Oakville Beaver, 27 Dec 2002, A 9

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The Oakville Beaver, Friday D ecem ber 27, 2002 - A 9 Boxing Week Blowout! X > Hurry S a le E n d s S u n d a y ! H / saM A b s o lu te ly E v e r y th in g In T h e S to re H a s B e e n M a r k e d D o w n To M o v e Fo r B o x in g W e e k ! ( ^ tia n lilio 1 only 1 only 1 only I only 1 only I only 1 only 1 only 2 only I only 2 only 2 o n iy C l e a r a n c e Ite m s Troditiond Sofa & Loveseot - Ibpestry Solid Ash Chevd Mtrror K t- g iiljr 3 2 <mv> BOXING WEEK BLOWOUT $ 1 ,9 9 9 .9 9 $ 4 9 9 .9 9 $ 4 ,9 9 9 .9 9 $ 1 ,1 9 9 .9 9 $ 8 9 9 .9 9 $ 4 ,9 9 9 .9 9 $ 3 9 9 .9 9 $ 7 9 9 .9 9 $ 1 ,4 9 9 .9 9 $ 1 ,5 9 9 .9 9 Do N o t M is s T h is A m a z in g S a le E v e n t! B o x in g W e e k O n ly , a n d O n ly a t L a -Z -B o y F u r n i t u r e G a lle rie s ® a t T h e B u rlin g to n P o w e r C e n tre ' Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver 3 Piece Solid C herry Entertainment Unit Contemporary Leather Chair - loupe Colonial Piaid Loveseat Sotd Maple Bedroom Suite Casual RoBed-Arm Chair-ond-a-ha# Solid Ash Double Dreiser W axed Leather Dreamtime Rediner Casual Queen Size Slumber-Air Sofa Bed M odem Redinmg Sofa & Loveseaf ·VbniBa w/co-ordinating chow Sofcd Cherry Qotbtng Center A "SPECTACULAR" SHOW: C ast m em bers of the variety show The Spectacular rehearse for the upcoming presentation a t the O akville C entre fo r the Perform ing A rts Dec. 28 and Dec. 29. The Spectacular is a presentation of the Seniors' C entres of O akville featuring age 50-plus perform ers of H alton Region an d su rro u n d in g areas. . S 7 + V .V 9 S I ,33*9? Twenty Oakville students visit Japan on exchange program Twenty students from St. M ildred'sLightboum School recently returned from two weeks in Japan as part o f a special external stud ies experience. The 20 Grade 10 students billeted with Japanese families from St. M ildred's sister school Osaka International Owada High School, attended classes and visited many historic and cultural sights. The girls were accompanied by vice prin cipal Dorothy Byers and teacher Martyn Smith. The highlight of the trip was the experience of "living Japanese." Each girl lived with a student and became a member o f the family for two weeks, experiencing different food, language, liv ing arrangements and life styles. The St. Mildred's students attended classes at Osaka International Owada High School, with topics including callig raphy, kimono wearing, tea ceremony, kendo, Japanese music, cooking, traditional art and English. Day trips included excursions to Nara and the temple o f the giant Buddha, Himeji Castle, Miyajima and its shrines, Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto, a traditional K aiseki-zen (meal) in kim onos and a very m oving experience at Hiroshima. This is the 11th year of the exchange program. The exchange will be completed when 24 students from Osaka International Owada High School come to Oakville and stay with St. Mildred's families in April, 2003. St. Mildred's-Lightboum School is an inde pendent day school providing education for 600 girls from Junior Kindergarten to University Entrance. $ 3 ,9 1 9 .9 9 $ 1 ,4 9 9 .9 9 M a n y O ther Clearance Item s Available In Store! Absolutely E veryth ing In The Store Has Been M a rk ed D ow n To M o ve For B oxing Week! So u d W o o d D in in g R o o m LLAV liSST P R L lilM GUARANTEED! LA-Z-BOY t i Sk ts A l l L a m p s , A r e a R u c js a n d A c c e s s o r ie s N O GST' A ll and N O GST' D C is c o n t in u e d O u r B ig g e s t F in a n c in g O ffer Ev e r ! 0 D o w n , 0 In t e r e s t , 0 P aym ents `t il C offee, End So fa T ables /F loor learance M e r c h a n d is e N O GST' 100 s of FINAL M ARKDOW N 2004!