The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday September 11, 2002 - AS Power boat poker run returns to Oakville this weekend The powerboats are roar ing back to Oakville. The 15th annual Power Boating Canada Lake Ontario Hall of Fame Poker Run expects to bring up to 50 `Lamborghinis and Maseratis of the water' this weekend. To date, 42 have regis tered. "We're bringing these boats back to Oakville," said Poker Run organizer Bill Taylor, president and publish er of Power Boating Canada magazine. "We brought these boats here 10 years ago in conjunc tion with the Oakville Waterfront Festival, and we're bringing them back," said Taylor. "We'll have boats from all over North America," he con tinued. adding some of these exotic powerboats are capable of speeds exceeding 120 miles per hour. The Poker Run, a fundrais er for the Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, begins with a display of boats on Friday from 2 - 7 p.m., at the public access area near the Bronte Pier at the Bronte Outer Harbour. There is no charge to view the boats. A charity event featuring live entertainment and a live and silent auction will be held on Friday at the Harbour Lighthouse Restaurant. This event, open to the public, starts at 7 p.m. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation is the favourite charity of the Hall of Fame Poker Runners, to whom this weekend's event is dedicated, explained Taylor. This is the first time the Poker Run is being held as a charita ble event. The boats will also be dis played on Saturday from 9 11 a.m., again at no charge. Children selected by the Hospital for Sick Children will be given 15-20 minute rides, said Larry Boyd, direc tor of marketing for Power Boating Canada magazine: "We also hope to have some celebrity rides for dona tions. We'll have boat rides from about 9:30 --11:30 a.m." Then boats will parade from Bronte Harbour to the Petro Canada dock for an 11 a.m. start, and speed past Bronte towards Toronto. Participants will receive their first card inside a sealed envelope at registration. The boats are expected to return to Bronte Outer Harbour between 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. Participants will cover a distance of between 110-120 miles to complete this event. For information, reserve tickets for the Friday night charity event, or enter a powerboat - registration is $600, call Janet Morrow at Power Boating Canada, 905-6248218. OAKVILLE C O U N C IL & S TA N D IN G C O M M IT T E E M E E T IN G S Monday, Sept. 16, 2 0 0 2 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 23, 2 0 0 2 Planning & Development Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. P erso n al Injury Litigation · Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2 0 0 2 Community Sen/ices Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Sen/ices Committee 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room Monday, Oct. 7, 2 0 0 2 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. In su ra n c e L itig a tio n Free initial 1 /2 hour consultation C O R N W A L L B U S IN E S S C EN TR E 1 5 4 0 C o rn w a ll, S u ite 1 0 6 , O a k v ille (across from M aplegrove Mall) Q.E.W. C o u n c i l & C o m m itte e T o u c h t o n e P h o n e L in e 905.815.5959 1 2 2 5 T R A F A L G A R R O A D · O A K V IL L E , O N T A R IO · L6J 5 A 6 (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 w w w . t o w n . o a k v i l le . o n . c a w w w .m a c d o n a ld a n d s w a n .c o m 905-842-3838 A C o r n w a ll C o m e E n jo y ... ¥ /A e C a J o iU i/e grand OPENING 1p.m. Friday S e n io r s A re FREE n n New initiatives ahead for Chamber of Commerce (Continued from page A1) "My father-in-law was the mayor of Pembroke and I learned from his example," says Breakey who also takes time to work on his youngest daugh ter's school council. "Things like the Waterfront Festival don't just happen. People make it happen. And as you get involved, it's fun because you get to know people. So many people say `hi' now when I see them." As the president-elect of the Oakville Chamber of Commerce. Breakey has had an opportunity to work with the out-going president. Laurie Morrison, for a year. It's a sys tem that allows time for creative initiatives, like the Buy Local campaign, to be developed, capitalizing on the talents of both leaders. Buy Local encouraged Oakville businesses to source products and services from local businesses, provided all things were equal, a policy Breakey mandated in his com pany from the outset. The cam paign proved so successful that neighbouring Chambers of Commerce have consulted them about the strategy. A new initiative which Breakey feels will prove invalu able to members, as well as to the community, is a mentoring program. All businesses go through the same problems and transitions, he suggests, the only difference being the time frame. "Through mentorship, you get a chance to escalate your ability to grow your business," he says. "Putting new compa nies in touch with those who have been through the process is not only good for them, it's ultimately good for the commu nity." It's important he believes, for the Chamber of Commerce to provide for the needs of all its members, from the la te st com panies like Ford to businesses run by one individual. "Being a single entrepreneur can be very lonely," says Breakey. "The Chamber pro vides one of the cheapest forms of networking and peer mentor ing." The partnering of different companies together, a process the Chamber is planning to pro mote more and more, says Breakey, can promote synergy between the businesses to make them collectively stronger. It's another of the initiatives the Chamber plans to introduce. In addition, the Chamber has formed a group for the CEOs of large companies to network together as well as to access the political power base in the community. "We're vying for the busy executive's time," explains Breakey, "so we have to pro vide real value for them and a reason to be involved." For information on the Oakville Chamber of Commerce and its programs, call 905-845-6613. 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