Friday, March 23, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 11 Take part in the `World' s Largest Run" I t's spring-on your mark! And get set to go! With the arrival of spring, runners and walkers are eager to get outside and move! This may be the time when those New Year's resolutions to "get active" finally kick in. Many of us want to be fit and, with . _ u _ y local expertise so readrnU!¥i I HE Y ily available and super events like the Y Run on the calendar of upcoming activities, it's easy to set a chal lenge for yourself and follow it through. POSTCARDS Saturday, April 14th at 8:30 am. Sign up at the Y's Customer Service Desk. And be sure, to join us as The Invidiata Team/Re/Max helps the YMCA of Oakville kick off the 150th Anniversary celebrations in fine style, with a 5k Run, a 5k Fun Run/Walk and a lk Challenge for under- 12's and Special Olympians. Registration forms are now available at the YMCA, 410 Rebecca Street, the Running Room, 156 Lakeshore Road East or The Invidiata Team office at 83 Reynolds Street. Submitted by Carole Thompson, Chair, "World' s Largest Run" Committee for the YMCA o f Oakville. Oakville Girls Softball Summer Fun < 3 iris 6-11 fcyister March 3 1 st Trafalgar Vittaje Matt www.ojsa.i5 105 &25-5S48 ----------------------- The Y's Run this year is part of the "World's Largest Run," being hosted by Y's all over North America to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the establishment of the first Y on this conti nent, and it's going to be our biggest ever! So far, almost 1,300 Y's have signed up to participate in Canada and the US. If each Y averages 300 participants, that means that close to 400,000 runners will be start ing off at the same time! The YMC A 150th Anniversary "World's Largest Run" is a once-in-a-lifetime event - a great place to start your fitness program - or your run ning career. If you want to get into shape to partici pate in The Invidiata Team/Re/Max/YMCA of Oakville "World's Largest Run" on June 2,2001 (or many of the other running events sched uled for the Spring and Summer), a few training sessions could prove valuable, building on your skills while teaching how to prevent injuries. The YMCA Run's run ning sponsor, the Running Room in Oakville, has a series of clinics starting this week: Walking, Run Faster (10k), Learn to Run and For Women Only Clinics - some thing for everyone, at every stage in their running/walking career. Call the Running Room at 905-844-2300 for more informa tion on the Clinics as well as the running series now in operation. For more training, the Y will be starting a Running Club for all levels, beginning on Y Friday, Saturday 8* Sunday M arch 23r d , 24th & 25 th o n a g r e a t s e le c tio n * o f r e g u l a r & r e d u c e d - t o - c l e a r m e r c h a n d i s e These are just a few of our special savings C h e c k in -s to re fo r m o re n o n -a d v e rtis e d sale ite m s save Volunteers needed for Super Cities Walk The Halton chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society will hold its second annual Oakville Super Cities Walk for MS on April 22. The walk will start and finish at Oaklands Regional Centre, 53 Bond St. There will be two routes, 5 and 10 kilo metres, through sections of historic downtown and residential streets. Check-in is at 8:30 a.m. The walk begins at 9:30 a.m. Participants are regis tering daily, using the Super Cities Walk brochures found at various locations across town. Registrations will also be taken before the start of the walk. The Oakville walk is one of 31 Super Cities Walks being organized. "We are working very hard again to ensure its success toward a projected goal of $126,000," says Theresa TonerBurke, volunteer co-ordinator. Honorary chairs will be Mayor Ann Mulvale, and Robert Decker of Oakville, top provincial fundraiser. The Halton chapter is looking for vol unteers to work two to three hours, mornings or afternoons, on April 21 and 2 2 , to help with registration, breakfast, checkpoints, route patrol, and barbecue. If able to help, call Theresa TonerBurke at 905-847-7744. >selected 10 Kt. & 14 Kt. g o ld je w e lle ry se le cte d p illo w s & s o lid -c o lo u re d to w e ls ' c o o k w a re se ts o v e r $ 3 0 0 & m a tc h in g o p e n s to c k (excludes Henckefs & KitchenAid cookw are) 50 % 40 · selected diam onds. g em sto nes, cultured pearls a n d cu b ic zirconia jew ellery · solid-coloured to w e ls b y Royal Velvet, Nautica & Ralph Lauren, d u v e ts & m attress p a d s (excludes Catvin Ktein) · Royal A lb ert o p e n stock, ba k e w a re S t coo kw are. crystal ste m w a re & giftw are (excludes Waterford) save save save 1 0 20 · K it c h e n A id c o o k w a r e · all H e n c k e ls · all L u ig i B o rm io li g la s s w a r e · area ru g s · m e n 's D ock e rs* fa s h io n s & Haggar® c a s u a l p a n ts % · m e n 's u n d e rw e a r & socks (excludes Jockey, Catvin Klein, T o m m y Hilfiger & "3 for" sock programs) > R oyal A lb e rt & J o h n s o n B ro th e rs 5 -p c e . d in n e rw a re se ts · selected fashion jew ellery · kitchen & personal care electrics & Brita · fine china & better casual d in n e rw a re (in our Chma department) · C o m in g w a re Excluded from Scratch and Save discounts. 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