Oakville Beaver, 16 Oct 2002, p. 09

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 16, 2002 - 9 n n Oakville Sports Centre Requires Facility/Bar Manager Bartender-Wait staff Short Order Line Cook Kitchen Cleaner/Night Cleaner The following hours are avail. Mon-Fri 5pm-12am Sat-Sun 9am-5pm/ 5pm-12am FT/PT Available Oakville Sports Centre 1333 North Service W. Contact Bob Acton 905-465-0900 ext6 SITE cle rk required for M ilton construction office. Strong organizational skills a must. S12/hr. Fax resume 905-479-2934 AC CESS to a com puter? Put it to work! $1500+ parttim e, $3000- $5000+. fu ll time. Call 1-888-420-6147 www.speedupsuccess.com LO G ISTIC S Agent re quired w ith expe rience in expedite trucking/ next flight out lo g istics. A p plicants must be bilingual. Please co n ta ct DEC Express (M ichael Porkolab at 905332-8911 ext. 235) ACCEPTING applicationsIn te rn a tio n a l com pany seeking 12 individuals for full time employment. Applicants must have customer service experience. Pay $350-$700 per week. For interviews call Rita toll-free 1-866-791-6200. 416-412-8339 Fax: 416-3351768 No telem arketing.no door to door. G E N E R A L Labourer re quired full-tim e for a wood working & packaging shop. Experience an asset. 905335-2222____________ NEED Extra Cash$$$? Try T e le m a rk e tin g . W ill train D a ys/E venin gs. S tudents welcome. Start $9./hr. Flexi ble hours (905)849-8335 or (905)849-8525(0akville) 2-EX P E R IE N C E D cle a n ers needed for Burlington office . C leaning 3-4/hrs a day, 5-days/w ee k. Local people only. Call John 416440-0401________ LA N D S C A P E Company required Full-Time experi enced construction &maintenance worker +labourer. Pay +benefits based on ex p erie nce. Fax resume to 905-639-7412_____________ A Cut Above Lawn & Gar den M aintenance (O ak v ille ) seeks m ature, re sp o n sib le in dividuals for fu lltim e positions. Valid d riv e rs license required. S e rio u s app lica nts call Mark 905-601-1316.________ AU TO B O D Y Repair Tech nician wanted. Look ing fo r m otivated team player. M ust be licensed. W ages negotiable. Hours: Mon-Fri. 8-5. Fax: 905-8422908; call Steve, 905-8424454. salon & spa help RMT w anted im m edia tely for our busy Spa. FT/PT po sitio n. E xce lle nt w ages. Drop off or fax resum e: 905-689-0446 About Face W atedow n's Spa. 292 Dundas St. E., Waterdown. Burlington Toyota The area's # 1 1mport Dealer is expanding! RNs and RPNsCarecor has been awarded a contract for nursing agency services at: Burlington Spa RMT & Reflexoloist ( Great opportunity!) · Hairstylist P/T With clientele, ( No Saturdays.) · Aesthetician P/T With clientele. Linda 905-631-0801 3rd or 4th Year Apprentice or Licensed Technician A mature, reliable individual required fulltime to join our team in our newly renovated facilities. Excellent remuneration. Drop in, Fax resume or call George Caie: · · · 1249 Guelph Line, Burlington Fax: 905-335-4048 · Tel: 905-335-0223 · Oak-land Ford Lincoln Credit Valley Hospital Halton Healthcare Services o Oakville site o Milton site Trillium Health Centre o Mississauga site o Queensway site William O sier Health Centre o Etobicoke site o Brampton site o Georgetown site CommunityNotices D e a th s A fte r a lengthy illness on Saturday, O ctober 12, 2002 at the O akville -T ra fa lg a r M em orial Hospital. Joan, beloved wife of Warren. L oved d a u g h te r of J e s s ie and the late Stanley Brake of N ew foundland. Loving s is te r of M in nie a n d B ud L a n c a s te r of B e lle v ille . V is ita tio n w a s h e ld at th e Kopirva Taylor Com munity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 79 p.m . T ue sd a y. Funeral S e rvice 3:30 p.m. W ednesday, O ctober 16, 2002 in the C hapel. Interm ent Glen Oaks M em orial Gardens. InM em oriam s SWEETING, A rthur L. - In lo ving m em ory of A rth u r Sweeting, who passed away October 16, 2001 . E L L I O T T , J e a n F lo re n a - Join the winning team! BODYSHOP Requires an individual to assist in the daily operation of the bodyshop which include: Working with computers, customers, employees, Insurance compa ny's and learning to do collision and refinishing estimates. Must have drivers licence. Non-smoking environment. Your Hours will be Monday to Friday 8am to 5:30pm plus one Saturday