Oakville Beaver, 14 Mar 2001, A 7

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Wednesday March 14,2001 . THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A7 COMMENT Give the shiv to stilettos Retro is alive and well. Vintage cloth ing is heating up eBay, banana seats are back on kids' bikes, flared pants are common as mud, even Carole Pope is back on stage, perish the thought. Other than A-line dresses and (ye gods!)halter tops, all of this retro stuff is okay by me. I love it, in fact. But I have to say I'm putting my foot down - both feet in fact - on what fash ion designers are insisting women walk around in this spring. Girls heed this warning: the stiletto heel is back. And so, too, will be sore ankles, numbed toes, aching calves and the charming prospect of falling flat on our dainty faces after catching a heel in the grate trying to run to catch a bus. Visions of Audrey Hepburn? Don't you just wish? What fun. And all in the name of fashion. High and mighty, these denizens of fashion call it. Sure. We're all high and mighty looking at them in the window. But walk in them? You must be crazy. But what the stiletto heel has to offer is more than the awkward feeling of falling forward constantly, propelled for ward like a rag doll, perched atop a thin wedge of nothingness, and a few thin straps to hold it all together. It has far more to offer than what it does, for heaven's sake. The stiletto heel, so they say, is sexy. Indeed. And we all know just how that magical word works on us desper ately-seeking- sexy types. But it wears off after an hour schlepping through the city, canying mounds of paper you can't stuff into your briefcase because that would mean cleaning it out and you haven't had time to clean your car, your house, your dog, much less anything else. "The wind whips your dainty dress up over your shoulders, the hair we don't even want to talk aboufand we're doing it all perched, precariously, on the stilet to heel. A vision of loveliness! I can't somehow believe we're all expected to wear these blasted things again. Still, sexy sells. So does thin. So does anything that promises us chumps to do both - make us look thin and sexy. Buy 14 pairs of them. Go on. Shell it out. Right now. Don't even think about it. If Calista has them, so must we. But really and truly, haven't we got ten past all of this nonsense? Where, pray tell, is comfort in all of this? How are we to get to do anything in these things? A recent fashion page had all these dainty feet ensconced in these heels, tiny feet pedicured to death, crammed into a few thousand dollars worth of silliness. There was a cherry and pink slingback that I have to say wasn't too awful (priced for all us working girls at $429), a horrid little sequined Gucci sandal (at $ 1,465-more than the price of any and all my shoes, sandals, boots and my trea sured Doc Martens, I'll have you know), a spiked heel little number for $200 (quick-buy up the store) and finally, the worst of the lot, a dreadful pair by Chanel. Let me describe this little number that will sell this spring for an astonishing $1,195: it's black and white, with a chunky spiked heel and a ghastly sheen to the whole thing. But the absolute worst part of it all is the tacky CHANEL emblazoned on the sides of the wide sole. Horrid creatures. And we are expect ed to cram our not so dainty feet into these little numbers? I don't think so. I`m not ready to shell out $1,200 for the dubious pleasure of torturing my toes. Fly to Paris? In a shot. But for a pair of god-awful stiletto heels? Nah. But perhaps, you may say I am being too harsh on the high and mighty stiletto heel. It's just fashion, after all. And speaking of fashion and Carole Pope in the same breath, didn't she do a number way back when about fashion, vowing never to be the hated victim of fashion? Well, sure. And look at her these days. Maybe, though, it's not the style that bugs me so much. Maybe it's the ratio nale given for the return of the stiletto: we're confident enough now to want them, so the experts say. Someone actu ally said that with the diversity of women's careers, women can take own ership of heels again since they don't have any bearing on ability. In other words, it's not just your dumb blonde who can wear them today. Egads! Wearing the silly stiletto to look sexy is one thing. But "taking own ership of our heels?" Funny, that. Sounds like we've been given per mission. Not, of course, to have control over our own bodies or get our finances in order or do anything practical that makes sense, god forbid. But we are get ting permission to wear stiletto heels. We should all fall down on our knees and be grateful to the fashion industry for showing us the way, once again, to a better, more fulfilling life. Perched atop the stiletto heel, we will be thin, rich, and beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you. G> O A K V IL L E NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING (revised notice) Applicant: The Business Computer Network Inc. Owner: Anderson/Pearson Fite: Z. 1431.05 C o u n c il & S t a n d in g 845-6601 C o m m it t e e M e e t in g s Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Temporary Use Zoning Amendment and Official Plan Amendment This Public Meeting will be hosted by Town Council at which time the Staff Report and recommendation will be considered. This public meeting will take place on Monday, April 9,2001, commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hail, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend these meetings and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed application, describing the lands to which the proposed application applies, and a key map showing the location of the lands to which the proposed application applies can