Oakville Beaver, 23 Oct 2002, C3

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2 3 . 2(X)2 · P a g e C 3 Please forw ard announce m ents fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; Fax 905-337-5567, email blokhuis@haltonsearch.com , or call 905-845-3824 Ext. 250, BEF O RE N O O N Monday to he included. Notices are listed free o f charge. Knights of C olum bus Charity Harvest Dance, Nov. 9, 8 p.m. - 1 a.m., at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Music by The Partland Brothers Band, a pop rock band. Capital and EMI recording artists, Juno Award nominees and winners of Q107 Homegrown Contest. Late night hot buffet, silent auction, dance prizes, door prizes, cash bar. Casual dress. Tickets, $30, at Knights of Columbus Hall, 905827-1854, or call Henry Thissen. 905-845-2431. Osteoporosis Oakville cele brates its 10th anniversary on Nov. 11, Holiday Inn Express, 2525 Wyecroft Rd., at 12 noon. Speaker: Dr. Aliya Khan, Oakville Bone Centre and asso ciate professor, M cM aster University, Hermone Replacement Therapy - explain ing the controversy. Tickets $10, in advance only, call Phyllis Spillone, 905-829-4863. Membership drive at Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 486 Bronte, to Nov. 30th. Join by that date and have name entered in early bird draw for free mem berships. Dues: $30 for seniors over 65. and $40 others. Drop in at 79 Jones St., or call 905-8274722. Shoppers Drug Mart, 2297 Lakeshore W. in Bronte, Cosmetic Department providing free eye makeup applications by cosmetician for donation to Canadian Cancer society's Breast Cancer Research, to end of October. W ED NESD AY OCTOBER 23 Organizational meeting for the 2003 Halton Eco Festival at 7:30 p.m. at the Oakville Community Centre for Peace. Ecology and Human Rights, 148 Kerr St. The Eco Festival is an environmental fair to be held on April 5, 2003 at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre. Call 905849-5501 or e-mail volunteer@oakviJlepeacecentre.org B ridge/E uchre Lunch, 12:30 p.m., Le Dome Banquet Hall, 1173 North Service Rd. E. Cost: $20, for Ian Anderson House, cancer hospice providing palliative care at no charge. For tickets, call Betty Smith. 905822-8592; Margaret Summerhayes, 905-849-5852: or Trish McCowan. 905-337-8004. CARP - Canada's A ssoc iation fo r the Fifty Plus, 7 p.m., Burlington Seniors Centre, 2185 New at Seneca (Central Park), Burlington. Speakers: Joyce Savoline, Halton Region Chair, and mayors Kathy Gastle, Halton Hills; Gordon Krantz, M ilton; Rob M aclsaac, Burlington; and Ann Mulvale, Oakville. Seating for 150. Call Harry, 905-335-5717. H ollyhock Caregivers Support meeting for family caregivers will take place from 1-3 p.m. Cheryl Graham, Education Coordinator for the A lzheim er Society Peel will present an overview of A lzheim er Disease and the Availability o f Community Services. Space is limited. Advance registration only. Call Eva at 905-824-1313. THURSDA Y OCTOBER 24 Toastmasters A rea H u m ourous Speech Contest, 7:30 at Knights o f Colum bus, 1494 Wallace Rd. (Third Line and Speers). Finalists from four Toastmasters clubs competing giving their funniest speech finalist move on to District. Guests welcome. Admission free. Contact First Oakville Toastmasters, Maria Robinson at mrobinson247@cogeco.ca Job F air hosted by Placements Plus and Job Connect at Sheridan College Skills Training Centre, 407 Iroquois Shore Rd, 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Employers and career related service providers on site. Free Internet search information and resume critique service. Introduction to B uddhist M editation a n d Philosophy, Thursdays to Oct. 24 to Nov. 21, and Dec. 12 and 19, St. Jude's Church. Victoria Hall. Call 905842-0940. VO IC E fo r H earing Im paired C hildren, support group for parents o f hearing im paired children, 7 