Oakville Beaver, 23 Oct 2002, A7

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O cto b e r 23, 2002 - A 7 Norman Albert Folland Veteran newspaper man enjoyed a passion for life Norman Albert Folland, known as a gregarious new spaper man, avid golfer, and passionate athlete w ho loved to gamble, died Saturday at his Oakville home. He was 93. He was known by his nicknames - Ab or Abbie. C hances are he earned these monikers on the football field, basket ball court, and in the Toronto Star newsroom - not to overlook his serv ice during World W ar II as a Royal Canadian A ir Force flying officer. ' `It was not uncom m on to find him hanging from airplanes photographing events as they happened." said his son Harry Folland. Bom in St. Thom as, Ont.. in 1909. Norman Albert Folland Folland graduated from the University o f Guelph w ith a degree in animal husbandry in 1935. W hile in university, he was a star athlete, winning the Wildman Trophy - awarded annually to the graduating foot ball player w ho best com bines academics, athletics, leadership and fair play. He also excelled on the basketball court. As team captain, he scored the winning touchdown in the 1935 intercollegiate championship game, as well as the w in ning basket in intercollegiate play in 1932. Because money was tight - he worked odd jobs to save money for university - and his family instilled "productive liv ing," Folland "was forced to play football under an assumed nam e," said his son. He was inducted into the University o f G uelph's athletic Hall o f Fame on Sept. 26. 1996. W hile attending university, he met "and was smitten by" the late Ruth Hindmarsh, granddaughter o f Star publisher and ow ner Joseph E. Atkinson and daughter o f the late Harry Hindmarsh, legendary Star editor for tw o generations and the late Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh, for many years president o f the Atkinson Charitable Foundation. "It was during his university years that he m et fellow student Ruth Hindmarsh, destined to be his wife and best friend for 66 years," said their son. "Ab was smitten by Ruth and in an attem pt to impress her w hen first intro duced, asked her if she w ould golf with him as a first date. Ab was, in his own mind, an excellent golfer and during that first date he was patient and gallant as he show ed Ruth how to play," he said. "T heir next golf game was after their marriage in 1938 where Ruth having been an Oakville G olf Club champion for a num ber o f years came out o f the closet and show ed Ab really how to play. He laughed about that for years after." His 34-year career at the Toronto Star began as a reporter in 1945. He was known as a `two-way m an,' working as both a reporter and photographer during the "golden years o f new spapering," said his son. "He supplemented his income with crib and poker w innings in secret games in the com pany's darkrooms," he contin ued, "and at one point, I think, he redesigned the newsroom. He should have written a book about his working experiences - the golden age o f newspapers. Folland also worked in other depart m ents, m ost notably, the A tkinson Charitable Foundation as secretary. This foundation grants funds to charities on an annual basis. Folland becam e known for his generosity, and was involved in the distribution o f these grants. Retiring from the A tkinson Charitable Foundation in 1972 to his cottage in Bayfield Inlet north o f Parry Sound, he guided his family to the "best fishing holes, " worked on lowering his golf handicap, and "being the best father, grandfather and great grandfather a fam ily could hope for," said his son. "His legendary im patience was often displayed on the golf course w hen after he teed off he proceeded dow n the fair way not waiting for his wife Ruth to play from the ladies tee. "After a num ber o f warnings, the inevitable happened. Ruth, whose game was always straight down the middle drove as Ab was cutting across the fair way in his cart. H e was hit on the head and knocked unconscious." At age 62, Folland took up skiing, taking him and his wife to the best ski resorts in the world. He also encouraged his family to learn how to ski. "H is love for travel never w aned." They played golf in Freeport - where Folland refused to give up his wallet when backed into the bushes by robbers, and gam bled in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Freeport, and at the casinos in N iagara Falls and Orillia. "Intelligent, yep; articulate, yep; gruff, yep; generous, yep; loving, yep; Abbie was a gem ," said