Oakville Beaver, 18 Mar 2001, Classified, p. 18

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18 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday March 18, 2001 JOB TRAINING T RADES M icro Com puters M S Office S im ply Acctg Office Adm inistration M e d ic a l/L e g a l A s s is ta n t D e n ta l R e c e p tio n is t 1P o lic e F o u n d a tio n s H A LTO N BUSINESS IN S TITU TE ( 905 ) 637-3415 .. 460 Brant St., Burlington · www.hbicollege.com com J Registered Ministry at Education and Training (19821 ·fu lA Graham Packaging Canada Limited, is seeking an · Ontario Certified Industrial Electrician -* 1 · Licensed Millwright - 1 for its Burlington facility. Duties include trou bleshooting problems on various types plastic pro cess machines and related equipment. Our seven day continuous shift operation, offers a competitive hourly rate, comprehensive benefits package and the oppor tunity to apply your technically advanced skills with one of the world's premier manufacturer of custommade blow moulded plastic containers. Please apply in confidence to: GRAHAM PACKAGING CANADA LIMITED 4041 North Service Rd..Burlington, ON, L7L 4X6 E-mail: brian.resch@grahampackaging.com D R IV E R FT or P/T With G Lie. Able to drive std. & auto transmission. Able to lift 50 lbs. Must have good driving record. Will consider car & driver for local deliveries in Oakville & Burlington Call: John Rloom 845-2118 Halton Auto Electric R E LIE F S u p e rin te n d e n t required fo r luxury Burling ton condom inium . D uties include: G eneral cleaning, m inor m ain te n a n ce and a d m in is tra tiv e dutie s. Days/ Saturdays/ Sundays w ith som e fle x ib ility . Please fax all resum es to W ilson Blanchard manage ment 905-540-4450, Attention: CM___________________ LA N D S C A P E R w a nte d, experienced in construction and m a intena nce. G ood wages for the right person. Fax resume and driving ab stract to: 634-3411. W EE DM AN requires Lawn C a re T e c h n ic ia n s. F ull tra in in g provid ed. D river's abstract required. A p ply in person: U n it 5 2400 W yecroft Rd, Oakville or call 905-827-1441 or fax (905)-827-1499 . ___________ BOBCAT O pe ra to r needed fo r p ro g re s s iv e landscape company. M ini mum 5 years exper. W ag es c om m e nsurate . C all 905-639-7292_____________ D IR E C T O R o f CARE: C hristopher C ourt/Terrace PT/ FT, fle x ib le hours. Management experience in LTC /R etirem ent home set ting preferred. Exceptional peo ple and assessm ent skills a must. G reat place to work and feel part of our caring com munity. Please fax resum e: General Manager (905)-639-9171. LA N D S C A P IN G co m p a ny in O akville requires ex perie n c e d p ersonn el fo r construction/ m aintenance. Various positions available in cluding long-term . Com petitive wages. Preference given to those with experi ence operating equipment, a tte n tio n to d e ta il w /ow n transportation. Fax resume: (905)560-8203._____________ SUPERINTENDENT C O U P LE fo r lu x u ry O ak v ille highrise. G ood m ain ten a n ce & cle a n in g s k ills necessary. Must be friendly with experience. Apartment & benefits included. Fax re sume to: (905)815-1627 or call (905)815-1628__________ H E ID I'S F low ers & Plants, has part time posi tio n a v a ila b le . Som e e x pe rie n c e req u ire d . C all 842-6761__________________ LA W C L E R K , R e siden tial Real Estate: required by M is s issauga/O a kville Law Firm. Minimum 3 years ex perience with knowledge of Conveyancer and Teranet. Salary com m ensurate with experience. Send resumes: Fax (905)-829-2903 or e-mail qdiab @diabdecosimo ,ca VALUE VILLAGE Full tim e positions available. Starting w a g e $ 7 .7 5 / hr. E x c e lle n t b e n e fits. Please apply 2340 F a irv ie w St. PR O G R E S S IV E salon looking for full or part time a e s th e tic ia n / nail tech. Please d e live r resum e to: R ainbow E xp ressions. 