Oakville Beaver, 25 Sep 2002, A5

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday S eptem ber 25, 2002 - A 5 Tow n to pick consultant for O P A 198 secondary plan By Kim Arnott SPECIAL T O TH E BEAVER Clean Air Picnic at River Oaks School Saturday Pack a healthy picnic lunch and cycle, take Bus 19 or 30, walk, skateboard, or carpool (if you must drive) to Oakville's first annual Clean Air Picnic and Environment Fair on Saturday Sept. 28 at River Oaks Public School, 2173 Munns Ave. W. The Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights, organized the event to raise awareness of the health and environmental impacts of smog and climate change. Keynote speaker is Jack Gibbons of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance. For more information, call the Peace Centre at 905849-5501. Councillors will have their say in deciding who will guide Oakville's controversial plan for northern devel opment through its next stage. At Monday night's planning and development council meeting, town staff were told to begin the search for a consultant who will help create a vision, secondary plan and implemen tation strategy for the development of the lands north of Dundas Street. But Ward 1 Councillor Kevin Flynn convinced his fellow politicians that they should have a say in the selection of the consultant. "I think we agree that the task is going to be a monumental one and it will take a very special person to com plete it," he said. The primary consultant for the sec ondary plan work will help design and im plem ent a public consultation process, develop a vision for the OPA 198 lands and coordinate the existing background studies and information, along with developing the secondary plan and preparing an implementation strategy. Describing the consultant as some one who will come in to "do the heal ing," Flynn said he believes it is impor tant for council to be involved in the hiring process. "It's my opinion that the majority of the public thinks we made a big m is take back on May 29 (when council approved OPA 198)," said Flynn. He added that the consultant will need to grab the attention and win the trust of a skeptical public. Peter Cheatley, the tow n's director of planning services, who will oversee the secondary plan process, said he rec ognizes OPA 198 has its critics, who will be given a chance to publicly express their opinions. "The intent o f this process is to show those people that whether you like the idea of developing north of Dundas or not, if you're going to do it, you can do it right. And w e're going to do it right," he said. He added that the process will be as open and transparent as possible. And in response to questions from Ward 4 C ouncillor A llan Elgar, Cheatley said the process will place environmental concerns as a top prior ity. "There's no question that the task council has set for me with OPA 198 is to make sure the environment is task number one," he added. The town will be looking at local, national and international firms to find a consultant with experience in con ducting m ajor study program s and building "public participation pro grams which are innovative and con sensus building," according to a staff report. H O T T IR E D E A L S I I55/80RI3 I85/70RI4 7 9 T S IC L U B 88T SI CLUB PIS5/60RM W IN G F O O T HP PI95/70RW IN TEGRITY PI85/65RI5 IN TEGRITY P2I5/70RI5 INTEGRITY P225/75RI5 C O N Q U E S T A T P235/75RI5 W RANGLER RT/S O W L 205/65Rl5 EAGLE G A !42.99 *54.99 5 67.00 *70.99 `72.99 `80.99 *104.99 *121 99 `141.99 $8 0 IN S T A N T D E A L E R R EB A TES* on a set o f fo u r G o o d yea r: W ra n g le r AT/S (van, pickup, SUV), F o rte ra H L (lu x u ry SUV), o r Eagle HP (p erform a n ce ) tires. E A R N IOO B O N U S AIR MILES' reward miles w hen you buy a set o f fo u r: Regatta 2 (all season), Eagle GTII (p erform ance) o r W ra n g le r RT/S (van, pickup, SUV) tires. ( O r earn 25 b o n u s re w a rdB iles per tire.) Liesa Kortman · Oakville Beaver B arb N orm an and her G rade 1 class at Pine Grove School jo in Skye, an O akville and District H um ane Society m as cot, in inviting everyone to join them at the Paws for the Cause: W alk Against Violence on Saturday. ____ C all for additional specials.*"______ IN -S T O R E F E A T U R E S ! A Q U A T R E D 1 ( II u u o n ) EARN TRIPLE A IRM I L E S *rew ardm ile s ON OUR $ P " FALL B A C K TO BASICS C A R C A R E PACKAG E This service includes: 1. Change engine o il, replace o il filte r and lubricate. 2. Top up all fluids including brake, w indshield, differential, transm ission, and p o w e r steering. 3. R otate all fo u r tire s and adjust a ir pressure. 4. Tighten all drive belts. 5. Provide a fo u r-litre jug o f w indshield-w asher fluid. 6. Analyze b a tte ry charge and clean as required. 7. Inspect fro n t and re ar brakes and clean as required. B onus code: #4308 G B M S# 077601 Offer valid for m ost cars and light trucks until O ctober 5~. 2 0 0 2 . ings P I 7 5 / 7 0 R 13 *83.50 P I 8 5 / 7 0 R I 4 < 9 4 '5 0 P I 9 5 / 7 0 R I 4 sgg tjQ P 2 0 5 / 7 0 R I 5 s - |- |i 50 P I8 S / 6 S R I4 >98.50 P 2I5 /70 R I5 O t h e r s iz e s available.