Oakville Beaver, 2 Oct 2002, C06

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 2, 2002 T h e Oakville B eaver LA-Z-BO YW ? S o f a s Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style. ' An Extraordinary Selection of the Finest Custom Fabrics. Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy at prices that will Delight you! fo r Less! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm V | T | 1 houses for sale ID E A L fo r em pty-nesters. H eavenly, upsca le. 1882 sq.ft. Bungaloft. Flagstone facade. 3-bedroom s/ bath rooms, 5 appliances. Great B u rlington lo ca tio n near Mall and hospital. $267,900. Simon, 905-208-0960 KILBRIDE, (Rural Burling ton)- 6306 McNiven Road. 3+1 bdrm on 0.6 A cres, Yesterdays charm , todays conve nience s. $428,500 Check #2893 at www.hom esellcanada.com or Call 905-336-9274 RIVER Oaks 1600sq.ft, ++ upgrades, 3 bedroom s, 5 appliances, finished base ment $289,000. 9 0 5 -2 5 7 4443, No agents please. .a U business opportunities IJ apartments & flats for rent houses for rent ALD ER SH O T daycare required fo r 3 year old M onday-Friday 11:30-6:30 pm. Car required for pick-up at school. 905-522-4233 CHILD care wanted fo r 3 school aged children, Flexible hours. Light house keeping, C a r/ references. River Oaks. Leave message. 416-304-5556. C lassified 'k '& 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k -fa 'k 'k 'fc B u r lin g t o n P o w e r C e n tr e Q E W 8c B r a n t S t. * 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 »Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals-170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 NEW LY renovated, bright, s p a c io u s , 1 -b e d ro o m , w/office space /full kitchen, 4-appliances, non-smoker, no pets. Oakville. $900/mo. -i-utilities. A v a il. N o v .1st. C a ll J u lie o r C h ris 9 0 5 337-8506_________________ O N E b e d ro o m m o b ile home, country lot, Bronte & D u n d a s $ 5 5 0 /in c lu s iv e . F irs t & la s t. Im m e d ia te . (866)-733-6267 (toll free). O A K V IL L E : s te p s , to d ow ntow n. Large 1-bed room basement apartment, s e p a ra te e n tra n c e , a/c, parking, utilitie s, la undry, no pets. $850/m o. Nov. 1st. 905-330-6584 B E A U T IF U L 5-b e d ro o m fam ily home, w alking dis tance to O akv ille 's dow n town. Hardwood floors, 5app lia nces, fresh ly p a in t ed, mature lot, a must see! N o n -s m o k e r, no pets. $1700/m o. -futilities. Avail O ct. 15th. C a ll J u lie or Chris 905-337-8506 O A K V IL L E : S o m e th in g s p e c ia l! F re s h ly painted, 6 yr. 3-bedroom , full ensuite, upgraded, Extra depth c a rp e ts , u n d e rp a d d in g c e ra m ic flo o rin g , w a in s cotting. Gorgeous bleached oak cabinetry in spacious eat-in kitchen, walk-out Mo deck.Fenced.Single garage. $1700/mo. Pet/Sm oke free home. Laurice Albert, Assoc. Broker 905-257-2414 TW O sem is for rent , one for $1250 /per month, one $ 1 4 5 0 , 3 b e d ro o m s , 2 baths, basement, M/F fami ly , a p p lia n c e s a n d a ir A S A P . N ot s u ita b le fo r s tu d e n ts . C a ll Pat (9 0 5 ) 8 49 -73 81________________ EX EC UTIVE 3 +1 beds, ensuite, eat-in kitchen, main fam FP, rec-room , pool, $2350/mo. Immediate. North Burlington 905-516-4380 LA K E S H O R E / 3Rd Line. Newly renovated 3 -b e d room house (upper.) Hard wood floors, 3-appliances, jacuzzi, open F/P. Shared laundry, w /o deck. Nonsm oker. O c t.1st. $1600/ mo.-f 905-278-7997________ LO O K IN G fo r an ex e c u tive rental? $1500- $5000/ mo. C all 905-847-5095, Ext.29, Active Management, w w w .theactiveoffice.com / rent 5-BEDROOM home, Lake shore/ 4th Line, O akville. Fam ilyroom, 5 appliances, full livingroom & diningroom, fire p la c e , inground pool. Im m ediate. $ 2 ,000 /m o.+ utilities. 905-616-2531, 413585-0049_________________ 3-BEDROOM, 2 washroom. A v a ila b le N ovem ber 1st. $ 1 100/m o. +70% u tility . A p pleb y/ Sheraton. Near Appleby GO. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 0920; 905-631-8453. W A T E R D O W N - new, 3bedroom s, 2.5 bath sem i detached, garage, c/air, c/ vac., 5 appliances, im m e diate. $1250/mo. +utilities. 905-690-0052_____________ $ 1 , 245/M O . Sharp North B urlington semi! Spacious 3-levels. 3-bedrooms. Fully finished. Appliances. New er bathroom, windows, roof, drivew ay. C /air. W alkout basem ent. Fenced back yard. Im m ediate. N igel Maunder, Associate Broker, Sutton Group 905-681-7900. BURLINGTON Core. Fully d etached 3-bedroom s, 2 fu ll baths, fin ish e d ba se m ent, large fenced yard, ample parking, flexible oc cupancy, $1275/mo. +utilities. Mark, 416-435-4940. BURLINGTON- 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, finished fam ily room, 5-appliances, C/air, C/vac., huge fenced back yard, $1350/mo. 4 -utilities. Oct. 905-335-8798.________ 3+1 bedroom , fre s h ly re m odelled sem i- detached, North B u rlin g to n . Near schoo ls/ am enities. Large backyard, fin ish e d ba se ment. $1325/m o.+ utilities. N o v .1st. No dogs. 905332-7650, after 6pm EAST O ak v ille , fam ily home, quiet street, close to downtown, 5 appliances, aJ c, fenced garden, 4 bed room , 2 bathroom , fam ily room. Smoke/ pet free. Ref erences. $2300/m o. 905338-8834 Rivers of Money last year alone over 39 billion dollars flowed through our industry. Why not get a bucket & join in! Learn how to turn a secured investment of $19,000 into a lifetime potential income of up to $2000 cash/week working only P/T hours being youiown boss. All you do is stock & collect cash. Please call only if you can be your own boss, have the time & the investment to start earning a cash income right away. Call Now for info pack. 24/hrs 1-800-661-6250 apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent COMEHDMETO... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited G LEN A bbey tow nhouse, a p p ro x . 2 0 0 0 s q /ft, ju s t p a in te d , new c a rp e ts , 3b e d ro o m s , 2 - 1/2 b a th s , fa m ily ro o m , fire p la c e , la rg e deck o v e rlo o k s ra v in e , e a t-in -k itc h e n , g a rage, p a rk in g fo r 3 cars. Available immed. $1725./ m th. p lus u tilitie s O th e r residential properties also av a ila b le T ra fa lg a r (O a k ville) Realty Inc. 905-338-1130 shared accommodation P IA N O - u p rig h t, 30yrs, old, dark finish, good con d itio n , $1100. 905-4643789______________________ PIAN O Sale. L iving Arts Centre, October 4-6. Call 1800-281-7172 for more in formation or to make an ap pointment PO O L table , D u fferin, 4'x9 ', excellen t condition, $1600. Call 905-639-8187. RECLINERS S15/ea. Ikea pine table, 4 chairs $150. 3 Michelin snow tires, 195/65 15, $35/ea; rooftop rack, al m o st new $ 1 0 0 . 905 844-8013_________________ R O LLING S tones ticke ts, Oct. 18, Sky Dome. Call 905257-8645_________________ SP AS.. Spas... Spas Bro ken partnership forces sale, over 30 spas still in wrapp er. Must be sold at cost or below. 905-567-9459 T R E A D M IL L - "Free S p ir it", 3yrs. old, 2hp, cushion deck, Paid $1000, asking $400. 905-634-7156 T R E A D M ILL, Free S p irit, 1 -yr old, sell 1/2 price, $700.; rowboat exerciser, $75.; Walk on Air exerciser, $50. 905-847-181.4 auctions, sales U N IV E R S ITY / C ollege student package, Double bed. fram e, dresser, com p uter d esk/ chair, night stand. $500. 905-335-2369 EEEI POOL, 12' circle with filter, paid $225, asking $75. Call 905-827-4372.__________ SO LID te a k coffee table 51 H x21 "x17", m atching corner table 36" x20", $100 firm 905-335-5208 VENDORS needed for the K inette Club of Flam boroug h's 20th A nnual Craft G a lle ry, Sun. Nov. 17th, 2002, at Royal Canadian Leg ion, W aterdow n. Call 905-627-7325 I articles wanted 170 170 Rental Bonus LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $ 2 0 0 C A SH BA CK + FREE.... WE s p e cia lize in C o ndo m inium S ales & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd ., R e altor, (905)333-4347 FLA M B O R O U G H W est/ S h effield area. New 1800 sq.ft. workshop. $900/m o. plus. Available im m ediately. Call 905-813-0955. 4150 sq. ft Speers frontage $11. per sq ft net $2.75 TMI Between Dorval and Fourth Line. Call (905)845-5051 I industrial /commercial space Utilities, Cable & Parking (for 12-mos,)! APARTM ENTS STARTING A T O NLY $ 9 0 0 . Convenient location near GO Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites We will give you $200 cash back to help you pay for njoving costs etc., on every new lease of a 1-bdrm apt. signed before Oct. 31st. O A K V IL L E house, G len A b bey w ith p ro fe ssio n a l. In c lu d e s p riv a te b e d ro o m ,b a th ro o m , o ffic e . Non-sm oker, im m ediately. $825. (905)827-8223; pjacob @interlog.com A P P L E B Y / U pper M iddle a rea. Furnished room in modern townhouse. Avail able im m edia tely. $650/ mo. First/ Last. References. 905-335-0423 ROOM Mate W anted. Share new townhouse with profession al women. Bur lin g to n , A p pleb y/ UpperM iddle area. $625/m o. in cludes eve ryth in g except telephone. Call for appoint ment. 905-315-7193 Avail able immediately S O U T H ' Burlington, e xcel lent location. Non-sm oker to share townhouse. Park ing. Use of all fa c ilitie s . $425/mo. Nov/1 st 905-6344142 $$$$$ W ANTED A ll- Je w e lle ry, C hina, S ilve r, C rystal, sew ing m achines... Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Quilts, Glass, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 W AN TED : Judo uniform size 10/12 C all 905 -63 94694______________________ W A N T E D L i t t le T y k e s , Step 2, Fisher Price, Perego to y s , s m a ll o r la rg e items. Call 905-330-2504 $ 1.00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor from S759* 1-Bdrms from Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 "(2% prompt pay. disc.) BRAND new condo at Ab bey O aks, Glen Abbey. 1180 sq.ft 2 -bdrm, 2 -bathroom, ground floor, corner suite w/walk-out patio over looking gardens, features: app lia nces, c/a, on-site gym, parking. $1400/mo., + u tilities, non-sm oker/pets, Nov. 15th. Joel Plouffe, Sales Rep., W hitehouse & W hiteho use R ealty, 905634-6873 W w m furnished rentals EXEC UTIVE C o ronation Park re n ta l- 3bdrm , fu r nished split-level home. 2 fu ll baths, inground pool, large property w/m ature trees, near lake. Rent ne gotiable on maintenance of swimming pool. Credit referencesA employment letter required Non-smoking/pets. $2850/m o. Steve Kolbuc, Royal LePage 905-845-4267 FURNISHED Burlington Luxury! 1&2 bedroom s. From $1295. 24-hr. securi ty. Pool. Immediate. Short/ lo ng-term . 905-632-8354; 905-632-6189______________ N .B U R L. Lovely b righ t 1bedroom. Walk-out to land scaped yard, inground pool, separate entrance, C/ A, gas fire p la c e , 5 ap pliances, $1250/mo. inclu sive. Dec. 1st. L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt EXEC UTIVE T ow nhouse, W a lk e r's / U pper M iddle. 