Oakville Beaver, 23 Oct 2002, D2

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D 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O cto b e r 23, 20 02 McGlynn nabs hat-trick and one assist with Tucker's cut-down stick It was a thrilling start to the hockey season for the Oakville Rangers tyke west team who got to take in a Toronto M aple L eaf practice and then w on their season opener. And it w as especially thrilling for Connor M cGlynn who used a cut down stick given to him at the practice by L eaf Darcy Tucker to record a hat-trick and an assist in the opening 5-3 win over Burlington. A fter several weeks o f hard work in practices and exhibition gam es, the boys were treated to the M aple Leafs practice at the ACC, just prior to their season opener. These eager seven-year-olds w atched wide eyed as the coaches put the Leafs through their paces, and beam ed as they sat in their favourite players' stalls in the Leafs dressing room. Souvenir pucks and hats were also arranged through trip organizer Chris M cGlynn to m ark the occasion, and the boys left the A CC prim ed and ready to launch their own season against local rival Burlington. It d id n 't take long for the Rangers to put into practice all they had learned from their coaches and their L eaf heroes, as a goal on the opening shift by Cole Cassels set the pace for a season opening 5-3 victory. Connor M cGlynn assisted on the opener, then The O akville R angers tyke `w est' rep team pose outside o f the A ir C anada Centre after they attended a L eaf practice. They then w ent on to win their opener against Burlington. See story below for com plete list o f their nam es in order. poured in his natural hat-trick, obviously feeling right at hom e w ith Tucker's stick. Ryan Toor also added a goal, while other assists w ent to Kamil Tkaczuk (2), Danny Beaver, Jackson Hulbert, Samuel Hisey and Justin Martin. Goalie M atthew K aslik worked a solid opening half, while H unter Swain shone in the role o f clos er, stoning a Burlington sniper late in the third with Oakville clinging to a 4-3 lead. The coaching staff o f Ken Hisey, M ark Hisey, Dean D eFazio and M att Swain have already laid a solid foundation o f skill developm ent on which to build w hat looks to be a very exciting and well bal anced team. The Tyke West Rangers are (in order, left to right): Ryan Toor, Brody Brandt, M atthew Little, M itchell C ow bum , C am eron D eF azio, Justin M artin, M atthew Kaslik, Jackson Hulbert, Danny Beaver, Ryan M cN eely, H unter Sw ain, R hys Maguire, Kamil Tkaczuk, Sam uel Hisey, Cole Cassels, Connor M cGlynn and Tyler Pierog. National silver medal for Oakville duo The D ixie D om inators girls U -16 so ccer team , rep rese n tin g O n tario , earned the silver m edal in the recent C anadian national club cham pionships, rely in g on the scoring p ro w ess o f O akville residents Jennifer Pitken and K im berly Dim itroff. Pitken had a goal in the tournam ent w hile D im itroff w as the tournam ent's leading scorer w ith five. D ixie bow ed to the Q uebec provincial cham pions, R ive-Sud Select, 3-2 in overtim e to set tle for silver. Halton high school standings and scores BOYS FOOTBALL (Senior) Team Division one W L T PF PA P Assumption 5 0 0 205 41 10 4 Nelson 1 0 111 55 8 M.M. Robinson 3 1 0 131 58 6 Notre Dame 1 0 82 55 6 3 4 0 74 142 2 Aquinas 1 1 4 0 47 Loyola 113 2 4 0 64 164 2 Iroquois Ridge 1 Lord Elgin 1 4 0 82 158 2 L ast w eek 's resu lts: Loyolai 26, R idge 6; A ssum ption 44, A quinas 18; N elson 23, M.M. Robinson 15; N otre Dam e 33, Lord Elgin 14. (Division two) Team w L T PF PA P Jennifer Pitken and Kim berly D im itroff at nationals. __________________ a Shepley 11th at collegiate championships Je ssic a S h ep ley w as top g o lfer fo r the U niversity o f T ennessee Lady V olunteers as they finished in 10th place at the M ercedes-B enz W om en's C ollegiate C ham pionships