Oakville Beaver, 2 Oct 2002, A04

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A 4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 2, 2002 In-school m entoring program `near crisis' B ig B r o th e r s o f H a lto n d e s p e r a te f o r v o lu n te e r s Open House Sunday, October 6th 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. E v e ry o n e W e lc o m e ! By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF T o u r th e N e w F a c ility . S p e c ia l F r e e A c tiv itie s f o r th e C h ild r e n · face painting · games · try out "Lucy" the Y s bouncy giraffe · view Oakville Fire Department vehicles F R E E Pancake Brunch 11:00 a.m.-l:00 p.m. Sponsored by Lewisfoods Inc. The Big Brothers of Halton In-School Mentoring Program is in "near-crisis" in Oakville, due to a lack of volunteers. "We can't get mentors in Oakville for love or money," said Big Brothers of Halton Executive Director Lena Bassford, who explained that, fortunately, the same predicament doesn't exist in Burlington. Adds Big Brothers Director of Communications Eileen MacKenzie: "The program works in other communities. We need to make it work here." The initiative matches ele mentary students aged five to 12 with mentors who spend an hour each week with them in their schools. The students have been identified by teachers as needing support, such as encouragement to learn and to build self-esteem. "All these children need, bot tom line, is love and approval," said Bassford, who explains the key to the program is a consis tent, one-to-one relationship. "They need to know they can accomplish anything in life they want." Fifteen new mentors are need ed immediately, but according to MacKenzie, many more are required to fill the ever-growing demand. "And that's probably only scratching the surface," she said. "So we need to get the message out." Conducted in partnership with the Oakville Big Sisters Association and other agencies, the program -- which runs from October to June -- is open to girls and boys so that both men and women age 18 and up can "All these children need, bottom line, is love and approval. They need to know they can accomplish anything in life they want." · Lena Bassford volunteer as mentors. To date, participants range from universi ty students and stay-home moms to professionals and retirees. "Big Brothers really needs you," says Bassford. "We can't expand the program and add new children without matches." Those interested should call Liz Martins at 905-339-2355. Bassford and MacKenzie -- who can't stress enough the posi tive impact an hour a week has on the children -- say more men tors are being encouraged to vol unteer their time, talents and con sistent presence for only one hour each week. They also make it clear that mentors act as friends, not tutors, and will be matched according to shared interests. "It's not very time intensive at all. In fact, it's fun," said MacKenzie. "People thinking of volunteering but don't know where to start, this is a perfect opportunity that's anything but onerous." Bassford reassures potential mentors by explaining that they are not thrown into their relation ships but are offered all the train ing and support they require. (Mentors must participate in the agency's screening program before a match is considered.) In the ongoing bid to expand the program, Bassford explained that Big Brothers also hopes to get more local businesses involved by asking employers to grant their staff one hour of flex ibility each week to enable them to mentor a child -- such as using their lunch hour. Big Brothers has already met with success with Halton Region and Royal Bank. "It's an easy way to be a good corporate citizen," said Bassford. "We're not asking them for money, just the gift of time." No matter what arrangements are, says MacKenzie, the winners will be the young students. Cat burglar scared off by restless senior A house burglar apparently fled empty handed from a Huron Street residence after being inter rupted by an elderly woman in the early morning hours Tuesday. The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) said an 82-yearold