per month. Please fax your resume with your salary expectations to 905-844-2450 Fax your resume to: 416-593-6362 carecor health services ltd. Loved, cherished and remembered always wife Kay, son Barry and his wife Linda, Wendy and her husband Bruce and Janice and her husband Gerald as well as six grandchildren and sixteen great grandchildren. CO NSTRU CTIO N La bou rer required fo r New Home Builder in Milton. Ex perience required . C all 905-693-9899______________ AUTO R e storation Shop requires fu ll-tim e , e x p e ri enced body and paint per son. 905-681-8343 office-clerical ADMINISTRATOR: A crea tive, self-motivated, efficient co m m u n ic a to r w a n te d , 9am -1 2 n o o n , 5 -d a y s /w k . P ro fic ie n t in w o rd p ro c essing, creating/maintaining filin g s y s te m s ; som e m arketing exp. preferred. Send resume: Administrator Search, Hopedale Presby te ria n C h urch , 156 T hird Line, Oakville, L6L 328; e-mail churchoffice© hoped alechurch.ca; fax: 905-8272962_____________________ ' FU LL-TIM E Admin. Assis tant for hearing instrument provider in Oakville. Must have experience, m edical office preferred and exp w/ W in d o w s A p p lic a tio n s . Fax re s u m e s : 9 0 5 -3 3 9 1397 or mail/drop to #203627 Lyons Lane, Oakville, ON L6J 5Z7 by October 25, 2002 ._____________________________ M A TE R N ITY Leave C o n tract Position: 12 months, November start. Adm inis tration, order entry, invoic in g, b a c k -u p re c e p tio n , bank deposits. Forward re sum e to Dave K a rp in s k i, fax. 905-823-4594, davekaipinski@weed-rnan.corn CO LLE C TIO N A gency requires fulltim e Collector, dow ntow n O ak v ille . Suit m ature individual with su p erio r people skills and a strong background in c o l lections. We w ill train en thusiastic individual. Bene fits. C all Ted or D ianne: 905-815-8303 __________ SE C R ETA R Y, fu lltim e , pro fe ss io n a l firm , do w n town O akville. Telephone, word pro ce ssin g , bo o k keeping duties. Knowledge of M icrosoft Word & Excel essen tial. Q uickB ooks an asset. We offer competitive salary/ benefits. Resumes in confidence: Box 6391, cl o O a kville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., O akville, L6K 3 S 4 _ __________________ M E D IC A L R e ceptionist Part-tim e, evenings/ w ee kends. E xperience p re ferred. North Oakville. Fax 905-338-3144 cc COM CARE H E A L T H S t f t V i C t S f S « r v i c · * ti · »» » t i Accredited by the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation is ________ Attention: Bodyshop manager We thank all applicants in advance. However, Only those resumes selected will be contacted. office-clerical office-clerical NOW RECRUITING FOR: PSW's, HCA's, HSW's Level 2 & 3 Elect-to-work, benefit program available Fax resume to: S ILV A , Maria- After a lengthy illness on M on d a y, O c to b e r 14, 2002 at O a kville T ra fa lg a r M em orial H ospital surrounded by her family. Maria, beloved wife of the late Manuel Silva. Dear m other of Manuel a n d h is w ife M a ria , Z u lm ir a a n d h e r h u s b a n d the late Jo se De M elo, M aria a n d h e r h u s b a n d J o s e G o u la rd . G randm other to Gina and Joe. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Com munity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 5-9 pm W ednesday. Funeral Mass 10 am Thursday, O ctober 17, 2002 at St. D o m in ic Parish, 2415 R e b e c c a Street, O a k v ille . In te rm e n t T ra fa lg a r L a w n Cemetery. Alcoholics Anonym ous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 P/T RECEPTIONIST EVENINGS, Mon.-Thurs., 4pm-8:30pm and Sat urdays, 9am-5pm. Reliable, punctual person with excellent communication skills and pleasant tele phone manner required in this extremely busy envi-ronment. 18 line Northstar phone system. (D uties include some lig h t cle rica l.) Serious applicants please deliver resume (10am 4pm) to the attention of Carol. No phone calls please. 