Oakville Beaver, 23 Oct 2002, C2

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C2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O cto b e r 23, 2002 5K Run/Walk for SAVIS Sunday Com e for a run and stay for the day. Sexual A ssault and V iolence Intervention S ervices o f H alton (SAVIS) invites individuals and fam i lies to enjoy the park on Sunday O ct 27 for its fifth annual B ronte C reek Provincial Park 5K Run/Walk. The 5K Run/W alk is tim ed, how ever a 2K Run/W alk is not tim ed. N o in-line skates or bicycles are perm itted at this event. Dogs are allow ed on the shorter route only. Registration is from 9 -10:30 a.m. at the park on Burloak Drive north o f the QEW. The run/w alk begins at 10:30 a.m. The event will be held in the park near Parking Lot F near the animal barn. The cost is enter is $25. This registration fee is w aived for participants w ith pledges exceeding $ C e n tu r y 21 M ille r R e a l E s ta te 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -9 1 8 0 D ATE:O CT 18 PayToThe OrderOf c ° A \ i I Q ,H > TM " s 1000 Dollars ONE T H O U S A N D DOLLA Memo: O c t . 2 7 th 5 K /1 0 K R u n M A RY O'BRIEN & CHERYL KOPKO 100. C entury 21 M iller R eal E sta te's C heryl K opko, left, and M ary O 'Brien, right, sponsors o f the fifth annual 5K R un/W alk for Sexual A ssault and V iolence Intervention Services (SAVIS) o f H alton donate $1,000 to k ick -off the fundraising for S u n d ay's event. A ccep ting the cheque is C harity K acsoh, event co-ordin ator for SAVIS. The Canadian Therapeutic College will be providing free m assages to all o f the participants. F or m ore in fo rm atio n on the run/w alk, call Charity Kacsoh, event co-ordinator at 905-825 3622. Children under five may participate at no charge. A prize will be aw arded to the par ticipant that raises the highest am ount o f pledges. Event sponsors include Century 21 M iller R eal E state, B ronte C reek P rovincial Park, and T he R unning Room. Do Christmas shopping with Rotary Auction Barrie Erskine · O akville B eaver Local O akville resident Joan ne Stansfield (in pink) o f G riffiths M cB urney & Partners recently presented a $30,000 cheque to Kim and D avid Sm yth and friends o f Shw achm an D iam ond Syndrom e (SD S) C anada, for research. Show n with a big thank-you card are from left. W ill Sm yth and friend Viraaj Patel, D avid Sm yth, Joanne Stansfield, and K im Sm yth. Guess w hat's around the com er? The O akville Rotary Auction on Nov. 22 and 23. It's everybody's favourite tim e of year - ju st after Thanksgiving - with only Halloween to survive before the onslaught o f Christmas! Im agine long line-ups in the stores - once you've even m anaged to find a parking space! People fighting, kids crying, and a total lack o f creative ideas o f w hat to buy for those friends and relatives w ho have everything. Rest assured, the Rotary Clubs o f Oakville West, North and Trafalgar are determ ined to help. Im agine finishing all your shopping from the com fort o f your easy chair. By ju st picking up a phone or going o n lin e to www.oakvillerotary.org and bidding for all the great m erchandise you'll see on CO G ECO 23 on Nov. 22 and 23, you'll not only have the satisfaction o f finish ing your Christm as shopping early but you will know that every dollar you spend goes to help Rotary support many local program s and charities. W e're focusing on Helping H ands Helping Kids this year, and over the next few weeks you'll have the opporyour m axim um bid is the highest, our com puters will autom atically increase the current bid to register yours as the highest one received. So far, we have the best Leafs and Raptors tickets; g o lf outings; hom e decor items; jew elry; aesthetic services; and much more. Items are being added every day. If you are able to donate an item, or know som eone w ho can help us out, please contact Auction C hair Barry Kay at (905) 319-7051 as soon as you can. The m ore products w e have to offer, the more money we will be able to raise for com m unity-oriented projects. A com plete catalogue o f items will be printed in The O akville Beaver just before the Auction - be sure to watch for it and set up a tim eline for your bid ding! Jennifer Kay handles m arketing and prom otion fo r the Auction, and is a m em ber o f the Rotary Club o f O akville Trafalgar. Help your local Rotary Clubs help the com m unity. Tune into the O akville Rotary A uction on C O G E CO 23 and online at www.oakvillerotary.org N ovem ber 22 & 23. SDS receives $30,000 G riffiths M cB urney & Partners (G M P), a partner ow ned, leading Toronto investm ent firm , has recently donated $30,000 to Shw achm an Diam ond Syndrom e (SDS) C anada, co founded by M ike and Kym Sm yth o f Oakville. G M P supports initiatives involving children, through their charitable foun dation. "We look for grass roots organi zations that need that initial invest ment." said Joanne Stansfield o f G M P and an Oakville resident. "T hrough the Sm yths I learned about Shwachm an D iam ond Syndrom e and saw first hand how this disease affects children and learned how little is known about it. "SDS C anada is a national charity established by a group o f parents, the Sm yths included, and doctors so that they could share inform ation. We at G M P are delighted to fund research into the disease." Shw achm an D iam ond is a m ulti faceted syndrome, afflicting the pan creas, skeleton and blood w hich can lead to leukemia. "Funding from com panies such as G M P is critical as so much more needs to be understood about this syndrom e in order to save the children," said M ike Sm yth o f SDS Canada. "T oronto's renow ned Sick C hildren's Hospital is the global leader for this syndrom e and along with The U niversity o f Toronto perform much needed research." said Smyth. O a k v il l e Ro t a r y A u c t i o n tunity to learn about many o f our C lubs' youth-oriented projects. W e've made som e exciting changes for this y ear's Auction, all designed to make it easier for you to bid - and win! - the items you really want. For one thing, you will be able to bid online at www.oakvillerotary.org for both the exclusive Internet as w ell as the televised items. And when you phone in to bid on an item, you will be asked if you would like to register a "m axim um bid". That m eans you can tell the operator how much you would ultim ately be willing to pay for the item, thereby avoiding repeated frantic calls to get in at the last minute with a higher bid. As long as O White Rose Home Garden c e n t r e s E v e n t ru n s W ednesday O c to b e r 2 3 rd to S u n d a y O c to b e r 27 th N O W is th e tim e fo r FALL B U L B P L A N T IN G ! For stunning spring blooms year after year! Choose from a huge selection | of tulips, crocus, lilies, iris, hyacinths, jj daffodils & more. IN T R O D U C T O R Y O F F E R ^ For every $10 of B u lb s ^ ^ purchased, receive a package of Q U A L IT Y LANDSCAPE P LA N TS Selection may vary by store. RED E M P E R O R h J U L IP S F R E E L Low Light Select from Palms, Peace Lily, Antheriums, Dracaena, Ficus & more. We have chosen these exceptional quality plants for their hardiness for the indoor environment. Plants are available in 6"-14*' pots, : C: LOVERS! £ ~ 1" This premium corn free mix attracts a wide range of birds. 8 kg. F e a th e r Treat No C o rn D e lu x e D u tc h A u c tio n C la y P o ts Ideal for transplanting L Great for crafting. B 40°°OFF N ov. 6 m - 1S* f 50% OFF N ov. 2 0 th- D e c .lO "' 60% o ff O c t.2 3 "1 - N ov. 5 m Early B u y S p e cia l! S a v e until N o v e m b e r 5 th October Store Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 9:00am-9:00pm Saturday: 9:00am-6:00pm Sunday: 10:00am-5:00pm BURNHAMTHORPE ROAD WEST Selected Undecorated With lids. 2 styles - round or rectangular. Lined Laundry B a s k e ts FA IBV 1E w s i DUNDAS ST. W. MEW S T . wF n S iis X ; Choose from a variety of styles and colours. Wreaths & G arlands Choi L IM IT E D T O S T O C K ON HAND. visit o u r w e b s ite at w w w .w h it e r o s e .c a ERIN MILLS 3115 Oundas St. W. 905-569-0909 BURLINGTON 4265 Fairview St. 905-639-8692 Not exactly as shown. 1 1 Z P R IC E Entire Selection of EXCLUDING LIVE P U M P K I N S FALL D EC O R !

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