2318 L a ke shore Rd. W. Oakville. P A R T-TIM E R e ceptionist/ Make up a rtis t w anted for O a kville salon. R e ta il e x perience an asset. Drop re sume off at: "W oman" 128 Reynolds Street, Oakville H A IR S T Y L IS T required a lso o p p o rtu n ity to rent chair/ space in busy down town Burlington salon (suit E S T H E T IC IA N ). C all John, 905-634-6632________ PURE Energy Salon, now h irin g H a irs ty lis t w ith e x perience to join our team in our new salon. Call Corey, 632-5130. HYGIENIST required for a g ro w in g , N orth O a kville D ental O ffice . P a rt-tim e leading to full-time. Needs to be friendly, outgoing and a team player. Evenings & S a tu rd a ys required . Please send resum e to: P.O. Box 86033, O akville, Ontario, L6H 5V6 EX PER IE N C ED c e rtifie d Dental A ssista n t required for busy team oriented fam ily d e n ta l p ra c tic e . S elf m otivated m ulti-tasking in d ividuals need only apply. Box 6335, c/o O a kville B e aver, 467 S p eers Rd., Oakville, L6K 3S4__________ R E C E P TIO N IS T and HARP Certified Dental As s is ta n t needed fo r d en tal specialty office in B urling ton. M ust have com puter skills and experience. Fax resume to 905-633-8330 DE N TA L C h airside A ssis tant, west O akville, fu ll or p a rt tim e to sta rt A p ril 1, 2001. Fax resume to: 905827-0309__________________ F U LL-T IM E e xpe rienced D ental R e c e p tio n is t/ A c counts Receivable. Please ca ll Dr. R. P e eling, 905681-7791 Burlington. P lease, no phone calls. Fax (905)631-6894 RENOVATIONS PLUS NOW HIRING-FULL-TIME LONG TERM EMPLOYEES DEERFIELD GOLF CLUB HIRING F/T & P/T W anted A Few Good Nurses fo r o ur Must be capable o f : Full basement apartment conversion. Must be experienced in a ll the following: Good tapper, Framer, plumbing, drywall, painting. Must have own transportation, Drivers. Lie, and 10 years verifiable experience. Start immediately Call (905)-847-0619 Cooks Waitstaff Dishwashers Greens Staff Cleaner Gardener Visiting Nursing Program · O a k v ille , M ilt o n , G e o rg e to w n and A c to n DESCRIPTION: · full-time, part-time positions available no nights · flexible work schedules to blend home, school, and family attractive wage and benefit packages · company car and other incentives · comprehensive paid orientation and field placement to meet your needs and skill level · qualifications: current R.N., R.P.N. licence, practice experience is an asset If found, please turn in by March 28, to: H a ir s ty lis ts - f t / p t BUSY LOCATIONS BURL. -MIL. -WATERDOWN · Min. $8/hr Guaranteed for qualifying Stylists · Commissions starting at 40% · Exc. Benefits · Flex. Sche' · On-going Advanced Training · Equipment Provided · No Clientele necessary Bronte Rd/QEW Lynn: (905)847-5555 LA N D S C A P E help required in the Oakville area. C a ll A lb e rt a t 905 -33 70855______________________ DEMONSTRATORS wanted for Sushi company. M ississauga, W oodbridge, Burlington. $9.25 to start. Please call Dave 416-5359933 or fax 416-535-4995 EXPERIENCED RECEPTIONIST Property Management Company/ Commercial Developer An experienced, Front Line Receptionist to work in a very fast paced environment. Must be able to multi task effectively, handle switchboard & two-way radio communications, & provide excellent customer serv ice. Meridian Consol switchboard, Microsoft Access, Excel & Windows 98 applications a must. Apply in writing to Mr. R. Reimer, Sr. REIMER CONSTRUCTION UMITED 1100 Burloak Drive, Burlington, ON L7L 6B2 or fax 905-332-6066 TE C H N O LO G Y C o m pa ny in Oakville seeks Project Leader/ B u siness A n alyst for our Financial Switching Technology Team, to lead developm ent/ im plem enta tion projects. Project and practical experience in the in dustry required. Please e-mail resumes to: careers@ tcscan.com with subject of "Project Leader/ Business Analyst*.