** »116'00 Paws for the Cause Saturday It's time to lace up your running shoes, grab your family pet and support the humane society's walk against violence on Saturday at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre. Paws for the Cause: Walk'Against Violence provides an opportunity to bring people in the community together to enjoy the physical activity of walking - with or without pets - while supporting the Oakville and District Humane Society's (ODHS's) efforts to reduce violence against animals and people. Anyone interested in joining the Paws for the Cause: Walk against Violence and would like a pledge form visit www.oakvillehumane.ca or call 905-845-1551, or if you would just like to participate in the walk, the fee is $20 per person or $30 per family when you register on the day of the event. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. with the walk beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre on Third Line, south of Upper Middle Road. A 7 A # B A S IC F R O N T B R A K E PACKAGE This service includes: 1. Replace fr o n t disc pads'. 2. Inspect ro to rs fo r w e a r a n d /o r damage and hydraulic system fo r leaks. 3. Top up m a ster-cylinder brake fluid. 4. Inspect brake -lig h t system. 5. C o rre c t a ir pressure in all fo u r tires, G B M S#052103 R a su rfa cin j brak»rotors «xtra if r«quir«d. O ffer validfor m ost cars and light trucks until O ctober S TM . 20 02. FREE 10 Bonus | · O n T he W O f ; I I S I5 OFF G e t $ 1 5 O ff A n y M echanical S e r v ic e O v e r $ 10 0 A IRMills* re w a rd m ile s . Bring In this cou po n to y o u r G ood yea r dealer and earn I 10 b o n u s neadaks w ith any purchase | un til O c to b e r 5 th. 2002. G O O D Y E A R 4TH LINE AUTO 559 Speers T I T'1 `jr y 303 Upper Middle Rd. E. SUN TIRE B o n u s co d e : #3 4 0 8 905-842-3001 905-338-0011 | G e t $ 15 o ff p articipating retailer's I p rice. N o t valid In conjunction w ith I any o th e r offer. M ust present this I cou po n a t the tim e o f purchase. One cou po n per custom er Linbrook school choir part of Royal performance (Continued from page A1) The school's music teacher Carlene Mercer, whom Grant said, " works magic with any piece of music" will accompa ny the group, together with 15 parents as chaperones and five staff. This is not the first time the Linbrook choir had recogni tion for its talent. The choir recently won first place in the Peel Music Festival. "We're all feeling very fortunate to be a part of this special event," said Grant. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, will join thousands of people at the Festival of Ontario as part of their Golden Jubilee visit. Celebrating 50 years of growth and development in Ontario during The Queen's reign, the Festival will resemble a giant street party along Main Street inside the Trade Centre. The Queen and the Duke will tour the displays and will be welcomed by up to 8,000 representatives from scores of cul tural and heritage groups and community organizations. The Festival is expected to be a highlight of the Canadian tour, which takes the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh to Nunavut, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick from Oct. 4 to 15. They arrive in Toronto Oct. 9, departing Oct. 11. On Oct. 10, the Queen will visit Sheridan College in Oakville. She will tour the Sheridan Centre for Animation and Emerging Technologies (SCAET) and have lunch with Ontario Premier Ernie Eves, faculty and invited students at the Student Centre Main Hall. 1 0 0 's S E W IN G M A C H IN E S T O R E R E P A IR S T O S I N G E R a n d a l l o t h e r m a k e s d r m o d e ls o f It's Our Birthday and We' re Celebrating!!! This I s The Real T hing!!! A 5-DAY TENT SALE To Blow Out Our Excess I nventory! O ur tent and store are literally fillet! with hundretls ot Clearance-Priced One-Ot-A-Kind Floor Models, Discontinued Items. These are all Final Markdown items with very limiti^t^upplv (one of each in most cases), so Shop Early! You can also Save Big on our regular In-Stock merchandise, and O rd ers... just spin our Savings Roulette Wheel and Save from GST-50%*. Flurry, Ends Sunday!!! S lirry!!! SALE EN D S SUNDAY! e l iv e r y M o d e ls In S t o c k fo r I m m e d ia t e D ! BURLINGTON POWER CENTRE Q.E.W.& BRANT STREET '.no "i 1 1 1 I W E X PE R T P IN K IN G SH EA R S & S C IS S O R S H A R P E N IN G M V (905)331-7600 M on.-fri. 9 am -9 pm, Sat. 9 am -6 pm, Sun. 10 am -5 pm M acDonald*Swan Litigation Counsel L L P P e rso n a l In ju ry L itig a tio n 1 9 8 S P E E R S RT>. 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -2 0 3 3 I n s id e O a k v ille V a c u u m S ep t. 2 6 - 2 8 Sp ecial P resen ta tion International Award - W inning Coppley Designer In su ra n c e L itig a tio n V in c e D 'E lia On Hand Saturday, Sept. 28th. Free initial 1/2 hour consultation CORNWALL BUSINESS CENTRE 1540 C ornw all, S u ite 106, Oakville (across from M aplegrove Mall) Q .E .W . E xclusive C lo th by Erm enegildo Zegna w w w .m a cd o n a ld a n d sw a n .co m 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -3 8 3 8 - Cornwall Dr o n t e Fo o t & A n k le C l in ic F o o t P a in A n k le P a in K n e e P a in (In s u ra n c e c o v e r e d ) This weekend o n ly... Off-the-rack prices on all custom orders, or Choose from ready-to-wear collections and receive a FREE gift w ith your purchase. F R E E C o n s u lta tio n s (905) 82 7-3200 B R O N T E V IL L A G E M A L L 2441 L akeshore Rd. W. O akville r ^ ARVEYQ ( A p p o in tm e n ts W e lc o m e ) 1 8 3 L a k e s h o re R o a d E ast, D o w n t o w n O a k v ille , (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -8 9 1 1 (FREE o n e ho u r parking token for shoppers) O p e n : M o n d a y t o W e d n e s d a y a n d S a tu rd a y , 9 : 0 0 a m to 6 :0 0 p m , T h u r s d a y a n d F rid a y , 9 :0 0 a m t o 8 :0 0 p m

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