905-521-0829 Attn: Kelly Obdeyn RIM / RPIM Full-Tim e Legal Notices N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of CHRIS TOPHER ROBERT SCOTT, late of the Town of Oakville, who died on or about the 20th day of May, 2002, must be filed w ith the u n d e rsig n e d pe rson al representative on or before the 17th day of November, 2002, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claim s of which the Estate Trustee shall then have notice. Dated at Oakville this 24th day of September, 2002. CARL DINKA, Estate Trustee of the Estate of Christopher Robert Scott by WILLIAM J. MACLEOD, 700 Kerr St., Oakville, ON L6K 3W5 , BUDDS' BMW OF OAKVILLE 2400 South Service Rd W, Oakville We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for interview will be contacted. for established family physicians office. Fax resume to L IV E -IN / O ut help for adults. Mature female, no p ersonal re s p o n s ib ilitie s. House keeping, laundry, shopping, walks or outings. Warm personality, compas sionate, patient, own car, bondable. 905-631-6987 905-639-0824 HYGIENE C o o rd in a to rOakville, 4-days/ week, no S aturdays. C om puter ex perience a must. Assisting e xpe rience an asset. Fax resume to: 905-827-0309 M ED IC A L A ss is ta n t re quired for busy, m ulti-posi tion clinic. Full-time flexible hours, experienced. North O a kville. Fax: 416-5809969 OFFICE CLERK Energetic individual required for permanent fu ll time position at busy automobile dealership. General office and switchboard relief. Dealership experience preferred. Please fax or drop off resume with hand-written cover letter to: A D M IN IS T R A T IV E A s s is ta n t a v ailab le to work from home computer. Pro ficient in MS Word, Excel, P ow erpoint, Frontpage & various graphics programs, w ill do typing, data entry, websites, new sletters etc. Have high speed internet & e-m a il. C all Liz at 9053 3 1 -6 4 9 3 / eskorski@ cogeco.ca A V A IL A B L E , on contract basis, W ord processor, Desktop publisher, Medical tra n s c rip tio n is t. Please Call 905-849-8604 hayrides HAY Rides,, Horse-drawn, C am pfire. G roups, B irth days, Families, Party Room. Uncle Porky's, 1/2-Hr. from Burlington. 1-800-203-9093 Attention: H. Lamb FA IR V IE W NISSAN 3497 Fairview St., Burlington Fax: 905-333-6433 RNs Full-time nights RPNs & HCAs Part-time A/R COLLECTIONS SSI EQUIPMENT INC., a leading manufacturer of pipeline strainers and valves located in Burling ton, Ontario, is seeking an individual for our busy accounting department. Minimum three years c re d it/ c o lle c tio n experience. M u st possess general accounting knowledge. Excel and Word required. Send resume, including salary history, Dietician Part-time tor Oakville location Fax resume to: 905-845-9950 P R O FESS IO N A L In s ta lla tio n of Hardw ood Floors, Laminates and Ce ram ics. Expert W orkm an ship. Free estim ates. 905331-5098 by FAX: 905-333-5235, or EMAIL: hr@ ssiequipm ent.com No phone calls please Telemarketers NEEDED FOR AM & PM SHIFTS Call for interview 905 - 681-8102 Licensee for Sears HomeCentral ® Licensed for use in Canada by Sears Canada Inc. HASTY Market looking for PT/FT help. Apply in person with resume to: 3015 New St Roseland Plaza. Call Attila 905-633-8034 P A R T-TIM E Evening stock sta ff to m idnight + weekends. Fax resume to Shoppers Drug M art 520 Kerr St. 905-845-3407 INSURANCE BROKER requires Experienced personal lines RIB0 He'd CSR + an exp. Producer. West Mississauga Insurance Brokerage, 9am-5pm, Please fax resume: ADMINISTRATIVE OPPORTUNITY has become available. l\Aon.-Fri., 10am-2pm with some, fulltime illness/vacation relief. KITCHEN C ounter help needed. Must have kitch en/ deli experience. FT/ PT positions. Apply in per son to Pronto G ourm et 1011 Upper M iddle Rd. / 8th Line, (next door to Second Cup) SERVERS, fu li-tim e (w ill train), part-tim e bartender. Applicants must be enthu siastic! Join our great team. Call 905-637-9797 or drop in Q B's, 4460 Fairview , Burlington RUDE N A TIVE Bistro now h iring: Cooks, D ish washers & Servers for our Bronte & Oakville locations. E -m ail resum e to brandi@ rude native .ca or fax resume to 905-465-0681 FU LL-TIM E & part-tim e Cooks needed for residen tial care facility. Benefits. Fax resum es to: 905-3351202 1 M oving/ P acking. Do mestic/ International. Free wardrobe while on site. Ur gent jo bs welcom e. 905829-1282, 1-866-666-1313 SMITH, Helen - It is with great sadness the families of Helen S m ith , of 54 T rip p B lvd . in T re nton , announce her death on October 12, 2002. She died p e a ce fu lly and s u d d e n ly in O a kv ille . Born in Newcastle, England, she lived the