www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday N ovem ber 1, 2006 - 7 Mayoral candidates respond to question about youths During the 2006 m unicipal election The O a k v ille B e a ve r is posing questions to the mayoral candidates on a weekly basis w ith the candidates' . r j ([·]| responses printed in the Wednesday edition u ntil Nov. 8. This week, the candidates were asked: We've been hearing from Oakville teens fo r a long tim e th a t there is nothing in Oakville fo r them . We are now experiencing some o f the symptoms o f th a t in the way o f increased drug use, vandalism and g ra ffiti. Boredom, coupled w ith a lack o f parental/adult m onitoring and feeling disconnect ed from the community, spells trouble. What strategies other than police enforcem ent w ould you comm it to addressing the ro o t cause o f our youth angst? m unicipal Chris Stoate Police tell me we are experiencing a rise in the number of adolescent males. This group seeks thrills and peer approval, which can translate into an increase in drink, drugs, vandalism and graffiti, unless teenage ener gies are channelled in healthier directions and par- , ents are involved. Chns Stoate The subliminal message that you don't belong and that we don't care enough about you to include you in our planning for facilities, or show you the conse quences of bad behaviour, both feed negative expres sion. Not every need can be met in the home, but when teens are apprehended, Police often encounter denial and parents who dismiss destructive behaviour as exuberance or pranks. We agree on the problem. What can a Mayor and Council do to counteract these larger societal trends? 1. Offer healthy outlets for teenage energy, thrillseeking and the need to belong. Organized sports programs respond to the needs of some teens, but spontaneity is a hallmark of the age group, and kids of both genders tell me we need drop-in centres, BMX and skateboard facilities, more skateboard parks, out door ice for shinny (remember "on the ice is out of hot water'?), and places to shoot hoops, maybe in cooperation with schools. 2. Be vigilant in repairing damage and eliminating graffiti so that the appearance of our community See Chris Stoate page 8 Janice Wright As a long-time member of the Trafalgar Community Policing Committee, the issues regarding our youth are always top of mind. As a mother of three boys, it was important to me as a par ent, to open my home to my sons' friends as they were growing up (provide food and they will come). Not all youth Janice W right want to spend their time par ticipating in organized activity. Youth like to meet any where at any time - believe me, I live across from a park. Recognizing that we have a serious problem with vandalism, graffiti and drug use (particularly in our walkways), I brought a successful Council supported Resolution forward that directs Staff to study and report back on ways to deal with this issue from a Town perspective. Additionally, I worked with the police to initiate a four-week crackdown in three walk ways experiencing some of the worst offences. In the first two weeks the police issued 51 tickets. Recognizing the larger problem, we also returned these children to their parents and plan to do a further follow-up. I am also working on a broad based Committee (police, school board, students, parents, business owners) to address drug use and our youth. It is only through these kinds of collective efforts that we as a community will succeed in keeping our youth safe. See Janice Wright page 8 · Snow tire specialist · Great prices on wheel and tire packages · Road force balancing · Run flat certified · Laser wheel alignments 1439 Speers Road MTC TIRE OAKVILLE 905. 847.6665 email quotes at: hcox@mtctire.com The Classic Pea Jacket Available in black, red, navy, camel-, and '/>lnin Sizes 2-18 $.V)5 Rob Burton I like young people - 1cre ated a TV network for them and I know they do not come "one size fits all." They need a variety of activities to suit their many interests. The teenagers I know (I live with one) want to be able to go skating or play a pickup game without having to book facilities weeks Rob Burton ahead of time. They want skateboarding and BMX bike parks they can get to. At present, there are waiting lists for many activities, no facilities for some activities and registration fees that leave some kids out. My plan to catch us up on the recreational facilities we need now -- the 83 soccer fields (including an indoor field), six ice arenas, two library branches, an arts centre, a 50-m pool, and facilities like skate and BMX bike parks and youth centres -- will help keep youth active and engaged and reduce vandalism, graffiti and alienation. The young people I know want an easier way to get to and from the movies and the malls. I would like to see Oakville Transit price and schedule to See Rob Burton page 8 Ann Mulvale Oakville' s young people are outstanding! Through their various interests, they contribute to our quality of life. So many town-empowering agencies, like the United Way--through its annual Bath Tub Race, have benefited from their support. Before community service Ann Mulvale was required, Oakville teens volunteered. The hospital, Navy, Army, and Air Cadets; Junior Civitans, sports organizations; agen cies, like Halton Helping Hands; various mentoring programs, Earth Day clean-ups, tree planting, and other initiatives, rely on teen support. Whenever I have the opportunity to address students, I'm impressed by their knowledge, energy and awareness. This reassures me that both Oakville and Canada have a secure future. Every generation has a troubled minority that experiences a difficult transition into adulthood. Many people find help and turn their lives around. Some require medical assistance and/or counselling to restore their well being. We need to ensure that this support is accessible and timely. See Ann Mulvale page 8 Cashmere Burberry Scarf $270 FIN E O U T E R W E A R S IN C E 1815 For the response from fifth mayoral candidate Daniela Giecewicz see page 9 209 Lakeshorc Road Downtown Oakville (905 )845-2031 Mondav-Fridav 9-6 ·Saturday 9-5 ·Sunday 12-5 w w w . b a r r i n g t o ns.ca