at G ettysvue Polo, g o lf and C ountry Club. Shepley, an Iroquois Ridge Secondary School grad, finished 11th overall w ith a 225 (78-72-75). N orth C aro lin a's A shley Prange w on the event File Photo by Barrie Erskine w ith a 218 (72-70-76). "This tournam ent w as a good w ay to evaluate my gam e." Shepley said. "I learned a lot about m y self this w eekend and look to im prove before our next tournam ent." The Lady Vols conclude their fall season at the A uburn Tiger D erby in A uburn, A la., from Nov. 1-3. Q.E. Park 5 0 0 146 25 10 4 Pearson I 0 71 78 8 4 2 0 115 76 8 Oak Trafalgar Burlington Cent . 3 2 0 56 31 6 2 A ldershot 68 63 4 3 0 2 104 4 Milton 3 0 66 1 4 0 63 106 2 Blakelock Bishop Reding 1 4 0 51 125 2 1 4 0 2 W hite Oaks 27 81 Last w eek's results: Milton 22, W hite Oaks 0: Oak Trafalgar 12, A ldershot 7; Q.E. Park 10. Burl Central 7; Pearson 21, Bishop Reding 13. (Junior) D ivision one W L T Team PF PA P Burlington Cent.. 5 0 0 191 22 10 Assumption 4 1 0 128 59 8 2 0 Loyola 3 120 66 6 2 0 90 6 Notre Dame 3 65 Nelson 3 2 0 118 70 6 Lord Elgin 1 4 0 61 149 2 1 4 0 A ldershot 56 173 2 M .M . Robinson 0 5 0 20 179 0 L ast w eek's results: Notre Dame 21, Nelson 7; Loyola 27, Aldershot 0; Assum ption 34, Lord Elgin 9; Burl Central 50, M.M. Robinson 0. Division two W H A T A RU SH! D ave D innall is seen earlier this season in action for the O akville L onghorns. H e had an am az ing 546 total yards in last S aturday's national ch am p i onship. See stories page D l. Blades woes continue with weekend losses The Oakville Blades continued their losing run this weekend with two more losses, 6-0 in Milton on S unday afternoon and 10-4 against visiting Georgetown Raiders on Friday night. The Blades losing streak is now at seven games. During this stretch, they've been outscored 56-25, plumm eting them to middle o f the pack in the provincial junior A west division at 8-8-1. "This is still the team that was averaging seven goals a game, ten gam es ago," said coach Jay Anderson. "The guys that were scoring goals, aren't. Com bine not scoring goals with not being able to stop them and you have what has left us in trouble." The Blades started strong in both weekend games but quickly becam e unglued, slipping back into an increasingly familiar pattern o f individual play and unnecessary penalties. The Blades have this week off until Friday night w hen they host the Brampton Capitals at Ice Sports, 7:45 p.m. They are also in action Sunday night, 7:30 p.m., in M ississauga against the Chargers Team W L T PF PA P Violence in sport forum on tap tonight The O akville Sports C ouncil is presenting a forum on violence in sport tonight (W ednesday), 7-9 p.m. at O akville Town H all (room s one and two). R egistration is available at the door but the sem inar is lim ited to 75 people. O A K V IL L E B L A D E S SC O R IN G SU M M A R IE S 213 27 10 Holy Trinity 5 0 0 O ak Trafalgar 0 0 108 143 10 5 4 8 Iroquois Ridge 1 0 126 49 Blakelock 110 37 6 3 2 0 4 Milton 2 3 0 43 96 I 4 0 34 116 2 W hite Oaks 164 0 Q.E. Park 0 5 0 18 12 190 0 Aquinas 0 5 0 Last w eek's results: Blakelock 41, A quinas 6; Holy Trinity 36, Iroquois Ridge 18; M ilton 22, W hite Oaks 6; O ak Trafalgar 40. Q.E. Park 6. Beginning M ilton 6. Oakville 0 - O c t 20 ^ M onday, N o v. 4 Weather Permitting Gates O pen at 9 :3 0 am th Daily 10:30 am - Shotgun P ERIO D 1 (19:52) M IL P ERIO D 2 (1 :39) M IL (6:08) M IL (7:25) M IL (7:41) M IL (15:03) M IL Vic O reskovich (R ich M eloche, A ndrew Bonello) Wes C lark (L ee Swallow, Jam es Duham el) Jam es D uham el (W es C lark, Lee Swallow) Pat Lee (Tyler Schrem p) Rich M eloche (V ictor Oreskovich, R ob Ricci) R ich M eloche (R ob R icci, A ndrew Bonello) (9:52) (16:44) P ERIO D (6:57) (11:38) (13:21) (14:55) G EO G EO 2 GEO G EO OAK OAK R yan A ngelow (N ik Bibic, Alex Greig) Ryan Busby (B rent H ughes. Shane R em enda) Ryan B usby (K yle Zettler) SH