Oakville Beaver, 1 Nov 2006, p. 28

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28 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, November 1, 2006 houses (or rent OWN yo u r own hom e! Rent to own 100% F i nancing. No Money down. S e lf-e m p lo y e d Need c re d it re s tru c tu rin g . C hoose yo ur p rogram . Call Napoleon Wilson or David Baiton Sales Rep. Sutton Group Innovative Realty Inc. 905-681-2800 rooms for rent & wanted BURLINGTON Mall areaLarge room. Parking. All in c lu s iv e . F ir s t/ la s t. A va ila b le Im m e d ia te ly. 905-333-0810. B U R L IN G T O N F i nished. cable, parking on bus route. Share kitchen and laundry, Female pre ferred. $450/mo 905-333K N O TTY p in e room in ranch style house. $95/wk Near Mapleview Mall. Pri vate entrance Female ten ant responsible plus one friend. All utilities, parking, laundry, phone, air condi tioned. digital box/ cable. Act Fast- Won't Last. 905632-5735 O AKVILLE Private entrance, furnished bedroom. Parking, cable, laundry. N o n -s m o k in g . N ov.1. $500/mo Inclusive. First/ Last 416-262-7394 O A K V IL L E near Ford Nice bedsitting room, pri vate bath/ entrance, park ing. non-smoker good for commuter. No kitchen. 905-845-6374 O A K V IL L E , fu rn is h e d room in apartment, near S h eridan C olleg e . Suit n o n -s m o k in g m ale $430/mo. inclusive. Imme diate. 905-338-8455. lost & found FOUND- White with Black cat on Strathallan between Guelph Line and Brant. We named Magnolia Call 905-637-7325 articles for sale articles for sale articles for sale KITCHEN cabinet doors. Complete face-lift for the older kitchen or bathroom. JF Restorations. 905-6319151. LEATHER' 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, loveseat and c h a ir. New. In p la s tic . Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-304-4873. LIGHT Pine ladderback chairs, (4) $300 . ladder back armchairs. (2) $200; Thule bikerack, holds 2 bikes, used 2X. $75; Bath room sink, cream w/Moyen taps. 6 mos.old $75. 905331-5480 after 5pm. LIVING Room FurnitureCustom made, Sofa, slip per chairs, coffee tables, area rug. excellent condi tion. $3500 negotiable. 905-847-3561 M AH O G AN Y bed ro o m set. From 1940's. Ma hogany dresser with mir ror. C hest, nightstand, bed. Serta queen mattress and box spring. $2500 OBO 905-469-1933 articles for sale SNOW Tires 4-Hankook W 400 1 9 5/5 5R 1 5 on steel rims. fit 2000-04 Mazda Prot6g6. Asking $400 416-573-6607 eve 905-315-8016 SNOWBOARDS (Youth)144cm Rage snowboard, great condition. $120. Jr. K2 snowboard with stomp pad, bindings & helmet, $120. Call 905-847-3168 SOFA (3 seater) & Chair, excellent and new. Neu tral shade botanical print. Asking $400. 905-3359886. SOFA n e u tra l/ m uted greens, like new $500. as sorted pictures & artificial plants 905-842-9968 SOFA, Drexel, neutral, 2 end tables, all very good condition, best offer. 905639-2745 auctions auctions lownhouses for rent FULL-TIME Live-In Nanny. 2 c h ild re n , ages 3 & 1. Flexible hours, legal, refer ences. 