__________ B U R LIN G TO N area pool construction/ service/ retail com pany requires full-tim e experienced pool installers, s e rvice persons, gen era l la bourers. A lso part-tim e retail sales/ stocking help. S e a so n a l- o ffe rin g com p e titiv e w ages, em ployee b e n e fits . If y o u 're hard working and enjoy outdoor w ork, fa x R ainbow Pools 905-681-7245 a & SHOPPERS DRUG MART in Oakville Place requires F/T T R A V E LO D G E , Q EW / Burlington now hiring Parttim e F ront D esk & Room Attendent. Must be flexible to w o rk a ll s h ifts . Please drop o ff resum e to 950 W a lke r's Line or fax 905639-6900. No phone calls please. Equal O pportunity Employer.__________________ J A K E S G R IL L & O yste r House. Join the Crew! Im m ediate ope nings fo r fu ll tim e. Enthusiastic Servers and M on.- F ri. day D ish w ashers. Please bring re sum e or a p p ly in person: 950 W alker's Line (at Travelodge) (905)639-4084. BO STO N P IZ Z A , O ak v ille . Now H iring: K itchen Supervisor with minimum 2 years experience, also, full tim e Kitchen & W ait Staff. Must be flexible with hours. Fax resum e: (905)8298375, Attn: Debbie HEY!! If you are an outgo ing experienced cook/prep person, have I got a job for you! C om e and jo in our team. Days, Mon-Fri. Call us at (905)-847-4069 ESKIMO Joe's Sports Bar (Oakville) Line Cooks, Bar te n d e rs / S u p e rviso rs (A ll S h ifts, Im m ediate ) C all (9 0 5 )8 4 5 -4 9 2 6 ; fax (905)845-6054. LIN E C ook- E xperienced, required fo r B ritish Pub ... Apply in person- 400 Brant Street, Burlington, Ask for Yvette/ Fred W A IT staff evenings only, part time. Part time kitchen help. 1500 Sixth Line Oak ville (905)338-0804 teaching opportunities DISPENSARY ASSISTANT Experience required Fax resumes to 905-842-3732 attn: Arthur Cheung SUPERINTENDENT CO U P LE re q u ire d for dow ntown Burlington re si dential highrise. Live-in ex pe rie n ce nece ssary. Fax resume: (905)849-9520 J U B IL E E F ru it M arket, downtown Oakville, has im m edia te op e n in g s fo r fu ll tim e, m atu re, p jo d u c e c le rks. P lease a pp ly in p erson w ith resum e to: K atherine or Don, 104 A l len St. (comer of Lake-shore and Allen), Oakville. TV/FILM A U D ITIO N S A C TO R S W A N TE D Adults & Kids (2 & Up) needed for TV & Film Assignments. No fees, No Courses. Auto Body Person Experienced body repair person for busy Collision Centre. Full unibody experience manditory. Excellent wages and benefits, call 905-689-9812 Human Resources SEN Community Health Care Cathedral Square 698 King Street West Hamilton, Ontario L8P 1C7 Fax: (905) 522-6918 C a ll ( 4 1 6 ) 2 2 1 - 3 8 2 9 REW ARD: Great nursing jobs in community nursing I office-clerical R E C E P T IO N IS T / SE C R ETAR Y: fo r busy Horse Show Facility & Event Cen tre. Knowledge of horses an asset. Non-smoking en viro n m e n t. S a lary + bo nuses. Fax resum e to: (9 0 5 )-8 2 7 -6 3 3 3 o r call (905)-827-2234.____________ B O O K K E E P E R / F inan c ia l A s s is ta n t. O akville based com pany of 17 em plo ye e s. T he jo b e n ta ils general bookkeeping, pay ro ll, A /R , A/P, m onthly statements and reports. Simply accounting and M i c ro s o ft O ffice e xpe rience needed. Fax resume: (905) 3 38 -78 85 or c a ll 1-888767-2453 _________________ O FFIC E M anage r re quired. temporary full-tim e fo r 50 w eek m ate rnity leave. Fam iliar with Lotus Sm art Suite, Q uickbo oks, WP Office 2000. Responsi ble for payroll, A/P & A/R. $9.00 to start. Fax resume to: 905-844-0797 C O LLE C T IO N AG EN C Y requires fulltim e Collector, downtown O akville. Hourly wage-t- benefits. Successful c a n d id a te is m atu re and e x p e rie n ce d in A/R type c o lle c tio n s . C o n ta ct T ed / Dianne: (905)815-8303 N u r s i n g a t it s b e s t ! * * (905) 319-3155 * % T R A IN IN G p o s itio n - s ta rt immediately. 