Oakville Beaver, 21 Mar 2001, C06

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 21, 2001 TRADES Graham Packaging Canada Limited, is seeking an · Ontario Certified Industrial Electrician - 1 · Licensed Millwright · 1 for its Burlington facility. Duties include trou bleshooting problems on various types plastic pro cess machines and related equipment. Our seven day continuous shift operation, offers a competitive hourly rate, comprehensive benefits package and the oppor tunity to apply your technically advanced skills with one of the world's premier manufacturer of custommade blow moulded plastic containers. Please apply in confidence to: GRAHAM PACKAGING CANADA LIMITED 4041 North Service Rd.,Burlington, ON, L7L 4X6 E-mail: brian.resch@grahampackaging.com is looking to fill the position of ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER The candidate should have good organizational and administrative skills, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. The position requires flexible working hours and the ability to work weekends and some evenings. Experience in the home furnishings industry is required. Stoney Creek Furniture will provide required trainign, a positive work environment, insurance benefits, and a generous employee purchase program. Remuneration is commensurate with the applicant's abilities. Resumes can be emailed to: jfee@scfurniture.com or mailed to the attention of Jim Fee, 395 Lewis Road, Stoney Creek, Ontario L8E 5N5 S O U T H -E A S T O a k v ille q u a lifie d n u r s e r y /k in d e r g a r te n te a c h e r ( E .C .E grad). Nutritious hot meals, in d o o r a n d o u td o o r p la y settings, stim ulating learn ing environm ent, nurturing care at hom e ( 2 yr+). 1 spot available. (9 0 5 )3 3 9 -2 9 2 2 R E G IS T E R E D hom e d a y c a re , fu ll-tim e s p ac e s a v a ila b le 1 y r.-4 y rs . N e a r M ountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, ABC's, 123's, outings, fenced yard. C P R / references/ receipts. (905)319-3826. C H IL D C A R E a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly in m y hom e, all ages w elcom e. Appleby M all location off P in edale. (905)333-8519._____________ H E A D O N F o re s t, B urling ton. Experienced caregiver provid es fun, loving, e d u c atio n a l a tm o s p h e re . 2 y e a rs and up. F u ll/ h a lf days. (905)319-3283. T R E V O R /B R ID G E : hot m e a ls , c ra fts , C P R . First Aid, re fe re n c e s and re ceipts. Ages 3 & up. 8 2 7 6 1 8 1 ^ C A R E G IV E R w a n te d for two wonderful girls. Ages 4 & 6 . N e e d e d 3 -4 d a y s / w eek, H o u rs 9 a m -6 p m . N W B urlington. 9 0 5 -3 3 6 9535 CommunityNotices Open House_____________ Open House House_____________ F U L L T IM E live-out Nanny required to care for 3 child ren, ages 4 ,8 & 1 1, in our E as t O a k v ille hom e. (905)845-6991 after 6pm. N A N N Y n e e d e d to love, c are fo r 5 and 1 -y r. old children in our W aterdow n hom e. R eceipts.R references. (905)689-5445._________ N A N N Y required. B urling to n , two c h ild re n , nons m o ke r. s w im m e r, drive r, le g a ls only. M in. w ag e . From 7 a m -5 :3 0 p m , som e e v e n in g s and o v ern ig h t. Local references. 9 05-6396 3 5 3 . _______ B A B Y S IT T E R w a n te d for 2 - 1/2 and 1 - 1/2 yr old two n ig h ts p e r w e e k ( 4 :3 0 7 p m ) in o u r h o m e , K e rr street area. (9 0 5)8 4 4-31 52 . Accelerate your career with an MBA An MBA from Niagara University can greatly improve office-clerical FURNITURE & APPLIANCES STORE in Burlington requires Secretary/Receptionist Person Friday Database Marketing company located in west end Mississauga requires a secretary to perform the following duties: data entry; telephone answering; filing; database updating; report generation. Skills in Microsoft Office products an asset. Fax resume: (905) 569-2286 or email: jobs@dbcon.net P/T SALES ASSOCIATES * Must be experienced in Appliance Sales * Part-time evenings/ days/weekends. Please fax resume to (905)-631-0527, Or apply at 1035 Plains Rd East * ` Applications accepted until Sat. Mar 24 SfeareCanada Inc.is an equal opportunity employer your career, your life . and your