Oakville Beaver, 23 Oct 2002, D3

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O cto b e r 23, 2002 - D3 Segin will likely get the call this Sunday against Winnipeg with playoff berth on the line (Continued from page D1) N ot for the O akville L onghorns senior m en's football team , w hich he has starred with for the past several years, and not for the St. M ary's football team w here he played his university ball from 1990 to 1995. Segin did everything he could do to m ake the C FL and follow in the illustrious line o f m adein-O akville kickers that currently includes two active N FLers, M ike V anderjagt and Steve C hristie. H e attended num erous CFL tryouts over the years, including w ith the form er O ttaw a R oughriders, the A rgos and the TiCats, but was never given the shot he coveted. "I alw ays thought I could play," he said. "But I w as pretty m uch resigned to the fact that my tim e w as over. "I w as ju st having fun playing in O akville." Indeed, the O akville L onghorns kicker and som etim e receiver has led the 10-team N orthern Football C onference (N FC) in scoring in tw o o f the last three years (having been edged this year by M ississauga W olverines running back Jon N edeljkovic). O ff the field, he had m ade a seam less transi tion to the business w orld, as sales m anager for D ana Precision M etal Fabricating in M ississauga (and, no, it's not nam ed after him -- ju st a coincidence). On M onday, the day after his auspicious CFL debut, he w as back in his office. It w asn't quite business as usual, though: the telephone w as ringing o ff the hook and CH tele vision cam eras w ere on hand for an interview. And, o f course, Segin w ill not be around the office m uch this w eek, either, as he attends another w eek o f Tiger-Cat practices from W ednesday to Saturday in preparation for Sunday's key hom e gam e against W innipeg. A win locks up a playoff spot for the TiCats. A loss opens the door for the Toronto A rgos in their season finale on Nov. 3 against the already elim inated Calgary Stam peders. Just how long Segin's rookie debut w ill last, will depend on O sbaldiston's injured right quadricep. A nd that's an arrangem ent Segin is quite at ease with. Q uite frankly, his day job pays more than the CFL. At the sam e tim e, he said he's honoured to be filling the shoes o f a longtim e veteran he has looked up to. "W hen O zzie (O sbaldiston) gets over his injury, he's the guy," said Segin. A nd w hile Segin is grateful to receive sup port from O sbaldiston, he w as able to give some advice back, having suffered "a sim ilar injury back in '92 (at St. M ary's)." W ith an obvious passion for the sport, Segin w as at Ivor W ynne S tadium w hen O sbaldiston suffered his injury on the opening kick-off in the 29-28 loss to the Argos. "It looked pretty bad," said Segin. A lso w atching the gam e, coincidentally, w as M ike O 'B rien o f G rim sby w ho took over O sbaldiston's punting duties. Both Segin and O 'Brien, ironically, w ere then back at Ivor W ynne the very next day, practicing w ith the TiCats. For Segin, the tim ing couldn't have been bet ter -- or w orse -- depending on how you look at it. L ast w eekend, w hile he w as m aking his m em orable CFL debut in M ontreal, he was sup posed to be w ith his O akville L onghorns team in Calgary to play in the C SFL national cham pi onship gam e at M cM ahon Stadium . Segin had been practicing w ith the L onghorns all m onth in preparation for the national cham pionship gam e. In fact, it w as basically the only reason he w as even in gam e shape w ith the N FC season concluding back in m id-A ugust. W hile Segin had practiced all last w eek with the TiCats, he only found out on Friday that he w ould be m aking the trip to M ontreal with the team. "On Friday I w as ready to go to Calgary (w ith the Longhorns) and then Mr. Lancaster said, you're going to M ontreal." A lthough the L onghorns and in particular head coach Tony M olnar w ere behind him 100 per cent, Segin said the decision w as bitter sweet. "It really crushed m e not to go (to Calgary). I played w ith those guys all y ear ... I sent Tony (M olnar) a fax w hich he read to the players." W hile the 'H orns w ere w inning their Saturday night national cham pionship at M cM ahon Stadium , Segin had scored som e tickets to the Leafs/H abs gam e at the M olson C entre in M ontreal and w as calling Calgary, to a team m ate's girlfriend, every 20 m inutes on his cell phone for updates. "I think my first C FL cheque is going to Bell M obility," he quipped. Halton High school scores and standings T eam Blakelock 6 6 0 12 Oak Trafalgar 5 4 I 8 Q.E. Park 5 3 2 6 Aquinas 6 3 3 6 2 2 Loyola 4 4 2 2 Bishop Reding 4 4 2 E.C. Drury 6 l 5 King's Christian 6 0 6 0 Last week's results: Oak Trafalgar 2, E.C. Drury 0; Q.E. Park 2, King's Christian 1: Blakelock 2, Aquinas 0; Aquinas 2, Bishop Reding 0; Loyola 2, E.C. Drury 0; Oak Trafalgar 2, King's Christian 0. Longhorns will seek 11th straight NFC championship next season (Continued from page D1) BOYS VOLLEYBALL (Senior Volpe) V V L G P (Junior Volpe) W L Team G P Holy Trinity 8 8 0 16 Oak Trafalgar 8 14 7 l 2 Milton 8 6 12 Blakelock 8 5 10 3 White Oaks 8 5 3 10 Aquinas 8 4 4 8 E.C. Drury 8 3 5 6 Iroquois Ridge 8 6 3 5 2 Bishop Reding 8 6 4 2 Q.E. Park 8 6 4 2 Loyola 8 6 4 King's Christian 8 0 8 0 Last w eek's results: W hite O aks 2, Bishop Reding 0; O ak Trafalgar 2, E.C. Drury 0: Holy Trinity 2. Iroquois Ridge 0; M ilton 2, Loyola 0; Q.E. Park 