Oakville Beaver, 27 Dec 2002, Sports, B 8

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B8 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday D ecem ber 27, 2002 Biggest League in the GTA! Family N ew Year's Eve · Season starts April 30th · 12 Games · Monday, Wed., Friday, Sat. & Sun. ·$1999 Team Entry, $210.28 Individual HOCKEY 5 o n 5 3 o n 3 YOUTH SUMMER PRIME TIME GAMES Sells Out Fast! CAKLAM IC E NO LONG WEEKENDS · Season starts May 5th ·1 6 Games Mondays Only · $219.63 per player R E G IS T E R N O W 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .6 9 8 9 We Ship Anything, Anywhere. ~ k Kids' j Countdown ' Seating @ 5 & 7 pm II Dorval D o rv a l a & QEW Town Centre a (SOB) 8 4 4 - 8 7 0 3 Editor: Norm Nelson Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 255) Fax: 905-337-5567 email: nnelson@haltonsearch.com I :l < 1 1 >AY. 1 )!;( 1 ; \ l l ' .I .1 { 2 7 . 2( H )2 · 1J. I '-S SPORTS I Look for your ' Waste Management F Calendar to be delivered to your Mailbox mid-January 2003 R 4 K /H 4 IL HOLIDAY HELPERS We WRAP Your GIFTS, PACK them, BOX them, & SHIP them ANYWHERE. 233 Cross Ave. Glen Abbey Golf Club introduces new golf fitness program The ClubLink Teaching Academy at Glen Abbey G olf Club is incorporating the `S tro lf' golf-fitness program as part o f its 2003 w inter instruction program. The professional trainers with Strolf, a world leader in sports-performance enhancement and golfspecific training programs, will offer their services and expertise as a part of the ClubLink Academy's winter instruction program which begins January 2. "Tiger Woods and Annika Sorenstam have proven that to play your best golf and protect your body from injury, you must increase your fitness," said Tom Jackson, director of the ClubLink Academy at Glen Abbey. "The Strolf professionals are way ahead in terms of providing fitness training and conditioning specifi cally geared to helping golfers, and they know golf," Jackson said. "The combination of ClubLink Academy's esteemed instructors and S trolf s golf-specific train ing program provides golfers with a tremendous opportunity to take their game to the next level over the winter." The ClubLink Academy and Strolf programs will ^ A P artn e rsh ip That W orks! Due to Christina Friday Garbage and Blue Box Collection will be picked up on Saturday, December 28, 2002 Blue Box Materials Blue Box 1 Glass Bottles and Jars Metal Food and Beverage Containers Aluminum Foil Polystyrene Plastic Bottles Blue Box 2 * Corrugated Cardboard Fine Paper Boxboard Newspapers Due to New Year's Day Friday Garbage and Blue Box Collection will be picked up on Saturday, January 4, 2003. D o NOT mix your Blue Box I and Blue Box 2 materials * Place the items listed in a separate BLUE BOX ot in a BLUE BAG or BUNDtED and tied in a suitable sized containef. Do NOT Recycle Metallic W rapping Paper, Lightbulbs, Aerosol Cans W axed Cardboard Tubes, Egg Cartons, Take-out Containers, W axed Containers Be a Part of Halton Region's Official Plan Review Halton R egion is seeking input from the public on its Official Plan. W e will be hosting a series of w orkshops throughout the Region, and w e look forw ard to hearing your ideas on the future of Halton. film 's one last thins to unwrap. B e fo r e y o u p la c e y o u r tr e e a t th e c u r b , m a k e s u r e it is r e a d y to b e r e c y c le d . P le a s e r e m o v e d e c o r a tio n s , b a g s a n d w ir e s , a n d p la c e y o u r tr e e a t th e c u r b b e fo r e 7 :0 0 a m o f y o u r c o lle c tio n d a y (s a m e d a y a s y o u r b lu e b o x c o lle c tio n ). .m s m 5 U What is the Official Plan? E very m unicipality in O ntario is required to develo p an Official Plan w hich outlines a com m unity's vision for its future and guides decisions on developm ent, transportation, environm ental protection, and m ore. H alton R egion's Official P lan is now u nder review . T his is an opportunity for residents and businesses to play an im portant part in ensuring H alton R egion continues to be a g reat place to live, w ork and play. W h a t is im portant to you ab o u t H alton R egion? H ow should w e address the challenges our R egion is facing? Your participation is vital. P le a s e register for a w orkshop or visit our w ebsite to learn m ore abou t the Official Plan R eview . w w w .re g io n .h a lto n .o n .c a /o ffic ia lp la n Try our new electronic com m ent form! 1 9 2 6 m U P B ssa 6 January- 2003 X 2 9 8 2 6 T2 *9 *4 20 i 2 2 2 8 *3 16 -J c . 