OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday,'November 1, 2006 career training | career training general help general help general help general help general help general help 29 ARE you a person with a disability interested in training for a new career? Call Centre Environment Customer Service Rep Have you ever considered a career in fin a n c ia l s e r v ic e s but th o u g h t your disability would make it impossible? Candidates must: ·Have a disability ·Be ODSP eligible ·Live in Halton, Peel, Dufferin ·Be willing to work in H/P/D ·Have good computer skills ·Have extensive Customer Service experience £ f£ L EDUCATION SERVICES CANATAL INTERNATIONAL INC. is dedicated to the design and manufacture of Precision Air Conditioning Equipment. Located in Mississauga, we are currently seeking both full time positions and 6 month contract positions skilled in the following areas: · Refrigeration Testing w' Electrical ·Unit Wiring ·Bench Wiring ·Shipper /Receiver · Brazers · Frame Assembly · General Labour All positions require the ability to read engineering/shop drawings and good English communications skills. We prefer employees with a mechanical and/or electrical background. Please indicate the position applied for and email your resume to info@canatal.com, or drop off your application at: Canatal International Inc., 6300 Edwards Blvd., #2, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2V7 Service Tech Growing company seeks Customer Service oriented individual immediately for Commercial Service Projects. Company Truck. Bondable w/valid driver's lie. Will train. S15.00/hr 905-592-0320 APPLY NOW Avg S20/hr Enum. type work Piecework Comp. Incentives & Bonus Structure ·NO EXP. NEEDED* Provided training for accepted Applicants. To book a scheduled interview Call 905-525-5948 FLO O R TEC H N IC IAN required by Floor Restoration Company to clean, seal and repair tile and grout. Will train suitable candidate. Please Call: 905-693-0900 O A K V IL L E Moving Company requires full/ part-time Movers. Own trans-portation. Experience an asset. Start S i 0 - 12/hr. Call 905-2576683: fax 905-847-6690 O A K V I L L E R enovation Company requires 3 full tim e em ployees. Must have 3-5 years verifiable e xperience in all round c o n s tru c tio n . Must be good at drywall, taping, mudding, ceram ic tiles, crown moulding and base b o a rd s . C o m p e titiv e wages paid weekly. Start immediately. 905-827-0422. S H O P P E R S Drug Mart. Oakville Place requires Full-Time Receiver/ Mer chandiser. Fax/ Email re sume fsdm745@ shoppersdrugmarl.ca. 905842-5598 T E L E M A R K E T E R S re School Bus Ideal for Retirees. S tay-a t-H om m M o m s o r Omds a n d th e S ett-Em p loye d D rivers Needed · Expanding Charter Opportunities · New Employee Discount Program We provide FREE, friendly, professional training. You may drive a large or small school bus. You w ill earn a steady, competitive part-time income by driving children to and from school each day from September to June, Monday to Friday - between the hours of 7:00 - 9:00am & 2:30 - 4:30pm. (Parents can usually take their pre schoolers along with them.) Retirees will enjoy ample free time to pursue other interests. Self-employed people can supplement their income with a sure thing. You could play an important role in a child's education. 6 d a y s o n ly : South Halton (Burlington & Oakville) Apply with this ad before November 6th, drive a route by the end of November and qualify for Call 1-866-806-0662 Community Partnerships at Work Sponsored by PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATE · Approved by CPA · Day and Evening Classes PAYROLL $500 B o nu s! Atlas Air ClimateCare Customer Care Representative Are you enthusiastic, caring & dependable? Would you enjoy an opportunity in a company that truly appreciates their staff? Are you a real professional? We are seeking a person who will serve as a Customer Care Representative of the Company. The ideal candidate would have excellent verbal & written communication skills and be well orga nized. You will have responsibility for assisting customers with their needs, scheduling mechanics and providing a support function to the dispatch area. We have an excellent compensation pack age for qualified candidates. No agencies please. Please forward resume to Rhonda Campbell Email: rcampbell@atlasair.ca or Fax 905-829-2025 For details call 1 -8 7 7 -9 1 4 -K ID S ADDITIONAL INCOME OPPORTUNITY HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 460 Brant St., Ste. 26, Burlington www.hbicollege.com Type o f W ork- D oor-to-door new spaper delivery. For M ilton- Tue.sdays and Fridays. For O akville- W ednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Reliable vehicle (the larger the better). At least 6 available hours, betw een 6A M -6PM , on delivery days. Strong sense o f com m itm ent and responsibility. A s m any routes as you can handle. Alt required delivery m aterials. T raining and on-going com m unications and support. 