be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed Zoning and Official Plan Amendments to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed Zoning and Official Plan Amendment are approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. Location: The subject lands are located on D UN DAS S T R E E T W E S T the west side of Bronte Road, South of Region Road 5 (Dundas Street) and is known as 2460 Bronte Road. The land is legally described as Part of Lot 31, Concession 1 South of Dundas Street Official Plan: Figure B of the Town of Oakville Official Plan designates the land as Palermo part of the Palermo Major Transit Node, Park Special Study Area. Zoning: The land is zoned A, Agricultural. oposal: Application involving a Zoning Amendment has been submitted. The proposed Temporary Use Zoning Amendment would allow the property to be used for commercial uses for a period of three years. The applicant proposes to continue to use the existing dwelling for offices for a computer business. In 1997, the applicant received approval for a Temporary Use Zoning Amendment to the same use, however the By-law lapsed, hence this re-application. An Official Plan Amendment is also involved which would allow interim uses of a commercial nature to continue until such time that Special Study is completed for the Palermo Major Transit Node. Any questions or concerns may be addressed to: Planning Services Department · Town of Oakville P.O. Box 310,1225 Trafalgar Road · Oakville, ON L6J 5A6 Attention: Leigh Musson, Planning Technician Telephone: 845-6601, extension 3371 · E-mail: lmusson@town.oakville.on.ca A copy of the final staff report including the proposed zoning amendment will be available for review in the Clerk's Department as on Monday, April 2,2001 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modification at the Public Hearing on April 9,2001. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 14th day of March, 2001. John Ghent Manager, Current Planning Section, Planning Services Department NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment Draft Plan of Subdivision APPLICANTSMarek Z.1408.04 and 24T-99012 Herak Z. 1409.06 and 24T-99011 Cauduro/Baron Z. 1409.08 and 24T-00011 Grygiencza/Zuk Z. 1409.07 and 24T-00002 Valery Construction Z.1410.10 and 24T-00001 m ittee Planning & Development Council Community Services Com 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Council Chambers Administrative Services Com m . 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Bronte Room Monday, April 2,2001 Monday, April9,2001 Monday, March 19,2001 Tiiesday, March 20,2001 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. C ouncil & C ommittee T ouchtone P hone L ine 815-5959 PU B L IC IN F O R M A T IO N M E E T IN G W aste Processing a n d W aste T ransfer Stations Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:30p.m. Regional Building (North Auditorium*) 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville A public meeting is being held by the Town of Oakville at the Regional Administrative offices (see address above) regarding matters pertaining to Waste Processing and Waste Transfer Stations. Discussions on the definition of waste, including hazardous waste and waste of a nuclear origin will also be involved. There will be an opportunity for members of the public to express their views on this matter at the meeting. For further information on the meeting, please contact Ramona Boddington, Planner, Long Range Planning Section, Planning Services Department Town of Oakville, at 905- 845-6601 extension 3032. Enter building from the north. x Town of Oakville Munn's Creek Culvert Engineering Study Class Environmental Assessment N o t ic e o f S e c o n d P u b l ic M e e t in g The Town of Oakville is continuing its Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study tc define and recommend a preferred alternative to improve the structural and hydraulic needs of the Munn's Creek Culvert The Second Public Meeting is intended to review the alternatives considered and present the preliminary preferred altemative(s). As part of the public consultation program for this study the second Public Meeting will be held on: Date: Location: Thursday, March 22, 2001 Town of Oakville Municipal Office (Town Hall) 1225 Trafalgar Road (at White Oaks Boulevard) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Presentation at 7:00 p.m.) Time: Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss the proposed Official Plan Amendments, Zoning Amendments and Subdivision applications, as submitted by the above-noted applicants. This meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Depart ment at which time details of the applications will be presented and public concerns noted. This meeting will take place on March 29, 2001 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Trafalgar Room, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to these matters are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed applications, describing the land to which the proposed applications apply, and a key map showing the location of the lands to which the proposed applications apply can be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendments, official plan amendments or subdivisions to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment or subdivision is approved or the official plan amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. Should Council recommend draft approval of the subdivision plans, they will then be forwarded to Edward Salisbury, Director of Planning Services Department, at the address below. If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed official plan amendments, you must make a written request to Edward Salisbury, Director of Planning Services at the address below. Any other written submissions and or questions