Oakville Beaver, 18 Dec 2002, C05

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 18, 2002 - C5 Pomodoro Ristorante presents in M o n te C arlo Inn Oakville Suites _ r Christmas Brunch W ed n esd a y , D e c e m b e r 2 5 1 1 : 3 0 a .m . a n d 2 :0 0 ·h a m · roast b e ef · roast turkey dr stuffing · seafood · assortedpastas · vegetables · fr u it · breakfast fa re · cold cuts · salads · tea or coffee Children 6 to 10 years: $9.99 Children under 6: FREE Riziero Vertolli · Oakville Beaver AWARD WINNING HOTEL: The Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites, Oakville at Bronte has won the Six Continents Hotels 2002 Quality Excellence Award, given only to hotels achieving dis tinction in all aspects of their operations. Holding the award are (left to right) Peter Tosh, general manager, Erika Vranich,vice-president, Darko Vranich, president, and Frank Vismeg, managing director. The Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites, Oakville is one of 260 properties selected from the company's more than 3,300 hotels in recognition of overall quality excellence. In order to receive the award, the hotel had to receive a high score in the 12-Month Overall Satisfaction Index (OSI), a system designed for guests to evaluate Holiday Inn hotels and their performance, includ ing product quality and customer service. www.montecarloinns.com Please call for reservations or for more inform ation. 374 South Service Rd. E. (Q.E.W. & Trafalgar) Oakville 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -9 5 0 0 ext. 217 - LAM PS . BRAND NAME APPAREL · BOOKS · TOYS · BRAND NAME APPAREL - G A M E S MOONLIGHT MADNESS SALE Thursday, December 19th Don't miss it! Everything on Sale! ONE PAY ONLY! All new product 10% Off I If A ll USEP PRODUCT WILL PE: 9:30 am-6 pm * 20% OFF 6:00 pm -8 pm * 30% OFF Peter C. McCusker* Oakville Beaver 8:00 pm * 40% OFF ____ pm-10 ..... n-11 pm * 50% OFF 10:00 pm OFFICIAL OPENING: On hand for the recent ribbon cutting ceremony for the new CIBC Wood Gundy branch at 2777 Lakeshore Rd. E. (corner of Lakeshore Road and Trafalgar Road) are (left to right) Lee Ann Stranges, branch administrator, Wilma Ditchfield, assistant branch manager, Tony Gabriel, vice-president and investment advisor, Halton Regional Police Chief Ean Algar, Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale, Councillor Keith Bird, and investment advisor assistants and offi cial opening organizing committee members Erin Shropsall, Violet Simpson and Debbie Antinoroi. K id's S tu ff w ith P re vio us ExperienceTM (Lobl ^ce « child ^ ~ A® 905-257-5775 m · O U T D O O R P L A Y E Q U IP M E N T *A II ite m s a r e final s a le -- N o re tu rn s o r a d ju s tm e n ts . V alid o nly a t O a k v ille location . N o t v a lid w ith a n y o th e r s p e c ia ls , c o u p o n s a n d d is co u n ts . BRAND NAME APPAREL · BOOKS · TOYS · G A M E S - L A M P S sales help & agents sales help & agents E m· 1 hotel restaurant Technical Sales Rep Industrial process heating equipment. We are looking for a motivated individual with a technical sales background, to present our equipment to a wide range of indus tries. Some inside sales responsibilities, bilingual (French/English) an asset. Travel in Southern Ontario, salary and commis sion, with automobile provided. Mail resume to: P.O. Box 686, Oakville, ON L6 J 5C1 Fax: 905-849-0001 STAFF r e q u ir e d - D is h w asher, Prep help and fu ll tim e o r part-tifine C ook. E x p erience preferred. A pply in person: S otiris Restaurant, 437 P la ins Rd., B urlin gto n. 9 05-634-8813_______________ L IN E C o o k , p a rt-tim e , re q u ir e d im m e d ia te ly . E x p e r ie n c e p r e fe r r e d , b u t w illin g to tra in . D e live r re s u m e to C a r o l, 2 3 7 1 L a k e s h o r e R o a d W e s t, O akville. Community Notices Deaths BAHR, Joseph Sr. - Passed away, our beloved Dad - G randfather - Great Grandpa at O akvilleTratalgar Memorial Hospital on December 14,2002 at age 99. Joseph, beloved husband of the late Eva. Survived by son Joseph, wife Barbara, daughter Hilda (Endres), husband Walter. Sadly missed by grandchildren, Marlene John, Raymond, Diane, and Jam es; great g ra n d ch ild re n T arl, Devin, Brett, Chelsea, Cory, Shannon, Dylan, Spencer and Sophia. Visitation will be held on Wednesday (today) from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Oakview Fu