Oakville Beaver, 18 Dec 2002, C07

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 18, 2002 - C7 Mr. Scrooge and friends offer up song and dance at Oakville Centre By Liz Campbell S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R "They say the first five years are the hardest for any theatre com pany," laughs Dia Frid, co-founder with Virginia Flem ing of FanFare Productions. Now in its sixth year, FanFare has made a tradition o f presenting the musical version of Charles Dickens' Christmas masterpiece, A Christmas Carol. The musical, Mr. Scrooge, offers the wonderful tale of Ebenezer's overnight conversion from miser to benefactor complete with song and dance. "We've reverted entirely to the orig inal book in terms of the morality aspect," says Frid. "But there's a lot more dance than is generally presented in such performances." In addition, FanFare wanted to ere- ate a different feel to this production after all w e've all seen this play a hun dred times. So they've added a sort of Greek Chorus element, composed of young street urchins. It gives them an opportunity to add a whole different dimension to the classic story. The dozen or so urchins are all local Oakville children, many of whom are having their first taste of acting. One of these is Nathaniel Arfin, an Oakville resident who plays the deliv ery boy whom Scrooge commissions to buy a turkey for the Cratchits. Nathaniel's sister, Gillian, played the role for two years before him. And Julian Frid, Dia's son, played the role for three years prior to that. In fact, the Oakville theme is strong in this production. The central prop is a lamp post which will look familiar to shoppers who have been downtown this festive season. The cast is professional including several perform ers from both the Stratford and Shaw Festivals. Michael MacLennan plays Scrooge, Karen Skidmore is Mrs. Dilbert as well as Mrs. Fezziwig, and Kyle Blair is Bob Cratchit. All three are Stratford alumni. Tiny Tim is played by 10-year-old Sarah Dort, a young Equity member from Burlington who is, says Frid, the tiniest Tim they've ever had. Many of these professionals love to perform in this seasonal favourite because it has such a wonderfully comfortable family feel, says Frid. In fact, there are 18 professional actors in the play, and producing such a show would not be possible finan cially without the support of local busi ness. Frid and Fleming invited local busi ness people onto the board of directors of FanFare from the very start. Each year, admits Frid with a smile, there's a small question about whether there will be another production the next. "It takes almost the whole year to put the funding in place for this show," she says. "Twelve days of rehearsals, six performances and a whole year to find the money to do it." And each year, she adds, terrific sponsors like Tim Hortons have come through with funds so that the show could go on. In fact, it's become a fam ily tradition for many Oakville resi dents. Mr. Scrooge is at the Oakville Centre for the Perform ing Arts, Thursday, Dec. 19, Sunday, Dec. 22 with matinees on Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $29.95 with a special package for a family of four for $101. Call the box office at 905-815-2021 for tickets. t j / j / 1// // . / { / / ) i / // fj/ / .(// ! / ; , / < / ( , / Sheridan students eye $ 10,000 prize in film competition Sheridan C ollege's Advanced Television and Film (ATVF) students have been literally burning the midnight oil to produce a film for a unique North American competition. A team of 12 students worked 48 hours straight since midnight Sunday to complete a short film for the Pioneer Electronics Extreme DVD Competition. The Pioneer Electronics Extreme DVD Competition is challenges college students from leading film schools across North America to create the ulti mate short movie using the latest digital technology in less than 48 hours. First prize in the contest is $10,000 grant for the winning school. "A contest like this is a great oppor tunity to showcase the creativity, ambi tion and talent of the students at Sheridan," said James Fletcher, a stu dent who is spearheading the project as producer. "We feel the post-graduate ATVF program has some of the best up and coming filmmakers out there, and we're excited to be able to step up to the chal lenge and try to win." The Pioneer competition invites stu dent directors from 10 film schools to take a scenario and produce an extreme DVD short, with extreme referring to the speed in which the DVD will be completed using the high-speed Pioneer DVR-A05 computer drive. Each school is required to finalize the script, recruit talent, identify locations, shoot scenes and edit the DVD all in a tight 48-hour window. Fletcher and his classmates plan on received