2ft 20 u 23 *7 " 28 30 j 3 2 Christmas tree collection dates: Oakville 'T u e s d a y 'F r id a y A Tuesday 'F r id a y B A ': B ': ' : J a n u a r y 7 a n d J a n u a r y 21 J a n u a ry 10 ' : J a n u a ry 14 J a n u a ry 17 A, Official Plan Review Event Schedule Ja n u a r W ednesday, J a n u a r y 1 5 ,h 2 0 0 3 T ran sp o rtatio n W o rk sh o p 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m Halton Region Museum (Kelso Conservation Area) Kelso Road 28, Milton. W ednesday, J a n u a r y 2 2 nd 2 0 0 3 G ree n la n d s W o rk sh o p 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m Milton Lions Hall, Milton Memorial Arena 77 Thompson Road, south of Main Street Milton. S a tu rd a y , J a n u a r y 2 5 ,h 2 0 0 3 R ural/A g ricu ltu ral W o rksh o p N assagaw eya Community Centre Cameron Drive, Brookville, Milton H alton R egion - W aste C ollection Tips F or The H olidays W aste Collection service will continue uninterrupted throughout the holiday season. Following these tips will help ensure collection proceeds smoothly: · · R em ove all decorations, bags, etc. from your Christm as tree and set it out by 7:00 am on your designated tree collection day. Bundle old cardboard boxes and place next to your blue box or in a separate blue box or blue bag. And, in order to reduce w aste this holiday season: · · S ave reusable wrapping paper, bows etc for next year. C hoose reusable plates and cups for your holiday party instead of disposables. R em em b er to recycle bottles and cans. Halton Regional Chairman Call us or visit our website at www.region.halton.on.ca/ofRcialplan to download a copy of the Directions Report: The G re e nin g o f H a lto n -S m a rt G row th. S m a rt C hoices a n d o th e r te ch n ica l p ap e rs. These documents are a starting point for a public dialogue about the important issues in our community. For more information contact Isabel Telford at EXT. 7 1 9 5 /telfordi@ region.halton.on.ca 1151 B ronte R o a d, O a kv ille , ON L 6 M 3L1 9 0 5 - 8 2 5 - 6 0 0 0 Toll free: 1 - 8 6 6 - 4 H A L T 0 N ( 1 - 8 6 6 - 4 4 2 - 5 8 6 6 ) T T Y 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -9 8 3 3 or visit u s at: w w w .r e g i o n .h a lt o n .o n .c a O " $1-million, 11,000-sq.-foot ClubLink Academy which opened this past June at Glen Abbey. The teaching facility features state-of-the-art instruction tech nology and teach ing aids, including a V-l Video Studio. Available at five other loca tions in the Greater Toronto Area, Strolf enhances perform ance through a unique stretching, strengthening and conditioning pro gram that has helped profession al golfers, elite amateurs and weekend golfers make the improve ments they have been striving for. "We've had tremendous suc cess helping golfers improve their games and their quality of life through our cus tom-designed golfspecific training programs," said Isaac Levy, the body biomechan ics specialist who developed the Strolf program. "Our Strolf professionals also help golfers to overcome injuries and pain, and to increase their fit ness to prevent injuries." For more infor mation on the ClubLink Academy/Strolf Winter Program at Glen Abbey, please call (905) 841-1902, or call Strolf at (416) 782-9911. You can also visit www.clublink.ca or www.strolf.com. ClubLink is Canada's largest owner, operator and developer of high quality Member Golf Clubs, Daily Fee Golf Clubs and Resorts that fea ture golf as their key amenity. 1 '« * · ! ***** mere's a whole new world out there. discover it today. WWW.Q a d ivision o f H abtonSearch.com illebeaver. com connecting you to your co m m u n ity

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