neral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr St.) Oakville. Funeral Mass at St. Domi nic's Church, (2415 Rebecca St.) 10 a.m. on Thurs day, December 19,2002. KUPFERSCHMIDT, Paul - Peacefully after a lengthy illness on December 16, 2002, surrounded by his family at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Paul, beloved husband of Anna. Loved father of Martin and his wife the late Gerarda, Jakob and his wife Irene, Annem arie and her husband the late W illiam , Erna and her husband Enrique and Paul. Dear grandfather of nine grandchildren and eight great g ra nd ch ildren . V isita tio n at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Friday. Funeral Mass 10 a.m. Saturday, December 21, 2002 at St. Dominic Parish, Oakville. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. Those who wish, may make memorial donations to the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Dialysis Unit. Deaths RANKIN, John Carlton - (Retired Architect, Life M em ber M .R .A .I.C . and W W II Naval Veteran). Suddenly on Monday, December 16, 2002 at Toronto General Hospital in his 81st year. John, beloved husband of Beverly. Loved father of A drienne Hardman, Carl, Stephen and Kerri Peberdy. Dear g ra n d fa th e r'o f M itc h e ll and M ason Peberdy. Predeceased by his brother William Kerr Rankin and sister Joyce Anne Cumings. Dear uncle of Susan Cum ings and W illiam Andrew Little. John was a resident of both Oakville and Go Home Bay. He was a devoted member of both communities for many years. Among his many endeavours were Oakville Hydro Commission, Oakville Site Plan and Planning Board, Oakville Ratepayers Association, Oakville Boy Scouts, Honey Harbour Boat Club, Naval Club of Toronto, Architectural Advisory Committee for Glen Abbey D evelopm ent and O nta rio M u n ic ip a l E le ctrical A s s o c ia tio n . V is ita tio n at the K o p riva T aylor C om m unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Rd. W. Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday. Funeral service at St. John's United Church, 262 Randall St. Oakville 1 p.m. Friday. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. Those who wish may make m em orial contributions to a charity of their choice. Bridal Show ^ teaching opportunities ^ hospital, medical, dental hospital, medical, dental A S S IS T A N T re q u ire d fo r p e d ia tric d e n ta l p ra c tic e in O a k v ille . P .D .A . p re fe rre d . P a rt-tim e to s ta rt. Fax re sume: 905-257-4378 C E R T IF IE D D e n ta l A s s is t a n t re q u ire d f o r m o d e m , p ro g re s s iv e , n o rth d e n ta l office. P lease send resum e d o B ox 6397, T h e O akville B e a v e r, 4 6 7 S p e e rs R d , O akville, O N L6K 3S4 G P 'S O ffic e (O a k v ille ) H a rd w o rk in g , m u lti-ta s k in g R e c e p tio n is t f o r s e v e ra l doctors as part of reception te a m . F a st p a ce d . 3 d a y s / w e ek. A b ility to w o rk m ore a s re q u ire d fo r illn e s s / v a c a tio n . E x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d , n o t n e c e s s a ry , w ill tra in . F ax c o v e r le tte r a nd resume: 905-845-8133 RN & R P N , e x p e rie n c e d , required full and perm anent p a rt-tim e fo r H a m ilto n a rea re tire m e n t hom e. C o m p e ti tiv e w a g e s a n d b e n e fits . Fax resume to St. Elizabeth Villa 905-388-9953.__________ O P T O M E T R IS T / O p tic a l A ssistan t required. Friendly a n d r e lia b le f o r O a k v ille p ra c tic e . E x p e rie n c e R e quired . No w e ekends. Fax resume to 905-842-1738. P A R K V IE W C h ild re n 's C entre, B urlington, requires a c re a tiv e , e n th u s ia s tic te a c h e r, p a rt-tim e w ith e x te n d e d h o u rs a s n e e d e d . M u s t h a v e E C E . C a ll th e Director, 905-634-3141 domestic help wanted E X P E R IE N C E D c le a n in g la dy required every second w e e k to c le a n , v a c u u m , la u n d ry . 3 -b e d ro o m O a k v ille h o u s e . Im m e d ia te ly . 905-845-9176. domestic help available C A L L - A- M aid fo r all yo ur cleaning needs. H om es/ o f fic e s . B o n d e d / in s u re d . S e rv ic in g B u rlin g to n , O a k ville , W a terdo w n . 