905-257-9672 LIVE-IN Nanny Required. O akville, for infant boy. R e fe re n c e s re q u ire d . Flexible hours. Call 905844-8372 11am-230pm CELADON'S ANNUAL FALL SALE FRAMED PRINTS & MIRRORS HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE AUCTION 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville Saturday, November 4,2(X X > (indoors) Viewing & Registration 8:00-9:30am No pets please, (special needs dogs only) Terms of payment Cash or Cheque with ID PST will be added-Refreshments available GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane, Burl Immaculate 2 & 3 bedrooms with full basements' Utilities included Tel: 905-592-9168 www.realstar.ca 3-BEDROOM townhouse 1.5 bath. 3-parking, 8th Line/ Falgarwood. Near GO. Newly updated. C/A, gas fire p la c e , 5 a p p li ances. $1 4 50 /m o. utilities. 905-847-3884 BURLINGTON Spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms. Across from Sobey's Power Cen tre. easy access to high w ays. From $ 62 5 /m o . utilities. 905-336-9842 BURLINGTON Mall 3 bed room condo 1 1/2 bath, rec room. $1075/mo. Burling ton 4-bedroom, 1.5 baths, re cro o m , g a ra g e . S1095/mo; Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor,905-6325690 BURLINGTON/ O akville border. 3-bedroom execu tive townhome, 2.5 baths w/ensuite. 4 appliances, near amenities Available D e c is t. S l3 5 0 /m o utilities. 647-202-2494 BURLINGTON- very large 3 bedroom, $1284/mo. De cember 1st. www.rental townhouses.ca 905-6810070 EXECUTIVE Townhome for Rent- Oakville. Beauti ful 3-bdrm, 2.5 bath free hold m Lakeshore Woods C om m unity. A v a ila b le Dec/1 st. Less than 1yr old. stainless appliances, gas fireplace, whirlpool bath in ensuite & many other up grades. Near lake, parks, e asy a cce ss to tra n sit/Q E W . S2000/m onth utilities. (905)847-3188 FRESHLY painted- 2-bdrm den with basement town house maisonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools $935/mo. util. Jan 1st. 905-319-9104 GREAT M illc ro ft tow nhom e- 3 -b e d ro o m , 2.5 bathrooms. 6 appliances. Im m e d ia te . $1500/m o. 905-331-8190 S1195/MO. 3-bdrm home w ith finished basement 3pc. Immediate occu pancy. Call Mark Kirton S ales R ep ., C o ld w e ll Banker 905-842-4948 MILLCROFT, brand new 3brdm to w nh o m e . a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly $ 16 5 0 /m o u tilitie s , Dianne Wilson HomeLife Effect Reality Inc 1-888757-7737 MILTON 3-bedroom town house spacious, new paint carpeted floors. 2 appli ances $1200/m o. 905848-1417 O AKVILLE Tow nhom eGlen Abbey executive. 3 bedrooms, garage, five ap pliances. Go-train, bus line nearby. S1425/mo. 905SI 5-3593 FACTORY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC mother's helpers MOTHER'S helper needed for 3 year old boy. Must be mature, have license. 4 days a week. 6am-noon. $ 1 5/hr. R efere n ce s re q u ire d 4 1 6 -4 5 0 -0 3 1 6 leave message 3 DAYS ONLY GOLDEN Retriever pup p ie s . D ew o rm ed , 1st shots, ready to go. 905845-8693 W HO LESALE Fri. Nov. 3, 5pm-9pm Sat. Nov. 4, 10am-5pm Sun. Nov. 5, 11am-5pm Incredible Selection of Pictures and Mirrors 2000 Toyota Corolla LE, 36,000Kms Senior driven power w indow s/ doors, C e rtifie d . $11,000 obo 905-689-3913 2002 Honda Accord SE 78,300kms . 4-door, black, auto., certified, e-tested. excellent condition, VIN: 1 HGCG56722A806690. $15,500. 905-847-8910. 2002 H onda C iv ic DX coupe s ilv e r. 5-speed, loaded. 75K . warranty, certified, e-tested. $12,999 obo. 905-631-5238 2002 Jetta VW. 71km, fully loaded, well maintained, good ve hicle . S15.900, obo. 905-299-0502 2002 Pontiac Grand AM2.2L, 4 dr., auto, bronze exterior, a/c, am/ fm/ CD, 120K, $8600. 905-3349875 2002 Volvo S60 104K. 5 speed. 