Oakville Beaver, 23 Mar 2001, p. 39

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Friday, March 23, 2001 office-clerical THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 39 EETil sales help & agents . _ sales help > 1 & agents Daycare Live and Work in Beautiful Bermuda Montessori Governess Position Available A family in Bermuda is seeking a Montessori primary guide or an experienced Montessori assistant as a gov erness for their 3-year-old boy and 8-month-old girl. A regular schedule is provided weekly and flexibility is needed to meet the family's needs and occasional trav el plans. The governess will work directly with the family to incor porate the Montessori philosophy into the home and maintain a benevolent Montessori home environment. This position also includes opportunities to work with a Montessori primary guide in a classroom on the family's estate and direct a classroom of 5-8 children in her absence. This is an opportunity to live and work in beautiful Bermuda. The governess will be provided with an apart ment near the estate. The family pays rent, utilities and health insurance. A competitive wage is paid monthly and a per diem while travelling. This position is available immediately, however candi dates who cannot start until after the school year ends in June 2001 will be considered. If this unique opportunity to work with Montessori prin ciples in a home environment interests you, please for ward your resume to: Email leaw@waterint.com or Fax: 416-956-4715. Litttle Scholar Daycare Centre Come to an Open House/Registration Night at Little Scolar Childcare Centre Tues. March 27 - 6:30 to 8pm 186 Morrison Rd. East Oakville (905J-849-3878 Immediate, Summer & Sept. Registrations. We provide · Preschool programs 2 to 5-1/2 years · Schoolaged daycare 6 -1 2 years · Kindergarden spaces available. Transit to local schools, Open P.O. days & holidays. Full Time Payroll A d m in is tra to r Metroland Printing, Publishing and Dis tributing Ltd. Publisher of several com munity based newspapers, requires an experienced full time payroll administrator to join our team. The Successful can didate must have 3-5 years payroll ex perience; strong communication/ problem solving abilities and Microsoft office skills. ADP experience is an asset. is looking to fill the position of A SS IS TA N T SALES MANAGER The candidate should have good organizational and administrative skills, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. The position requires flexible working hours and the ability to work weekends and some evenings. Experience in the home furnishings industry is required. Stoney Creek Furniture will provide required trainign, a positive work environment, insurance benefits, and a generous employee purchase program. Remuneration is commensurate with the applicant's abilities. Resumes can be emailed to: ifee@scfurniture.com or mailed to the attention of Jim Fee, 395 Lewis Road, Stoney Creek, Ontario L8E 5N5 P lease send resum e to: T h e M ississauga News 3145 W oifedale Rd M ississauga, L5C 3A 9 Box: 4451 Only resumes of Interest w ill be contacted RE CEPTIO N IST req u ire d evenings & w e ekends by busy real e s ta te office . Should posse ss p leasant personality, know ledge of com puters, able to w ork with minimum supervision. Real Estate experience an asset. Drop o ff resum e: Sutton G roup A b out town Realty Inc. 1235 Fairview, Burlington OFFICE A d m in is tra tio n M anagerfa s t paced, growing company, full-time, organized, d e ta ile d , r e li able, w ell spoke n, m u lti tasker, experienced in cus tomer care, Business Vision an asset, A/R-A/P, O/E, MS Word. Fax resume, salary expectations 905-608-8890 AD M IN IS T R A T O R for Life Insurance office. Ma ture, independent, individu al needed. Good office ad ministrative skills. Experi ence in L ife Insurance a must. Part-tim e- 15 hours per week to begin. Apply to: The Uptown Group Fax (905)-632-0604, E-Mail uDtown@lara.on.ca - Deaths BROWN, Ross (Brownie) - (Member of Bronte Legion #486). Peacefully on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Ross in his 84th year, beloved husband of Elsie (Bosada). Father of Terry (Bob) Westfall, Bonnie Cunningham, Gary (Carol) Brown, Jackie Eager-Slater and Tammy (Paul) Galardo. Grandfather of Darlene, Marci, Marni, Bob Jr., Glenn, Donnie, Lisa, Jenna, Jesse and Cassie. Great grandfather of Deanna, Devon, Nicole, Brittany, Erik, Jorden, Shawna, Jacob, Jessica, Chelsie, Kaitlyn and Bailey. Will be sadly missed by many friends, relatives and his girls at Sobey's (Bronte). Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday. A sen/ice to celebrate the life of Brownie will be held 11:00 a.m. Friday, March 23, 2001. For those who w ish, memorial donations may be made to the Poppy Fund of the Canadian Legion or to a charity of your choice. "I love you Dad Old Dutch." FU LLER , Leonard S.J. (R.A.F.) peacefully on March 17, 2001 in Victoria at the age of 70 years. Born in Gravesend, Kent, England. Formerly of Oakville, Ontario and Freeport, Bahamas. Predeceased by his wife Vera, and his brothers, Stan and Eddie, Survived by his children, Nigel (Anne), Michael (Donna), David (Catherine) and Gillian Fuller; seven grand children, Julia, Jessica, M atthew, Natalee, Samuel, Barry and Elizabeth; brother, Ron (Mary) of Sussex, England. A memorial service was held at McCall Bros, in Victoria, B.C. on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. Flowers gratefully declined, if desired, donations can be made to the Victoria Masonic Temple Assoc., Fisgard St, V ic to ria , B.C. V8W 1R6 o r to Victoria.Hospice Society, 1900 Fort St. Victoria, B.C. VSR 1J8 UPSCALE FOOTWEAR OPPORTUNITY - Take pride in w hat you do & Join our team ! EARN $12/HOUR + THE FOOT SHOPPE is looking for high energy, career oriented individuals to join our fast paced growing company. We are currently accepting appli cations for an Asst. Mgr, F/T & P/T positions. We are a high-end comfort footwear store with locations in Toronto & downtown Oakville. We are an industry leader in both compensation and training. Experience is an asset & an upbeat personality is a must. If the shoe fits. FAX your resume including location of interest: (905)833-2261 SALES REPS Required for high volume dealership. Retail exp. needed. Mail or fax resume to: TERRACE FORD LINCOLN 900 Walker's Line, Burlington L7N 2G2 Fax:(905)632-1876 IN SID E S ales R e p re s e n tative needed. M ust have positive attitude, be salesoriented and with excellent E n glish la ng u a g e s k ills . $10./h r., F u ll-tim e / days. C all M ich e lle at 905 -82 78230 to apply.______________ 75K + A N N U A L L Y . New to Canada.. Hot new motion d is p la y a d v e rtis in g board nee ds area d e a le rs . O ut sid e sales, com m is s io n , home based, soft sell, on going s u p p o rt & tra in in g . Call (905)524-0936 ________ P R O F E S S I O N A L H O S T E S S / H ost fo r new home sales in S/E Burling ton. W ell groomed peopleperson with computer skills req u ire d p a rt-tim e (plus weekends). Great bonuses awarded fo r excellent per form ance. E-m ail resum e: mkammerer® lara.on.ca r m tutorial daycare available REWARD MANAGER JOIN A WINNING TEAM An e x c e lle n t e m p lo y m e n t o p p o rtu n ity aw a its an e n th u sia stic in d ivid u a l looking for a challenging job in a fast-paced envi ronment. Fax your resume to: Dave Frederick, Field Operation Mgr. (905) 637-7745 BO O K KE EPE R / F in a n c ia l A ssista n t. O a kville based com pany of 17 em ployees. The jo b e n ta ils general bookkeeping, pay roll, A/R, A/P, m onthly statements and reports. Simply accounting and Mi cro so ft O ffic e e xpe rience needed. Fax resume: (905) 338-7885 or ca ll 1-888767-2453 Full-tim e D ay Staff For "Charlie", Jack Rus sell Terrier, white w/ brown tip ears & brown patch over right eye. Missing Thurs. am Mar.15th. Front St. area btwn Navy St./ Trafal gar Rd. Please call: Oakville Humane Society 905-845-1551 or 905-845-2903 or 905-842-1904 REWARD: Lost: Two rings, jo in e d tog e th e r, Tim H or tons on Appleby or St. Pa trick's Church. Please call (905)634-9685 E X PER IE N C ED T u to r available immediately. Will com e to y our home. G rades 1-7. Burlington or O a k v ille area. Je n n ife r, (905)-632-6997.