9 05 -3 79 1131, 9 0 5 -4 6 4 -6 0 5 2 www.call-a-maid.ca 1*1 restaurant A B B E Y A rm s Pub re q uires e x p e rie n c e d b a r te n d e rs / se rvers and kitchen staff to jo in o u r frie n d ly te a m . D e liv e r re s u m e : 481 N o rth S e rv ic e R d. (a t F o u rth L in e ), O a k v ille ; F a x 9 0 5 6 3 3 -8 5 0 3 , T e l. 9 0 5 - 8 2 5 1109 Jan 3-5,2003 · National Trade Centre, Exhibition Place N a m e __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ l\ A ddress_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City Phone W edding D ate. I Fax Postal C ode, To place an announcement, employment or classified ad CALL 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 - 4 4 4 0 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. FAX: 905-632-8165 BY M A IL OR IN PER SO N : Burlington Post & Flamborough Post 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6K 2S4 Deadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication Special Feature deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fri. publication must be reported no later than Mon, 5:30 p.m. CIRCULATION: 905-632-0588 MAIN SWITCHBOARD: 905-632-4444 CLASSIFIED CATEGORIES Real Estate 100-135 Rentals 170-196 Business to Business 140-169 Leisure Living 200-239 Community Notices 240-259 & Community Notice Pages Public Notices 260-269 Community Services 270-299 Merchandise 300-385 Autos 400-470 Employment 500-570 Services 700-795 Business & Professional Directory > S m m G £ vo 0 3 01 ® JS K I - wt 0 " N- +5 * 2 '3 ! a 5 U ft M IN E R , Ann (n e e S w e e tm a n ) - A fter a courageous and graceful battle w ith cancer, Ann passed away at her home in O akville on Friday, Decem ber 13, 2002 as a yo un g 44 year o ld , surrounded by her fa m ily and at peace. Lover, confidant, best friend and wife of Ken. Loving mother of Aubrey and Kristina. Cherished daughter of John and Marion Sweetman. Close friend and sister and "honour" to her brothers Jim and George. True sister to her sister-in -la w Sheila. Adopted daughter of Clayton and Elizabeth M iner. Favourite aunt and sister-in-law to so many. W hile the outcome was wrong, Ann faced her battle in the same way she faced life, with compassion for others, with humour, energy, determination and a courage and grace that inspired all who knew her. For Ann, life, cancer and death were never about her, but about those around her. A C e le b ra tio n of A n n 's Life w ill be held at St. Christopher's Anglican Church, 662 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario on Wednesday, December 18th at 11:00 a.m., followed by a reception with the family. In lieu of flowers, those wishing to express sympathy may do so by m aking a m em o ria l d o n a tio n to W ellspring Halton-Peel, 2545 Sixth Line, Oakville, Ontario L6J 4Z4, e-mail: feedback@welIspring.ca or Credit Valley Hospital Foundation - Oncology Clinic, 2200 Eglinton Avenue, West, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 2N1 At Ann's request, please dress in colourful c lo th in g . Arrangem ents e ntrusted to SM IT H 'S FUNERAL HOME, BURLINGTON, ONTARIO (905632-3333). TELFORD, Edith M . - Peacefully at home on Friday, December 13,2002 at the age of 86. Beloved wife of George. Loving m other of Jim and Ross Adams and his wife Jeanette. Cherished grand mother of Jason, Erin and Joshua. Survived by her sister-in-law Dorothy Cale. Will also be sadly missed by her extended fam ily and friends. Edith carried fond m em ories of the ch ild re n she ta ught as a kindergarten teacher in Oakville for over 20 years. The family w ill receive friends at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road W. (one block east of Kerr St.) Oakville, on Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. A M em orial Service w ill be held 1 p.m. on Friday, December 20, 2002 at St. Peter's on the Hill Church (Mississauga Rd. at Dundas St.). SEND THIS FORM FOR YOUR 2 FOR 1 ADMISSION COUPON BY FRI., DEC. 20. 2002 I 1 Send to: National Bridal Shows | c/o Premier Consumer Show | 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K3S4. Fax:905-337-5571 Email a division of HJUl Has A New Home! POST Burlington Post has been proud to serve Burlington for 37 years. As part of our commitment to the future of this great and growing community, we've moved into a new and larger location. Our new office will be located at 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, L7L 7G5 in Burlington, just east of Appleby Line. All our phone numbers remain the same. V) Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Classified 905-632-4440

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