat Road Oakville, ON L6J6C6 M O N TH LY P R O FIT PLUS GAS ALLOWANCE B urlington Earty m orning do or to d o or delivery of the H am ilton S pe ctato r & T o ro nto S tar M u st H ave a R eliable V ehicle HOLIDAY HELP Customer Sales/ Service $14.85 b a s e /a p p t. Flexible schedules. Ideal fo r students. $800-$1000 CALL NOW! 905-639-7700 Lyng ar Inc. - N ew M a na ge m en t A U TO BO D Y R e finish Technician wanted. We are looking for a motivated team player to work in a cheery, clean environment. Must be licensed (l-CAR training is an added bonus). Hours: MonFri. 8-5. W ages to be discussed. Contact Steve. 905-842-4454 M ECH AN IC required for esta b lish e d O ak v ille auto shop. W ell equ iped & organized. G ood com pen sation. Call 416-948-4510 C o m e Join O u r Team Forw ard votir resum e to H auser C om pany Stores 29 Plains Rd \ \ B urlington. 1 .7 1 I I N l a x I.5 IV .7 4 \llf> 5 em ploym ent'*/ hau4cnitdrcs.com [M V V tyits fu rn itu re s a le * rv fu -rirm « · «m iiw« / 905-469-6490 BROKERS required w/own vehicle for busy west end courier com pany. Starting bonus/ gas allow ance. Experience preferred. Craig, 905-890-4700. DRIVERS required full-time & part-time for Burlington Pizza Store. Please ca ll 905331-0040 ' LUNCH Supervisor - 1 hour daily, M onday-Friday, Chisholm Public School. 165 Charnwood Drive, Oakville. 905-844-2963 ARE you in terested In becoming a Teacher? Start now! High demand fields. TESL. EA. E.C.E. programs. Teach English in Canada7 Overseas. TESL Canada recognized diplom a. Now accepting app lica tio n s Jan/2005. Canadian College Teachers 905-896-0000, www.BEa TEACH ER .ca Discover the teacher in you. Oakville B eaver CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Driver (Part-time) R equired to de liver ne w sp ape r shorta ge s to custom ers & carriers. M u st be reliab le w ith ow n vehicle and valid d rive r license. Please fo rw a rd resum e and availab ility sche du le to: S c o tt C o ttre ll a t F a x: 905-3 37-5 55 7 E m a il: s c o ttre ll@ o a k v ille b e a v e r.c o m BRAKE PRESS OPERATOR Burlington Manufacturer requires Experienced Brake Press Operator for efficient handling and bending ol light guage metal parts, and related duties. Fax resume lo: 905-332-7105 Frost Products Ltd. NflTUZZI It's how you live NEWSMAGAZINE Advertising O pportunity A d v e rtis in g R e p re s e n ta tiv e fo r P rin t Sales re q u ire d im m e d ia te ly . Energetic, self motivated and highly organized individual required to join our team in Oakville. Responsible for existing client list and new business development in monthly publication lor the GTA. Experience a requirement. Competitive salary (base, commission and car allowance), excellent benefits plan after probationary period. Please forward resumes, stating salary expectation, by e:mail: lunderwood®haltonsearch.com or by fax to Lyn Underwood at 905*337*5571. No telephone calls please g NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS A ll c la im s a g a in s t th e E state of G O R D O N W IL L IA M K R IT Z E R , la te o l th e T o w n of O a k v ille , R e g io n a l M u n ic ip a lity of H a lto n , w ho died 26th day o l June, 2004, m ust be Tiled w ith the undersigned on o r before the 24th day of D ecem ber. 2004, thereafter the pe rso n a l re p re s e n ta tive s w ill d istrib u te the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claim s then filed. D ate d th is 17th d a y o f N o v e m b e r, 2004 The Estate of G ordon W illiam Kritzer by its solicitor, BR IAN E. SLO C U M 63 Q ue bec S treet, Bracebridge, O ntario P1L2A4 CARRIERS NEED to deliver a prestigious newspaper in Oakville. Delivery days are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I office-clerical If interested please call Luis at 905-599-1954 BOOKKEEPER required for re ta il store . M ust have k now ledge of Business V ision program Em ail re s u m e .fra n k ® hardw ood flooring.com

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