future! Our program is designed for the busy working professional and offers you a business-relevant curriculum. Attend our _______________________ J O daycare wanted M O N E Y P ro b lem s ? G a r n ish ee s? Too m any p a y m ents? O p tio n s to a vo id bankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John To n n e r, B a n k ruptcy Trustee: (9 0 5 ) 6 3 1 0600 M A T U R E c a re g iv e r, lo v ing, for 19 month old, flexi ble hours, 1/2 days. O cca s io n a l e ve n in g s . G ood w ages. O akville. R eferenc es. (905)-337-8525 Only those being considered will receive response. Halton Women's Place An organization providing safe shelter for abused women and their children, requires an MANAGER JOIN A WINNING TEAM PAYDAY LOANS! Bad/No Credit? No Problem! Borrow S600 until payday Have a job? Get a loan GUARANTEED OPEN HOUSE Monday, March 26,2001 from 5:00pm - 8:00 pm Holiday Inn Burlington 3063 South Service Road, Burlington, ON 716-286-8051 www.niagara.edu Administrative Assistant (One year contract) To provide a range of administrative tasks to sup port the functions of the Board of Directors, Man agement and the organization as a whole. The suc cessful candidate must be proficient in Microsoft Office including Word, Access and Excel, have an ability to work with the public in person and on the telephone and be willing to assist with fund raising planning and activities. Some evening and weekend hours may be required to accommodate fund raising activities. Post secondary office training is re quired. Experience is an asset. Mail or fax your re sume by March 30,2001 to: An excellent employment opportunity awaits an enthusiastic individual looking for a challenging job in a fast-paced envi ronment. Fax your resume to: Dave Frederick, Field Operation Mgr. Fast Phone Approval (905) 637-7745 1 -866-3-PAY D A Y 24 Hrs Anywhere in Canada Full-tim e D ay Staff Deaths Deaths SZEBENI, Leslie (Ford of Canada, O a kville Employee 33 Years) - Passed away at OakvilleT ra fa lg a r M e m o ria l H o s p ita l on M a rch 14, 2001 , follow ing a courageous battle at the age of 76. Beloved husband of the late Catherine. Loving father of daughters Sandra & Ray Hyde, J u lie & R ic k W a lk la te , K a th y & G a b o r Sebestyen. Sadly missed by his grandchildren Danielle, Ashley, Gabor and Andrea. Survived by b ro th e rs Jose ph , B arney & th e ir fa m ily members in Hungary. Private service was held fo r fam ily members at Trafalgar Lawn Cemetary on T u e sd a y , M a rc h 2 0 th . M e m o ria l c o n trib u tio n s can be m ade to th e O akville Trafalgar M emorial Hospital. · Customer Service · Janitorial *Paid training ` shift premium 'Employee benefits Apply in person or call 5051 Harvester Rd., Burlington, 905-681-1841 Theresa Greer, Executive Director Halton Women's Place 2025 Gueph Line, Suite 223 Burlington, ON L7P4X4 Fax 905-332-1155 Email:tareer@haltonwomensDlace.com No telephone enquiries please. Only those selected for an interview will be contracted. Community Notices Deaths CULINA, Gordana - After a long battle with cancer, on Monday March 19, 2001 at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Gordana (Ocvirk) beloved wife of Drago. Dear mother of two sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law and Baka to Ryan. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor C om m unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral Mass 10:00 a.m. Thursday at St. James Catholic Church, 231 Morden Road, Oakville. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. S \ &iunnuL/i 2001 Unique opportunity to operate a small business for the sum m er -- M a y 1st to Sept. 3. You will hire your staff, plan your budgets, execute your promotions and w ork tow ards all of the challenges of your business plan w hile enjoying the off and a bonus feature. support of the ownership. This is a salaried position w ith planned tim e Som e food experience is 2084 Old lakeshore Rd. Burlington, Ontario L7R1A3 necessary and an ability to w ork w ith people is a must. Present your r& u m S in person for confidentiality or fax it to Kalin or Craig at 9 0 5 -6 34 -1 1 46 MORDEN, G. Everett - (Charter Member of