·.__~~ ~ __--------------~.~------.~--------------------~~----~~~-r~------- Bronte Bugle BRANCH 486, ROYAL CANADIAN VOL. 1 JUNE, 1968 LEGION No.4 Two-way Presentation Made/ The presentation of three dillamed pictures was made tQ', our hranch at the May general meet- ing. ' The pictures, a gdft firOlll1 Oakv1He branch 11:4were the Poppy, the Legion Torch and the Leg~oll Crest, for use at our genera! meetings and initiation ceremonies. The presentation was made to .President All' GreenWood by Oakville President iDalVeMeikle, Who said "[ hope ~f.i, emblems wi'll be displayed oil ihe head table in a prominent ~~ce at all general meetings of the branch." "The emblems are a, gift from the senior branch to the junior branch" President lMeikleconcluded amidst Iaughter. iPresident Al Greenwood accepting the gid't on belhaJJf oIf the branch remarked "being only the junior branch as Dave put it, we have in "our possession the origln- aleharter of the Oakville branch of the the Great iWar Veterans Association of Canada,1Jhe !f()rmer name of the Canadian Legion, ~ bearing the signatures of the' first president Canon iH.F. !D. Woodcock, James Purdie, secretary C. J. lMaciNeiIl:,Dominion Command secretary; and iW'. G.' Piercey, Dominion Command president, dated Apr.i1 10, J.91.9. The charter was d'ound at the home of IMrs. Margret IEdrwa;rds,·' of Port Credit and ,turned over to our ohief steward John Salter. ' Ai Greenwood and Ji(jhn Salter presented the, charter ,to Oakvilllepresident Dave Meikle and Zone Commander BiUiShields, a member of the Oakvil!le branch. Accepting the charter president lMeikle .said "i! will d.useruct my secretary to halVe tit displayed in' a prominent place in our branch". PR~SENTATION OF EMBLEMS ll4 president Dave Meikle, 486 president Al Greenwood ,,- SPORTS BEAT . Golf Tournament At Lido On June Fifteenth I hope you have been swinging those gdlif dUlbs, and are a1l ready for our annual Golf Tournament. The date of thisevent has been changed to June a.5t1h, 'at the Lido course, don't ibe Ifr~ghtened just-because you're a great dufIer, you have seen some of the scores Iast year, it looked iLike the national debt. Who ,knows you might win thehlgh score. So please ;get your names dawn and havea good days outing. "Gee and I don't play the '9.ame too well", was ,tJhe words from , Eric 'Burgoyne as he walked oM rwitlhthe Euchre tournament, held at the dUb dast month. Jack Hardiman was a very close second with one point behind Emc. Jaok had a 10ne hand mthe last game but alas he didn't caIJ. it. (chilClken) AlOOutthe smtballl, team boys, -I President's Message , ' By AL GREENWOOD l~[' , III * * * Jets not think albout it anymore, let's do something about it now. On this' day there will 'be a 'Picnic held in the morning for or we wiLl be :into next season. branch members and their families, followed hy a couples getI have about four or five names together at 8 o'clock in the evening. We hope to put on a show. already but would iliike more. I · Al:l we ask is If or you to 'bring one veteran and his wJ.fe, who lis wil!l have a Iist up ontihe !board not arnember of a Legion. 00 get your names down. ! have 'a challenge game set already. Last meetings turnout was another disappointment, however, it There [s only one way to get Ife11 during the Stanley Cup games, Hockey is over now so let us to dlirst base at anything, and have a, 100 per cent turnout at the coming meeting. that is to go to bat Ifor it. This might not he a sports offfi.ce~STemark, hut as a Legion offker and branch member let's' go to bat d'Q[' our branch, we are ' a good branch, but [et us try to make it ,the best. Blues, Blues, 'Blues aJ1Jl the way this season lR. Griffin and company took all the dart ~eague honours. E. Burgoyne "!E~eiptionale" with a 174. BILL GILMOUR Sports officer , 'V-E~Day has passed, so has D~Day, we mourn the passing of the .thousands of liVes that were sacrificed before and during 1Ihese memorable dates. iHowev;erthis branch would like on Saturday, J'une 29, 1968 to pay homage to the veterans in our midst. Therefore it has been passed at our general meeting we set aside this date as Veterans Day. * * * Picnic Set For June '29 'At 'Ukrainian Camp * * * The 'picnic is all set for Saturday J'une 29th. Anybody needling a, pdesbould contact the Mil. The remainder shouOd make their own way to Ithe Ukrainian ICamrpon the north side of !No. 5 lHighway, between 3rd and 4th !Line. We wIill meet there at 10 a.m. Charlie Winn informs us that the ;big ,. holdup ;is getting the names and quantity of children rWho will be going. So if you haven't got your's in do d.t right away.