17" wheels, power sunroof, locks, windows, heated seats, leather, win ter rims and tires $23,900 416-720-7748 2003 Nissan A ltim a- 2.5 SL, excellent condition, loaded, leather, sunroof, hea ted s e a ts , 135K. $13995. 905-878-9972 2005 Corolla, 49k. auto, loaded, extended warran ty. Safety and e-tested. $17,500 obo. 416-8985977. R IC H 'S Auto 9 05-6326370. 905-467-8441. 2004 M ontana 2005 C avalier 4-door e-test and certified Both very clean 1999 P o n tia c S u n fire 250K., not running, needs head gasket. $1200 as is. Car in Hamilton area. 416418-4661 cars for sale 1981 Ford Fairmont auto., air. p/brakes, p/steering. 136K., good condition, cer tifie d . $1500. Call Joe. 905-592-0104 1984 Pontiac Firebird SE. Black/ greige cloth. 305 V8, 4-speed auto. PW, pHatch, tilt, new A/C, nearly new M icheiin's, dual SS e x h a u s t. 230K m (80% hwy); Original owner, re sponsibly drive n / m ain tained; Solid, tight classic with c e rtifie d app ra isal $4,600. $3,250 safetied; 905-637-4374 1986 Buick Skylark Limited Classic. v6. 4-door, very good c o n d itio n , 115,000km $1500, obo as is 905-332-3635. 1990 Chev Lumina- 130K, B lack, good c o n d itio n . $1200. E-tested and cer tified Call 905-827-0243 1991 V olvo 240D L. 5 speed, loaded, orig ina l p a in t, a c c id e n t fre e . $2,5 00 obo. 9 05 -8 2 28161 Evenings Please. 1992 Mazda MX3 Precidia 5-speed manual. V6. some custom work w/additional 16" rims, runs well, as is $2000 obo. 905-827-9371 1993 Corsica. 3.1L V6. low km, e-tested September, runs great, as is $800.obo. 905-639-7040 1993 Ford Tempo. Auto matic. 4-cylinder, in run ning condition. 190.000km, $750. obo as is 905-877-8383 1993 M azda MX3 GS Black. 212km, manual, ex cellent condition. $2900 O.b.O 905-331-1744 1993 VW Golf No rust, new brakes front & back, new battery, very clean, a u to m a tic , 4 -do o r, cd, 250,000km. $1800, obo. 289-237-1383 1997 Chev Lumina, excel lent condition, new alterna tor, battery, gas tank, etc. 168 ,00 0 km E -te s te d . S3500.obo. 905-827-3817 1997 Ford F150 XL. 4.2L V6, Auto, 3-door, Ext Cab. A /C . A ir B ags. T in t. 218.000 Km $6395 Cer tified. E- tested. Please Call: 905 854 6198. 1997 Saturn SL. Manual. PW. PL, Red, needs front end work. Runs well, hwy kms. $800 obo, as is. Call 905-878-6026 1998 Bonneville ssei se dan. loaded, leather interi or, green exterior, Bose CD stereo. 225,000km. v6, 4-dr, auto., certified , etested, $5500 obo. 905331-4566 1998 Ford Escort Wagon, 135.000km , a uto m atic, P/S. P/B, A/C. P/M. Etested, C e rtifie d . Good C ondition $3,900. 905257-0632 after 6pm. daycare available BRONTE- Member of the Halton Daycare Registry & reliable mom has Full-time spaces available for tod dlers. Also before/ after school available for St. D o m in ic 's E lem e n ta ry. References/ receipts. 905847-8041 EXPERIENCED ECE nan ny, mother of 2 has spaces 2+. Before and after school St. Pauls Call Tracy 905637-9507 Q U A L IT Y c h ild c a re a v a ila b le In my hom e (Upper Middle/ Trafalgar) for children 2+, full/ parttim e . b e fo re and a fte r schoolcare. Smoke-free, indoor/ outdoor activities. Nutritious meals/ snacks. CPR/ First-Aid. Security Clearance. Receipts. Ref erences. 905-338-6226. Q U A LITY / loving c h ild ca re . F -T /P -T , D o rv a l/ Upper Middle, nutritious meals, all ages, First Aid, CPR 905-847-8407 R E LIABLE , loving d a y care 19 years e x p e ri ence. Upper Middle and Trafalgar area. Gives re ceipts 905-849-4124. CELADON 4350 Mainway Dr., Burlington between Walker's & Appleby Line*905-335-6444 A 1 year new luxury down couch and matching chair. Dark taupe, new $3800, asking $850. 