1500 sq.ft. 2 -bedroom end unit, 1/5 baths, 5 applianc es, gas fireplace, C/A, ga rage. No pets or smoking. $1300/mo.+ utilities. Refer ences, first & last month re quired. 905-319-1199 days; 905-336-2060 evenings BRANT/ QEW, Burlington. 3-bedroom townhouse condo, 1-1/2 baths, 5 ap pliances, C/A, fireplace, ga rage, fenced rear, near GO. $1135/m o.+ u tilities. O ct./ Nov. Call Warren Hill, Tra fa lg a r P rope rty M anagement, 905-338-1130________ NICE 3-bedroom to w n house. W estoak T ra ils . N ear schoo ls, parks. Up graded, open concept end unit, 2.5 bathrooms, master w /w a lk-in c lo s e t/ ensuite. Gas fireplace, patio, c/air, a pp lia nces. $ 1 ,600/m o. 416-702-7166._________ ___ BRONTE. Clean 3-bedroom , 2 m inute walk to lake. Underground parking. Dec. 15th. $1250/mo.+ utilities. 905-827-8983________ BU R LIN G TO N : deluxe 3bedroom townhome many extra s in cluding d in in g room, familyroom, air, fire place, 5 a p p lia nces 905528-4944. $1575._________ BURLINGTON North, 4 yr new Freehold Townhom e, reverse rent to own, $1400/ mo.. Michael Wan Realty Inc., Broker 416-379-2288 BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom m aison ette w /den. New kitchen and bath w/whirlpool tub, C/A, extra large fenced backyard, 2 -parking spaces. Small quiet complex. $1000/ mo. + u tili-tie s 1 yr lease. Avail Oct. 1st. Contact Mark C 905-681-2041___________ BU R LIN G TO N Luxury tow nh ouses, 3 bdrm $1175, 4 bdrms $1275. In clu des parkin g. F am ily room, basement, yard. Util ities extra. 905-639-0950 BURLING TO N 3-bedroom m aisonette, 2030 Bluefield Dr., fridge, stove, laundry, parking, $925/mo.+ hydro. Nov. 1st. 905-336-1491 FR ESH LY R enovated! Brant/ QEW, Burlington. 1bedroom, fenced yard, Oct., $720/m o; 2-bedroom + den, Nov., $900/m o. (u tili ties extra, 1 parking included) 905-319-9769 ._________ NORTH Burlington. Nov.lst. Executive 1400 sq.ft., air, fireplace, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, garage. $1375/m o. +utilities. No pets/ smokers. 905-335-6172______________ NEW Renovations- Avail able Nov.15th, 2 & 3-bedroom, parking. From $850/ mo. + u tilitie s . North Burlington. 905-319-9104_______ ALDERSHOT. Only 3 yearsin fabulous con d itio n ! 3bedrooms, 2.5 baths, C/A, hardw ood, ceram ics, attach ed garage, 5 ap pliance s, private yard. $1595/m o. D e c .1st. C all L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347 2-BEDROOM set. 5-piec es, white, melamine, queen bed w/mattress, night table, chest and arm o ire $300 each. 905-825-9535________ 7PC bedroom set, e n te r tainm ent unit, 5pc butcher block table, le ather office chair, etc.. 905-515-9750 90INC H couch in neu tral colours, never used. Brick price $590 and sale price $300 905-336-2101________ A king pillow -top m attress set w ith fram e. New in plastic. Cost $1599. Sacrifice $650. 905-567-9459_ _ A P P LIA N C E S w a sher / dryer " Inglis", stove/fridge "W h irlp o o r and "Sears" D ishw asher " W h irlpool" $1000 fo r all 5 9 0 5 -8 2 5 9535_____________________ A R M O U R / E n terta inm ent Unit- cherry colour, fits 27" TV, paid $1000, asking $30 0 .9 0 5 -8 2 7 -4 3 7 2 .____ AUTO MO TIVE test equip m ent, to o ls , s e rv ic e and training manuals & videos, in d u s tria l h a rd w a re and shelving. Call for list and a p p o in tm e n t: 2 4 8 S la te r Cr. Oakville 905-844-3050 BA U H AU S s o fa - navy. $400. Pine twin bed, $80. Cream leather loveseat, re c lin in g , $450. 9 0 5 -2 5 7 9417 BBQ- new, freezer, desks, dining set, sofa, chair, d ressers, deh um id ifie r, mower, patio set, Call 905335-6373 _______________ BED, queen p illo w -top mattress, box, frame. Never used. Still packaged. Cost $1,025. Sell $450. 905567-4042_____________ __ BEDROO M Set- 6 piece w hite in cl. sin gle canopy bed ideal fo r young girl, $600. 905-315-7844 BEDROOM set. 8-pce, cherrywood. Bed, chest, tri dresser, m irro r, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Never opened, in box es. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $2800.905-567-9459 ____ BEDS, New. D ouble, $220; Queen, $240. Com plete w/frame. Futons. Free D elivery. R efurbished VCRs, 17-25" colour TVs, portable CD players. 905681-9496. _ CAR P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon ca r pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $389. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 CHESTERFIELD and love seat set, beige hybiscus floral p a tte rn , $200/each or $350/both, good condition. 905-631-5351______________ CO NTENTS of house for sale in cluding C rafm atic Bed, TV & more! Call 905336-315 5_________________ CR IB / m attress- white wooden. Excellent condi tion. $150. Call 905-6343784______________ . DINING table, oval, m edi um oak w ith leaf, 8 beige uph olstered chairs, $250. Rabbit hutch, paid $100, asking $25. 905-339-1236 DINING RO O M oval veneer table w/leaf, buffet, hutch, 6 upholstered chairs, good condition, $350 obo. 905-332-9450._____________ DINING RO O M , 14-pce, cherryw ood . 9 2 " double ped estal. 8 C hippe ndale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. C ost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. 905-5679459_________________ FREE E stim a te s... Got w obbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam ? Tired lo oking wood fin ish e s? ... then call Fields for all furni tu re repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090_____________ FU TO N d o u b le h u n te r g re e n w ith fra m e $ 1 8 0 ., box & m a ttre s s (q u e e n size ) brand nam e, o rth o p e d ic $ 4 2 5 ., both brand new , w ill d e liv e r 905 257-3743_________________ G E N E R A TO R , New Hon da Heavy D uty Deluxe, 5KW 14 0/240V AC+ 12VDC, c/w wheel kit, 100' 240V pow er cable- $2700 package reduced to $1800. 