Friday, March 23, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 25 LOWEST AIRFARES GUARANTEED Flight C entre guarantee to BEAT any genuine quoted price! ,--------------- M a n n in g J e w e l l e r s 337-2946 S e rv ic e z Agency THE DISCOUNT FLIGHT SPECIALIST Full F L I G H T C EN TRE Arts &Entertarment Oakville Reaver A&E Editor: Carol Baldwin 845-3824 (Ext. 254); Fax: 337-5567. GOLDSMITH & DIAMOND MERCHANT ' ^ ----------------· Finest Quality · Reliable Service for 20 Years P'-ces co net nciCe axes & services Airfares are frcmAirTransat. R cya >& C 3000 it ; iC ^esr aoiaM x enrt rme. O M R E G . = '34508388 125 CROSS AVE. · TRAFALGAR VILLAGE · 844-2668 Painted Personalyet universal tales are depicted in her artwork By Carol Baldwin ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR lva Palo is a storyteller only the plots she spins are penned with paint and illustrated with twigs and leaves and other "significant" objects. For the Oakville artist, these natural additions are snippets o f a time and a place that are forever frozen on her canvas. For instance, Palo's Grandmother Series is the personal story o f three generations of grandmother/granddaughter relationships, each told in a large painting that not only includes the images o f the two females, but reveals the grandm other's heritage in a variety o f media. Monotones and small figures reflect the distant past in the first paint ing, while more colour and larger images depict the recent past in the painting o f her mother and daughter. Palo refers to the bits of grain in the third painting as "sort o f anthropological...a moment from there that stays with you." However, she also connects the past with the pre sent by using modem methods to create some of the images. "I really like the idea o f using modem technology. I think Photo by Barrie Erskine our technology is forever changing the way we do art." Elva Palo likes to put her artwork together on the floor Most o f her paintings tell personal, yet universal stories. o f her Oakville home studio. For example, the large painting of her native Estonia elo quently delineates her heritage, as well as that o f a country paintings reflect the ubiquity and power o f the weather in under siege and those who fled in search o f a better life. "My grandmother escaped on a fishing boat while the that province, as well as the country-versus-city contrast cities were burning. Some made it; some didn't," she that fits into her theory o f balance. W hile out west she also explains. "She made her way across, first to Sweden and saw a lot o f people working with their hands, not just with the land but with fabrics and clay and wood. then to Canada." Palo is currently in the process o f doing the same, com Palo has created groups o f thematic paintings that focus on a variety of subjects, o f which many support her philos pleting what she refers to as an art blanket, which she will ophy that opposing influences are necessary in life to create be exhibiting in an group exhibition, Diversity II, at the a sense of balance. Using her Garden Series as an example, gallery in Industrial Artspace from March 23 to April 1. "I guess I like the concept o f a blanket because of the she says, "W hen you really start to scrutinize the patterns in nature, they are really quite bold and very individual; yet, at idea o f (it) being a shroud or being healing or being protec tive or being a comfort. It's tactile...It becomes immediate the same time, they all blend together so nicely." The aluminum tribute to her father and husband that T H E OAKVILLE PLAYERS hangs suspended from her ceiling is another example of that pursuit o f balance. This stiff metal shirt, is smooth on P R E S E N T S the front and sports a tie, representing her husband's "white collar" career. But the aluminum on the back of the shirt is interwoven to portray plaid and illustrate her father's "blue collar" job. "I call it my knight in shining armour," says Palo with obvious admiration for both men. "I pop riveted it together, like building a plane." A L A N C A S H I R E C O M E D Y Palo lived in Saskatchewan for a time, and some o f her Diversity II art show Thirteen local artists will be showcasing their work in Diversity II, an art exhibition that features artwork in a variety o f media, including glass and wood. Original artwork by Liv Babra, Pat Bond, Terry Craig, Jennifer Wanless-Craig, Jessie Grant, Janet Jansson, Clare McCarthy, Gail Mowat, Sharon Noble. Elva Palo, Ilsa Picazo, Rena Sava and Karen Walker will be on display and for sale in Industrial Artspace at 2334 Wyecroft R., Units 8 and 9, from March 23 to April 1. The opening reception will be held tonight (Friday) from 7 to 10 p.m. This exhibition is one of many art shows that will be presented this year by members o f Artists 24. Gallery hours are from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and from noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays. For more information, call 469-8954. E NAPOLEON 0 c o h o r t GAS GR IL LS GAS FIREPLACES f/(o/h so/i Is C ustomCabinetry& fireplace Itefadng our specialty G e t ready fo r spring... Have your spider and varicose veins permanently removed with laser and/or sclerotherapy treatments. We also offer: laser hair removal, hair transplants, liposuction, laser wrinkle removal, Collagen & Botox injections and much more. For a FREE consultation call BY ff(a /H > /c / D IR E C T E D BY: LARRY M A R IN P R O D U C E D BY: D A V ID N A SH STAGE M A N A G E D BY: J O H N W YM A N SET D E S IG N BY: JANE CORYELL L IG H T IN G D E S IG N BY: HAYLEY O H L IG GAS FURNACES & CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONERS FIREPLACES 8 P.M. MARCH 22nd - 24TM A N D 28TM - 31* 2001 T H E O A K V IL L E C E N T R E F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S. 13 0 N A V Y ST R E E T . O A K V IL L E Carrier Comfort Packages (905) 842-8346 Oakville (416) 92 3-0 092 Toronto w w w · ww w B O X O F F IC E : (9 0 5 ) 81 5 2 0 2 1 T IC K E T P R IC E S : $ 1 6 .0 0 ( S E N IO R S A N D S T U D E N T S . H A L F -P R IC E F O R T H E M A R C H 2 8 T H P E R F O R M A N C E ) P R E S E N T E D BY S P E C IA L A R JIA N G E M E N T W I T H S A M U E L F R E N C H L I M IT E D Waterdown Shopping Centre · Hwy #5 & Hamilton St. 689-3388 Burlington Heights Plaza · Upper Middle & Guelph Line 332-2202 Oakville Town Centre 1 · Dorval & N. Service Rd. 844-1223 Hamilton · 720 Upper James between Mohawk & Fennel 383-3983 Hours: Mon,-Wed. 10-6, Thurs.- Fri. 10-9, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 12-4 BICB A M 7 40 IIT 1 T* * * * * % ' * j 4 * * * ·< »' V ·« -« Print & Promotions EDGE <k \ · FIREPLACES · GAS GRILLS · HEATING/COOLING · ACCESSORIES Sc MORE: V«"* % 'V -%V^