woman awoke at 4:30 a.m. to find a man clad in black standing outside her bedroom door When she approached the man, he clapped a hand over her mouth then ran down the stairs and out the front door. The woman immediately woke her daughter, who also lives in the house, then summoned police. Officers, including the Canine Unit, responded and attempted to locate the man, but without suc cess. Upon further investigation it was determined there was no forced entry into the house, nor was anything taken, although the man appeared to have rummaged through a purse. There were no injuries. Information about the suspect is limited, but he is described as a white male wearing dark cloth ing, possibly a sweatshirt, with a mask over his face and wearing gloves. Anyone with information about the overnight entry is encouraged to call police at 905825-4747 ext. 2205 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TTPS. Police are reminding residents to limit opportunities for home entry by securing their doors, windows and garages. For crime prevention tips and house security information, log on to the HRPS Web site at www.hrps.on.ca. ' YMCA We build strong kids, strong families, strong com m unities. Y YMCA « /OAKVILLE 410 Rebecca Street, Oakville, ON L6K 1K7 · Tel: 905-845-3417 · Fax: 905-842-6792 E-mail: c u s to m e rs e r v ic e @ o a k v i I le .y m c a .c a Visit our website @ w w w .y m c a o fo a k v ille .c o m Hours of operation: Monday - Friday 5:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m., Saturday 7:00 a.m. -8:00 p.m., Sunday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. PICK0 THE CROP T O Y S B O O K S SATURDAY 5 OCTOBER 10:30 -11:30 D ro p -in W o r k s h o p U nibed of Oakville vember 18, 2002 6:30 p.m. LeDome Banquet Hall 73 North Service Road (east of Trafalgar) Fold and decorate your own dinosaur! Ages 4 + 10:30 - 4:30 C o ro lle " T r u n k S h o w " Way to Go Play all day with new Corolle dolls!! H o p e P la c e T h e Oakville Beaver joins U nited Way o f Oakville in saluting H ope Place for an outstanding U n ited Way fundraising cam paign. SATURDAY 19 OCTOBER -fir" 10:30 -11:30 D ro p -in W o r k s h o p S w mG ls « foSEWS A SlAI ! & ^ CAIl. Twe Hostess J ock ® 905-8457675 Make funky "pom pom pals" ! Ages 4 + 1:30 - 3:00 A u t h o r & I llu s tr a to r V is it M a tt Napier, author, & Melanie Rose, illu stra to r, will ta lk about and sign th e ir great new book: Z is fo r Zamboni - A Hockey Alphabet SATURDAY 26 OCTOBER______ Brought to you by FREE ADMISSION * » Door P rizes S p e c ia l D isplays « F ashion Show Gift Dag for Every Dride Thomas Play Day Have fun with Thomas s tu ff... & meet Franfois! Exciting draws! 1 0 :0 0 -1 :0 0 SUNDAY 27 OCTOBER 1:00 - 3:00 B rio P lo y D a y With lots & lots of trains, oob the Builder^ Exciting draws!! AIURPAY 2 NOVEMBER 10:00 -11:30 C u rio u s G e o r g e H o p e P lace, a n ag en cy o f U n ite d Way o f O akville, is to b e c o n g ra tu la te d o n a very successful c a m p a ig n . T h e ir w eeklo n g c a m p a ig n g e n e ra te d a lo t o f e x c ite m e n t w ithin th e agency, re su ltin g in 100% p a rtic ip a tio n . T h is in sp irin g ca m p a ig n n o t only in c re a s e d its to tal c o n trib u tio n o v er last year, b u t also su rp a sse d its g o a l fo r th is year! C o n g ra tu la tio n s H o p e Place! W ith o u t y o u , th e r e w o u ld b e n o w a y . ELCOM E^ /t/A G O N l t d . S in c e Our old friend will be droppina by! 2:00 - 3:00, A u t h o r V is it Avi Slodovnick, co-author of The Hockey Card will be reading and signing his delightful new book. 1930 -STORYTIME Don't forget: Tuesday mornings a t 10:00 with Patsy Luey. For ages 3 & up. Please register for th is free program. 245 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST D O W N T O W N OAKVILLE 8 4 4 -5 3 6 3 W W W .W ELC O M EW A G O N .C A T h e r e 's a w h o l e n e w w o r ld o u t t h e r e ... d i s c o v e r it t o d a y . W W W . a d iv is io n o f H a lto n S e a r c h . c o m lle b e a v e r . c o m c o n n e c tin g y o u t o y o u r c o m m u n ity

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