905-844-3290 ________ KENMORE -washer/ dryer, $600. Call 905-319-6279 LAW NMO W ER- Toro walk beh ind, 32" m ow er deck, used once, save GST & PST. Call 905-337-0855_________ " M AYT AG " w asher/dryer, e x ce lle n t c o n d itio n . $450 "Inglis" washer/dryer $250. 2 tw in, 4 -p o s te r w ooden beds with box-spring. $200/ each 905-336-5546_________ MINK Coat- (Ladies) black, cla sic style high quality. Like new. 905-849-4662 MOVING Sale: everything must go! Stove- kenmore, $80. M icrowave- Panaso nic, $40. Stroller- Peg Perego, $130. Bike T ra ile r ca rrie s 2 c h ild re n , $120. A ll great c o n d itio n , obo. 905-632-7293 __ NEED a Computer... Don't Have Cash? The O riginal IBM PC, just $1. a day., no m oney down! U n lim ited AO L & in te rn e t free fo r 1 year! The Buck a Day Com pany. call 1-800-772-8617. www.buckaday.com P IA N O - uprig ht, "August Forster", top opens like grand, polished mahogany. Bought at Remeny's, L~4ft 7 "x H -3 ft 4", $4000/obo. 905-648-5926 B U R LIN G TO N SQ UARE 7 6 0 B ra n t St. (a t G h e n t A v e .) Call us a t 9 0 ^ -6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 auctions, sales E X E C U TIV E P E N TH O U S E VERY SPACIOUS EXECUTIVE DUPLEX PENTHOUSE on 2 0th flo o r. S pectacu la r view s, priva te p a tio , 5 a pp lian ce s, e xce lle n t se cu rity . A m e n itie s in c lu d e in d o o r p o o l & sa u n a . R ental: $ 1 8 5 0 /m o . (In c lu d e s u tilitie s , cable & free undercover parking fo r 12 m onths) O A K V IL L E Downtown. Retail space approx. 1,000 sq.ft. $1400/mo. plus. 1400 sqft. $1475/mo. plus. Call __________ 905-337-7135. PRIM E B u rlington office space, 1200 sq.ft. ground flo o r. F a irvie w / W alkers Line. Call 905-336-1950. E.OAKVILLE: Prime office space, ground floor, park like setting, ample parking. 1,000 sq.ft. 905-829-4171 AUCTION SALE For BUS and BETTY MERCER on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2002 10:30am (Preview 9:00 am) at their residence 325 Main St. E., Milton (Beside Grace Anglican Church and across from T.D. Bank) B U R LIN G TO N SQ UARE 7 6 0 B ra n t St. (a t G h e n t A v e .) Call us a t 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 MUST S ell! 2 3 ft P row ler tra ile r. S leeps 7, fridge, stove, fu ll bath. As is. $2000. 905-825-3894 PublicNoticii RETIRED Business p e o ple Are needed to arrange CIO meetings for Big-ticket software companies. No in vestment, no selling, digni fie d and p ro d u ctive . No computer or product knowl edge. W ork from hom e when you want for as long as you w ant. W a lte r Bell 416-234-0475______________ | [ ! u l mortgage, loans $$$ A Q u ic k M o rtg a g e below bank rate, 1 s t and 2 nd new, renewal, residen tia l o r c o m m e rc ia l m o rt gages. Past, poor c re d it, ban k ru p t, s e lf em plo yed. Equity financing. Mortgage arrears and pow er of sale h e lp . Q u ic k a p p ro v a l. Guaranteed financing. Call 4 1 6 -4 1 0 -0 6 2 9 (7 d a y s / week) C A LL S incla ir- Cockburn, 1-866-357-0471 1-yr 4.10; 5-yr 5.30, ARM 1.99. Also equity mortgage programs, regardle ss of incom e or credit. 1-BEDRO O M apartm ents available Oct. 1st. from $875/ mo. Indoor pool, sauna. R avine s e ttin g . Q EW / Trafalgar area. 905-844-1106 C A N A D IA N A . Quiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1,2&3 bedrooms available Immed./ Nov./Dec. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486. LARG E 2-bedroom apa rt m ent nea r lake, G uelp h/ New area. Im m ediate. Starting $750/m o.+ hydro. No dogs. 416-705-7701 HUGE one bedroom apa rtm e nt in B u rlington home. Separate entrance, parking, laundry, bar. Close to e verything , b e a u tifu l area, non-smoker, no pets. $799 +. A v a ila b le im m ediately. 905-632-5638 LAKESHO RE/ M aple, B u rlington. 2-bedroom , $950/m o., a va ila b le Dec. 1st. 3-bedroom , $1150/ m o., ava ila b le N o v .1st. + parking. H e at/ hydro in cluded. Lakefront view. In doo r pool. Bus stops at door. N ear M aple view / ho sp ita l. Hwy. access. 905-632-5258______________ C E N T R A LL Y lo cate d, well- maintained, spacious 1&2 bedroom s, N ov./Dec. M ust see to app reciate. 3055 Glencrest Road, Bur lington, 905-637-3921 OLD O ak v ille . B e au tifu lly m aintained, very clean, quiet build in g dow ntow n. Step out to shops. Bachelor from $750/m o. 1-bedroom from $985./mo; 2-bedroom from $1185./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave message) 2-BE D R O O M S : $870 / mo. (U tilitie s in clude d). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. R ental O ffice Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761 _____________ ALD E R S H O T 1-bedroom basem ent apartment, sep arate entrance, suit single person. No pets/ smoking. $700/m o. in c lu s iv e . -905631-6579. We have the apartm ent y o u 're looking for! 14' alum inum V iking boat with trailer. 9.8 HP motor. Asking $1800/obo. C all 905-849-5988, after 6pm 1985 C hriscraft S co rpion18.6 ft. bow rider, 20 0 hp, V 8 , M ercruiser, 500hrs., new lo w er unit, SS prop., tandem custom trailer, ster eo, m ust sell, $5800/obo. 905-632-1178_____________ lost & found FOUND: Gray/ white young cat in the W alke r's Line/ Upper Middle area. We call Robbie. 