p.m., Appleby United Church, Burlington. Call 905-335-1069. H alton And Peel P rofessional Executive Network (H AP P EN ) network ing support group for unem ployed business professionals, 8 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker: Joanne Colangeo, Phone Professionalism. Members $5, non-members $10. Call 905339-0268 or www.happen.ca. F RID A Y OCTO BER 25 Poor Boys L unch in support of Ian Anderson House, 11:30 a.m., Royal Canadian Legion, 35 Front St., Port C re d it. Silent auction, luncheon. Speaker: W alter Gretzky. Tickets $25 ($20 tax receipt), call CAIFA, 905-337-9876. H alton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., 1 - 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appoint ment only, call 905-815-5966. B eethoven' s Fifth with con ductor Kerry Stratton, the Toronto Philharmonic, and Canadian soloist Lorna McGhee at St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E. at James, Milton. 8 p.m. Tickets: $25; SeniorsStudents: $20. Call 905-8782432. Doors open at 7:15 p.m. SA TU R D AY O CTOBER 26 A m n esty International A uction a n d Sale, Central Baptist Church, 340 Rebecca at M orden, 9 a.m. - J2 noon. Auction of items donated by local merchants starts at 9:15 a.m. sharp. Fabulous gift ideas. Previously owned treasures and much, much more. Proceeds to Amnesty International. B ethel U nited C hurch (Trafalgar Road, north of Britannia Road) is holding its A n n u a l Bazaar from 2-4 p.m. Homebaking, jam s, pickles, plants, vegetables, crafts, white elephant sale and tearoom. Canadian A lliance of British Pensioners holds two membership drives and informa tion meetings from 1 2 - 2 p.m., and 3 - 5 p.m., at Sir John Colborne Centre for Seniors, Lakeshore and Third Line. Call 905-815-5960. For information, visit www.britishpensions.com or call 416-253-6402. St. Matthew CW L Bazaar, St. Matthew School, 9 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Craft sale, bake sale, raffle, lunch room, white ele phant table, face painting. The Meeting House holds Ten T housand Villages International G ift Festival. 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., 25-171 Speers at Kerr (old Cineplex Odeon Theatre). Ten Thousand Villages markets jewelry, folk art, table ware, musical instruments etc., produced in Third World. Call 905-827-3266. A ll A board Halloween Streetcar at Halton County Radial Railway Museum, 13629 Guelph Line north of Milton, 6 10:30 p.m. Ride spooky trolley cars, hear mournful whistle of ghost train, and look for ghost train. Cost: $6. Call 519-8569802 or visit www.hcry.org. SU N D A Y O CTOBER 27 H abitat fo r H um anity speaker, Halton volunteer Gary Mohr, at Glen Abbey United Church, Nottinghill Gate and Upper Middle, 7:30 p.m. Habitat for Humanity is home building initiative. Call 905-637-4446 or visit www.habitathalton.ca. Taize Prayer Service. Walton M emorial United Church, Lakeshore and Bronte, 7 p.m. Music, gospel readings, quiet meditation, cross and candles. Interdenom inational service based on Taize community in France. Call 905-827-1643, www.waltonm emorial.com, or www.taize.fr. H a unted H appenings at Oakville Museum at Erchless. 8 Navy, 1 - 4 p.m. Afternoon of Halloween fun for the whole family. Dress up in costume and make some creepy crafts, play some Halloween contests and games. Regular admission. For more information call Oakville Museum at 905-338-4400. Family History Research: Halton-Peel Branch o f the Ontario Genealogical Society meets at Chinguacousy Branch Library, Lower Level, 150 Central Park Dr., Bramalea, 2 p.m. Speaker: Theresa Sorel. United Church Archives. South Peel N a tu ra lists' Club Field Trip - Potluck along the Lakeshore explores the numerous bays, parks and har bours to seek out late fall migrants and waterfowl. Dress in layered clothing and bring lunch. Meet 8:30 a.m. at Bronte pooled parking