Oakville Beaver, 21 Mar 2001, B04

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 21, 2001 Be careful if drinking well water The Halton Region Planning and Public Works Department maintains and regularly tests the municipal water supplies. However, private wells in rural areas (north o f Dundas Street) are the responsibility of homeowners. This article will help the rural homeowners understand a little more about well contam ination, testing, maintenance, and construction. Drinking contaminated water can pose serious health risks. The effects HEALTH NOTES of drinking contaminated water can range from no symptoms to severe ill ness or even death. Well contam ination may be the result of bacteria, nitrate, and other chemicals entering your well's water (BridalShozvcase Monday April 9, 2001 7:00 p.m. FREE ADMISSION FEATURES: Fashion Show * Special Displays * Gift Bag for Every Bride * For your free invitation please call: Lillian 337-1955 Brought to you by supply. For these reasons, it is very important to main tain the well and regularly test your water supply. Testing your well water at least twice a year for bac teria, in the spring and fall, is one of the best ways to protect you and your family. Water testing is free, but you need to use a special bottle available from the Health Department to take a sample. O nce you drop your water sample off, the Health Department sends the sam ple to the M inistry o f Health and Long Term Care laboratory in Hamilton for bacteria testing. Results from the test will tell you if your water is safe to drink, or if there are problems. If a water test finds bacteria in a sample, the well water is unsafe to drink until the problem is fixed. Until then, use a dif ferent drinking water sup ply. By boiling water (rolling boil for at least one minute) and placing it in the refrig erator, the well water can be made safe to drink. The Health Department does not normally test well w ater sam ples for sub stances other than bacteria. However, public health inspectors will be pleased to advise you about other tests that may be done in relation to a specific health issue. W here you choose to build (dig) your well is also very important. The quality and safety of your well's water depends greatly on its location and construction. M ake sure your well is at a safe dis tance from any source of contamination such as sep tic systems, barnyards and roads. Public Health Inspectors and licensed well contrac tors can help you determine the best distance to place your well from sources of contamination -- this varies for dug and drilled wells. Providing you and your family with a safe water supply is very important. However, there are many responsibilities in owning a private well. The Health D epartm ent can provide you with: The locations nearest you to pick-up and drop-off water sample bottles. Advice on how to interpret test results. Instructions on how and when to chlorinate your well. A list of licensed well contractors who work in Halton. For a detailed pamphlet with inform ation about m aintaining your private well, call the Halton Region Health Department at 905825-6060 Ext. 7632, TTY 905-827-9833. Visit our website at www.region.halton.on.ca/health. H ealth N otes is p re pared by staff o f the Halton Region Health Department. Ross Saunders, a member of the Bronte Bunch and Bruce Trail Association, is shown here on one of his hik ing trips. He is launching Hikers for Health. Hiker hopes others will follow his example Ross Saunders was told to walk every day. That was five years ago. Since then, he's walked 110 miles across England, coast to coast, in nine days. H e's also hiked through Scotland and