905-637-7325 FO UND: w h ite w ith black & brown cat, Pinedale/ Ap pleby area. 905-637-7325 REW ARD, $50. Lost Cat, Thursday evening Sept. 19th, ea sily frig h te n e d , 2.5 yr. male, orange, white end on tail, microchipped by animal control. Taffy. Call anytime. 905-637-3388; 223 Linden at Hawthorne_________ REW ARD . Lost 'M a ia ' gray tabby cat, white chin. Chartwell/ Lakeshore area. Please call 905-844-0217 REW ARD : Lost fem ale tortoise shell cat, dark with orange on back/ w hite nose, wearing yellow collar w/name tag. Locust/ Central P.S. area. M issed dearly, please check your property. 905-333-0538 2-Bedrooms ·October 6 John Street, Oakville 905-845-4751 1 D ay A p p ro va ls * Managed b y Greenwin Property Sale to include: Antique furniture. China and Glass, Primitives, Shop Tools and Household Furnishings Auctioneer ROBT. M. WHITE (905) 876-2884 BID AUCTION SERVICES IMPORTANT OUTSTANDING AUCTION NOTICE EVERYTH IN G Ml'ST BE SOU) REGARDLESS Of COST ESTAIES * LIQUIDATIONS * CONSIGNMENTS * · HOiSEHOU) FLUNnVRE * DLN1NG ROOM SITIES * COtlECIMES · · BEDROOM SUTE · LIVING ROOM SITU · ART COLLECTION · · GOLD & DIAMOND JEWELLERY · DfcOR & ACCENT COLLECTION · · SPORre MEMORABILIA COLLEOION * SIIVER JEWELLERY · · ESTATE COINS · GRANDIATHER CLOCKS · TIFFANY LAMPS * I Catalogue Sale - W ill be sold in detail with no buyers premiums by: P U B L IC A U C T IO N FRI. OCT. 04 AT 7:PM (PREVIEW 6:PM) TH E HOLIDAY INN BURLINGTON BU R LO AK 2-bedroom basem ent, 4 app lia nces, parking, $675/mo. Kerr/ Lakeshore, O a k v ille - 1bedroom second floor, parking, $695/mo; 905-6325690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor 3063 SOUTH SERVICE RD. BURLINGTON (Watch Cpr Auction Sip s in Area) OVER 1000 ITEMS TO BE SOLD JEWELLERY I Large selection of ladies & gents 10-14 kt. gold diamond I la n d genuine stone rings. Earrings, bracelets, designer I I watches, pearls, pendants, sterling silver etc. Estate coin I I lots, including notes, silver dollars, mint sets, various coin V | books etc. COLLECTIBLES I Tiffany glass lamps, Satsuma Porcelain collection, wildlife I I sculptures, floor lamps, clocks, decor accent items, floor I I vases, hand made unique nostalgia items, signboards,! depression glass, hand made model ships, CD cabinets,! I carved storage trunks, Murano Clowns, collector! I showcases, Limoges, cast iron toys, Dinky & Corgi Die Cast, I I Artglass, Frederick Remington Bronze Statuary. Hand made | | Chiming Grandfather Clocks. FURNITURE I Hand made desks, consoles, mirrors, hall tables, salon I I chairs, occasional tables, dining table & chairs, china I I cabinets, oak dining table & chairs, vanity & stool, tables, | 1 French commodes. Consoles, trunks, dressers, tables, I I accent items, selection of iron accents, quilt stands, ferns I I tables, washstand, tilt wine tables, leather sofa set. dining I I room suites. Quilt stand, marble top consoles, chiming! I grandfather clocks, pine tables, sleigh beds, bedroom | I suites, armoires. GENERAL ITEMS I Limited edition art of The Group of Seven, accent and decor I I art, Port. Stereos, cordless nhones, framed sports I I memorabilia; water fountains, 36x48 grand foyer mirrors, [ l a n d various accent sizes, all from Italy with m useum ! I frames. Cast iron accents, A.J. Casson Collection including! I serigraphs with Estate Seal (last known works of artist), [ I Bell, RC\, Sanyo, Uniden, Electronics, phones, TVs,! IStereos, Cordless Digital Answering systems. Sharp Fax! | Machine & more. Many more items, too numerous to mention. ' NO BUYERS FEES OR PREMIUMS ARRIVE EARLY - LIMITED SEATING Terms: Cash, Visa. MC, Interac as per posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Information: call 905 - 940-0713 w w w . p r o a u c t i o n . c o m for mailing list O A K V IL L E - M arlboro C t,, Sublet apartment from Dec. 10th-May 1st. Call Valentina 905-849-8725.__________ O A K V ILL E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks G olf Club. Large Renovated 1&2Bdrm. New app lia nces, w indow s. From $ 84 5./mo 905-844-5474 ___________ DOW NTOW N B u rlington- Burlington Towers 1 ,2 & 3 Bdrm Suites 905 * 639*8583 WITH ON-SITE MAINTENANCE www.ontim.com W A LK E R S / M ainw ay, 2bedroom , ground level, 6 a pp lia nces, 900 sqft, O ct/ 15th or Nov/1 st $1200/mo inclusive. 905-315-9995 O A K V ILL E , P ilgrim s Way V illage. 2-bedroom a p a rt ment, 5-appliances, wall-towall carpeting, natural fire place, balcony, parking, $ 1 100 /m o. -fu tilitie s . Dec. 1st. 905-567-3199. EXECUTIVE Condo in The Sands. 1 bdrm +2 parking spots available immediately. 5 appliances -ffresh paint. $ 1000/mo. +hydro. Contact V erna Robson A ssociate Broker Re/Max Garden City Realty Inc. 905-333-3500 LA K E FR O N T S p e c ta c u lar view. Spacious 1-bed room , solarium . Luxury a m e n itie s - pool, tennis, exercise room. Immediate. $1325/mo. 905-315-8443 BR ON TE- Loft 2 bdrm , 2 full bath, private entrance, gas fireplace, jacuzzi, 5 ap pliances, parking, A/C, walk to lake. No pets/ smoking. $1500/mo. -futilities. Nov. 1st. 1-416-993-1622 BURLINGTON- The Palace. 1 bdrm condo 3 appliances, under ground parking, walk to dow ntow n. $950/m o. utilities incl. Available Nov. 1. 905-536-8987______________ BURLINGTON. Quiet core. 2 -bedroom condo, close to amenities, no pets, $800/mo. -futilities. Immediate possession. 