Ryan B usby SH R ob Tarantino (M ike R uberto, Will B arlow) PP S tev e P inizz o tto (M an; P inizzotto. K evin H arvey) PP Team GIRLS BASKETBALL (Senior Volpe) W L PF PA P Georgetown 10, Oakville 4 - O c t 18 P ERIO D 1 (4:29) G E O Ryan M cC arthy (A lex G reig, Dan Iliakis) PP (6:28) O A K R ob Tarantino (M ark M enchella) (16:03) P ER IO D (6:38) (8:13) (12:12) (14:06) (15:48) GEO 3 G EO OAK G EO G EO G EO Vince Laise (R ick Varone. Ryan M cC arthy) Rick Varone (R yan M cCarthy, Dan Uiakis) Njck Dodge (R ob Tarantino, M ike Ruberto) Ryan M cC arthy (D an Uiakis. R ick Varone) PP B rent H ughes (Ryan Hirtle-St. Denis. Kyle Aitken) Shane R em enda (B rent Hughes. Dan Iliakis) Mon.-Fri. $250 0 $300 0 $35.00 golf and cart per person $40.00 golf and cart per person Midget Rangers add pair of wins B rock Paw liw , A1 Lee, and D an R ingw ald each notched a pair o f goals to pace the m idget A A A R angers to an 8-4 hom e-ice victory over St. C atharines Sabres last Friday (Oct. 18). T he R angers league record now stands at 5-1-1. O ther goal scorers w ere M ike C hereshnevsky and D aniel H annigan-D aley. A ssists w ent to Jordy M cM illan (3), Je ff Vaive (2), Steve T urner (2), Jeff N ebeta and D an R ingw ald. In previous w eek's action, goalie J.D. M cN am ara earned the victory betw een the pipes and Jeff B entley scored both goals as the Rangers avenged their only loss o f the season w ith a 2-1 hom e-ice decision o ver the H am ilton Jr. Bulldogs. Josh Sm yth, A1 Lee, Jeff Vaive, and B en H eersink earned assists on B entley's m arkers. The R angers w ere clearly focused on atonem ent for their one loss o f the year as they out-shot the B ulldogs in every period and 34-13 on the gam e. Sat. & Sun. 5 0 338 132 10 Aquinas 4 1 254 169 8 Iroquois Ridge 4 2 258 196 6 Blakelock Loyola 3 2 171 195 6 Oakville Trafalgar3 172 136 6 132 143 4 Bishop Reding 107 132 4 Q.E. Park 75 210 2 K ing's Christian W hite Oaks 80 149 0 86 198 0 Milton L ast week's results: Bishop Reding 34, White Oaks 20; Loyola 29, Milton 18; Q.E. Park 34, King's Christian 20; Aquinas 55, Blakelock 31: Aquinas 71, Bishop Reding 25; Iroquois Ridge 48. W hite Oaks 12; Blakelock 64, M ilton 18; Oak Trafalgar 30, K ing's Christian 13; Iroquois Ridge 41, O ak Trafalgar 30. (Junior Volpe) W L PF PA P T eam Iroquois Ridge 5 0 237 163 to 5 0 248 137 10 E.C. Drury 4 Holy Trinity 1 321 123 8 4 2 293 177 8 Aquinas Oak Trafalgar 3 2 181 131 6 Loyola 3 3 243 197 6 Blakelock 3 3 190 199 6 Milton 1 4 124 239 2 Bishop Reding 1 5 109 270 2 1 5 103 261 0 W hite Oaks King's College 0 5 49 256 0 L ast w eek 's results: B ishop R eding 28, W hite O aks 14; E.C. D rury 32, O ak T rafalgar 29; Iroquois R idge 58, Holy T rinity 55 (OT); L o y o la 55, M ilton 23; Q.E. Park 34, K ing's C h ristia n 20; A q u in as 4 4 , B lak e lo c k 32; A quinas 55, B ishop R eding 16; E .C . D rury 52, L o y o la 31; Iroquois R idge 46, W hite O aks 10; B lakelock 44, M ilton 23; O ak T rafalg ar 44, K in g 's C hristian 15. Call 905-627-1743 5 DAYS IN ADVANCE To Reserve Space (Tee-Off) 27 Championship Holes 3 - 1 8 Hole Combination FLAMBOROUGH HILLS GOLF CLUB 4 0 3 to Hwy. 5 2 N o rth , 8 km N o rth C o p e to w n , O n ta rio Milton Heights ski sale upcoming M ilton Heights M onster Ski & Board Sale will be held at Country Heritage Park, 8560 Tremaine Rd. in M ilton (just around the com er from G len Eden Ski Area) on the following dates. · Friday, Nov. 1: 6-10 p.m. · Saturday, Nov. 2: 10 a.m .-4 p.m. · Sunday, Nov. 3: noon-4 p.m. C all (905) 336-5382 or log on to w w w .M iltonH eights.com . 9 0 5 -6 2 7 -1 7 4 3 Friday, Oct. 25 at 7:45 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1 at 7:45 p.m. BRAMPTON CAPITALS vs HRMII.TON KI1 1 Y Bs ..'-V ' ;L, v OflKVlUC BUDCS ~ -J· · ·· » V.., OflKVlUC filADCS at Oakville Ice Sports Centre ( at Oakville Ice Sports Centre

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