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 You Need- 1 J 1 careers 505 careers 505 tVe offer - T H E DIF FE RE NCE je c V W fiG M T IO S S 4 NUTSITION IS YOU! Yes, y o u ! Swiss Chalet and Harvey's are recruiting for all positions at their new Burlington locations. F/T Health Counselor We are looking for energetic and enthusiastic peo ple with a good attitude to join our Burlington and Oakville teams. Individuals will provide motivation and support to our clients and sell herbal products to our retail clientele. Full training provided. Sales and Customer Service an asset. General knowl edge of anatomy and nutrition a definite plus. Please fax resume to To explore, contact Bob a( (905) 637-8795. G E N E R A L W are ho u se V/Puro/a/or "Where Business is Going" Purolator Courier Ltd. helps business run, because as Canada's biggest courier company, we have the peolpe & resources to deliver the right solution to our customers from package delivery to integrated distribution services. We are seeking energetic and performance driven Job Fair Friday, November 3 and Saturday, November 4 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Appleby Ice Centre, 1201 Appleby Line, Burlington Applicants can leave their r£sum6s in a drop box at the above location starting November 2, or visit www.cara.com worker for busy retail store and special events compa ny. Responsibilities include in v e n to ry p ro c e s s in g , event delivery/ return, gen eral janitorial. Must be able to work in fast paced envi ronment. Flexible hours. Forget Me Not Flowers, email operations® forgetmenotflowers.ca. fax 905-845-6510 G L ID D E N Paints, leader in Coatings Industry, part of ICI Group World Wide, O akville, requires Parttim e C ustom er S ervice Rep Interpersonal skills, w ork in d e p e n d e n tly / w/team, lift 10-80 lbs re quired Experience pre fe rre d R e m u n e ra tio n , benefits, growth potential. Drop resume: Harold Wil son. 500 Speers Rd. H O M EW O R K ER S Needed!!! To Assem ble P roducts. Stuffing Envelopes. Mailing/ Processing Circulars. OnL in e C o m p u te r W ork Available. UpToS1500/Week. No Experience Needed! Free information at www. Jobs-WorkConnection.com Reference 3-103 IM P O R T A N T Notice: The Burlington Post. Oakville Beaver and Flamborough Review recommend you exercise good judgement when responding to em ployment opportunity ad vertisem ents which ask you to provide credit card information, send money or sign a contract. IN T E R M E D IA T E accoun tant. AP. AR. QB Pro. For architectural firm located in Oakville. Fax. 905-3371986 L O O K IN G for shinglers, Burl.: 905-633-9672 Attn: Michelle Oak.: 905-469-4533 Attn: Amy AM DOCK SORTERS for our Burlington terminal. The working hours are Monday-Friday 1:30am-7:30am with starting wage of $11.21/hr. this position is responsible for load ing & unloading freight, sorting/scanning/cubing and reweighting all freight according to location. The successful candidate will be able to prioritize and multitask under tight deadlines: work in a fast paced, team oriented work environment; demon strate good communication & interpersonal skills: quickly learn proper scan and load techniques; lift up to 70lb consistantly & work in a warehouse en vironment. Qualified applicants are encouraged to submit a resume/application to: Fax 519-837-4942 or apply in person at: 3455 Mainway Dr., L7M1A2 W e thank everyone in advance hr their interest in Purolator Courier Ltd., and while we appreciate submissions from all qualified applicants, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Burlington Post Burlington Post Mailroom Loaders Needed Part-time and Full-time shifts available Must be able to work early mornings Must be able to lift heavy bundles Apply in person with resume: Attn: Paul Nardi, 4390 Paletta Court, Burl. South Service Rd btwn ApplebyS Walker's Line Construction Sub-contractor (Oakville) requires q u ire s fo r S ears home central, must be mature and have excellent com munication skills. Shift re quired are I0am-2pm Of fice located Bronte/ Wye croft. 905-212-9800 (HALCT drivers A Z Driver- Oakville loca tion. evenihgs SundayThursday. local deliveries, loading and unloading in volved $18.50/hr. Fax re sume and abstract to: 519824-1750 B U R L IN G T O N Chauffeur- , SWISS 5 11 opportunities H a r r y Ro s e n retail O ra B O O K D istributor- Over w h e lm in g re sp o n se to book & gift displays has created an opening in the Burlington area. Deliver sa m p le s / f i l l o rd e rs to schools. S35-60K No exp nec. Toll free: 877-6254766x218 Email careers ontsw@ prem ierbooksdirect.com Web: www premierbooksdirect.com C A R Detailer & Car wash er required full-time or partime for Oakville auto re pair shop, call 416-9484510 C H R IS T M A S Exterior De cor technicians required to install holiday C h rist m as decor. Full training provided. Full-time em ployment poslbilities call 905-827-1441, fax 905827-1499, e m a il: w eed man01 @ on.aibn.com C L E A N E R S required. Bur E M general help general help E A R N $1 000-S1 200 or more per month delivering the National Post 6 days/ w eek e a rly m o rn in g s (2am) in Burlington/ Oak ville . R eliable vehicle a must. No Collections. 