905-637-9099._______ | ! w l houses for rent SP AC IO US brick bun ga low, 3-bedroom s, living & diningrooms, kitchen, bath room, attached garage, fin ished basement, large lot, backs onto creek, quiet lo cation, near schools/ buses/ shopping. Rebecca/ Fourth Line area. $1500/mo. +utilities. 905-845-3118.________ O A K V IL L E - C entral 3bedroom hom e near schools, GO train, on bus route, large fenced yard. A vailable im m ediate. Ref erences required . $ 1200 / mo-futilities 905-844-2617 OAKVILLE Executive. River Oaks, Pelee Blvd., 5 bed room s, 4 baths, double garage, 5 appliances, C/A, new lower level suite or of fice. Maple Leaf HMC Inc., $2500/m o.+ u tilitie s . 905842-8383_________________ W A LK E R / Upper Middle, detached 3+1 bdrm., mas ter ensuite, garage access, 5 appliances, A/C. $1395/ mo. Immedate. 1-905374-1311 O A K V ILL E . 1 acre in town. 4-bedroom s, double garage, ju s t redecorated, availab le N o v.1st. $1750/ mo. Call 905-257-1669. RENT Alternative. Rent to Own optio n s or 0 Down Program with credit & earn ings verification. Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/ Max Escarpm ent Realty, Realtor, 905-639-5258 email: ucanbuy2 @hotmail.com O A K V IL L E : B e autifu l 3 bdrm , 5 level side s p lit, double garage, large drive way, finished basement, 5 appliances incl. $17Q0/mo. -futilities. 416-676-4177 RENO VATED 3-bedroom country hom e on acre lot. N. B u rlington. Nov. 1st. $2100 + utilities. 905-659-3363 I condominiums for rent LIV E -IN ca regiver for in f ant. E xp erienced nonsmoker. $6.85/hr. Flexible hours. Burlington. Call 905634-3743_________________ EMPLOYER wanted to hire / sponsor Caregivers/ Nan nies. Call Maria at Bluesky H orizon(416)782-3893 LIVE-IN Nanny required for 2 bdrm, separate entrance, parkin g, ca b le / in ternet, la undry a va ila b le . $950/ mo. a l inclusive. 905-633-9514 O A K V ILL E harbor- Exla rge 1-bedroom +den, 4appliances, above store. 31 Lakeshore Rd. W. $850/mo. +hydro. 416-636-9136 DOWNTOWN Oakville, Lake shore. Completely renovated, with parking, 2 -bedroom , $1250/m o. Im m ed./ Nov. 416-420-3952, 905-842-9275 FORD Dr/ QEW 10year old im m aculate semi, on-suite bath, suitable for AAA pro fessionals $1600/m o. Call Lillia n C leary S ales Rep Re/M ax. D irect line: 905339-4877__________________ B U R LIN G TO N . 383 St. Paul S treet: 3-bedroom , $930/m o. Includ es heat, hydro, parkin g. For ap pointm ent, 905-634-6903. Well- maintained by Jordan & Williamson O A K V IL L E - 1 bdrm apt. in Bronte area. $775/m o. A va il. O c t.15. C all a fte r 5pm 905-847-3564_________ O AKV ILLE- Trafalga r and QEW. Completely renovat ed, with dishwasher. Build ing is very clean and Quiet. Special promo price 2 bed room from $1,075/mo pkg. incl. Imm ediate. C all 905844-7355 ___________ O A K V IL L E . Steps from dow ntow n. 2 -bedroom , $1250./m o. N o v.1st. U tili ties/ parking included. Quiet building, wheelchair accessible. 905-844-1934 _______ BRONTE 2-bedroom $1050/ mo. 1-bedroom $950/m o. Dec/1 st. Small quiet building, includes heat, hydro, parking and locker. 905-827-8228 O A K V ILL E . 2-bedroom in triplex building. All ameni ties, la undry, parking, available Nov. $925/mo. + electricity. 905-845-9088; www.places4rent.com O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2 -b e d ro o m - $10 40/m o., a v a il. Sept. 1st. 3-bedro o m - $ 1 375/m o., ava il, im m e d ia te ly (+p a rkin g ). 905-844-9006______________ O A K V IL L E . 2-bedroom s, Close pro xim ity to GO/ downtown & park. $900/mo. 416-254-2178. ___________ O A K V IL L E . 2-bedroom basement apartm ent, sep arate entrance, parking, ava ila b le N o v.1st., $800/ mo. No pets/ smoking. 905337-1028._______________ FREE First Month with ap proved c re d it! G eorgian A p artm ents. 1.2&3 B ed room s. S e pt./ O ct./ Nov. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Burling ton, 905-63 9-04 56. M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm BR O N TE. 2-bedroom s pacious q uiet duplex, yard, parking. Walk to lake/ shopping. No pets/ sm ok ing. N o v.1st. References. 905-844-9340. 6 year old boy, 2 year old girl and in fa n t girl. M ust have infant/child CPR and F irs t A id , m u st be ECE g ra d u a te o r e q u iv a le n t, n o n -s m o k e r. 3-5 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e . L a u n d ry, m e a ls, g e n e ra l c le a n in g re q u ire d . R e fe re n c e s required. 905-257-4643 mother's helpers S T A Y a t h om e m om in search of an energetic, car ing, dependable person to help mind her two daugh te rs (a g e s 6 m onths & 2 years). Call 905-815-9866 Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 1 & 2-Bedroom Available Oct./ Nov. Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each floor. Parking. B U R LIN G TO N - Large, 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near dow n tow n. Parking. $750/m o. Call Annie. 905-634-5885. BURLINGTON. New clean 1bedroom apartment, partially furnished, a/c. Non-smoker computer literate. $600/mo. includes utilities. S e pt.1st. 905-319-6670.___________ BR O N TE- 2220 M arine Dr, lakeviews, freshly reno vated, quiet building. Start ing from $ 1 100 /mo including parking. 905-825-9616 O A K V IL L E : 190 K err, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. Walk to everything. New security system . 1&2 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777______________ 1-BEDRO O M ava ila b le Nov. 1st. $865/mo. includes heat, hydro & parking. Quiet b uild in g on B ronte Rd. & Lakeshore area. C lose to e v e ry th in g . C all S teve, 905-827-6783______________ O A K V ILL E . QEW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $829/ m o.