lot southeast cor ner of Bronte and QEW. Call 905-820-2571. M O N D AY O CTOBER 28 O akville A fte r Five Club sponsored by Oakville Christian Women's Club, 7 p.m., Oakville G olf Club, 1154 Sixth Line. Harvest Dinner and Annual Fall Fair, silent auction. Speaker: Sue Darlington. Reservations, $24, call 905-849-1435. Optimist Club of Oakville regular meeting, 7:15 p.m., at Halton Regional Police Safety Village. Speaker: Mary Fraser, Transition for Youth. Tots and Us, program for caregivers of preschoolers, play time, music, stories and snack, St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca, 10 a.m. Free. Call 905845-3427. TU ESD AY OCTOBER 29 Halton Support Network fo r Individuals with Developmental Disabilities presents Abuse Prevention for Parents of Children. Teens and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities, 7 - 9 p.m., Halton Region Auditorium, 1151 Bronte, north parking lot. Speaker: Susan Ludwig, nurse and educator. Refreshments. Call 905-825-6203 to register. Services fo r Abused Women program at Halton Family Services offers education, sup port and therapy groups for women who have experienced emotional physical and/or sexu al abuse within their spousal or dating relationships. Next group begins Oct. 29. Individual coun selling/therapy for women and children's groups also provided. Call 905-845-3811. Services provided free. Retired Women Teachers o f Ontario, Plainsman Mystery Theatre Buffet, noon, theatre 1 p.m.. The Plainsman. Waterdown, $31, call Joan Boyer, 905-339-1038. Understanding Depression, free seminar hosted by Halton Healthcare Services and the Canadian Mental Health Association at Oakville-Trafalgar M emorial Hospital, 11:30 a.m .- 12:30 p.m. Call 905-815-5110. Take a Walk on the Toddler Side Parenting Workshop - Understanding your child's social skills and emotional behaviour, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., at Iroquois Ridge Library. Speakers: Halton public health nurses M aureen Harris and Isabelle Culliton. Contact: Cheryl Van der Mark 905-257-7448 or clvandermark@sympatico.ca to register. COMMUNITY UPDATE We're Your Halloweeniy Home Dec & V Fashion Headquarters! Special Selection! TABIflCLAND Here is just a sample: Special Selection! HALLOWEEN COSTUME SOLIDS 108-150cm wide, in black, red & white. Our Reg. 3.98-4.98 m Now 1.44-1.99 m Special Selection! SPARKLY, SHIMMERY METALLICS 115cm wide. Metallic taffeta in gold, silver & colours. Our Reg. 9.98 m Now 4.99 m Special Selection! SHEER ORGANZA SOLIDS 115cm wide. 100% polyester. Our Reg. 5.98 m Now 2.99 m Special Selection! COMFORT GABARDINE 130-140cm wide, 100% polyester. Assorted solid shades, some mechanical stretch. Reg. 10.98 m Now 3.99 m SUEDE LOOK BLOW OUT! Fashion Trend of the Season! COTTON COSTUME PRINTS 150cm wide, 100% cotton. Dots, stripes, skins & assorted designs. Our Reg. 9.98 m Special selection of weights & colours, some with spandex stretch! Assortment varies per store. Our Reg. 10.98 -27.98 m U p lo 6 0 % O ff O u r R e g . P ric e NOW 1.99 m EVERYBODY SAVES! 3 DAYS ONLY - OCTOBER 2 4 -2 6 Entire In-Store Stock! MANUFACTURER'S TRIM CLEAROUT! Special selection of frindges, cords,tassels, tiebacks. Selection varies per store. Now 50% O f f O u r R e g . P rice Special Selection! V O G U E P A TTER N S In d iv id u a lly p ric e d . SPOOLED RIBBONS Satin, printed, wire-edged, moire wire-edged & more. Individually priced. Sold by the spool. Limited quantities. ONLY 5.49 each O ffer v a lid O c to b e r 24-26, 2002, fo r all c u s to m e rs , w h ile q u a n titie s la st. N ot v a lid w ith any o th e r d is c o u n t offe rs . New 66 % O ff O u r R e g . P rice FINAL DAYS TO SAVE! SEE PARTICIPATING STORE FOR FULL SALE DETAILS! SALE ENDS OCT.27/02. Entire In-Store Stock! Dual Duty PLUS THREAD Individually priced. Buy 1 at Our Reg. Price. GET 1 FREE! (of equal