416-7206624. A diningroom, cherrywood. double pedestal table. 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dove tail construction. New still in boxes Cost $11,000 Sacrifice $2,600. 905-5679459 A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1600. S a crifice $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliv er A1 Beds! New Orthopedic sets. 20-year W arranty, D ou b le $ 2 4 0 .; Q ueen $260. Pillowtop Platinum Queen $385. Futons +Wate rb e d p a rts . D e liv e ry Available. 905-847-2020; 905-563-6903 BABY Crib, w/m attress, m atching dresser, solid wood, excellent quality. Like new. C ost $ 1200, a skin g $600. 4 16 -8 7 74544 BABY Grayco Playpen. $40. Chariot jogging strol le r w /b ik e h itc h , $450, E venflo high chair. $40 Playpen and stroller like new 905-339-3958 BABY oak cribs, b assi nets. high chairs, twin dou ble s tro lle r w /c a r seat adapter, small strollers, s h o w e r tu b , a q u a riu m b o u n c e rs . P a ck& P lay, Evenflo Megasaucer, di aper Genies. All excellent condition. Best offer. 905336-0901; 905-979-2079. BAKER'S Rack. 42"X79"H antique green wrought iron includes wine rack & oak butcher block shelf, excel lent condition. $300. Call 905-849-5923 BED, am azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillow top set. new in plastic war ranty. $250. 9p5-5674042 BEDROOM set. c h e rry w oo d . Bed. c h e s t, dresser, m irror, 2 night stands. Dovetail construc tion. Never opened. Cost $8000. Sacrifice $1900. 905-567-4042 BED RO O M - s o lid o a k/ queen size, dresser, armoire, 2 night tables. $500 obo 905-639-3174 BIG screen TV- 52" Toshi ba. only 8yrs. old in good w o rk in g c o n d itio n . $750/obo. Call 905-8258520 BMW Pirelli Winter Tires 225/55 R16 95H on alumi num rims. Excellent condi tion. $600/ set. 905-3380735. CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon car pet. Will do living room & hall for S389. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-6338192 DISHW ASHER, Almond Maytag. In good condition. 905-844-0220 CHILD'S Bedroom set- solid birch. Single bed. drawers, desk w/hutch. shelving, Chair. $350. 905-337-8971; 647-999-5866 CHINA cabinet and hutch cherry wood good condi tion 76"x48"x19" $300 obo 905-331-9746 COMPUTER Desk (3). As new. wood, $100. each. 905-827-7353 evenings only. DINING room set- Oak ta b le w ith e x te n s io n , 6 chairs, hutch and glass china cabinet. $1900 905842-8673 DINING Suite: 7 piece oak $650. White sofa and loveseat $450. H andw oven C h in e s e c a rp e ts $100/each. 905-332-6259 DININGROOM set. table w/6 c h a irs , b u ffe t, m a h og a n y m in t c o n d itio n · $1200. obo 905-634-8333 DININGROOM suite oval (39"x60") w/4 chairs, hutch $ 1 2 5 .; p in g p o n g ta b le w/paddles, net, $40. 905336-1752 D IN IN G R O O M ta b le , s q u a re , n a tu ra l oak w /g la s s in la y . 8 c h a irs w/matching mirror, excel lent condition. $500. 905631-0315. ELEGANT Custom Built mahogany wall-unit by Ar tisan Design. $12,000/ $60 0 0 , obo. 9 0 5 -3 3 8 0025. FOUND- M en's W atch. Swiss around central park Burlington. 