Bulgaria. He had quit smoking and drinking, and has lost 25 pounds. The slimmed down 66year-old, who suffers from a variety of medical condi tions including asthma, angina, arthritis and some em otional problem s, says he's never felt so good. "Six and a half years ago I smoked, abused alcohol, was overweight, and felt lethargic," says Saunders, a m em ber o f the Bronte Bunch who wants to start a new day time walking group, Hikers for Health. "I quit smoking, stopped drinking and started a pro gram of recovery. "The doctor told me to walk a little every day. I started at two kilometres a day and worked up to 10 to 15 kilometres a day in a very short period of time." Tired of walking along sidew alks, he joined the Bruce Trail A ssociation, and discovered a network of trails in the Oakville and Burlington areas, and the section o f the Bruce Trail which runs through Halton Region. ^ "It first I was `huffing and puffing' and stumbling around and getting very frustrated, however it was good for my cardiovascular system." Saunders admits to being a "very addictive person" who has traded in his ciga rettes and alcohol for walk ing and hiking. He tries to eat healthy, but doesn't always, he admits. "I tend to not do anything or do things to an extreme. For two yeare I walked and hiked every opportunity I had. Low and behold, I was getting better and feeling better. I got `hooked on health.' The doctor was ecstatic." He lost 10 pounds, his vital signs were good, and he felt ready to conquer the world. Then he heard about a hiking organization in the U nited Kingdom that appealed to him. "Off I went to walk and hike the hills and dales of Scotland and England. It was not only great, but I was controlling my medical conditions. I felt rejuvenated, became a positive person again. Except for the odd ache and pain from `over doing it,' I felt fit." He returned to hike 110 miles across England. "I cannot put into worlds the feeling of accomplish ment." For Saunders, it was a positive life changing expe rience. For him, it was a matter of survival. "It would have been easy for me to give up and worry about my ailments and feel sorry for myself. "If I had continued my life as it was six years ago, either my heart condition, smoking or drinking surely would have contributed to my demise." Today, "I'm doing things at 66 that I couldn't do at 40." Saunders would like to meet with others who have m edical conditions, and woould like to walk and chat a few times a week. If interested in Hikers for Health, call Ross Saunders at 905-631-9727, or em ail him at hikerross@ home.com ELC O M E AGON ltd . S in c e 1930 WWW.WELCOMEWAGON.CA Le Dome Banquet Hall N O W OPEN! K ITC H E N S « BEDROOM S * BATHROOM S * W ALL UNITS Custom Designs, Custom Finishes, Top Quality Cabinetry, Competitively Priced, Free In-Home Service, Lifetime Warranty < Ifie Mcmcfester firms GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION Wed., March 21 to Wed., March 28 4150 South Service Rd. Burlington w QEW 632-0029 JS > -1 © 1 CL I < image .abinet o n cep ts Receive 25% O ff \b u r total food bill! (Taxes Still Apply) JO IN U S ! 