value or less) OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O A K V IL L E 844-7728 APPLYING TO A PRIVATE SCHOOL? Prey § § i$ T bia Knowledge - C h o ic e -S u c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Sponsors of Private School Fair Nov 9 Toronto Hilton Parent Workshops Oct 30 Nov 13 Infoline: 1-888-780-0333 Website: www.fabricland.ca G re at s a v i n g s c o m e e a r l y th is month. Secondary School Admission Test Preparation Course > » * Teacher directed classes <0ntano Certified Teachers) Small class sizes (6:1) ' CompuSSATTM computerized · diagnostic testing Comprehensive course materials $He 1 (Student workbook, flashcards, SSAT guide, practice tests, on-line resources | Peer support : Locations throughout GTA j (Toronto. Aurora. Mississauga/Oakville. Woodbridge, Richmond Hill) Parent workshop | SSAT simulation (under real test writing conditions) Tel: 416-200-SSAT (7728) or visit www.prepSSAT.com Seniors' Day T h is T hu rsd a y, O c to b e r 2 4 th s m New Herbal Remedy Gets Results Fighting Colds And Flu SambuGuard boosts immune system and fights cold and flu symptoms A new herbal com bination has been getting great results com bating cold and flu viruses. SambuGuard, a blend o f Elderberries, Echinacea and Vitamin C, is effective on many levels. Dr. David W ikenheiser, a prominent Vancouver Naturopathic doctor states, "This com bination takes three o f the m ost w idely recognized and researched immune enhancing herbs and com bines them into a new and effective remedy. Elderberries have been used m edicinally for many years and are recognized by the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia and German -Commision E for their ability to treat sore throats, fevers, chills, and rem ove m ucous from the lungs and nasal passages." Dr. W ikenheiser also notes that, "Echinacea and Vitamin C are well known for their roles in boost ing the im mune system and assisting the body in fighting o ff viruses that can cause colds and flu. Further research shows that elderberries may actually `disarm ' invading viruses, rendering them incapable o f penetrating healthy cells and spreading any further. (Reference: Mars, Brigitte, Elder: The amazing healing benefits o f Elder) o »* p t: r s <> I* T I M U M 123H Sb "MW 01 2 "Being in a liquid form, the product is w ell suited for people with sore or irritated throats. To put it simply, SambuGuard fights the viruses that cause colds and the flu and at the same time, reduces the symptoms that may accompany them," concludes Dr, Wikenheiser. SambuGuard com es in a liquid form that is quite pleasant and is therefore easy for the entire fam ily to take. SambuGuard is available in health food stores across Canada and can be taken by anyone two years o f age and older. For more information on SambuGuard, visit your local health fo o d store, or call S hoppers O p tim u m Members" save 20% Seniors also receive a FREE copy of the Toronto Star while quantities last.1 1-888-436-6697. SambuGuard is available at the following stores A lternative's M arket 579 K err St., Oakville 905-844-2375 H ooper's Vitam in Shop The G arlic Grove, 1101 U pper Middle Rd. E. M aple Grove Village Unit A8 511 M aple Grove, Unit 21 905-337-8522 905-338-0707 N ature's Source 2391 T rafalgar Rd., Oakville 905-257-1655 *Discounts apply to our regular prices on all merchandise purchased by seniors and their accompanying family members. Excludes sale items, prescriptions, products with codeine, baby m ilk and diapers, single cans and cases of Boost and Ensure liquids, soda, stamps, lottery tickets, gift certificates-and prepaid phone cards. Discounts may not exceed $50. 'While quantities last. See store for details. Offer not available in Thunder Bay. Offer available in Sault Ste. Marie and Timmins after 12pm only.

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