Oakville Beaver, 4 Dec 2002, D03

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 4, 2002 - D3 ` T IS T HE S E A S ON Carolling in the Park D ec. 1 0 Carolling in the Park is com ing back to George's Square. It will be held on Tuesday Dec. 10 from 7 8:30 p.m. This old tradition enjoyed a revival six years ago at the park bordered by Trafalgar Road, Sumner and Palmer Avenues and Reynolds Street, thanks to the movie The Santa Clause and the efforts of pastor Jim and Babs McKnight, former ly o f St. John's United Church. Filmed mostly in Oakville, the movie featured carollers. The Salvation Army Band would play, the Scouts would sell hot cider, and Santa Claus would make a surprise visit. Proceeds from the evening went to Salvation Army's Family Christmas Appeal. One year, softly falling snow created a unique Christmas spirit. Another year, a severe blizzard forced the event indoors to St. John's United Church. The McKnights brought Carolling in the Park to Oakville shortly after arriving here from the Beaches area of Toronto, where a similar event became a huge success with more than 1,000 peo ple attending. The Oakville event was drawing a crowd of up to 400 when the McKnights moved away and Carolling in the Park went into a one-year hiatus. The new bandshell-trail marker serving as the focal point where the Salvation Army Band direct ed by Bruce Taylor will play for Carolling in the Park. The bandshell-trail marker, built two years ago at George's Square, resembles the old bandshell that stood in the park from about the 1920s to the 1970s when it was tom down due to deterioration. Carollers, including choristers from a number of other local churches and members of the public, will gather to sing favourite Christmas carols As in past years, ScotiaMcLeod is absorbing all costs including printed song sheets, and Stephenson's Rent-All is supplying a generator and flood lights to light the bandshell area, said Diana Gillard, Carolling in the Park committee chair. Those attending should dress warm - prefer ably in layers - and bring a flashlight and a dona tion for the Salvation Army. In case of bad weather, Carolling in the Park will again move indoors to St. John's United Church. For more information, call St. John's at 905-845-0551. Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver HOME COMFORTS: Finials co-owners Susanne Balletto and Joanne Kelloway celebrated their store's official grand opening Saturday with a Christmas open house. Finials, located on pictur esque Bronte Road, has been open since April and specializes in unique French country home comforts like quilts, sweaters, dishes, vintage furniture, linens and candles. Browsing patrons enjoyed hot apple cider and cookies. `Purrfect' gift for cat owners There s No Place Like Home education campaign at the Oakville Humane Society puts p ets9 safety first " " C at ow ners w ill receive m ore than one `p u rrfe c t' g ift w h en th ey re g is te r at the O akville H um ane Society (O H S), during the "T h e re 's N o Place L ike H om e" education cam paign. F or $10, your cat can be registered at the O akville H um ane Society, receive a num bered collar tag and becom e part o f the O H S ' d ata base. C ats receiv e m a n d ato ry id e n tific a tio n required by law in O akville (B y-law #20010 8 3 ) and o w n ers g et an o p p o rtu n ity to im prove the odds o f reconnecting w ith their pet if it finds itse lf at the OHS. R egistrations until D ecem ber 24 w ill also qualify for one free ballo t/cat for a draw w orth $100 in cat item s. "Proper identificatio n - m icrochip, nam e tag, registration - is key to helping us reco n nect ow ners w ith the o v er 1,000 lost cats that find them selves at the sh elter each year. M icrochips are an excellen t form o f iden ti fication, but for those cats w ithout, having a registration tag that connects them to address inform ation retained by the O akville H um ane Society is equally as useful if a pet gets lo st," stated the S o ciety 's G eneral M anager Johanne Golder. "W hen you reg ister y our cat you w ill not only get a free gift, but you w ill also get a free