*; 2 -bedroom from $939/mo.* Well maintained building. N e llie, 905-3392028. ('in c lu d e d 2% prompt payment discount) TYANDAGA Terrace Apartments: 2&3 Bedrooms, N ov./D ec. S itu a te d on private, park-like grounds. . Freshly decorated 1&2 storey w ith w/o to priv a te cedar p atio . T yandaga T errace, 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905336-0015; 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-336-0016 DOW NTOW N B u rlington, 1275 Elgin S treet. 2&3 Bedrooms, Nov./Dec. Freshly decorated, spacious, w ell m a intained & quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe high-rise living. Call 905-637-0321____________ A LD E R S H O T (W est B ur lin g to n ) Newly renovated bachelor with fu ll kitchen, a v a ila b le O c t./1 s t, $625+ hydro 905-633-8547________ EXCELLENT location, Brant/ Lakeshore. 2 bedroom, quiet building, parking, Dec/1 st. $775/hro.+hydro. 905-662-8558 REFINED Tenants for 1&2 bedroom s uites in luxury buildings close to B urling ton M all. C all the "P rin cess", 905 -63 9-80 09 or "Regency" 905-681-8115 LA RG E A ttra c tiv e 2&3 bedroom available Nov.1st. Heat/ hydro included. From $825/mo.+ parking. No pets. Burlington. 905-632-0961___ W ATER DOWN: John St. W alk to E ve rythin g. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1, 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647, 905-690-4454 GEORGIAN Court Estates, King/ Plains Rd., Burlington. Large 2&3 bedroom townhouses, full basements. Call 905-632-8547_____________ B U R LO A K / Lakeshore. Im m aculate 3-bedroom , $1,200/mo. +utilities. Avail able O c t.1st. References. No dogs. 905-333-5506, Ext.75_____________________ BRONTE $1,450/m o. Ex e c utive tow nhom e. Near Lake & Harbour. 3-bedrooms, 4-baths, fireplace, eat-in kitchen, appliances, finished recroom , garage. Immediate possession. Call Carm an M unro 905-8475677. Call 9am-5pm: 905-639-3301 B E A U T IF U L 1-bedroom , A ld e rsh o t. S eparate e n trance, balcony, backyard, parking, u tilitie s included. $80 0/m o. N o v .1st. 905SI 0 -0 8 8 0 , 905-631-6681, 416-898-2244 BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1-Bedroom Apts. Available SepUOct. BURLOAK * PLACE M A ism srm On The Lake 2-storey, 2-bedroom unit with 4 appliances! From $1075./mo.+parking. 4 1 6 - 9 2 1 -98 12 BURLINGTON 2-bedrooms available October/November. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outs id e parkin g. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 905-333-1190. GUELPH Line area. 4bedroom s, 1.5 baths, rec room , garage, $1030/m o. Call 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor. O A K V ILLE - bright, clean, furn ish e d room . Share kitchen , bath& laundry, W alk to lake, no parking. $450/m o in clusive. N on smoking. 905-842-8958 or 905-469-9035 LARGE bedroom with p ri vate ensuite, share kitchen & la undry fac ilitie s . A va il able November 1st. $600/ mo in c lu s iv e . F irst/L ast. 905-897-5326 or 905-3367535, after 6pm. N.BU R LIN G TO N - 1bdrm ,, share k itc h e n / laundry. S u itable for non-sm oking professional/ student. $500/ mo. incl. gas/ hydro. 905336-9954_________________ RIVER O a k s - 2 availab le in clude backyard, deck, hot-tub, a/c, shared laun dry, kitchen, cable, clean ing every 2 w eeks, s u p p lies.. ( 1 )s eparate e n trance, basem ent, private ensuite, Sitting room, satel lite ready, parking, $750/ mo. (2 ) second floor large bedroom , private ensuite, $650. No pets/sm oking. 905-257-7285 ____________ C LEAN and private home East Oakville, non smoking professional commuter pre fe rre d , in c lu d e s p riv a te b ath and p a rk in g . C a ll (905)845-6374____________ O A K V IL L E s p a c io u s , sunny bedroom, kitchen & laundryroom, includes util ities, cable. Non-sm oker. F em a le o n ly . P a rk in g . $425/mo. 905-469-8952 EXPERIENCED European home daycare, Glen Abbey area, has limited full/part-time p o sitio n s in cle an loving environment. Infants- age 5. 7am -5:30pm . Hot nourish meals, crafts, activities, lots of interaction. Reasonable rates, receip ts a vailab le. References upon request. Please call Maria after 5:30, 905-827-8192_____________ LO VING , expe rienced re liable & reasonable. Babies welcome. Sixth Line area. R eceipts. R eferences. Please call 905-849-1551. M ATU RE, experienced woman available to babysit days or evenings, fulltim e or occa sio n a lly- whatever su its your needs, in your hom e. Light housew ork also. References available. 905-681-3482 THE H alton C h ild Care Providers A ssociation o ff ers support and a chance to network with other pro viders through workshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents. Burlington 331-9372._________________ P/T nanny n e e d e d - 4yr old & new born, 16-20hrs/ week, afternoo n. Car and infant experience required. South B u rlin g to n . Higher Learning R e ferrals 905681-8397_________________ UPPER M iddle/ W a lke r'sexpe rienced, ca rin g , re li able. CPR, fire, health, po lice checks. N u tritiou s meals, fenced yard, smoke/ pet free. 905-332-7220 INFANTS w elcom e. S.E. hom e daycare has space a v a ila b le . 17 y e a rs e x perience. Receipts & ref erences. 