____________ V # i | l daycare available LIVE-OUT PROFESSIONAL NANNY w/car needed for one child, full-time days Mon-Fri. for Clarkson family Excellent salary. Fax resume to: C O R O N A TIO N P a rk... E lem entary te a ch e r home w ith c h ild re n . P a rt-tim e. Activities/ Nutritious meals. Large fe n c e d yard. 905825-9557__________________ FUN, c o n s c ie n tio u s care for toddlers & older. Stimu lating and creative environ ment. Organic foods. In the home of spunky 2 & 6 year old girls. Walkers/ Rexway. (905)-637-7280____________ T R E V O R /B R ID G E : hot m eals, c ra fts , CPR, F irst A id, re fe re n ce s and re ceipts. Ages 3 & up. 827-6181 S N U G G LES & G iggles. Infant space available. Mapleview area. ECE, First Aid, CPR. References. Re ceipts. (905)631-1083. SEEKING childcare? Call Higher Learning Referrals, p ro v id in g c h ild c a re re fe r rals suited to your fam ily's needs. (905)-681-8397. A F F O R D A B LE liv e -in fre n c h n a n nies ava ila b le now fo r the sum m er or lo nger. E n e rg e tic , c a ring and fu lly screened . C all Sum m er N annies C entre 905-712-1510._____________ S O U T H -E A S T O a k v ille q u a lifie d n u rs e ry /k in d e r g a rte n te a c h e r (E .C .E grad). Nutritious hot meals, in d o o r and o u td o o r p la y settings, stim ulating learn ing environm ent, nurturing care at home (2yr+). 1 spot available. (905) 339-2922 DA Y C A R E , my hom e, mother of 2, former daycare worker, non-smoker, lots of TLC , n u tritio u s snacks. Large backyard. Referenc es available. Guelph Line/ Woodward. 905-633-7459 I daycare wanted C A R E G IV E R w anted fo r two wonderful girls. Ages 4 & 6. N eeded 3-4 days/ w eek, H ours 9am -6pm . NW Burlington. 905-336-9535 M ATU RE c a re g iv e r, lo v ing, for 19 month old, flexi ble hours, 1/2 days. Occa sio n a l e ven ings. Good wages. Oakville. Referenc es. (905)-337-8525 LO V IN G , re lia b le hom e day c a re p ro v id e r needed for 2-yr & 6-yr old boys. Af ternoon drop- off & pick-up from M unn's schoo l re quired, 3-5 days/ week. Re ceipts. Please call (905)3387743 905-337-1343 or call: 905-337-7002 B A B Y S IT T E R w a nte d fo r and 1-1/2 yr old two n ig h ts p e r w e e k (4 :3 0 7 p m ) in o u r ho m e , K e rr street area. (905)844-3152. 2-1/2 · Customer Service · Janitorial *Paid training 's h ift premium 'Employee benefits Apply in person or call 5051 Harvester Rd., Burlington, 905-681-1841 K ITC H EN help req u ire d fu ll/ p a rt-tim e a v a ila b le . E xp erience an a s s e t....... A p p ly in person: M illc ro ft G olf C lub, 215 5 C o untry Club Drive, Fax: 905-3199299______________________ R E S TA U R A N T STAFF needed for new downtown Burlington location. All po s itio n s in c lu d in g Pastry. Fine dining experience re quired. Please fax resume to: (905)681-9431___________ B E N N Y ' S D e li, fu ll or p a rt-tim e help. M ust be available weekends. Apply 8am-3pm, 1455 Lakeshore (at Brant). paralegal services M ONEY P roblem s? G ar nishees? T oo m any p a y m ents? O p tio n s to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600____________________ S M A L L C la im s / F a m ily Law and more! Contact the paralegal the lawyers trust and use. Free consultation. (416)854-0093. ADMIN. ASSISTANT required for busy small office. Located in downtown Toronto. Must be motivated, highly organized & good communication skills. Experience with Microsoft products. Fax resume to Chris 416-360-6595 HYGIENIST required for a grow ing, North O a k v ille D ental O ffic e . P a rt-tim e leading to full-tim e. Needs to be friendly, outgoing and a team player. Evenings & S a tu rd a y s required . P lease send resum e to: P.O. Box 86033, O akville, Ontario, L6H 5V6___________ EX PER IE N C ED c e rtifie d Dental A s s is ta n t required for busy team oriented fam ily d en tal p ra c tic e . S elf motivated