ballot fo r a draw for a basket filled w ith great cat goodies valued at $100," stated G older. T he "T h e re 's N o Place L ike H om e" cam paign offers cat ow ners o pportunities to learn m ore about keeping a happy, healthy and safe cat at hom e. T he cam paign includes w orkshops, public events and the distribution o f prom otional item s, and reinforces the im portance o f adher ing to the Town o f O akville by-law requiring cats to w ear identification. It runs betw een O ctober 2002 - June 2003. For more inform ation about the "T h ere's N o Place Like H om e" education cam paign contact the O akville H um ane Society at 905845-1551. F or m ore inform ation about the Town o f O akville C at By-law #2001-083, contact the T ow n's by-law office at 905-338-4219. Great Holiday Gift Giving Ideas SOCCER LU O R LD Cook up holiday feast The cooking school at the Harvest Kitchen is hosting a free one-hour holiday entertaining tips and tricks seminar on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 11 a.m. A donation of canned food items is request ed. All collected food will be given to the Kerr Street Food Bank & Market. Chef Gurth Pretty will share cooking and entertaining ideas and tricks on how to make the holiday season more enjoyable for the home cook. "I want to also help the community by cre ating this food drive. My goal is to make peo ple less stressed and hungry," said Pretty. This special event is part of the school's hol iday open house, from noon to 3 pm. The school's 2003 Winter/Spring schedule of cook ing classes will also be available. The Harvest Kitchen is located at 134 Thomas St. Seating is limited. To reserve a place call Gurth Pretty at 416-760-9504 or at info@epicureanexpeditions.com. shoes · shin pads · goalie gloves · uniforms · balls · socks · referee uniforms · gifts* jerseys · shorts Novice Recreational Players World Cup Hopefuls & Contenders 187 C r o s s A v e n u e Across from Oakville GO o - iir (9 0 5 ) o o m n y Ij - o y ^ Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-6 · Thurs. 10-8 · Sat. 10-5 · Sun. 12-5 Tree lighting at Ian Anderson House Tree o f Lights, a worldwide hos pice event, takes place locally on Sunday at Ian Anderson House. The event which gets under way at 4:30 p.m. will feature the lighting of a 50foot spruce Christmas Tree, a carol service and cider inside the house. Ian Anderson House - Ontario's first free standing cancer hospice provides end-oflife care to six ter minal patients in a home-like setting and offers support for their friends and families. Each $20 donation will illu minate one light in memory of, or to honour, a loved one and help IAH continue to offer quality care: The facility is located at 430 Winston Churchill Blvd. Parking and a shuttle bus start ing at 4 p.m. are available at 2635 Lakeshore Rd. W. For more information call 849-5852 or 8224938 or visit www. Ian Anderso nHouse.com. ed for the . - S A N T A 'S S c h ed u le ^ lidays. # YAMAHA sale priced Visit Santa at thefollowing locations ^ * Oakville Place * * Monday to Saturday Sunday Christmas.Eve - 10 a.m .-8 p.m. - 11 a.m.-5 p.m. -1 1 a .rn .-4 p m . $300099 & YAMAHA Bronte Village Mall SANTA'S HOURS Saturday, Dec. 7,14 & 21 - 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Clavinova Limited Time Only! The First Choice of the Royal Conservatory of Music Free Photos with Santa and Treats for the Kids! Hopedale Mall SANTA'S HOURS ^ J BEST PRICE GUARANTEED! STEVE LOATES * + * ^ Wed., Dec. 11,18 & Thurs., Dec. 5 ,12,19, - 3 : 0 0 p.m. to 7:00 p.m . ^ Friday, Dec. 6 , 13 , 20 - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. % Saturday, Dec. 7 , 1 4 , 21 - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. * Sunday, Dec. 8 , 15 , 22 - 1 : 0 0 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. * Monday, Dec. 23 -1 0 :0 0 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. * * * Tuesday, Dec. 24 - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ± ^ * A. * ^ * 'i * KEYBOARD CENTRE 2388 Fairview St. (West of Guelph Line) BURLINGTON 905-639-4465 www.keyboardcentre.com

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