905339-7583 E L E C T R IC A L contracting General Labourer to mix, pour and finish material. Experience with skid-steer, con crete finishing, ability to operate equipment, drivers license an as set. Fax resume to 905-827-9342 or Email info@pouriton.ca M E R C H A N D IS E R S (PartTime)- To service greeting card departments in Bur lington or Oakville. Ap prox 1 2 -1 5 h rs / w eek. Must have good command of E nglish. Call Sylvia Thursday only 9am-4pm 1800-387-5614 e x t.4491 Not all calls will receive a response. MOLLY Maid requires en ergetic. dependable peo ple. Full-time Mon- Fri day. No evening or week ends! Paid training, bene fits. car provided, licence required 905-681-7484 (Burt./Oak) S H A R O N Homes looking Ing service requires part time Qualified Chauffeurs Accepted applicants must have clear driving abstract/ c le a n p o lic e , m e d ica l clearances. Position best suited for re tire d , local re s id e n t. Fax Resum e 905-637-0533. vgennaccaro@sympat>co .ca company has opening for experienced book keeper fo r 2 d a y s / w eek. Fax: 905-336-0064. Burlington. F IT N E S S Depot is Cana da's #1 supplier of home fitness equipment We are looking for motivated indi viduals to join our team. If you are health oriented/ enjoy a fun work environ ment full of growth. Fax resume: 905-815-9670 or email m atthewr@ fitness depot.ca F U L L -T IM E cook needed for Cedar Springs Athletic club. Good Pay and Free Mem bership to the club Please contact 905-6324800 or shawnn@ cedar springsclub.com. Burling ton F U L L / p art-tim e. I need OAKVILLE NORTH 400 DUNDAS ST. EAST ATTRAFALGAR A national menswear retailer. Professional Sales Associates required tor Square One Shopping Centre. Mississauga Provide superior ser vice to all customers. Email resume: careers® harryrosen.com, lax: Carm416.515.7067 P A R T -T IM E Experienced Designer/ Sales Associate required. Must be able to work in a fast paced envi ronment. 2 days/week, and Saturdays. Forget Me Not Flowers. Email operations® forgetmenotflowers.ca, fax 905-845-6510 ^ -( fo r tin o s -^ OAKVILLE Fortinos' is a group of franchise retail supermarkets with 20 locations across southwestern Ontario. Our Franchises strive to provide customers with the best in one stop shopping. Fortinos provides com petitive wages, benefits, opportunities for advance ment, scholarships, a pension plan and secure employment to all its employees. NOW HIRING FLEXIBLE PART-TIME STAFF FOR OUR NEWEST LOCATION Opening NOVEMBER 2006 173 Lakeshore Rd Now Hiring Mature FT & PT Positions Please drop off resume to Customer Service Desk NO weekends, no a fte r noons. Leading food ser vice company In Burlington requires smiling, customer service associates to join our team at several loca tio n s in the im m ediate area. Mon-Fri, P/1 & F/T. C all Karen at 905-6324161 or fax resume 905632-6863. general help SSSS Paid Weekly!) Com | salon & spa help W A T E R F A L L Salon and pany needs part-time/ full time help processing un claimed bank accounts C a ll 1 -8 6 6 -8 8 3 -0 7 8 0 ext.121 A C C O U N T IN G Clerk required for O akville soft ware company. Respon sible for all daily Accounts Receivable and Payable functions including the pro cessing of Sales Orders. Experience using QuickBooks accounting software is an asset. Please email your resume to jobs@jave lin-tech.com. B U R L IN G T O N area Daytim e cle a n e r re q u ire d full-time position, Mon-Fri. Hours to be discussed. Call Toll-free 1-877-5641170 laborers with huge income potential. Call Tim 905319-4685 L O V E A n im a ls ? L e n 's lington. for light duty work. Call 1-800-209-3558- Ext 506 D A Y T IM E h e lp e rs and Santas (Days/ Evenings) required for Oakville Mall. Call Shelly 416-428-3996 D R IV E R S Wanted: No ex perience necessary. Earn extra cash for Christmas. Burlington Taxi Apply in person. 3472 Landmark Rd, Burlington Spa Requires Hair Stylists. R ece p tio nist. A esthetic ia n s , A p p re n tic e and RMT Please submit your resum e to w a te rfa ll spa@ cogeco.ca or call 905-337-2444 someone to learn my busi ness. Must have leader ship a b ility and stro n g desire for above average in co m e C a ll N e s to r 905-333-6986 I M M E D I A T E p o s itio n s Please tax resume attn: D a rle n e to 9 0 5 -8 6 1 -2 3 4 7 or email: Home & Pet Care: Occa sional pet care & walkers. Must be bondable. mature adult. 905-335-8494 i _ H A IR S T Y L IS T Required Full Tim e & Part Tim e for O akville Salon. R E S ID E N T IA L Cleaners earn extra money week days. Call 905-336-5655 (Own vehicle required) P U T T IN G Edge Fun Cen- available- General labour, yard maintenance. No ex perience necessary. Great Wages 905-849-9707 c r y s ta l.g o d in @ lo b la w .c a tre- The ultimate glow In the dark mini golf is look ing for a dynamic, guest focused PT Assistant Man ager for our Burlington lo ca tio n . Please fax re sumes to 905-855-5745 or email tiffany.klompmaker @putting-edge.com for experienced construc tion labourer. Tools an as set. must have own trans portation 905-338-6523 (Rebecca St/ Burtoak Dr.) Please Call 905-469-6506