905-639-4510. F R IG ID A IR E Gas S e lf cleaning Oven. White, Ex c e lle n t C o n d itio n . $600obo 905-632-5567 FRIGIDAIRE stove, ceran top, self-cleaning, black $450; KitchenAid stainless steel dishw asher $350; Aiwa s te re o w /B ose 2" speakers $300; lawn mow er 3.5hp.. $60; Black & Decker electric lawn mow er, $50. All excellent condi tion. 905-220-3982 GREAT deal- Le Corbusi er reclining lounge chair, (black lea th e r), modern furniture, retail S699, sell ing for $400, New. Call 905 257-1789 HOT Tub (Spa) C overs best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new w /a ll o p tio n s, inclu d in g cover, 2006 model. Still in wrapper. Cost $10900., Sacrifice $5,500 Call 905971-1777 KENNEL- 10 x5', $100; W a sh er/ gas dryer (Inglis),9 years new. $100. 905-319-1183 KIDS Wood Captains bed w /headboard. 5 draw er dresser, desk, chair. $250; Office desk $50. 905-3327729 shared accommodation A P P L E B Y / L ake sh o re. quiet person to share bun galow. parking, laundry, a/c.. very private $490/mo. inclusive 905-466-5476. BURLINGTON, Appleby/ U pper M id d le , share house. Parking, utilities. First/ last. S550/mo all in clusive. Immediate. 905331-6713. EAST B urlington Town house. Near GO, Master Bedroom w/cable, laundry, parking. $500/mo inclu sive. Female preferred. Nov, 1 905-639-4116 RESPON SIBLE fem ale preferred to share Execu tive townhome. Own fur n ish e d ro o m / b ath . $600/mo. inclusive. Glen Abbey. Oakville. 905-2578742. SPACIOUS, bright, clean furnished, w/large closet, s h a re d k itc h e n / b a th ro om / e n su ite la u n d ry facilities. Near amenities/ S h e rid a n C o llo g e . $600/mo inclusive Inter net. Dec.1. No sm oking/ no pets p re fe rre d . Call David 905-901-0019. MATTRESS £& New Orthopedic Double $235, Orthopedic Queen $255., Kina $455. Memory-Foam Beds Available. Free local delivery 905-616-1700 905-632-BEDS(2337) themattressdiscounter.com M IC H E LIN X -IC E x 4 215/70R15 including rims. One season used $550. Call 416-456-7078 SOLID oak, upper, corner entertainm ent unit, with folding doors. 28" Sony colour TV included. 905637-2528 after 6pm STAIR Glide, w /track. 5 steps, excellent condition. S1200; bath chair; folding walker; chandelier. 905618-0215. STAIR lift 3-yrs old with track & switches. 10 stairs, $1500 obo Call 905-3360154. STOVE and fridge Kenmore, white, 2yrs old. $600 tor pair obo 905-517-5182 TIRES, Winter (4 mounted on rim s ) P ir e lli S2. P185/75R14 5 bolt design. Excellent Condition. $300 905-332-9133 TOSHIBA 36" TV excellent condition. $350. Call 905337-7804 TV 52" Sony. 8-yrs. old. $500; S u rrou n d Sound system Boston P.V.400 $400; K itc h e n ta b le . 4 chairs. $100/set. All excel lent condition. 905-3363122 VOLVO V70 S n o w tire s G is la v e d N o rd fro s t. 205/55/R16 on steel rims. V olvo V70 200 1 - 2006 Trailer Hitch. Volvo winter floor mats, and cargo liner. Call: 905-845-1374. WASHER/ Dryer- Heavy duty, super capacity Kitch enAid. 6 years new. $375/ pair. Love seat, neutral, good condition. $100, Call 905-257-6114 WHEEL Chair, almost new can be tilted for sleeping position. $500. 905-338WHEELCHAIR- used less than 1 year, good condi tion, adjustable/ removable head/ foot rest, food tray. Reclines. Original $4000, Asking $1200. 905-2579335,905-632-6581 WHIRLPOOL white sideby-side fridge, only 6mos. old, water dispenser/ ice maker, $2800 new. asking $1200. Came w/house- we already have one. 905691-3076 WINTER Tires (4). Toyo. 2 0 5 /65 R 15. on rim s, fit Saab 95. used one sea son, under warranty. Best offer. 