16*Wk Live-in program . M inimum 18-yrs. Exposure to all aspects of V e te rin a ry H o sp ita l. M ust be motivated with a love for a nim a ls . Fax resum e to: Esther. (905)844-7351 NO Fee! C a re e r E x p lo ra tio n s is a 3-W eek C ourse designed to help you plan y our ca re e r. Funded by HRDC. For inform ation/ to register call Grace (905) 3333499/ (905)878-1240 CLASS AZ DRIVER Oakville mobile mix con crete/ top soil co. 5-6 days weekly. Min. 2-yrs experience w/clean abstract. Mechanical ability an asset. Able lo handle physical work. Wage depends on experience. Call (905)338-2550 LA N D S C A P E R S . Established W aterdown com pa ny seeks an enth u s ia s tic , h a rd w o rk in g and e x p e ri enced la n d s c a p e r fo r the g round s care o f e state p ro p e rtie s . M ust have good know led ge o f p lant material. Horticultural ed ucation an asset. No grass cutting involved. Attractive compensation offered. Call Chris, 525-4441____________ W AR D F un era l Home seeks m ature person for assistance on part-time/ onc a ll basis. D u ties to in c lu de re ce p tio n /g re e tin g , parkin g s u p e rv is io n , and lig h t in te rio r c le a n in g . Please fax resume to: 905844-9436 or speak with the manager at 905-844-3221. RICHVIEW GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB All kitchen positions · Banquet staff · Beverage cart · Snack bar · Patio · Cleaning staff --------------- SERVICES ---------------- Sodexho Marriott HAKIM QQMcro»rogcoi»ffot/nf75 Sodexho Marriott Services is presently recruiting for the following positions for the Halton Regional Municipality Offices cafeteria in Oakville IN-STORE RECEPTIONIST/SALES Looking for a well groomed individual with Good English skills, retail experience an asset & training available. Please drop off resume in person at 328 Speers Rd. Oakville. Attn: Jill *Lead Cook *Cashier "Catering Person ·General Cafeteria Help Please fax your resume to 905-6324463 Attention: Mr. R. Gendron P/T-F/T Fax 905-827-8997 No phone calls please (Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted) We have 86 offices in 10 countries, servicing over 75,000 clients and growing. By 2005, we plan on having 300 branches located in 50 countries, servicing 500,000 clients. Shred-it is the worldwide industry leader in on-site, mobile document destruction. We are seeking results oriented and proven experienced candidates for the following career opportunities: OPPORTUNITY The Canadian Govern ment offers a grant (CESG) of up to $400. per year per child to help parents save for their children's post secondary education. We are hiring represen tatives for the Heritage Scholarship Trust Plan (RESP) in your area. Leads & marketing support. E xce lle n t compensation. Call: J.F. Nehme, 905-678-2878, fax 905-844-1699 Distributed by Cana dian American Financial Corp. (Canada) Ltd RAMADA INN OAKVILLE We have immediate positions available for Room Attendant To clean guest bed rooms and some public areas. Day shift. Prev. hotel exp. an asset. ECE TEACHER required by Oakville child care centre. Call for interview (905)849-4769 Fax: (90S) 849-7456 Large, busy flooring store requires F/T Sales Associates & P/T Shipper Some evgs & wknds. Related exp. required. Apply in person with resume, Attn: Bobbi, 4060 Fairview, #2, Burl M A IN TE N A N C E Foreperson. M ust have m in i mum 2 years experience in a ll a s p e c ts o f la ndscape m aintenance. G ood In te r p e rsona l s k ills required . Pay c om m e nsurate w ith e x p e rie n c e . Please ca ll (905)-639-7292.____________ V E H IC LE C LE A N -U P person required fo r busy Ford L incoln D e alership. Person req u ire d to clean s e rv ic e de p a rtm e n t, c u s tom e r ve h icle s. A p ply by fax to 905-632-1876 Attn: Service Manager___________ W ORK M onday-Friday, no nights, no w eekends. Looking fo r b e tte r hours? Join the Molly Maid team of housecleaning profession als. G rea t in c e n tiv e s. T ra n s p o rta tio n p rovid ed. 905-681-7484 CAR & Truck Rental JockeyO ak v ille . F ull-tim e. Clean d riv in g a b s tra c t. M ust be pun c tu a l. C a ll 905 -33 79373. ' ' Wait Staff For Dining Room & Lounge. Must have prev. exp. Apply in person, MonFri. or fax resume to: Human Resources 905-845-9450 360 Oakville Place Dr. A T H LE T E S W anted! For Commercial/ Film Work. No e xtra s, no fees. M ust be a th le tic ! C all (4 1 6 )7 3 3 1888 for screening._________ DOW NTOW N O a kville o f fice seeks a person for of fice maintenance (including office cleaning), purchase of office supplies, d e live r ies/pickups (must have ac c e ss to a v e h ic le ). C all 905-338-8177 or fax (905) 338-1317. skNIOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ADMINISTRATOR: Supervision of accounts payable function and monitoring cash flow man agement to ensure efficiencies. (ref.#SAP) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERICAL: Processes and maintains corporate accounts receivable and prepares accounts receivable aging and productivity reports (ref.# AR) · YYY F IN A N C IA L PLAN N IN G A S S IS T A N T - Investm ent firm specia liz in g in re tire ment planning. Seeking a proactive, career-oriented, te a m -p la y e r w ith proven co m p u te r, c lie n t service, adm in istrative support ex perience in the financial in dustry. Industry education an asset. Fax/em ail: attn: S te p h a n ie G ry lls , P eter W atson Investm ents 905842-2103, mail@pwinvest.com Car Washers / Lot Attendants FULL-TIME Valid Drivers license required. Fax resume to: (905) 825-8802 Attn: Service Mgr UNIVERSITY Pool Service is looking for Pool Techni c ia n s . A ls o lo o k in g fo r O ffic e P e rs o n w ith accounting and data base experience. Mail resume to 481-14 North S ervice Rd. W ,, Oakville, On. L6M 2V6, or Fax:(905)827-4535. LOOKING for experience? 90% of our participants find work or training opportuni ties. Call the YMCA at 6811140 CO NDO S A L E S : Experienced and professional sales people (2) required for new and exciting townhom e s ite in O akville . Please fa x resum e to: Effect Realty Inc. (905)-3120283. I sales help & agents EX PER IE N C ED cle a n in g la dy available fo r cleaning your house, apt. & o ffice. T he best s e rvice & co m pe titive rates. C all (905)849-8686. BRANCH ACCOUNTANT: Preparation of timely and accurate financial statements to support a group of corporate branch offices ensuring that faxid assets are safe guarded and the financial statements are fairly represented (ref .#BA) Sales Career Opportunity Our Burlington Mall lo cation has an opening for a full time Sales As sociate. Requirements are sales experience, positive attitude and flexibility. Call for re sume drop-off to Sandra or Grace at Reeds Jewellers Burlington Mall 681-0834 INTERNAL AUDITOR, FINANCIAL SERVICES: Conducts compliance and internal control audits, provides analyses, evaluations & recommendations of financial and operational records & controls (ref.# 1 A) We are an equal opportunity employer. These are exciting career opportunities with an innovative and enterpris ing company. Please forwaard resumes, quoting references #, by Friday, April 6,2001 to: TO have yo u r hom e cleaned the way you would lik e by e xtre m e ly cle an, hard working European la dies, c a ll 6 3 4 -2 6 4 6 R ea sonable rates! C LE A N E R a v a ila b le fo r hou ses, a p a rtm e n ts or sm all o ffice . G ood re fe r ences. E xp erienced. Please ca ll B a rba ra 905847-5616 E X P E R IE N C E D c le a n in g lady with own car available to c le a n y o u r hom e. (905)339-3984. HR@Shredit.com Please noteonly thoseconsidered lor an interviewwill be contacted. No phonecalls. No agencies DE M O N S TR A TO R w a n t ed for home decor product in yo u r lo ca l hardw are store . $10 /h r. W eekends only. T ele p h o n e /Fax: (905)632-5321 H A IR S T Y L IS T -m a le or female, experienced, pre ferably with clientele. Good wages. Bus route. Call 905632-6090or905-639-4473. N A IL Tech nician required with or without clientele for busy Burlington Salon. Call (905)332-6262

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