Oakville Trafalgar Lions Club, retired from Goodyear). On Monday, March 19, 2001 at O akville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Everett, beloved husband of Betty (Bray). Dear father of Barry and his wife Heather. Brother of Roy. Cousin of Jean Hughes. Loving grandfather of David. V isitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. A service to celebrate the life of Everett w ill be held 1:00 p.m. Thursday, March 22, 2001 in the Kopriva Taylor Chapel. Intement St. Jude's Cemetery. Those who wish, may make memorial contributions to the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital or to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. SALVIAN, ROGER PETER, peacefully at home with his wife Sharon and children by his side on March 19, 2001 in his 77th year. Dear father of Robert and Ann Salvian, David and Mary Pat Salvian, Judy and Gord Smith, and Mike & Meredith Salvian. Cherished grandfather of Nicole, Matthew, Kevin, Michael, James and baby Salvian. Dear brother of the late Gino, the late Fred and Kaye Salvian, Rena and Fred Katzmayr, Ann and George Ricard, Guido and Marie Salvian, and Mary and Bob Taylor. Roger will also be sadly missed by many neices and nephews. Retired employee of Hawker Siddeley Orenda Engines, and member of the L A. M. Union. Roger will be missed on the green at Springfield Golf & Country Club and by his golfing buddies from the Bolton Golf Club. In following Rogers wishes a private cremation has taken place. A memorial service will be held at St. Dominies Parish, 2415 Rebecca Street, Oakville on Thursday, March 22, 9:30am with interment to fo llo w at St. M ary's of Port Credit Cemetery, Mississauga, 905-670-8801. Thank you to Dr. Michael Keeton and the 4th floor nurses of OTMH as well as the wonderful care of the SEN nurses. In lieu of flowers donation to Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. SPOONCER, Ja n e Peacefully at home, surrounded by her family on Friday, March 16, 2001 in her 45th year. Jane, beloved w ile of Shaun Downey. Loving mother of son Tim and daughter Boo". Survived by her parents Frank and Iris and sisters Jennifer and Pat. Jane will be missed dearly by her many friends and family, especially Carolyn and Peter. A Memorial Service will be held on Friday, March 23, 2001 at St. Simon's Anglican Church, Oakville, at 1 o'clock. As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to the Wellspring Centre Funeral arrangements entrusted to the Ward Funeral Home, Oakville. 905-844-3221 SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST Required a full time for district office of one o f C anada's 50 Best Managed Private Companies in Mississauga. A working knowl edge of MS Office and PowerPoint required. Individual must be extremely organized and detail oriented with good administrator skills and an excellent telephone manner. If you possess these qualities, please fax your resume to: Human Resources Dept., Fax: (613) 736-7882 or email to: jobapp@cma.ca S P R IN G C le a n in g . P ro fessional domestic cleaning service. Leave the clean ing to me this year. Special discount rates for seniors. 905-632-7327______________ E X P E R IE N C E D P ro fe s sional Dutch cleaning lady. Rates starting at $55. Sen ior d isc o u n ts. E x c e lle n t re fe re n c e s . B u rlin g to n / Oakville 905-745-9040 GENERAL C o n tra c to r John sto n R e n o v a tio n s . Kitchens, bathrooms, base m e n ts , d e c k s , c e ra m ic s , h a rd w o o d . All yo u r hom e needs. (9 0 5 ) 6 3 9 - 5 0 6 5 ; pager (416)680-2106. GRAY, M yrtle - (Formerly Davies). On Monday, March 19, 2001 in Daytona Beach, Florida with her husband Mack and daughters Kathy Mikkelsen and Sharon O'Neill by her side. Loved 'Nan' of Michael and Rebecca Hartley. Myrtle requested cremation and that her remains be interred in her birthplace of Minto, New Brunswick. A Memorial Service was held in Daytona Beach for the many friends Myrtle and Mack had made there. Donations to the American or the Canadian Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated by the family. Many thanks to all who have offered their support and prayers. TAGGART, Gordon 0 . - Passed away on Sunday March 18, 2001 at O akville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Gordon, beloved husband of Estelle. Loving father of Carolyn and her husband Ted Grys. Cherished Papa to his grandson David. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, April 7, 2001 at St. Cuthberts Anglican Church, Oakville at 1 o'clock. As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to the O.T.M.H. - Palliative Care Unit. In Memoriams CULHAM, Olga Jan. 18,1920 - March 22, 1997 Dearest Mom and Gramma, We see your face and hear your voice in everything we do. You gave us so much joy, and were always there to make things right. You will inspire us for all time. Missing you, Love forever, Mary, Chris, Michelle, Kristy, Dale, Doug, Debby and Joshua Earent __ C I T T j I personals M E E T B urlington S in g le s ! Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4 0 9 4 . H a m ilto n (905)-319-3111. C U S T O M -M A D E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / c h a ir c o -o rd in a te s , fabrics, installation. 10 yrs exp. Sherry- 634-6706, morganinleriors@home.com Experienced Print Advertising Representatives Two of Canada's leading vertical publications require full time experienced advertising sales representatives. Compensation includes competitive salary, mileage and commission package. Please fax resume to: Director of Advertising I lost & found F O U N D : ta n & w h ite c at, G h e n t A v e . a re a . W e call "Schultz*. (905)637-7325. F O U N D : adult w hite m edi um -haired fem ale cat, Millcroft area. W e call "Mellow". 6 37 -7 32 5 . ______ F O U N D : w h ite w /brow n tabby cat, Fairview / Apple by a r e a . W e call "B ella". 6 37 -7 32 5 . FO UND: lo n g -h a ire d o range/ white cat. G uelph/ U p p e r M id d le . W e call "C h u ck les ". (9 0 5 )6 3 7 7325.______________________ FOUND: y oung b la c k / w hite cat. A p p le b y/ U pper Middle area. W e call "Tom'. (905)637-7325. S P R IN G has sprung! I'll clean your windows profes sionally. Call Steve. 1-877794-2532. email: iamokareyou58 9 hotmail.com MacM ILLAN, Roderick "Rod" - Peacefully at home, surrounded by his family on March 17,-2001 in his 76th year. Rod, beloved husband of Doris. Loving father of Gail (Ed), Judy (Robert), Penny (Larry), Gerry (Carol), Bonnie (Troy), Nancy (Dave). Cherished grandfather of fifteen and great grandfather of eight. Survived by his sisters Verna of Nova Scotia and Shirley of British Columbia. A Funeral Service was held at the Ward Funeal Home, Oakville Chapel on Tuesday March 20, 2001 at 1 o'clock. As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to the Lung Association or Heart & Stroke Foundation. Funeral Directors P IA N O Le ss ons in yo u r hom e, or mine with experi e n c e d p ro fe s s io n a l. Any age w ecom e. C a ll (905)639-4331 I daycare available C L A R K S O N : D a y c a re in my home. Fun-loving fami ly e n v iro n m e n t. C ra fts , h o m e -c o o k e d m e a ls . B a bies w elcom e. 9 0 5 -8 2 2 - O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME MOORE, Elizabeth (nee Storey) - Peacefully on Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at the OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial Hospital at the age of 63. Loving sister of Jim and his wife Mary. Will be sadly missed by her extended family and friends. A Memorial Service w ill be held in the chapel of the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr St.) Oakville, on Thursday March 22, 2001 at 11:00 a.m, Reception to fo llo w in the Oakview Funeral Home Family Centre. Interment at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Family Services A lcoholics Anonym ous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Our family serving your family 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville · Patrick McDermott ·Tammy Cook 90 5 -3 3 7 -5 5 7 1 Deadline for submissions is Friday, March 23, 2001 8350 _ * S E E K IN G childcare? C all H igher Learning Referrals, prov id ing c h ild c a re r e fe r rals suited to your family's JB. (905)-681-8397. 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2

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