a package from Pioneer on Sunday and began work at midnight. The package included a written premise for the students to follow. The premise is simple: Sam has recently graduated from university and is look ing for a job while still living at home with his parents. He goes to a bar with friends and the more he has to drink that night the more he lies. From that premise, the Sheridan team wrote a script and shot it at Monaghan's Sports Pub & Grill, on Marlborough Court across the street from the college. They used two aspiring actors from the ATVF program, one male and one female. The final product is about seven minutes long and will be shown in January at the Las Vegas Pioneer Technology Convention. "We have an advantage in that there is a real emphasis at Sheridan on using the latest technology to make our films. It's a chance for everyone working on the project to shine, and to show the film industry what we have to offer," ' said Fletcher. Now in its third year, Sheridan's ATVF program boasts students from across Canada and as far away as Texas, Singapore, Iran, Pakistan and India. The one-year postgraduate program uses the latest film industry technologies, from editing and visual effects software to High Definition cameras. There are currently 13 other short films being produced with help from the school, which will be showcased at Sheridan's annual Industry Night on April 24 in Oakville. O A K V I LLE T E N D E R FOR O NE (1) NEW A R T IC U LA T IN G A E R IA L DEVICE, C O M P L E T E W ITH A L U M IN U M C H IP B O D Y A S S E M B LY A N D C O N V E N T IO N A L C LA S S 8 C A B & C H A S S IS 36,000# GVW R TEN D E R N U M B E R : T -8-2002 i 4 / //M/J January 3-5, 2003 National Trade Centre E x h ib itio n P la c e , T o r o n to SHOW HOURS: Friday 5pm - 10pm Saturday lo a m - 9pm ; Sunday loam - 6pm FASHION SHOW TIMES: Friday 7:30pm; Saturday 2pm & 7pm; Sunday lp m & 4pm ADMISSION: $12.00 Im agine your ho n eym o o n in the South Pacific. You co u ld w in a trip for 2 to The Moorea Pearl Resort, c o u rte s y o f A ir Tahiti Nui and Pacesetter Travel SEALED TENDERS on forms provided will be received by the Town Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6 until 2:00 p.m., local tim e on TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2003 Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Town of Oakville Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6; Telephone 905-338-4197. Tenders will be opened publicly at a meeting of the Tender Opening Committee at the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 2:30 p.m. local tim e. The Town of Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. Purchasing Services, Finance Department T e n d e r a d v e rtis in g is m a d e a va ila b le th ro u g h th e fo llo w in g Tow n o f O a kville a p p ro v e d w e b s ite : h ttp ://w w w .v a x x in e .c o m /o p b a Don't m iss your chance to w in "The Bay Bridal Show er". The Bay w ill s h o w e r one lucky w in n e r w ith a prize package w o rth over 52,000 o f fabulous gifts from The Bay Gift Registry. th e ^ a y W EDDING | G IFT R EG IST R Y You co u ld w in the op p ortu n ity to have Amy Sky sing at yo u r w edding! Meet Mo Peterson of the Toronto Raptors on Saturday, January 4, 7-9pm 2 FOR 1 ADMISSION Produced by: ® For information or exhibitor opportunities, call 905-815-0017 or 1-800-265-3673. Visit our w ebsite at w w w .prem ierconsum ershow s.com NATIONAL BRIDAL SHOW EVENING HOURS This coupon is good for one complimentary admission with one paid admission. TWO admissions for the price of ONE Friday or Saturday EVENING ONLY ,\FTER 5 pm. BRING THIS COUPON TO THE EVENING OF YOUR CHOICE. Original coupons only accepted. Not valid with any other offer. No cash value. iThLs coupon is not valid for one half price admission) M etro NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING O ffic ia l P lan A m e n d m e n t, Z o n in g A m e n d m e n t A n d R e v is io n to D ra ft Plan o f S u b d iv is io n W e s to a k T ra ils B lvd a n d B ro n te R oad A P P LIC A N T : M A T T A M Y D E V E LO P M E N T (BR O N TE) L IM IT E D File: Z. 1429.03/24T -99013 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and Revision to Draft Plan of Subdivision as submitted by the above-noted applicant. This meeting will be hosted by Town Council at which time a staff report and recommendations will be presented. This meeting will take place on January 27, 2003, com m encing at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed application, describing the land to which the proposed application applies, and a key map showing the location of the land to which the proposed application applies can be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal(s) of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment, official