m ulti-tasking in dividuals need only apply. Box 6335, c/o O a k v ille Be aver, 467 S p eers Rd., Oakville. L6K 3S4 R E G ISTE R E D nurse re qu ire d p a rt-tim e fo r B u r lington fam ily p ractice o f fic e . F le xib le hours. C all 632-1803_________________ DE N TA L C h airside A ssis tant, west O akville, fu ll or part tim e to s ta rt A p ril 1, 2001. Fax resume to: 905827-0309__________________ EX PER IE N C ED C e rtifie d D e nta l A s s is ta n t, F/T. Please call Dr. R. Peeling, 905-681-7791______________ D E N TA L A S S IS T A N T required part-tim e for Oak ville office. Fax resume to: (905)842-8252________ M E D IC A L S e c re ta ry re quired part-time. Computer OHIP billing, book keeping and m a n age m ent of p h y sician's office a must. Fax resume to (905)842-8599. PLU M B IN G R epairs, New In s ta lla tio n s , a lte ra tio n s . B a sem e nt drain s, bathroom s, dryw all, fra m ing, tilin g . No Job Too Small. Frank, 639-3874. E X PER IE N C ED c le anin g lady available fo r cleaning y our house, apt. & office. The best s e rv ic e & c o m p etitive rates. Call (905)849-8686.__________________ R E S P O N S IB LE , e x p e ri enced E uropean c le anin g lady w ill clean your house, apa rtm e nt, o ffic e . Low prices. Zofia, 639-3490 H O M E-PR ID E H ousehold Services. House and office cleaning, open house pre paration, post party clean ing. F le x ib le hou rs. A c cep tin g resum es. C ontact W endy, phone/ fax (905) 631-5199: cell. 630-0965. SP R IN G C leaning. P ro fessional domestic cleaning service. Leave the clean ing to me this year. Special discount rates fo r seniors. 905-632-7327 517 /H R . F am ily cle a n in g se rv ic e w ith y o u r p rio rity lis t. E x p e rie n c e d . R e fe r ences. S a tis fa c tio n g u a r a n te e d . O a k v ille o n ly . (905)867-9309. E U R O P E A N la d y a v a il able to c le an y o u r hom e, with experience. Call Branka (905)607-0018. PROFESSIONAL- cleaning la dies availab le. 10 years e x p e rie n c e . R e a s o n a b le prices. Supervised, trained. R e fe re n c e s a v a ila b le , Bonded. Call Isabella. Call (905)541-6484 R E L IA B L E c le a n in g lady available, at your conven ie n c e , re fe re n c e s a v a il a b le . P le a s e c a ll A nn Marie (905)338-1023. SPRING has sprung! I'l clean your windows profes sionally. Call Steve, 1-877794-2532, email: iamokareyou58 @hotmail.com Garage Sales GARAGE SALE Sat M ar 24 8am -12noon 2128 Laurelwood T ra fa lg a r/U p p e r M idd le Rd. vintage home fu rnishings, etc. See Us at The Halton Job & Career Fair Apr. 17, 2001 Booth # 135 NEED a P ainter?? Son of a M a s te r in th e c ra ft, in teriors, reasonable, a v a il able. Brian (905)842-4651. HOLODRYZUK, Joan - at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Tuesday March 20, 2001 at the age of 67. Joan, beloved wife of William. Loving mother of Judy and her husband Don, Donna and her husband Taras. Daughter of Nick and the late Anna. Sister of Jeanette and her husband Jullian, Walter and his wife Kathy and Bill. Loving aunt of many. Friends were received at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr St.) Oakville, on Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. A service was held on Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Chapel, with inter ment at Glen Oaks Cemetery. A special thanks to the staff of Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Fire Department, Ambulance and Police for their excellent care. WESTFALL, Pat - Adecco Em ploym ent Service Ltd. F U LL-TIM E o ffic e help required. ACCPAC knowl edge help fu l. R e ception, data entiy, co-op and war ranty claims. Fax. resume, (905)-319-0488.