* M o d els I n S t o c k F o r I m m ed ia te D e l iv e r y ! B U R L IN G T O N P O W E R CEN TR E Q.E.W. & BRANT STREET Dosed Tues., Dec 24*, Dec 26*, lOam-tym, Friday, 9anv9pm, Sduriay 9am-6pm, Sunday lOam-tym, M onday9am -9pm ,T o e s . Dec 31st 9aTh3r30pm ,C lo se dWat Jan. 1/tt3 (905)331-7600 · Body Contouring - Liposculpture, Endermologie · Lightsheer Laser Hair Removal · Blepharoplasty · injectables - Botox, Restylane, Collagen, Artecoll · Microdermabrasion · Laser Resurfacing · Glycolic Peels · Photorejuvenation · Skin Care Products - Intaglio, Obagi · Sclerotherapy · Vein Clinic · Hair Transplants · Tattoo Removal LB SER REJUVENATION CLINICS D EC EM BER SPECIAL W rinkle Treatm ent O t t e r e x p ir e s D e c e m b e r 3 1 / 0 2 /·> £ rv / j L j / 0 OFF All In jecta b les (Botox, I Whine, Restylane, Artecoll and Collagen) C o m p lim e n ta ry C o n s u lta tio n Dr. Robert Knowlton, M.D., F.R.C.S., Plastic Surgeon; Dr. Arash Arani, B,Sc,, M.D., C.C.F.P. Oakville 435 Reynolds Street 905-842-8346 or 1-800-263-2499 Toronto Hazelton Lanes 416-923-0092 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -8 3 4 6 T DARE TO P OW ER W A L K IN G l U f T WALK A M ARATH O N . Yes, you can be part of the newest wave of marathoners! It's not run/walk, it's all w alk! / And it's fun! Sign up now for a winter session beginning in January. You'll enjoy our small groups with personal coaching from our knowledgeable, certified coaches who have a passion for walking. Short on time? Consider organizing a group from your office and a WoW coach will come to you before work or during lunch. For more information call 905 825 9389, email scott@wowcompany.net or visit us at www.wowcompany.net to see how much fun it can be to walk your way to excellence. It's a challenge that can change your life. A N Y T H I N G IS POSSIBLE M IS S IS S A U G A V E T E R IN A R Y EMERGENCY CLINIC ¥ H W Y.403 A re you prepared... for a sudden holiday pet emergency? / B URNHAM THO 1PE I 3 X O u r staff is ready to exten d em ergency care fo r y o u r p e t after hou rs and o v er th e holidays w hen y o u r regular V eterinary H ospital is closed. 3490 Mavis Road, Mississauga 11 DUNDAS £ l SS£------- 9 0 5 - 2 7 3 - 9 3 3 5 www.mvec.ca H oliday H o u rs Tuesday, December 24 Opens 12 noon Wednesday, Decem ber 25 - Sunday, Deceem ber 29 OPEN 24 HOURS Monday, December 30 Tuesday, December 3 1 Wednesday,January I Thursday, January 2 O u r regular hours year round are Opens 7pm-8am Re-Open at 12 noon Open 24 hours Regular hours resume Toronto Ear: E 9 ln « > iS > U ld (S o ij1 tie a s tC Q n w )*» 4 ^ m n ·lO T th · H a n 1 iltC llSSISSatTCJ? Dundas &H w y #403 {West of Winston QxmNH) 905-828-9755 v la r l S f ia n ' Hwy:»?SMctovwnRd.(Rigtt B e te l M<Donatfsl 9 0 H & S J 3 9 B a n i e 42 Caplm Ave. (MobanDr. 1 Hoy J40C! 705-733-3359 Monday to Thursday - 7pm to 8am Friday from 7pm through to Monday at 8am Holidays - 24 H ours 23 Kodak Crescent (S lK ^ a /d l A l l e n f t w f l4 K - Q 6 4 M * M iS S S S a U v ',.-. 600 MatHeson Blvd. W (HeartlandHmnCentre) 9 0 H 8 H M 6 M41 Upper James (Next to »ie Stick) 9 0 5 -1 * 8 8 7 9 B r a m p t O T 5*7 Steeles A n t (Oiion S ite MaK) 9 0 S 4 5 M 3 0 0 L o n d o n <3ffi Wellington a d S 519-68V S 28 V T . S V i- 350 West Hunt Club R d.6B -723.eS 5 tfhitbyThictaon Hoad tower Ctr, (401 S TWdoon Road) 905-720-9960 M ontreal4 B 0 Boul. Des Sources 514485-5662 Protect your pet from holiday hazards such as tinsel,turkey bones, Christm as lighting, Christm as tree decorations, and chocolate. Season's Greetings! lg promotion and/or advertised discounts on selected m erchandise. May require installation. Prior orders exempt Qffets cannot be combined Installed pricesrefer to basic installation on flat surfaces; mmimums and additional costs may apply. 7-day installation on in-stock carpet wood and/or e. Financing OAC . minimum purchase S899 Applicabletaxes andS«S processing fee due st time of purchase. Fmanced amount due January 1,200*. Limited time offer. Customorders require m1 ' " * * details. 25% deposit See storelor STORE HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9-9; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 B O X IN G D A Y H O U R S: 9 A M -6 P M %

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