his son. "The twinkle in his eye and that infectious grin m ay be gone, but to those who knew him the mem ories will live on." Surviving him are daughters Ruth Anne W inter (Doug Bennett), Patricia Clutterbuck (Chas). and Sally Booth. (Bob), and sons Harry Folland (Eileen), and Bill Folland (M ary), 21 grandchil dren, 15 great-grandchildren, plus numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his wife, and by his brothers John and George o f St. Thomas. A Celebration o f Life will be held at St. Jude's Anglican Church at W illiam and Thomas Streets on Friday, Nov. 1, at 11 a.m. In memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Diabetes Association. w % -U C *> C j H ig h S c h o o l Suwortice. S /r u d u r rf/i' \w rtu rin e CP' C hisholm Academ y Grades 9-12 1484 Cornwall Rd. (905) 844-3240 fax: (905) 844-7321 www.chisholmcentre.com e-mail: info@chisholmcentre.com | 12 students p e r class [ St. Mildrefl's-Lightboum School Girls Jk - OAC 1080 Linbrook Rd. <905) 845-2386 fax: (905) 845-4799 www.smIs.on.ca info@smls.on.ca OP E N HOUSE Saturday, O ctob er 2 6 10 a.m . - 2 p.m . M acLachlan C o lleg e JK - University Entrance 337 Trafalgar Rd. (905) 844-0372 tax: (905) 844-9369 www.niaclachlan .on.ca e-mail: registrar@maclachlan.on.ca JK-Grade 6: Intenwws & testing now being scheduled. Grade 7-12: SSAT date Sat. December 7,2002 Oakville is hom e to an im pressive selection of ind ep en d en t schools. W h eth er you are searching for the right preschool, elem entarv education, college or university preparation, w e're confident you'll find the school w here your child will thrive. Each Oakville In d ep en d en t School is uniq u e an d grade configurations van . To learn m ore about O ak\iIle In d ep en d en t Schools, visit us a t'o u r O pen H ouse. R otherglen School River Oaks Junior^Campus 2045 Sixth Line (905) 338-3528 fax: 905) 338-9599 www.rotherglen.com O A p p Ie b y C o lle g e © C h is h o lm A ca d em y © D ea rc ro fc M o n te s s o ri S ch o o l O F e r n H ill S ch o o l © G le n b u r n ie S ch o o l Q M a c L a c h la n C o lle g e O O a k v ille C h r is tia n S ch o o l Q S x . M ild re d 's - L ig h tb o u r n S c h o o l © W e s tw in d M o n te s s o ri S c h o o l © R o th e rg le n S ch o o l LARGE LIQUIDATION AUCTION Thursday, O ctober 2 4 7 :0 0 p.m. Preview 6 :0 0 p.m. OAKVILLE COUNCIL & STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS Monday, O ctober 28, 2002 Planning & Development Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. O tello's B anquet Hall - Oakvile 2 2 7 3 Royal W in d s o r Drive OPEN TO PUBLIC - EVERYTHING M U ST GO IN ONE SESSION Tuesday, O ctober 29, 2002 Community Services Commmittee 7:30 p.m. - Oakvile Room Administrative Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room * Household Furniture * Collectibles * Persian Rugs * Lazy Boy Dining Rooms. Tiffany Lamps * Salon Sets * M irro rs S M ore M ahogany F urn itu re : includes Dumbwaiter, Console Table, Flower Stands, Arm Chairs, Side Tables, Tea Wagon, Coat Rack, China Cabinet, Lazyboy Style Chairs, Electric Massage Chairs, Bar Stools in Pair of 2, W ing Chair. Teak W ood F urn iture: includes Large Dining Table (Super Solid Wood), with 8 Chairs, Round Dining Table with 4 Chairs, Teak Arm oires, Coffee and Side Tables, Glass Cabinets, W ine Box. French Provincial Furniture includes Side Tables, Pillars, Leather Chairs, Gold Leafs Hand-Made Chairs, Commodes with French Accent. A r t Deco F urn iture: includes Nesting Tables, Side Tables, Cabinet, Console Tables and more. Rustic M etal and W ood Furniture includes Tables, Flower Stands, Console Tables and.Side Tables in Antique Finish, Large collection of M irro rs in M useum Frame available in different sizes. Bronzes: include 4 ft. Pedestals, Greyhound, Egyptian Cat, Large Size Dog, Bronze Pots and more, Satsuma, W ildlife Prints, Gemstone Globe in 2 2 and 3 3 cm. diameter. Collectibles: Tiffany Styles and Fabric Shade Lamps, Bronze Based Torchere, Glassware and M irro rs in different Sizes. Original Oil Paintings, Imperial Lemoge, Bronze Statues, Silver Candleholders and Limited Edition Prints by Group of Seven. Puffy Hand Painted Glass Lamps on Bronze Bases. C arpets: Persian Hand Knotted Carpet, Bidjar, Tapris, Isfahan, Fine Quam Silk Carpets, Beautiful Antique C arpet - some over 8 0 years old. All washed and professionally cleaned, available in different sizes. This is the best selection of colors we have ever offered. Hundreds of other items and lots - way too many to list. Terms: No charge to