2, King's Christian 0; Blakelock 2, Aquinas 0: Aquinas 2, Bishop Reding I : Loyola 2, E.C. Drury 0: W hite Oaks 2, Iroquois Ridge 1; M ilton 2, Blakelock 0; Oak T rafalgar 2, King's Christian 0; Holy Trinity 2, King's Christian 0. T hey w on the right to represent O ntario back in A ugust by easily w in ning their unprecedented 10th straight N orthern Football C onference (N FC) c h a m p io n sh ip 34-6 o v er the M ississauga W olverines. G rabbing the m ost press this past w eekend, w ith headlines in the m ajor dailies, w as the perform ance o f the L onghorns' D ana Segin, an O akville product. A nd he did n 't even suit up for the Longhorns! Instead, at the age o f 31, he m ade his belated C FL debut an im pressive one, knocking dow n five field goals for the H am ilton Tiger-C ats as they kept their p layoff aspirations alive with a key 29-26 w in over the M ontreal A louettes on Sunday. Segin, w ho w as filling in for injured T iCats kicker Paul O sbaldiston added tw o touchdow n conversions to up his total to 17 points. " I knew he co u ld do it,"said L onghorns head coach Tony M olar, w ho quipped that "h e's never been that productive for m e." T he inside jo k e, o f course, is that the `H orns are usually so dom inant in their 10-team league, w hich plays fourdow n ball, that S e g in 's field goal opportunities are lim ited. Still, Segin has led the N FC in scor ing tw o o f the last three years (edged out this year by M ississauga's Jon N edeljkovic). The other dom inating perform ance last w eekend was turned in by exTiC at D ave D innall -- arid he did suit up for the `Horns! He nabbed an am azing 546 all-purpose yards, including a w hopping 381 yards rushing on 28 carries, including five touchdow ns. He also added 165 yards on five kick-off returns. "H e w as the story o f the gam e for us," said coach Molnar. Tied at 39-39 after three quarters, the `H orns finally m anaged to pull aw ay in the fourth quarter w ith tw o straight touchdow ns, both by D innall, for a 14-point lead (53-39) -- their biggest o f the game. True to form , Calgary cam e right back w ith their ow n touch dow n with less than a m inute and a h alf rem ain ing. But Calgary w ere not successful on their ensuing short kick-off attem pt and the 'H orns w ere able to close out the scoring on a safety, fittingly booted in by back-up quarterback Dom enic Cam astro. C am astro did an adm irable jo b fill ing in for Segin. He w as good on all six o f his converts (the `H orns got a two point conversion on the other one) and connected on one o f three field goal attem pts. N aturally, he d id n 't get the distance off the kick-offs that Segin does, but then again Segin, more often than not, kicks them right through the en d zone. Calgary received their ow n com m and perform ance from their veteran quarterback, Darryl Leason. Leason is no stranger to national ch a m p io n sh ip s, reach in g th e U -23 national cham pionships tw ice w ith the R egina Ram s and reaching the Vanier C up o n ce w ith the U n iv ersity o f Regina. And he was right at hom e in the C SFL final. W hen he w asn 't ripping the `H orns defence through the air -- com pleting 25 o f 54 passes for an astounding 499 yards -- he w as dart ing around them on the ground, with 104 yards on nine rushes, including a 30-yard touchdow n rush. "He did a great jo b ," conceded coach M olnar. "H e w as one o f the best quarterbacks w e faced in a long, long tim e." » L ea so n 's to p rusher, Jason N ovakow ski only m anaged 22 yards on three carries. M ind you, he did carry all three into the end zone for touchdow ns. His top receiver w as H ughes A udet with 217 yards on eight receptions, including one touchdow n. B ack to the 'H o rn s, besides D in n all's five touchdow ns, the other tw o cam e from a 25 yard rush from M ike M allot (w ho w as the second leading rusher w ith 73 yards on 10 car ries) and o ff a 4 1 -yard touchdow n reception by C olin G rant (he was top receiver w ith 61 yards on three recep tions). The w est not only dished out great opposition for this y ea r's national title gam e, but they also dished out some great traditional w estern hospitality, said coach M olnar. The gam e w as also a success for a local ch ild ren 's charity, as the A lberta Football League donated o ver $2,400 to D ream s Take Flight. T h e fled g lin g n atio n al ch a m p i onship is adding lustre to senior m en's football in C anada, an d certainly has n 't hurt the N F C 's grow th to 10 teams this past season from a low o f four team s ju st three years ago. T he Alberta league is also expecting further expan sion. E specially w ith the east set to host next year, it provides a huge perk to w in n in g n ex t y e a r's N FC ch am p i onship. You can bet the `H orns, who play their hom e gam es at Bronte Field in O akville, w ill have no shortage of m otivation as they gun for their 11th straight N FC title next season. Places to go! Things to do! ; jm i an m kmcm t i l a Finally, you can trust him to do the grocery shopping # it,' November 1-3, 2002 International Centre, Hall 3, Mississauga Free Trip Giveaways Free Parking Kids under 12 FREE Everything under the sun. The International Centre is home to Canadas largest travel show featuring over 200 exhibitors. The 18th annual show features international destinations, tour operators, spas, provincial attractions, the eco tourism pavilion and golf destinations. 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