plan amendment and draft plan of subdivision to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment, official plan amendment and draft plan of subdivision are approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal(s). If you wish to be advised of the pending approval of the changes to the draft plan of subdivision please contact Mr. Peter Cheatley, Planning Director at the address noted below. You may direct any written submissions and/or questions to David Nelson at the Town's Planning Services Departm ent, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext. 3039 email address: dnelson@town.oakville.on.ca. Location - The subject property is located on the east side of Bronte Road, north of Upper Middle Road. The proposals before the Town deal with the area of the current draft approved plan 24T99013 in the immediate area of Bronte Road and Westoak Trails Boulevard. S U B JE C T LANDS O A K V I LLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING A P P LIC A N T : 2011537 O n ta rio L im ite d (C a p o b ia n c o ) F iles: Z .1 41 0.1 6 a n d 2 4T -02 00 6/14 10 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning Amendment as submitted by the above-noted applicants. This meeting will be a public meeting hosted by Town Council at which time a Staff Report and recommendations will be considered. This meeting will take place on Monday, January 13, 2003 com m encing at 7:30 p.m. in the C ouncil Chambers, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. ^ Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to these matters are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed applications, describing the land to which the proposed applications apply, and a key map showing the location of the land to which the proposed applications apply can be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the intent to approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision, you must make a written request to Mr. Peter Cheatley, Planning Director, at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Any other questions may be addressed to Ms. Kathy Kakish, Planning Technician, Tel: 845-6601, Ext. 3264, email kkakish@town.oakville.on.ca. lj| | lk W EST OAK TRAILS BLVD. I U. i. · iv n . B kS Location - The subject site is located on the east side of Eighth Line. The municipal address is 2337 Eighth Line. O fficial Plan - Figure M2, Iroquois Ridge Community, North District, designates the subject land Residential Low Density 1 with a maximum density of 19 units per site hectare. Zoning - The site is zoned Agricultural - A. Dundas SI. E. (Regional Road 5) UPPER ~ r~ n -- " jE E H p r " M ID D LE - - ROAD WEST V. W'CvCi O fficial Plan - Figure Q, Land Use, West Oak Trails Community, designates the subject sites as Place of Worship, Neighbourhood Commercial Area, Medium Density Residential 2, Residential Policy Area " B" and Natural Area. Zoning - The subject sites are zoned C1- Local Shopping Area, P/E Public Use/Education, R8 - Mixed Dwellings, A- Agriculture. Proposal - Applications involving an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and revision to an approved draft plan of subdivision have been submitted. The proposal relates to the reorganization of commercial, and high-density blocks, which results in amendments to the Official Plan/Zoning By-law and revisions to the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision. The church block would be replaced by medium density uses. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting on January 27, 2003. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 18**"1day of December 2002. Bin Newell Manager Community Planning Section Planning Services Department f * SUBJECT LANDS 2337 Eighth Line Proposal - An application for a Zoning Amendment and related Draft Plan of Subdivision has been filed to rezone portions of the land to residential and create 21 detached dwelling lots. The zoning amendment would rezone the lands from A, Agricultural to R12 - Mixed Dwellings zone to permit construction of detached dwellings noted above. The draft plan of subdivision would create 21 detached dwelling lots. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting on January 13, 2003. A copy of the Staff Report pertaining to this matter will be available for review in the Clerk's Department as of January 6, 2003, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 18th day of December 2002. Bin Newell, MCIP, RPP Manager, Community Planning Section Planning Services Department 1225 T R A F A L G A R R O A D · OAKVILLE, O N TA R IO · L6J 5 A 6 (905) 845-6601 www.town.oakville.on.ca www.oakvillebeaver.com Look for more Town of Oakville information on Pages A7 and C4

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