905-842-6504 WINTER Tires Michelin A rctic A lpine, used two seasons. Fit Honda Odessey 2 25 /60 , R 1 6 9 8 0. $160. 905-845-5725 MOVING: Antique rocker $75; wingchair w/ball/ claw feet, beige/ coral $100; quality Indian wool carpet 90'x114" pastel $400; sofa, pastel S300; French Pro vincial single bedroom set. $250/set; club chair, teal $100; a ntiq u e b evelled mirror w/oak frame $75. Must sell! 905-335-6445 MOVING: dining set. 52" TV; leather loveseats; ex e rcise gym; Shop Vac., etc 905-319-3966 evgs NORDICTRAK Recumb e n t b ik e T R L670 lik e new, com puterized con sole, pulse sensors, etc. $600 obo. 905-681-0615. O AK D esks- A n tiq u e , Ebony/ oak top $200 and solid oak $175; Ikea solid pine tables $95; solid pine pedestal dining table $75; Xerox 5310 copier, $300. Call: 905-635-3809. OAK Entertainment Unit. Ethan Allen Beige Floral sofa. 2 Rust velvet club chairs, desk +chairs. 905631-6945 PIANO (upright) apartment size with bench Gerhard Helntzman. Around 1978 $1200 o .b .o . 9 05 -3 3 17508 PIANO Baby Grand, Like new, h ig h g lo s s , $2400 289-888-2522. PIANO Sale- 10% off. 30 in stock from $995. All of O ctober. C all 905-6316200 PIANO S am ick. $1000; Love seat. S100. Antique head board. $200. 905SI 9-3132 P IAN O U p rig h t, M artin Orme. circa 1910, bench, good co n d itio n , $1000 905-847-0440 POOL table Used/ New. Buy/ Sell/ Service. New slate table. $1599! Acces sories/ Install. Fabi Foosb a ll 9 0 5 -6 1 6 -5 1 5 9 www.dynamlcbilllard.ca POOL Table, Professional S e rie s , S o lid W ood. 1"Slate, All Accessories. New, S till Boxed, C ost $6,200. Sell $1,950. 905304-9994 ROCKWELL/ Beaver- 9" cast iron table saw. car bide tipped blade, dadoo head $200 OBO. 905339-1963 S C H W IN N / B o w fle x p ortable punching bag; Danby mini freezer. Call 905-315-8635 after 6pm SCOOTER (e le c tric )- 3 w heeled, V icto ry P ride make. 5 years old. sum m er use o n ly . A sking $1200 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -6 7 0 7 after 7pm SEWING machines, vari ous m akes (a b o u t 20) w /m a n u a ls boxes of parts, special workbench. $ 8 0 0 /a ll. C all 905-3363122. daycare wanted WANTTO PROVIDE CHILD CARE? Enjoy the benefits of working with a licensed agency; regular pay, paid stat days and child's sick days, backup, training, equipment, ongoing support. 905.823.2625 www.weewatch.com recreational vehicles MOTOR Home class A, like new, 28,000km. Dam on Challenger. All the ex tras including sun screen ing for w indshield, King Dome for satellite TV, a/c, generator, back up moni tor. asking $99,000. 905659-1024 Bob or Heather vans / 4-wheel drive 1994 Pontiac Transport Mini-Van. 6 cyl, 7 passonger, all power, mint condi tio n . c e r tifie d and etested. $2,500 obo 905844-8033 1999 Ford Windstar LX. running well, good condi tion. 235km. as is. $2800. 905-469-9748 2005 Ford Freestar Ltd.. fu lly loaded, all options incl. DVD. mint condition, 42,000km. $20,900 obo 905-339-9860 (w weew e e wa a td i lost & found FOUND: Black & white cat found Guelph Line & New Street. We call Tuxedo fill. Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: Brown tabby left at Animal Aid's door, Bur lington We named "Bloosom". 