905-829-0209 L IV E -IN C a re g iv e r from C h in a , s p e a k s E n g lis h . P ro fe ssio n a l exp e rie n ce , c o m p a s s o n a te ca re fo r ch ild re n , e ld e rly o r d is a bled. Helen 416-708-8686 I firewood G UAR AN TEED dry 100% hardw ood. Properly se a soned. O ntario's la rge st Firew ood re ta il. M arc's Quality Firewood, 905-2576366 EETil 2000 Chrysler Intrepid, low 22km , auto, 4-dr, 6 -cyl., F.W.D., A/C, cruise, tilt, pw/ pl/pm , $17,000. 9 0 5 -8 7 6 1864________________ 1998 Grand Prix GTP, fully loaded, new brakes, new tire s. Like new. $15,000 Ask for Ron 905-315-8998 1998 G rand C aravan SE, V 6 , original owner, loaded, quads, 161Kkm s $11,500 905-845-9779_____________ 2001 KIA R io- E xce lle nt deal! 4dr, standard, am/fm cassette, 36K, G reat Car! $10,499 obo. 9 0 5 -6 3 3 9592______________________ 1991 Ford E sco rt GT, 5speed, working A/C, am/fm cassette, 197K, new tires, 2-dr w/hatch. Good condi tion. $2200/obo. 905 -63 42021,416-457-2333________ G RAN D Prix SE, 1997, fully loaded, red, 147K, Ex cellent condition. $10,800. 905-847-0076_____________ 199 5 T a u ru s G L, 138K, green, 4-door, a ir, pow er w indow s, good cond ition. $5500. 905-465-2474 1995 LINCOLN Town car. Mint condition-loaded, con ve rtib le roof line. Execu tive dark green. B/o over $12,500. M ust sell 1-905662-5227, leave message. 1993 Saturn Station W ag on. Navy. All options. Ask in g $39 00. o r b e st o ffe r. Call (905)844-8013________ 1984 ROLLS R oyce, S il ver Spur, top of line. Exec, pearl w hite, loaded, mint c o n d itio n lo w m ile a g e . S e llin g due to h e a lth ' $49,000, partial trade con sid ere d. 1 -9 0 5 -6 6 2 -5 2 2 7 leave message. Includes utilities. Parking Available STUNNING 1880's cam el back V ic t o r ia n sofa and an tiq u e sid eboard. O.B.O . 905-335-3908 after 6pm 905-690-1896 2-BEDROOM, clean, central B u rlington G hent/ Brant. Available October. Near bus station, shopping, highway access. Parking $760/m o. 905-639-0354______________ 2-BE DRO O M apa rtm e nts a va ila b le D e c .1st from $895./mo. Conveniently lo cated W oodw ard/ G uelph Line, Burlington. 905-6324265______________________ FREE cat(s)- 1 male 3 yrs, very loving. 1 female, 8 yrs, better for older family, both fixed. 905-333-9747 G ERM AN Shepherd p u p pies C ham pion line. All black, sables and B lack/ tan Family raised. Call 9056 4 8 - 7 9 9 8 . ____________ RARE breed V a lle y B u ll dogs fo r sale. M ales/ fe m ales. Frindles and Brindles $1000. Call 905 -25 75927______________________ SIAM ES E R agdolls, e x ceptional quality, very a f fe ctio n a te , litte r-tra in e d , m ale & fem ale, seal/ blue poinis. 905-332-8661 Bur lington. QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDRO O M S is -k is -k NEWLY Renovated- for rent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apartments. Close to all amenities. $1050 to $12 75./m o in clusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy. 205 Queen Mary Drive 905-844-9670________ PR IM E Downtown B u r ling to n , U pgraded 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments. Scenic views. Beautiful grounds. 477 Elizabeth, 905-634-9374; 478 Pearl, 905-632-1643________ 3020 G lencrest Road, Bur lington. 1&2 bedroom s available Oct./ Nov.; 3-bed rooms available Dec. $845$1095/mo. 905-632-0129 NEWLY renovated, freshly painted! 1-Bedroom a vail able N o v./D ec. 1363 Lakeshore, Burlington across from Spencer Sm ith Park, 905-637-8431, 7-days, 9am6pm, (Ring Apt. #101) P LA IN S Road (B u rlin g ton). 2 -bedroom , new er sm all b u ild in g . P arking, la undry. S e cu rity. Im m e diate/ Oct./ Nov. 1st. $823/ mo. +hydro. 905-631-7368. $999./mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 905-639-9212 3-BE D R O O M . Fam ily com plex. G arage. $1100/ mo.+ hydro/ heat, available D ec.1st, 3000- 3014 Cen te n n ia l Drive, B u rlington. 905-319-1869___________ E X E C U T IV E T o w nhou se in Oakville, 3 bedroom, 21/2 baths, approx. 2200 sq ft., g a ra g e . A v a ila b le S e p t./O c t. $ 1 7 0 0 ./p e r month plus utilities. Other residential properties also available. T rafalga r (Oakville) Realty 905^338-1130 BURLINGTON. 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, c/a., fireplace, finished basement, single garage, double drive way, no pets, im m ediate, $1400/m o. + u tilitie s . 905469-9312, 905-845-9413 I cars for sale 1995 "Sentra XE" white, 4door, 178k, am/fm cassette, A/C, 5-speed. Good condi tion. C e rtified $6100 905336-2742_________________ 1993 Hyundai Sonatapaassed drive clean Sept. 2002. Needs w ater pump. $700 obo Call George 905332-5630______________ 1992 Jagu ar XJ 6 S- E x ce lle n t cond itio n . W ell maintained. Asking $8900. 905-331-3239_____________ 1994 C h rysler New Y o rk e r- 6cyl, 126K, fully loaded, le a th e r in te rio r, 2 tone paint, crown rust protection, w ell m aintained, e ld e rly driven, certified, E-tested, $7900. 905-336-1478 BU R LIN G TO N : Room for rent in 3-bedroom town house. F rancis Rd area. $425/m o. inclusive. First/ Iasi References. 905632-9129 FR ESH LY renovated- 2 store y, 3 bdrm condo to share w ith 1 responsible female. Smoke free $650/ mo. Inclusive. 905-338-1154 I shared accommodation I trucks for sale 2001 GM Seierra SLE- 66K, extended cab, long box w/cap, 4.8L, V8 , auto, fully lo aded, rem ote sta rt with keyless entry, CD stereo, tilt, $26,400,905-632-1178 B A B Y S IT T E R nee ded in my home 4-6pm, Mon.-Fri. Bronte area 905-827-7031

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