majority of her life in Bradford Yorkshire until she became a resident of Canada in 1990. Predeceased by her beloved husband Charles Platt S m ith, to whom she was m arried fo r 50 w onderful years. The loving and devoted mother of Betty and her husband Kenneth Byram of Yorkshire, England, Mary and her husband Dr. Joseph Braganza of Trenton and Jennifer and her husband Dr. Dennis Chong of Oakville. Loving Nana of Peter (R achael) and P h ilip (D on na ) Byram , Nicholas, Annabel, Giselle and Alexandria Braganza, Eleanor and Astrid Chong. Her great grandchildren Thomas, Jack, Philip, Mathew, Holly and Jake w ill sadly miss her. Helen Smith was a former nurse in B rad ford fo r over 50 years and w ill be fo n d ly remembered by many as S ister Sm ith fo r all the wonderful help and care that she provided. Visitation w ill be held at the R ushnell Funeral Centre, 60 Division St., Trenton on Wednesday, October 16 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A funeral service to celebrate her life w ill be held at St. Peter's Catholic Church on Thursday, October 17 at 11:00 a.m. Father Brian M c N a lly o ffic ia tin g . In te rm en t M o u n t C alvary Cem etery. M e m o ria l d o n a tio n s to the Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation, University Women's Club of Oakville or a charity of your choice would be appreciated by the family. Those we love don't go away They walk beside us every day Unseen, unheard but>always near Still loved, misssed and very dear. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HAROLD DOUGLAS DARTMAN All persons having claims against the Estate of Harold Douglas Bartman, late of the Town of Oakville, who died on or about the 21st day of March, 2002, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the un dersigned on or before November 15th, 2002 after which date the assets of the Estate shall be distribut ed with regard only to the claims of which the under signed shall then have notice. Dated at Oakville, this 15th day of October, 2002. Gordon Douglas Bartman Estate Trustee, by his solicitor P. William Perras Jr. Suite 210,1540 Cornwall Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 7W5 (905) 827-2700 Must have: · Excellent English skills, both oral and written; · MS Word/ Excel proficiency (5 years experience) ·Good interpersonal skills. Please forward your resume to: C U STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / ch a ir c o-ordina tes, fabrics, in stallation. 10yrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706 LOST & FOUND 905-828-7849 F U LLTIM E R e c e p tio n is t/ Customer Service, comput er literate, must be able to function in a fast paced en vironment. French an asset. Please mail resume to: P.O. Box 6385 C/O The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd Oakville L6K 3S4__________ OFFICE Administrator parttime, computer skills, book keeping AR/AP experience. Send resum e: A ldershot Presbyterian Church, 937 LaSalle Park Rd., Burlington L7T1M8________________ FU LL-TIM E office person required. 40 hours per week 8am to 4:30pm in cluding Saturdays. General office duties including: tele phone, data entry, filing etc. Send resume to: Att'n Mag gie @ Royal Mattress, 5041 F airview St., B u rlington, L7L-4W 8, fax 905-6812294 contractsales@ royalmattress.com WAREHOUSE MANAGER Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm, for clothing distributor located in Mississauga. Some computer skills. Manager 200 North Service Road Unit #1, Suite 439 Oakville, ON L6M 2Y1 530 sales help & agents 530 sales help & agents O akville Child Care Centre Requires Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl. & Flamb. 