The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 1, 2004 - A 7 Donations will help brighten Christmas (C on tinu ed fro m pa g e 1) i .'0 The Salvation Army, 1225 Rebecca St., caters to families and individuals who are struggling emo tionally and/or financially due to upheaval in their lives, such as family unit disintegration, a job loss or being among the working poor. Major Rolf Guenther says the Salvation Army hopes to raise a total of $200,000 from all its Christmas fundraising activities, which include the Kettle Campaign, in order to run everything from the Lighthouse shelter to community services pro grams. That anyone can fall on hard times is a theme which permeates much of the Salvation Army's thinking yet it remains a fact that is often lost in an affluent area like Oakville. Many of its clients are working poor who suffer in silence, thereby not drawing attention to themselves or the widespread problem. At the forefront of the fight to help those in need is the Kettle Campaign, the Salvation Army's sec ond big fundraiser of the year. (The Red Shield Appeal takes place in May.) Other initiatives include the annual Toy Depot and the Christmas dinner voucher program. Miriam Child and Family Support Group, based at 2464 Dundas St. in Burlington, helps individuals and families living with AIDS/HIV in the Golden Horseshoe region. It offers financial support as well as one-on-one and group setting support for those struggling to cope with the disease. Miriam Group executive director Jean Round said they currently deal with 35-40 AIDS/HIVaffected families representing 100-150 people. Round said there are specifically two-dozen families they hope to help out this Christmas. Halton Women's Place is an organization provid ing shelter and crisis services for physically, emo tionally, financially and sexually abused women and their dependent children and is dedicated to ending violence against women and their children. Its crisis lines can be reached at 905-878-8555 and 905-332-7892. Someone you love gets cancer a n d s u ( I d e n l y y o u :d i i e a nyt h in u H e lp b u ild Q a k w lte * ____ DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY BEDROOM Iby Bogdon & Gross M AD E IN C A N A D A * Regional Cancer Centre www,cvh,on,ca C h o ic e o f S t a in t t Extensive Collection in Solid Maple FOUR FLOORS of GIFT IDEAS & ACCESSORIES i FOR THE HOME -.. j C R E D I T - V A L L E Y T H E C R E D IT V A L L E Y H O S P IT A L F O U N D A T IO N S w is s O n t a t ic t s JZd. W o r l d <. l a i j J u ' / h l / / 217 Lakeshore Rd. E. (905) 8 4 4 -3 5 3 0 Downtown Oakvillefor over 50years www.<wiMiiiicri(irs.( out NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NORTH OAKVILLE SECONDARY PLAN QEW ON-RAMP NORTH BOUND ON THIRD LINE, TO TO R O N TO Let it snow! The first snowfall o f the ; season is just around the corner and the Town's Snow removal service is ready to go J to make sure your roads are salted and plowed as quickly as possible. H L E : 42.121.10 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held on Thursday, December 2, 2004, commencing at 7:30 p.m. to continue discussion on matters relating to the North Oakville Secondary Plan including whether the Natural Heritage System as proposed within the Preliminary Draft North Oakville Secondary Plan should be included within the Golden Horseshoe Greenbelt Plan. This meeting will take place in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. Any questions or concerns may be addressed to Robert Thun, Senior Planner at the above mentioned location or at Tel: 845-6601, Ext.3029, email address: If you should wish to speak at this meeting, please register as a delegation by contacting Nancy Karamians at 905-845-6601, extension 4179. A copy of the Staff Reports pertaining to this matter will be available for review in the Clerk's Department between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and available on the Town's website at Dated at the Town of Oakville this 26th day of November, 2004. Peter Cheatley, Director Planning Services Department TEMPORARILY CLOSED Friday, December 3rd from 11:59 p.m. to Monday, December 6th at 5:00 a.m. Traffic should use Dorval Drive OR Bronte Road to access the QEW east-bound from a north-bound direction during the construction of a new QEW east-bound on-ramp from Third Line. Third Line will be open to through traffic at all times, however traffic movements are being restricted to accommodate construction activity. I On a snow day, just click on the snowflake button at and find out how your roads and walkways are maintained and w hat you can do to help. · Traffic Impacts: During the construction period, traffic congestion, delays and detours are likely to occur. Where possible, adjustment to your travel route w ould be appreciated. Commuters can access the Third Line area by following the posted directional signs. We suggest that businesses advise their clientele and delivery personnel of this temporary route change to your business as a means o f mitigating any potential disruption in service. Please remember to park your vehicles o ff the street. By-law 1984-1 prohibits street parking between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m from November 15 to April 15. For more inform ation about street parking visit the Town Hall offices oi www For more inform ation visit or call: Questions?: The firm o f Morrison Hershfield Ltd. has been retained by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the Town to manage the project site. Morrison Hershfield has established a project site office at Suite 175 - 1005 Skyview Drive, Burlington, Ontario and will be managing the day-to-day construction operations o f the project. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the construction, please contact the project office directly at (905) 827-0514. Any other questions or concerns can be addressed directly to the Engineering and Construction Department at (905) 845-6601 ext. 3302 or 3398. We thank you in advance fo r your patience and understanding. 24-Hour Snow Removal Inform ation Line: 905-815-5999 Road and Works Operations: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 905-338-4392 Ontario A fter-hours em ergencies: 905-845-6606 Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road, P0 Box 310, Oakville, ON L6J 5A6 905-845-6601 w w w .oakvillexa