2371 Lakeshore Road W. 905-825-4275 Choose from a vast selection of retractable patio & window awnings - door & window canopies - offset patio umbrellas & shade screens & more.Colours, sizes & options to suit - Complete 5 year warranty included. Free A t H o m e Estim ate o r V isit O u r N e w Location: 4 1 6 3 H a rv e s te r R oad, U nit # 1 0 , Burlington JANS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CM (*B lk' S l W ' « ST A F am ily Business Since 1966 HERE IS JU ST A SAMPLE: Special Selection! LININGS 115cm wide. Assorted colours. Our Reg. 3.98 m Now 1.44 m Special Selection! INTERFACINGS Assorted varieties, sew in and fusible. From 1.99 m Special Selection! POLYESTER SOLIDS 100-150 cm wide, 100% polyester. Assorted colours. Our Reg. 4.98 m Now 2.44 m Special Selection! UNEN-LOOK SOLIDS 150cm wide, polyester/viscose. Assorted colours to choose from. Our Reg. 11.98 m Now 4.99 m Special Selection! S-T-R-E-T-C-H TWILL ENDS 115-140cm wide. Choose from assorted textures and colours. Our Reg. 9.98 m Now 4.99 m Special Selection! DESIGNER PRINTS 125-140cm wide. Imported from Europe, individually content labelled. Our Reg. 14 98 m Now 4.99 m Special Selection! DENIM 150cm wide. Classic colours, with a built in mechanical s-t-r-e-t-c-h, available in blues, black & grey. Our Reg. 14.98 m Now 4.99 m N o tio n s S u p e r S p o e l a h - B lo w o u t P r ic e d ! Special Purchase! SEWING ACCESSORIES Selection varies per store. Only 99« ea. Special Selection! Cheep! F a b r it · Awnings · Sunrooms · Aluminum Railing Northstar Windows & Doors · Enclosures · Rollshutters ( 905 ) 335-3733 Free assessments at DEIPP Clinic Parents, do you have concerns regarding your c h ild 's hearing, speech, behav iour or develop ment? Is your child under the age of five years? A free D e v e lo p m e n ta l E a r l y Identification Prevention Program DEIPP consul tation clinic is being offered on Tuesday April 3 at the Oakville Parent-Child Centre at 1500 Sixth Line, from 9 to l l a.m. Consultations are provided on a first com e, first serve basis - arrive early to register. F or more information, call the centre at 905-849-6366. ----------------------------------- LEARN CPR FOR $ 16 .06!----------------------------------(O a kville ) - M a rch 16th, 20 0 1 , by J e n n y C la rk e , O a k v ille C h a p te r If so m e o n e c o lla p s e d in fro n t o f you, w o u ld you k n o w w h a t to d o ? If th e a n sw e r is "N o " th e n you s h o u ld a tte n d th e C P R "B litz " 2001 tra in in g c o u rs e o n S aturday, M a rch 3 ls t a t 8 .3 0 a m . O rg a n iz e d by th e O a k ville C h a p te r o f th e H e a rt a n d S tro ke F o u n d a tio n o f O n ta rio , th e C P R "B litz" 2001 w ill b e he ld a t S t Ig n a tiu s o f L o yo la S e c o n d a ry S c h o o l a n d in o n e fo u r-h o u r s e s s io n p a rtic ip a n ts w ill b e ta u g h t how to re c o g n iz e th e s ig n s of a h e a rt attack, d e te rm in e if s o m e o n e is in c a rd ia c a rre s t a n d h o w to p e rfo rm C P R fo r a n a d u lt. T h e y w ill a lso be ta u g h t h o w to he lp a c h o k in g pe rso n . A t a c o s t o f $ 1 0 .0 0 p e r pe rso n th is is an e x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n ity fo r fam ily, frie n d s a n d c o -w o rk e rs to le a rn C P R . T h e c o u rs e is be in g led by C h ris tin e B arber, Tom S tirlin g an d P eter M c M u rro u g h o f th e P a ra m e d ic s o f H alton R eg ion A m b u la n c e - E m e rg e n c y M e d ica l S e rv ic e (E M S ) to g e th e r w ith a n a rm y o f tra in e d C P R in s tru c to rs an d th e c o u rs e c o n fo rm s w ith th e re q u ire m e n ts of th e H e a rt a n d S tro ke F o u n d a tio n . T h e la s t "B litz" w a s h e ld o n A p ril 1st la s t y e a r w h e n n e a rly 2 0 0 p a rtic ip a n ts w e re tra in e d in C P R . L e sley D a lg a rn o , th e C h a ir o f th e H e a lth P ro m o tio n C o m m itte e s a y s ," A s o f J a n u a ry 1st 2 0 0 1 , ne w g u id e lin e s ha ve be en in tro d u c e d fo r C P R te c h n iq u e s . T h is tra in in g p ro vid e s a n o p p o rtu n ity to le a rn C P R b u t a ls o fo r in d iv id u a ls to re fre sh a n d revalida te p a s t c e rtific a tio n . P a rticip a n ts m u st b e in g o o d he a lth th e m s e lv e s a n d a t le a s t 12 y e a rs of age. R e g istra tio n fo r th e c o u rs e is lim ite d to 16 0 pe op le, s o it is v e ry im p o rta n t to p re -re g is te r a n d n o t ju s t tu rn up on th e day. P a rticip a n ts w ill e a rn a H e a rt an d S tro ke F o u n d a tio n H e a rt S a v e r "A " C e rtific a te ." "W e c o u ld n o t have k e p t th e c o s t as lo w as $ 1 0 p e r p e rso n w ith o u t th e s u p p o rt o f m a n y o rg a n iz a tio n s in clu d in g a m o n g s t o thers, T h e B a rn , C ostco , Licks, IG A O a k ville P la ce a n d Lo blaw s, L a ke sh o re R o a d W est, S obeys, B ron te, T im H o rto n s a n d W a lm a rt" s a id L e sley D alg arn o. E v e ry year, o v e r 7 9 ,0 0 0 C a n a d ia n s d ie o f h e a rt a tta c ks a n d 5 0 % o f th e s e p e o p le d ie s u d d e n ly o u ts id e o f a ho sp ita l. Ideally, e ve ryo n e sh o u ld le a rn C P R te c h n iq u e s b u t e s p e cia lly an yo n e w h o h a s a fa m ily m e m b e r w ith h e a rt d ise a s e . S ta tis tic s s h o w th a t o ver 7 5 % o f c a rd ia c a rre s ts o c c u r a t ho m e in th e p re s e n c e o f a fa m ily m em ber, u s u a lly th e spou se . If you w o u ld like to a tte n d th e O a k v ille C P R B litz 2001 o n M a rch 31 st, p le a s e m a il o r fa x th e re g is tra tio n fo rm b e lo w o r te le p h o n e th e H alton R e g io n O ffic e o f th e H e a rt a n d S tro ke F o u n d a tio n Tel: 6 3 4 -7 7 3 2 /F a x: 6 3 4 1353. HURRY, SPACE IS LIM ITED FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 31 A T ST. IG N A TIU S OF L O Y O L A SEC. SCHOOL. P A Y M E N T M U S T A C C O M P A N Y R E G IS T R A T IO N F O R M A N D BE R E C E IV E D B E F O R E M A R C H 23 . 2001. M A K E C H E Q U E P A Y A B L E T O : H E A R T & S T R O K E F O U N D A T IO N O F O N T A R IO O A K V IL L E C H A P T E R . 3 W A Y S T O R E G IS T E R : from 44 D ra p e ry a nd Horn* Decor Special Selection! INDOOR/OUTDOOR DECORATOR PRINTS 140cm wide. Our Reg. 12.98 m Now 4.99 m Special Selection! | LAURIER' BLACKOUT LINING 140cm wide. Our Reg. 10.98 m Now 4.99 m I Special Selection! BAKER HILL COLLECTION 140cm Asstd prints, textures, jacquards. Our Reg. 16.98 m Now 3.99 m Special Selection! | JAGUAR SUEDE ENDS 140cm wide. Our Reg. 12.98 m Now 5.99 m I Special Selection! EXTRA THICK PKGD QUILT BATTING 78" x 88" I Our Reg. 15.98 pkg SAVE 50%! Now 7.99 pkg. Special Selection! M a r c h 1 9 - 2 5 , 2 0 0 1 o n ly ! IGLOO & LAMBSKIN Entire In Store Stock! FLEECE PRINTS | 150cm wide, 100% polyester. Many designs to choose from. Our Reg. 22.98 & 24.98 m BUTTERICK PATTERNS Individually priced. Lowest sole price el the m ater season! NOW 2.49 ea. N ew 1 0 . 9 9 & 1 1 . 9 9 ml Offer valid Mar. 19-25.2001. | on in-stock patterns only, while quantities last. | S a le in e ffe c t M a rc h 5 -2 5 . 2 0 0 1 . M o s t ite m s a v a ila b le In m o s t s to re s . L o o k fo r th e r e d s a le ta g s . S a le p r ic e s a p p ly to in -s to c k m e r c h a n d is e only. S o rry, n o s p e c ia l o rd e rs . I GRABER DRAPERY HARDWARE BLOW OUT! We're clearing out a large selection of rods, hardware & accessories to make room for new items & designs. M A IL . NOW 50% OFF O w e Regular Prht OAKVILLE CM ) BLITZ 4 1 9 0 F A 1 R V IE W S T .. B U R L IN G T O N O N T A R IO . L 7 L « Y 8 CALL FAX 905 6 3 4 -7 7 3 2 905 C O ST S T IM E : 6 3 4 -1 3 5 3 $10-00 / PERSON 8;30AM -12:30PM OPEN SUNDAYS 12-! 140 Rebecca St. 0A K V ILL E 844-7728 Cf7Y,flR 01f. POSTAL c o p e E a rn y o u r H e a rt S a ve r Certificate !

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