____________ RECEPTION IST fo r sm all law office, 2-3 days/ week. $7.50/hr. Start immediately. Send resume: Box 6336, c/ o O a kville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., O akville , ON L6K3S4___________________ R E C E P TIO N IS T/ SEC RETARY required fulltim e fo r B u rlin g to n com pany. M eridian s w itch b o a rd e x perience and proficiency in W ordPerfect 6.1 and Word necessary. S ta rt: $11 /hr. Fax resume: (905)333-3256 LAW CLER K /Legal A ssis ta n t fo r b u sy fa m ily la w / general practice. Excellent salary, c o m m e n s u ra te to experience. Please fax re sume to: (905)-845-0193 Q U A L IF IE D E.C .E. Teacher with excellent pro gram m ing s k ills & good team spirit needed for tod dle rs and pre -sch o o l p ro gram in n on -profit centre. Excellent benefits & salary. C o n ta c t E liz a b e th 905847-3077__________________ B J 'S D aycare requires fu lltim e : J u n io r Room T eacher and A ssista nt for T od dler Room. High ener gy, a d a p ta b ility and pa titience necessary. Resumes to 2160 Headon Road, Bur lington_____________________ E.C.E teacher required by W est Park, a n o n -p ro fit daycare centre, for ages 45 years, for 1-year maternity leave. 905-820-7211. ^ oppo rtunities teaching GOING to M ove? C all M ove-R ig ht M oving. Best s e rv ic e in the area. C all Thomas, 847-0178. O A K V IL L E M o v e rs - E x perienced, licensed, insured. Two w e eks fre e stora ge. Free estimates. Senior's dis count. Quality Service. 3379063 v J C I t0P soil W OOD ch ip s - Need B u r lin g to n / O a k v ille s ite s to dum p clean 5 ton loads, call 905-388-3364 o r , 1-888-571-8236 who died at Midland Ont. on Friday March 9,2001 in his 80th year. Beloved hus band of Florence Ida Petroff. Dear father of Bob and his wife Terry, Greg and his wife Janice, Bill and his wife Kathy, Chris and his wife Robby, Jack and his wife Kathy. Fondly remembered by many grandchil dren and great grandchildren. Cremation has taken place. MOVING DOWNSIZING Sat Mar 24 9 -1 2 1101 InMemoriam SMITH, GERALD (GERRY). In loving memory of a dearly beloved hushand, father and papa, who passed away March 24,2000. Montrose Abbey Dr. Furniture, etc.. All Must Go! Rain or Shine!! Alw ays loved, never to be forgotten, forever in our hearts. Loving wife Beverly, children- Jeff & L.J., Lori, Greg and Trisha, Marni & Mark, grandchildren, Kalin, Erin, Rory, Amy andOlivia. T U tiM o tto m . PIAN O Lesso ns in your home, or mine with experi enced p ro fe s s io n a l. Any age wecome. Call (905) 6394331_______________________ T A L E N T agency seeking actors of all ages and eth n ic itie s . No c la s s e s . Please call (905)815-9053 I tutorial HIGH School M ath and Physics tutoring available. Please call 905-829-5221 AUTO Cad tu to rin g , 10 years experience. On site tra in in g . R easonable rates. Call Mike, 905-4655359 Funeral Directors O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family ASSISTANT MANAGERS "Some management experience required 'Employee benefits Apply in person or call to Robin Evans, 5051 Harvester Rd,, Burlington 905-681-1841 LIV E -IN N a nny/ H o u s e keeper for four good school aged kids in M ilton. C all 905 -3 3 2 -6 8 1 5 or fax re sume to 905-875-1250 ^ sales help & agents CONDO SALES: Experienc ed and professional sales people (2) required for new and exciting townhome site in O akville . Please fax resume to: Effect Realty Inc. (905)-312-0283. TIRED of com ing hom e to a m essy house? Let me clean it for you! (905)3312380.______________________ C O M P LE TE cle a n in g service for home or office. Good rate s. Insured & bonded. Free e stim ates. 905-274-8461 I personals MEET Bu rlington S ingles! Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. H am ilton (905)-319-3111. PA R T-TIM E N anny n e e d ed for 18-mos. old. 4pm-7 or 8pm . O ak v ille . Nonsmoker. References. Wage negotiable. (905)844-2626 FU LLTIM E live-out Nanny required to care for 3 child ren, ages 4,8 & 11, in our East O a k v ille home. (905)845-6991 after 6pm. RUMMAGE SALE Sat March 24 9 - 1 2 noon St. John's United Church 2 6 2 Randall St, · clothing · books · household items 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral D irectors · Don Clarke ·G regory Sidora ·Tina Q uenneville · Patrick M cDerm ott · Tam m y Cook 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2

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