905- 632-4440 Oakville 905- 845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 Fax resume: 905-812-5493 ECE Teacher Call 905-849-4769 Fax 905-849-7456 or email: css@globalserve.net STU D E N TS ! Looking for some work experience? We are a fast paced real estate office looking for part-time s e c r e t a r y / r e c e p t io n is t. Hours include evenings & weekends. Send resum es to: The Burlington Post, Box #1935, 2321 Fairview Street, Burlington. L7R 2E3 B ILIN G U A L pharm acy assistant required for direct delivery pharmacy located in Oakville. Must be fluent in French /English. P leas ant telephone manner, the ability to work independetly. Pharm acy expe rience an asset but will train the right person Please fax Resume to 905-847-8271 COLOUR Your W orld re quires responsible, enthu siastic person w/interest in home decor, Friday even ings & S a turday sh ifts a vailab le. C all Sara or Jane 905-632-5255, or send resum e: 4031 F a ir view St., Burlington L7L 2A4 Assistant Manager We currently have an opening in our Oakville location for an Assistant Manager. The right candidate must possess strong organizational, communication and selling skills. Paint experience is preferred but training is available. This position comes with excellent remuneration, benefits and career growth potential. Interested parties please drop off a resume to: For or SALES PROFESSIONALS Are you used to earning in excess of $100,000 a year? Burlington based company requires 4 experienced people to sell treasury shares to accredited investors. For this opportunity call Mr. Burlin G lidden Paints 500 Speers Road Oakville Attn: Harold Wilson Energy Telecom Inc. Seeking motivated individuals for Sales / Ac count Management positions to promote energy so lu tio n s to businesses. Effective com munication skills and a college or university degree is a must. Extensive training program provided. Target income 60K+ including base salary, commission and bonus. E-mail resume to Sherry at: hr@energytelecominc.com FAST FAX service, your classified ads. If you can't afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post/Oakville Beaver fax line. Indicate ad size, classification and the days and newspapers you would like it to run in. We will take it from there! If you have any questions about faxing your ads, call us at 632-4440 today! 905-639-9100 SEASONAL Saleshelp required. Experienced pre ferred. Please drop off re sume: Dania Unique, 3350 Fairview Street, Burlington. COME boogie w ith us. Fred Astaire Dance Studio. O a kville needs 25 e n th u siastic people (M/F) to train to becom e dance in s tru c tors. No experience neces sary, we train. Good pay+ many b e n e fits in cl. Ex pense paid trips. Call 2-6 pm 905-842-3797 G entle man a p p lica nts e n c o u r aged. retail sales CO NTEM PO RA J e w e ll ers- hiring immediately PT/ FT seasonal positions for Je w e lle r and gift store- $8/ h r.- re ta il frie n d ly helpful staff. Resume to 5111 New St., Appleby M all or Fax 905-573-8881 Spotless Dry Cleaners requires Pressers, Shirt Pressers, Dry Cleaners & Quality Control Please fax resume: 905333-6374 or call 905-333-6210 ATTENTION: Kathy Vaillancourt human resources. AC T NOW ! Join Avon's sales team in tim e for Christmas. Free kit, October 15th-22nd. C all 905-3316205 ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an established P ub lishing Com pany w ith an op po rtun ity fo r aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position fo r you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus com m ission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. Please send your resume to: Box # 2 1 1 6 C /0 The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 What's black & white and read all over? (A lle Beaver I1 * ! El I salon & sPa he|P ISUPERCUTS] HIRING for BURL, OAK. & HAMILTON LOCATIONS Hairstylists F/T & P/T Excellent wage & benefit package; Opportunity for advancement;, 1 In-store advanced cutting and colouring classes; 1 Equipment provided; No clientele necessary. Clinical Dietitian Required full-time for Long-Term Care Facili ty in the Hamilton/ Bur lington area working as a member of the care team, assessing, devel oping & evaluating nu tritional care. Member ship with the College of Dietitians & the Dieti tians of Canada Req'd. Long-term care exp an assfet car essential. Please forward confidential resume Fax 1-905-335-5339 D o n 't F o r g e t FAX: C lassifie d D eadlines . Mon., 5 pm for Wednesday paper Wed., 5 pm for Friday paper Thurs., 5 pm for Sunday paper 905 632-8165 - Switchboard - 905-845-3824 Classified - 905-632-4440 or Heather at 905-845-3824 Circulation - 905-845-9742 905-815-3217 A S SISTA N T with e x p e ri ence needed fo r salon in Mall. Part-time or full-time. 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -1 9 7 7 , ask for Frank or Cosmo.

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