may be directed to the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext 3039, email address: dnelson @town.oakville.on.ca,. Location - The subject properties are located or the south side of Dundas Street East between Eighth line and a point approximately 260 metres east of the Original Garden Centre, which is the western limit of the draft approved plan by Bayshire Investments. The majority of the properties extend south to the former hydro right-of-way. Official Plan - Figure M2, Iroquois Ridge Community, North District, provides for a number of land use designations for the subject lands. These include: Residential Low Density with a maximum density of 19 units per site hectare; Medium Density Residential with a maximum density of 35 units per site hectare; Residential Special with a maximum density of 12 units per site hectare; Place of Worship; Neighbour hood Commercial; Convenience Commercial Centre;Natural Area; Parkland; Open Space/Utility Corridor, Berm/Buffer; and, Cycleway/Walkway. Zoning - The site is zoned A, Agricultural. Proposal - The applicants have submitted applications for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning Amendments and Draft Plans of Subdivision. The combined effect of the draft plans would be to permit development of the lands for 793 detached dwelling, 78 semi-detached dwellings and 145 multiple attached dwellings. The Official Plan Amendments would provide for a Low Density Residential 2 land use in the Iroquois Ridge Community, North District as such a category does not exist for this community. It would also provide for a Separate Elementary School site south of Northridge Trail, east of Eighth line. The park shown at Eighth line and Northridge Trail would be relocated approximately 200 m to the east. The Convenience Commercial Centre at Northridge Trail and the collector running into the Bayshire lands would be deleted and replaced by a convenience commercial site at Eighth Line and a proposed street opposite Woodbridge Way north of the church. The zoning amendments would rezone the subject lands from A, Agricultural to various Residential, Commercial, Open space and Public Use/Education zones to implement the draft plans of subdivision. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 14th day of March 2001. John Ghent, Manager, Current Planning Section, Planning Services Department The purpose of the Public Meeting is to provide details and solicit comments on the alternatives. The meeting will include a formal presentation by the Town's consultants, CH2M HILL Canada Limited (formerly CH2M Gore & Storrie Ltd.) followed by a question and answer period. Comments received at this Public Meeting will be considered in the assessment of alternatives and selection of the final recommended altemative(s). Your input is important in the assessment process, so please plan to attend. If you have any questions regarding the study or Public Meeting please contact either of die following individuals: Darnell L. Lambert C.E.T., Laurie Boyce, B.Sc., M.A. Town of Oakville CH2M HILL Canada Limited P.O. Box 310 255 Consumbers Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Toronto, Ontario M2J 5B6 Phone: (905) 845-6601, ext 3338 Phone: (416) 499-0090, ext 300 Fax: (905) 338-4159 Fax: (416)499-4687 Email: lboyce@ch2m.com Email: dlambert@town.oakville.on.ca Thank you for your participation in this study. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING File: Employment Lands Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment prepared by the Town Of Oakville. It will be a public meeting hosted by Town Council at which time the Staff Report and recommen dation will be considered. This meeting will take place on April 9,2001 commencing a t 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposal, describing the land to which the proposal applies, and a key map showing the location of the land to which the proposal applies can be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment or official plan amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved or the official plan amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed official plan amendment, you must make a written request to the undersigned at the Town's Planning Services Department Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310,1225 Trafalgar Road. Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext3025, kough@town.oakville.on.ca. P r o p o s e d In d u s tria l Z o n in g A r e a s Any other questions or concerns may also be addressed to the above-mentioned location. A copy of the Staff Report pertaining to this matter will be available for review in the Clerk's Department on April 2, 2001, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Location - The lands affected are all lands in Employment Districts and the Midtown Core in the Town of Oakville as shown on the attached map. Official Plan - The Official Plan is being modified to replace the industrial policies with new employment policies and replace the Secondary Plans for the Industrial Districts with new generalized Secondary plans called Employment District Plans. Zoning - The industrial zones Ml through M7, and some Parkway Belt zones. PB, PBA and PBR are being re-zoned to the new employment lands zoning categories of El, E2 and Tl. Some parcels of land will retain their arterial commercial zoning, C3A, and some lands will be changed to C3A orC3R (Commercial-Residential) zoning. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting on April 9,2001. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 14th day of March, 2001. Lynne Gough, Manager, Long Range Planning Section, Planning Services Department 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, O N TAR IO · L6J 5A6

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