register, Payment by Cash, Debit, VISA, M /C or Am ex. Monday, N ovem ber 4, 2002 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Monday, N ovem ber 11, 2002 Planning & Development Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. N O TIC E O F PU B LIC M E E TIN G S APPLICANT: CORPORATION OF TH E TOW N OF OAKVILLE File: Z.1414.04 You are invited to attend two (2) meetings to be held to review and provide comments on a proposal by the Town of Oakville to modify zoning standards pertaining to parking in a side yard within the residential area of the Uptown Core. The first meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Department at which time details of the application will be presented and public concerns noted. The meeting will take place on November 6th, 2002 com m encing a t 7:30 p.m. in the C om m ittee Room 2, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. The second meeting will be a public meeting hosted by Town Council at which time a staff report and recommendations will be presented. This meeting will be held on Novem ber 25th, 2002 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend these meetings and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed applications, describing the land to which the proposed applications apply, and a key map showing the location of the land to which the proposed applications apply can be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. Any other questions or concerns may be addressed to David Nelson, Tel: 845-6601 ext. 3039, email: dnelsonQtown.oavkille.on.ca. or the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Location - Glenashton Drive, Georgian Drive, the line mid-way between Greenfield Drive and Central Park Drive and Taunton Road, bound the subject properties, which form the medium density portion of the residential area in the Uptown Core. The land is legally described as Parts of Plans 20M-661, 20M-701, 20M-768 and 20M-803. Official Plan - Figure P , Uptown Core Community, designates the subject land Medium Density Residential with a density of 75 units per site hectare. Zoning - The lands are zoned UCR1A, UCR1B, UCR1B(a), and UCR1 B(b) which permits a range of housing forms encompassing detached dwellings to apartments. Specific regulations contained in Subsection 89(592) of the Zoning By-law control the development of the lands. Proposal - Subsection 89(592) of the Zoning By-law does not currently permit the parking of motor vehicles within the required side yard of a building. Many of the dwelling units have auxiliary residential units located above the garages and parking of vehicles associated with these dwelling units is taking place adjacent to the garages. The Town is recommending an amendment to the Zoning By-law to permit this parking to take place where adequate space and the provision of a hard surface is possible. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting on November 25, 2002. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 23rd, day of October, 2002. David Nelson Acting Manager, Current Planning Section Planning Services Department 1 2 2 5 TRAFALGAR ROAD (905) 845-6601 · OAK V I L L E , O N T A R I O · L6J 5 A 6 GRAND PIANO SALE Have you dreamed of owning a Yamaha Grand Piano? Then we have good news for you, The dream is closer to reality than you think. The Steve Loates Keyboard Centre in cooperation with Yamaha Canada Music Ltd. are pleased to present the "The Grand Piano Dream Event". This will be your best opportunity to order that brand new Yamaha Grand Piano That you have always dreamed of owning. A factory representa tive, from Yamaha will be on hand during this very special promotion to m j g r authorize factory direct pricing and to answer any questions you may have regarding Yamaha Grand Pianos. Because of the very special nature of this promotion, it will only be conducted for one day. Delivery date for your piano may be requested for a future date but it must be ordered on the day of this event receive the spe cial pricing and bonuses. n NO MONEY DOWN, NO PAYMENTS, NO INTEREST UNTIL APRIL 2003" o a c TRADE INS WELCOME FOR THIS SPECIAL EVENT ONE DAY ONLY Saturday, October 2 6 ,10am - 5pm BURLING TO N 2388 Fairview St. (west of Guelph Line) STEVE LO A TE S 905 639 4465 800 633 7088 w w w .k e y b o a r d c e n tr e .c o m KEYBO ARD CEN TRE There's a whole new world out there. discover it today. WWW.OJ i a division of HaItonSearch.com llebeaver.com connecting you to your community w w w.town.oakville.on.ca

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