905-637-7325. FO U N D : brow n ta b b y. Guelph Line & New Street. We call Purrberry. Please call: 905-637-7325. FO UN D : C a lic o ca tGuelph Line & new St. We call Violet. Please call 905637-7325 FOUND: Keys, Lakeshore @ Spencer Smith on Sun day Oct. 29. Call to identify 905-637-7871 FOUND: Tortishell cat at Plains Rd/ King Rd.. Bur lington. We call "Flicka". Please phone 905-6377325. FOUND- Big Orange cat on S tra th a lla n between Guelph Line and Brant. We named Murdoch Call 905-637-7325 FOUND- Black and White cat between Appleby and New St We named Claire Call 905-637-7325 FOUND- Men's wedding band at Hilton Falls. Call to identify 905-273-8278 Scott babysitting RESPONSIBLE adult re quired to walk child to/from Charles Best school. Tues, Thurs, alternate Fridays. Palmer area, Burlington. 905-335-6375 garage & | storage space GARAGE for storage cars or small boats; $50/per month per vehicle/ boat. Barn: $400/mo 905-6922004 INDOOR s to ra g e available, insulated build ing in Burlington for cars, boats. RVs, etc. Call Paul. 289-242-2577. SELF Storage 6- Indoor/ Outdoor units/ RVs/ boats. Call 905-689-1665 STORAGE- indoor, clean secure for cars, boats. RVs. Monthly/ seasonal/ yearly. Boat w interizing available. 905-689-0465. lessons PIANO LESSONS- C hil dren grade 2 & up. Expertenced teacher. Aldershot Catherine Baxter 905-6397486 articles wanted ANTIQUE Guns Collec tor would like to purchase nice antique guns, swords, and related material. 90S634-0995 rooms for rent & wanted ALL Inclusive rooms start ing at $450. Quiet Oakville Neighbourhood. Includes Heat. A/C, hydro, cable. Internet, phone, full kitch en. shared laundry. 905SI 0-5077 BEAUTIFUL large base ment bedroom with private bath, fully furnished, linens available, shared kitchen, garden, deck etc. Parking available. Rebecca/ 4th Line, on bus route (Oak ville). Laundry and utilities included. No pets p re fe rre d $ 6 5 0 /m o . A va ila b le im m ediately. Professional person/ stu dent. 905-849-3838 bargain centre SOFABED, Queen size, navy, excellent condition. $75. Call 905-844-2002. SOLID darkwood buffet w/china cabinet (1-pce ); computer desk w/storage/ filin g d raw e r atta ch e d. Both excellent condition $100/ea 905-829-9468 STOVE, w hite, Gibson, self-cleaning, good condi tion. $50. Call 905-6811936. W H IR L P O O L U ltim a te Care II. Super capacity plus. Washing machine in excellent condition. $100. 905-465-0994 o o j L O O K BEST Ca$h$ Paid- Art. Antiques. Collectibles, Chi na. C ry s ta l, S ilv e r. Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Pottery, Etc, Estate S pecialists, Top Cash, Cali John/ Tra cy 905-331 -2477 WANTED: Indoor space, approx. 150 sq.ft to restore small sailboat over winter. Burlington/ Oakville. 905825-1408 email dmoores@cogeco.ca 1998 Toyota Camry 4cyl.. auto., 194K., new tire s/ brakes, excellent condi tion. e-tested. certified . $7,200.obo 905-632-4522 1999 Buick LeSabre Ltd., le a th e r in te rio r.* fu lly loaded, runs g r e B t . 3.8L V6. A/C. $5500.obo. 905638-8100/905-257-0835 2000 Hyundai- red. stan d a rd , A /C , CD p la y e r, 73,km. 1 owner. Excellent co n d itio n $3500 o.b.o. 905-844-7083 2000 Neon. 200.000 km's. Runs Great. Remote Start er, Certified and E-Tested May 2005. a must see at only $1900 905-407-7208 career training THERE is a critical short age of medical transcriptionists Start your on-line career training today! Athome and on-site employ ment opportunities. 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